promifes of Jefus Chrift himself, that it should be kept, taught and fanctified by his spirit, and nourished by himself until the general judgment or end of the world, which is the promise of our fcriptures alfo to the fecond covenant? Luth. & Calv. Every proteftant will lay down his life and property to atteft this truth. Mof. Are you earnest and fincere? Lutb. & Calv. We anfwer for the whole reformation. Mof. That you would lay down your lives and properties for Jefus Chrift and his church? Luth. & Calv. This hour, if required, and oppose every adverfary who dare contradict, or gainfay, this great truth. Mof. We are, at length, arrived to the unfolding of the mystery of myfteries. Luth. & Calv. We will be happy to give you every inlight into our great myfteries. Mof. Almighty God guards, rules, governs, fanctifies, and keeps the new covenant, or christian church, holy and undefiled, until he fhall tranflate her into heaven, and there to be happy with him for all eternity. Luth. & Calv. This truth is the promife of both your's and our scriptures, as alfo our three chriftian creeds, which all chriftians profefs and believe; without this, we believe there is no falvation. This is the firm Rock, which is Chrift, that we ftand upon. Mof. And, according to your fcripture, Chrift made a Rock of Peter and appointed him Chief Bishop, or Pope, and invested him with ample power for hearing and determining caufes, and au. authorifing and granting him and the priesthood the plenitude of fpiritual power. Luth. & Calv. They prefently abufed the bounty and goodness of God; and before the third century, a moft woeful thing to ruminate upon, brought in and mixed their heathen and idolatrous worship, with the chriftian, and fell into every disorder deteftable to God and hateful to man; fo that they were left and abandoned by God, as our proteftant creed or homily teftifies, that all christendom, men, women, and chil. dren, were drowned in damnable idolatry, for about 1000 years, which was about 300 years from the birth of Chrift, and that during that time none were faved. It was the only means left for Luther and Calvin, who were brought up in this fynagogue of Satan, and wore his mark, the priesthood, until they turned their backs upon them, and drew thousands out of the mire of iniquity: that was a bright day. Mof. What creeds did Luther and the rest of the proteftants fay, during these contests, and what other devotions? Luth. & Calv. There was, as foon as convenient, feveral fynods held to determine upon fome proper fyftem of worship, and articles of faith, to confirm and eftablifh our raw and new Sion, and reftore the new covenant to its first state and fimplicity. Mof. By your rule of faith, heaven is more indebted to the Reformation than to chriftia nity for its inhabitants. Luth. & Calv. The Reformation is christianity restored. Mof. Mof. By the articles of your belief, the im morality of your first reformer, with your whole mafs, and the univerfal difagreements from your beginning to your prefent ftate, as your fynods and every monument you have produced, teftifies and gives full evidence, that your new gofpel and lives are a direct proftitution of the gospel of Jefus Chrift and his and a chriftian life; there is not the leaft clue the Reformation can hold by: you, according to reafon and common fenfe, have unchristianed yourfelves, and changed Jefus Chrift for Luther and Calvin. That is reprobating both the christian and Jewish covenants, and fetting up your proteftant covenant; that is a religion contrived to glut the paffions, and fet all your inclinations afloat, repel remorfe, and fear the confcience. Luth. & Calv. Jefus Chrift is our Lord, and the fcriptures our rule of faith and guide. Mef. Is it poffible that Jefus Chrift can be your Lord, and the fcriptures your rule and guide, when you protest and villify both, and place your faith in Luther and Calvin, two reprobates? Luib. & Calv. Our faith and hope is in Jefus Chrift, and if our confcience accufed us we would embrace what we should think right. Mof. Your confcience fhould be actuated and ruled by reafon. You acknowledge with us but one God, and two covenants. This, you fay, is the ground of your faith; yet you join with the defamers of this faith and fet up a new religion. Luth. Luth. & Calv. By the two covenants you mean the religion of the Jews and that of the Roman Catholics; you cannot expect our return to the Lutherans, neither would you conceive that we could relish the crucifiers of Chrift we heartily renounce both. Mof. In renouncing the covenants, you renounce almighty God and his holy fcriptures? Luth.&Calv. We will renounce neither. Mof. Nor obey either? Lnth. & Calv. We warrant the truth. Calv. Calvinifm. Mof. Do not proteftantifm hold the fame articles of faith in all their congregations? Luth. If they did, no doubt there would not be that variety of new-fangled doctrines and fects, but would bear the name of their head and father, Luther. Calv. Luther being a carnal man, purely fpiritual, being the vitals of New Sion, Calvin enters high and mighty prince, (having obtained the bleffing) into the Land of Promise, where he reigns trumphant without equal. Luth. If this be allowed, where is priority, the birthright of great Luther, who, as Tilletson well obferves, like an iron wedge, split and difperfed the hard and knotty oak (popery) into a thousand wrecks. Calv. Luther we hold to be the precursor of Calvin, as Efau was of Jacob, which we have proved. Luther mifplaced himself. Mof. Your proteftantifm has entered the world 250 years and remains without a head? Luth. You mean it as one religion or a body; but view it diftinctly and feparately, you will clearly fee many congregations, each one its head or firft brother. The Calvinists, Quakers, Anabaptifts, and fo on to upwards of 100 fects, Whitfielites, Weftlyfhites, and no one knows, not Luther himself, where all this will end; befides this, every head has his own religion communicated by the fpirit. The anxiety Luther fuffered to erect a due fubordination, difcipline and good agreement among his difciples to perpetuate his church pure and fpotless is unperceivable; he fummoned fynods and councils for this purpose, but to no effect... When he looked for duty and agreement, he received undutifulness, anarchy, and difagreement. Calvin and others of his first converts proved thorns to his fides, who became fchifmatics and heretics, difobedient and deftructivé of the new gofpel, fetting up religions different from what he taught them, for which impiety he was obliged to excommunicate them, Calv. Our fathers return his excommunica tions on Luther's own pate, and wrefted the ftaff out of his carnal hand, as little David did the fpear out of Goliah of Gotha, or as Jacob did the birthright from Efau. Luther, as Goliah, lays as an inanimated trunk, wallowing in the carnality, while Calvin, in fpirit, preached |