صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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It should be observed that the dates assigned to the earlier bishops are somewhat conjectural; and that the scheme of associate emperors introduced by Diocletian gave a result which is too complex for convenient representation in its details within the limits of a brief table.


ABYSSINIA and the Abyssinians, 405, | Aristides, 145, 175.

[blocks in formation]

Alexander, Bishop of Rome, 145.
Alexander Severus, 156.
Alogi, 108, 226 f.

Alzog, 522.

Ambrose of Milan, 395 f., 457 f., 543 ff., |
563 ff.; also 363, 438, 519, 525.
Ammianus Marcellinus, 347 f., 354,
360, 368, 387.

Ammonius Saccas, 320.

Amusements, attitude of the Christians
toward the heathen, 259 f.

Anatolius, 558 ff.

Aristo, 30.
Aristotle, 31.

Arius, 420 f., 424 f.

Armenians, 401 f., 433.
Arnobius, 176 f., 235 f.
Arrhian, 167.

Artemon, 227.

Asceticism, early traces of, 299 ff.;
further development, 508 ff.
Athanasius, 425 ff., 520 ff.; also 291,
355, 361, 369, 389, 405, 518.
Athenagoras, 176, 233, 300.
Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, 373 ff.,
390 ff., 436, 458 ff., 483 ff., 547 ff.;
also 225, 269, 384, 387 f., 479, 489,
496, 498, 502, 504, 507, 519, 528,
563 f.

Anthropology, ante-Nicene, 237 f., post- Augustus, 7, 9, 30, 32, 39.

Nicene, 435 f.

Anthony, 511 ff.

Antichrist, 141, 235.

Anti-trinitarians, 226 ff.

Aurelian, 159.

Aurelius Symmachus, 367.

Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius, 13, 19, 41, BARCOCHBA, 145.

147 ff., 167.

Antoninus Pius, 146.

Apocalypse, 106, 111 ff.

Apollinaris of Hierapolis, 175.

Apollonius of Ephesus, 107.

Apollinaris of Laodicea, 428.

Apollonius of Tyana, 173.

Baptism, importance attached to, 282
f., 491; mode, 283 ff., 492; infant
subjects, 289 f., 491 f.; re-baptism,
290 f.

Barnabas, epistle of, 231, 273.
Barrow, Isaac, 255.

Basil, 462, 478, 532 ff.

Apology, Christian, 175 ff., 368 ff.; Basilica, the Christian, 575 ff.

heathen, 366 ff.

Apostles, office of, 121 f.

Apostolic Canons, 261 f.

Apostolic Constitutions, 240, 261, 276,
291, 447, 569.

Arabia, Christianity preached in, 401.
Arcadius, 364, 385.

Archbishops, rise of, 248, 450.
Architecture, early Christian, 573 ff.
Arianism, the controversy over, 414 f.,
419, 420 ff.

Basilides, 209, 211 f.
Basiliscus, 382.

Baur, F. C., his method of reconstruct-
ing the apostolic history, 52 ff.; cited
on other points, 426 f., 493, 530 f.
Beda, 132 f.

Benedict and the Benedictines, 519 ff.
Bennett, C. W., 576.
Beryllus of Bostra, 227.

Bishops, their original identity with

presbyters, 123 f.; attainment of a

distinctive position, 243 ff.: legal
position as judges or arbitrators,
381 f.; election, 438 ff.; reduction of
the number of country bishops, 449.
Byzantine, style of architecture, 581 ff.;
style of painting, 589.

CECILIAN, 482 f.
Cainites, 210.

Caius of Rome, 75, 111.

Confession, 265 ff., 478 ff.
Confirmation, 291 f.
Constans, 346.

Constantine, the Great, his edict of tol-
eration, 163 f.; conversion and reign,
321 ff.; baptism, 341 f.; character,
342 ff.; authority over the Church,
379 ff.

Constantine the Younger, 346.
Constantius, son of Constantine the
Great, 346 ff., 382, 426 f.
Constantius Chlorus, 162, 332.
Controversies, the great era of, 411 ff.
Copts, 433.

Carpocrates and the Carpocratians, 211. Cornelius, Bishop of Rome, 157.

Caligula, 21 f., 39.

Callistus, 227, 265, 307.

Caracalla, 155.

[blocks in formation]

Cerdo, 217.

Cerinthus, 105, 197 f., 208.
Charisms, 115 ff.

Charity, early Christian, 297 ff.
Chorepiscopi, 449 f.

Christ, as represented in art, 586 ff.
Christmas, 489 f.

Christology, ante-Nicene, 237; pro-
longed Christological controversies in
the post-Nicene age, 428 ff.
Chrysostom, 434 f., 478, 506, 536 ff.;
also 250, 384, 390 f., 396, 461, 489,
491, 501, 504, 525 f.

Church, definition of, 1 ff.; birth of,
64 f.; steps toward separation from
Judaism, 65 ff.; spread in the heathen
empire, 129 ff.; alliance with the
State, 379 ff.; results of the alliance,
383 ff., 413.
Church Constitution, Apostolic, 119 ff.;
pre-Constantinian, 239 ff.; post-Con-
stantinian, 438 ff.

Church Discipline, 262 ff., 477 ff.
Cicero, 15, 27, 38, 134, 413.
Circumcelliones, 483.

Claudius, 113, 138.

Clement of Alexandria, 176 ff.,


201 ff. also 75, 107, 113, 155, 191,
210 f., 297, 299, 305, 555.
Clement of Ronie, 90, 120, 230 f.,
243, 568.
Clinics, 286,
Cœlestius, 436.
Commodian, 235.
Commodus, 154.

Councils, ante-Nicene, 259 f.; the ecu-
menical, 471 ff.; Council of Ancyra,
442; of Carthage (under Cyprian),
256; of Chalcedon, 432, 448, 450,
469 f., 473 ff., 522; of Constantinople,
428, 468; of Elvira, 132, 260, 264,
291; of Epaon, 448; of Ephesus, 431,
435; of Gangra, 443; of Laodicea,
449; of Macon, 488 f.; of Neo-Cas-
area, 286, 442, 447; of Nicæa, 280,
291, 422 ff., 439, 472 f., 478; of
Orange, 445, 448; of Orleans, 448; of
Sardica, 449, 466 ff.; of Tours, 445.
Creeds, text of the Catholic, 593 ff.
Crescens, 154.
Crispus, 337, 344.

Criticism of Christianity by heathen
writers, 167 ff.

Cross, as symbol, 309; as relic, 500.
Culture, comparison of Roman with

Greek, 14; contributions of Greek
culture, 15 ff.

Cyprian, 158 f., 235, 254 ff., 289 f.;
also 33, 131, 176, 241, 244, 265 ff.,
286 f., 299 f.

Cyril of Alexandria, 357, 365, 416 f.,
429 ff., 538.

Cyril of Jerusalem, 493 f., 528.

DAMASUS, 481 f., 563.

Deacons, their functions, 126; their
original appointment, 126 f.; devel-
opments in the order, 446 f.
Deaconesses, 127 f., 447 ff.
Decius Trajan, 156 f.
Demetrius of Alexandria, 320.
De Rossi, Giovanni Battista, 306.
De Rossi, Michele, 308.
Diodorus of Tarsus, 429, 539.
Diocletian, 160 ff.

Diognetus, Letter to, 175, 293.

[blocks in formation]

Gibbon, 133, 164, 332, 342, 345, 355,
363, 394.

EASTER, Controversy on the time of Gieseler, 252, 464.

celebrating, 250 f., 257, 279 f.

Ebionism, 105, 195 ff.

Edesius, 405.

Education of clergy, 440 f.

Eleutherus, 132.

Election of clergy, 438 ff.

Elkesaites, 198.
Encratites, 211.

Ephraem, the Syrian, 441, 529, 558.
Epiphanes, 211.

Epiphanius, 113, 434, 461, 501.
Episcopacy, stages of growth in the
ante-Nicene period, 243 ff.; post-
Nicene developments, 449 ff.

Essenes, 194, 508.

Eucharist, 278 f., 292, 492 ff.
Eunapius, 368.

Eusebius of Cæsarea, 332 ff., 368 f.;
also, 146, 154, 162, 250, 254, 315, 341,
343, 346, 384, 423 f.
Eusebius of Nicomedia, 341, 424.
Eutyches, 431.

Evagrius, 369, 416, 499, 518, 526 f.
Evangelists, office of, 122 f.

[blocks in formation]

Gladiatorial combats, 32 f., 399.

Gnosticism, referred to, 91, 93 f., 105;
causes of its rise, 201 ff.; sources of
materials, 204 f.; common features,
205 f.; points of difference, 206 f.; or-
ganization, era, and influence, 207 f.;
various systems, 209 ff.
Gordian, 156.

Goths, Christianity among the, 405 f.
Gratian, 362.

Gregory of Armenia, 401 f.

Gregory Nazianzen, 535 f.; also 387,
415, 441, 552, 558.

Gregory of Nyssa, 415, 501, 536.
Gregory Thaumaturgus, 234.
Gregory of Tours, 132.


Harnack, Adolf, 607.
Hatch, Edwin, 246, 604 ff.

Hefele, 416, 443 f., 451, 472 f., 522.
Hegesippus, 100, 141.

Heliodorus, 518.
Heliogabalus, 156.
Helvidius, 523.

Heresies, 193 ff., 420 ff.
Hermas, 231 f., 264, 298, 305.
Hessey, J. A., 488.
Hesychius, 461.
Hierocles, 173 f.

Hilary of Poitiers, 347, 390, 529,
562 f.

Hillel, 82.

Hippolytus, 196 f., 209, 234 f., 265,
599 ff.

Honorius, emperor, 364, 399.
Hosius, 473 f.

Hymns, 279, 551 ff.

Hypatia, 364.

[blocks in formation]

Licinius, 163, 337 f., 344.

Ignatius of Antioch, 144, 231, 247 f.; | Liberius, 477, 481 f., 489.
also 75, 243 f., 273, 297, 596 ff.
Image-worship, 501 ff.

India, reputed planting of Christianity
in, 131, 404.
Innocent I., 476.

Ireland, Christianity in, 406 ff.
Irenæus, 234, 244 f., 251 ff., 289; also
55, 75, 106, 113, 118, 132, 196, 206,
209, 275, 298.
Ithacius, 395.

Jamblicus, 173, 368.

James the Just, discussion of his iden-
tity, 94 ff.; his character, 99 f.; his
epistle, 100 ff.

Jerome, 418, 458, 523 ff.; 545 f.; also
76, 125, 316, 387, 434, 501, 504,


Jews of the dispersion, 44 ff.
John, his place among apostles and
evangelists, 102 ff.; residence at
Ephesus, 105 ff.; his authorship of
the Fourth Gospel, 108 ff.; the fact
and the date of his composition of
the Apocalypse, 111 ff.
Josephus, 62f., 100.
Jovian, 362.

Jovinian, 418, 523 f.

Julian the Apostate, education and
reign of, 348 ff.; defence of idol-wor-
ship, 502.

Julian of Eclanum, 436.
Julius Africanus, 234.

Julius, Roman bishop, 463. 476.

Justin Martyr, 153 f., 176 f., 232 f.,
278 f.; also 106, 129, 180, 188, 196 f.,

273 f.

[blocks in formation]

LABOR, dignified by Christianity, 303 f.
Lactantius, 371 f.; also 174, 296 f., 333,

Lanigan, John, 407.

Lateran church, 579.

Life, characteristics of early Christian,
293 ff.

Lightfoot, Bishop, 125, 246, 596 ff.
Linus, 72, 253.
Liturgies, 568 ff.
Love-feast, 278.
Lucian, 167 ff.
Lucius, 132, 157.

Mani, 220 f.

Manichæism, 220 ff., 393.
Marcian, emperor, 475.
Mansel, H. L., 202.

Marcion and the Marcionists, 209,
Marcus Aurelius; see Antoninus.
217 ff., 543.
Maronites, 433.

Martin of Tours, 395, 501, 519.
Martyn, Henry, 538.
Marriott, 312 f.

Mary, the Virgin, 312 ff., 385, 430,
490 f., 498.

Maurice, emperor, 490.
Maxentius, 331.
Maximilla, 268, 271.
Maximin, the Thracian, 156.
Meletius of Antioch, 482.
Maximin II., 162.
Meletius of Lycopolis, 268.
Melito, 151 f., 175.
Menander, 209.
Mensurius, 482.
Methodius, 234.
Millenarians, 196, 238.
Miesrob, 402.

Milman, H. H., 352, 385 f., 414, 426,
533, 539 f., 544, 562, 567.
Minucius Felix, 176, 186, 235.
Miracles, credibility of the New Testa-
ment, 47 ff.; rules for judging reputed
miracles of saints and relics, 503 ff.
Monarchianism, 225 ff.

Monasticism, causes of, 508 ff.; histori-
cal outlines, 510 ff.; contemporary
estimates, 523 ff.; contributions to
Christendom, 528 f.
Monophysites, 432 f.

Montanism, 248, 264, 268 ff., 304.

Leo (I.) the Great, 432, 444 f., 472, Montanus, 268.

475 ff.

Leonides, 155, 319.

Leontius, 502.

Libanius, 349, 353, 359, 360, 366, 533.

Morals, state of in the Roman empire,
18 ff.

Muratori, canon of, 90.
Mysteries, 42.

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