صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Directions to Students.

The Pupil is recommended after reading a few exercises in the Reader, to write the Shorthand into ordinary Longhand, then compare the result with the present Key,-correct errors, if any, and after having gone through a few pages, then write from the Key into Edeography and compare with the Reader-noting and correcting errors, and repeat this method of exercise until able to write every Exercise neatly and correctly. It will be of the greatest advantage if a friend can be obtained to read the Key for the Pupil to write from his reading and so gain the power of reporting while yet learning the system. Neatness in writing must be aimed at first, NOT speed-that will come with practice.

In the following Exercises words omitted in the Reader are shown thus (of the) and words grouped together into phraseographs are joined with hyphens thus it-is-the years-of-age &c.


Mad lad


mile mire lid

mid nigh

lime lamb



dill dim

[blocks in formation]

My fee is due.

See me ride.

Figs are nice.

may eat a few.

He may go.

You are gay.


mew May I go? Is my

I see. I am ill.

Go and see if my fire Few lads are so ill.



You owe me my fee.
May I eat figs? You
Sit by my side. Day
Have you an egg?
my bed made?
Give me a fig.
Bid him get my hat.

by day. My egg is bad.
Give me an egg. Go in.
Get my hat. I see your hat.
me eat my figs.

You may.

Have you?

I have seen my lad.

it is.


dime lye



If you have too many irons in the fire some of them will burn. Keep a good fire, it is cold. An acute word cuts deeper than a sharp weapon. Keep a thing seven years and you will find a use for it. Honesty is the best policy. How much pain the evils have cost us that have never happened. "Time will run back, and fetch the age of gold."Milton. You never lose by doing a good turn. End not the day in sin. If you do you are a foe to Let no ill way be in you. Can you do as I bid The sun shines. Speak so that I can hear you. Here is a pen. Is my horse here?



no, sir.

Your horse is lame. Will you ride to town for me? I will sell you my horse for ten pounds. It is a very fast horse and goes ten miles per hour. you come and see me to-morrow?


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