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النشر الإلكتروني
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Governor Pinchot spent Friday in Washington with the expess intention of getting his proposed anthracite coal measures before Congress and naming somebody who will be responsible for keeping the legislation in the foreground of the national legislative bodies. He will go from there to New York for the weekend and when he returns here next week will take up a number of departmental matters that have been hanging fire over the holidays. More gossip has followed the resignation of A. Nevin Detrich, as chief of the printing department, than is pleasing to the executive offices and there have been all manner of reports as to the future of the former Pinchot lieutenant. It is known that Mr. Pinchot would like to see Detrich back on the job and would be pleased if the resignation were withdrawn, but Mr. Detrich will not reconsider and it is strongly intimated will be as active politically the next few months as he was previous to the Pinchot primaries. The most important appointment of the week was that of Walter W. Crosby to the State Highway Department as location engineer, at a salary of $7,500, for the especial duty of shortening routes of improved roads, removing curves and cutting down grades. At the same time it will be part of his

work to preserve wherever possible scenic views and to carry roads past spots where the scenery may be most advantageously shown. He comes here from a similar work in Grand Canyon National Park. State Highway Commissioner Paul D. Wright has not yet taken action on the sale of the first installment of the new road bonds but expects to do so very soon. He has notified all police chiefs and borough officers through out the state that 1923 automobile licenses will be recognized until January 31 and that operators' and drivers' licenses for 1923 will be recognized until February 28. Dr. Meeker, of the Department of Labor and Industry, has issued a warning to employers against a continuation of the increase of accidents in industries as noted the past year. The number for 1923, 200,435, an increase of 54,180 over 1922. Fatalities also increased, 1890 having been reported in 1922 as against 2412 in 1923. The State Forestry Department reports that it planted on State lands last year 551,000 trees. The State Game Commission, which reorganized this week by the re-election of all officers, is interested in especial types of planting designed to provide food for all manner of game. It is doing a big work of that kind. A total of a half million men and boys ranged the woods during the hunting season among them 2500 from other States and about 100,000 who hunted on their own lands. The State moneys are now lodged in 32 funds, according to report of Auditor General Lewis, one general and 32 specials, among the latter being the game damage fund and the Employes' Retirement Fund.

MAY 1 5 1935

Public Service Commission


Auto trucks-Competition with rail carriers-No public necessity therefor

The applicant sought approval of the inauguration of auto truck freight transportation between Cleveland and Buffalo, via Erie, in so far as the route lay in Pennsylvania. The proposed route was already adequately served by both steam and electric rail carriers, but it was contended that the truck service would expedite freight deliveries and accommodate the public. The commission found that the proposed truck service would result in destructive competition with the older rail carriers and thus adversely affect the public, although a few persons might benefit thereby. The application was accordingly refused.

Report of the Commission.

BY THE COMMISSION, Dec. 18, 1923 :

The applicant proposes, if granted a certificate of public convenience, to establish an extensive motor truck service out of the City of Erie, Pennsylvania, extending westwardly through Swanville, Fairview, Girard, East Springfield, West Springfield, and thence by way of the Ridge Road, an improved highway, to the City of Cleveland, in the State of Ohio, and eastwardly through Wesleyville, Harborcreek, North East, and thence continuing by way of the Buffalo Road, an improved highway, to the city of Buffalo, in the State of New York.

The route adopted between Cleveland and Buffalo passes through the County of Erie, in the State of Pennsylvania, and parallels an electric railway and steam roads now operating in and through the County of Erie. The traction company re

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