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[blocks in formation]

With easy smiles, dispelled the silent fear, That durst not tell me what I died to hear. Prior. Let dastard souls be timorously wise: But tell them Pyrrhus knows not how to form Far-fancied ills, and dangers out of sight.

A. Philips. Poor is the triumph o'er the timid hare. Thomson. The clergy, through the timorousness of many among them, were refused to be heard by their council.

Swift. TIMISCOUATA, a lake of Canada, in Cornwallis county, twenty-two miles in length, by an average breadth of three-quarters of a mile, is encompassed in all directions by lofty mountains covered with thick wood. Several large rivers lend the aid of their streams to swell the waters of this secluded expanse. To this lake there is a portage from the St. Lawrence, by means of which the communication is carried on between Quebec and Halifax, a distance of 627 miles.

TIMMISKAMAIN LAKE, a lake of Lower Canada, about thirty miles long, and ten broad, having several small islands. Its waters empty into the Utawas River, by a narrow channel, thirty miles north of Nepissing Lake. The Indians named Timmiscamaings reside round this lake.

TIMOCHARES, a celebrated astronomer of Alexandria, who flourished about A. A. C. 294. He and Aristillus attempted to determine the places of the stars, and to trace the course of the planets.

TIMOCLEA, a Theban lady, sister of Theagenes, who was killed at Cheronea. One of Alexander's soldiers attempted to ravish her, when, under pretence of showing him a treasure hid in a draw well, she tumbled him into it. Alexander commended her virtue, and prohibited his soldiers from hurting the Theban ladies. Plut.

TIMOCREON, a comic poet of Rhodes, who gained prizes at Olympia; about 476 B. C.

TIMOLEON, a celebrated Corinthian general, who restored the Syracusans to their liberty, and drove the Carthaginians out of Sicily. See SY


TIMON, the misanthrope, or the manhater, a famous Athenian, who lived about 420 B. C. We have many sayings of his spleen recorded, but no facts of his life.

TIMON, the sceptic, was a Phliasian, a disciple of Pyrrho, and lived in the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus. He took little pains to invite disciples to his school. He was fond of rural retirement; and was much addicted to wine. The fragments of his satyrical poem Silli are in the Poesis Philosophica of Stephens. Timon lived to the age of ninety.

TIMOPHEEVA, a town of Russia, in Irkut

skoi, on the Ilim; thirty-two miles north-west of Verchomansk.

TIMOR, the god of Fear. See FEAR and PAVOR.

TIMOR, the largest of the Molucca islands, in the eastern seas. Its extent is more considerable than the charts represent, being little less than 250 miles in a north-eastern direction, by from thirty to sixty in breadth. The interior is a chain of mountains, some of which nearly equal the peak of Teneriffe in elevation; whilst the shores on the south-east side are represented to be exceedingly low, and over-run with mangroves. Gold is said to be contained in the mountains, and to be washed down the streams; but the natives are jealous of Europeans gaining any knowledge of it. At a former period, when forty men were sent by the Dutch to make search for it, they were cut off. The produce of this island is chiefly sandal-wood and wax. Captain Flinders, when he visited this island in 1803, only saw two European residents at Coepang, besides the soldiers and the governor. The original inhabitants of Timor, who are black, but whose hair is not woolly, inhabit the mountainous parts, to which they appear to have been driven by the Malays, who are mostly in possession of the sea coast. There were formerly several Portuguese establishments on the north side of the island, of which Diely and Leffow remained; but these had all gradually declined, and the governor of Diely was then said to be the sole white Portuguese resident on the island.


TIMOTHEUS, one of the most celebrated poet musicians of antiquity, was born at Miletus, an Ionian city of Caria, 346 years B. C. was contemporary with Philip II. of Macedon and Euripides; and not only excelled in lyric and dithyrambic poetry, but in his performance upon the cithala. Pausanias says he perfected that instrument by the addition of four new strings to the seven it had before; but Suidas says it had nine before, and that Timotheus only added two. See LYRE. A senatus consultum is preserved at full length in Boethius, whereby the kings and the ephori of Sparta passed censure on Timotheus for adding these strings: and obliged him to cut them all, leaving only seven tones; and banished him from the city. Suidas attributes to him nineteen nomes, or canticles, in hexameters; thirty-six proems, or preludes; eighteen dithyrambics; twenty-one hymns; the poem in praise of Diana; one panegyric; three tragedies, the Persians, Phinidas, and Laertes; to which must be added, Niobe, and a poem on the birth of Bacchus. Stephen of Byzantium makes him author of eighteen books of nomes, or airs, for the cithara, to 8000 verses, and of 1000 Пposua, or preludes, for the nomes of the flutes. Timotheus died in Macedonia, according to Suidas, aged ninety-seven; though the Marbles say at ninety; and Stephen of Byzantium fixes his death in the fourth year of the 105th Olympiad, two years before the birth of Alexander the Great; whence it appears that this Timotheus was not the famous player on the flute so much esteemed by that prince, and of whom we have no authentic account.

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list of the apostolic age, born at Lystra, in Asia. His father was a Greek, but his mother Eunice and his grandmother Lois were Jewesses, and educated him in the true religion. He became an early convert, and a great favorite of St. Paul; whom he accompanied to Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea. The Episcopalians and Papists say he was the first bishop of Ephesus; but this is contested by the Presbyterians. See SCOTLAND. He was stoned to death A. D. 97.

TIMOTHY, FIRST AND SECOND EPISTLES TO, two canonical books of the New Testament, written by St. Paul. See SCRIPTURE.

the pure protoxide. It is convertible into the peroxide by being boiled with dilute nitric acid, dried and ignited. According to Sir. H. Davy, the protoxide contains 13.5 per cent. of oxygen. Supposing it to consist of a prime equivalent of each constituent, that of tin would be 7.333. From the analysis of Berzelius and Gay Lussac, the peroxide is composed of 100 metal + 27-2 oxygen; and, if we regard it as containing 2 primes of the latter principle to one of metal, the prime of this will be 7-353. The mean may be taken at 7:35..

There are also two chlorides of tin. When

TIMOTHY, OF TIMOTHY GRASS, in botany. See tin is burned in chlorine, a very volatile clear RURAL ECONOMY.

TIMOXENA, the wife of Plutarch.

TIN, n. s. Sax. vin; Belg. ten; Swed. tenn. One of the primitive metals, called by the chemists Jupiter.

Quicksilver, lead, iron, and tin, have opacity or blackness. Peacham.

The cover may be tinned over only by nailing of Mortimer. single tin plates over it.

To keep the earth from getting into the vessel, he employed a plate of iron tinned over and perforated. Boyle. Tin ore sometimes holds about one-sixth of tin.



Woodward. New tinning a saucepan is chargeable. Swift. TIN is a metal of a yellowish-white color, considerably harder than lead, scarcely at all sonorous, very malleable, though not very tenacious. Under the hammer it is extended into leaves, called tin-foil, which are about th of an inch thick, and might easily be beaten to less than half that thickness, if the purposes of trade required it. The process for making tin-foil consists simply in hammering out a number of plates of this metal, laid together upon a smooth block or plate of iron. The smallest sheets are the thinnest. Its specific gravity is 7-29. It inelts at about the 442° of Fahrenheit's thermometer; and by a continuance of the heat it is slowly converted into a white powder by oxidation. Like lead it is brittle when heated almost to fusion, and exhibits a grained or fibrous texture, if broken by the blow of a haminer; it may also be granulated by agitation at the time of its transition form the fluid to the solid state. The oxide of tin resists fusion more strongly than that of any other metal; from which property it is useful to form an opaque white enamel when mixed with pure glass in fusion. The brightness of its surface when scraped, soon goes off by exposure to the air; but it is not subject to rust or corrosion by exposure to the weather. To obtain pure tin, the metal should be boiled in nitric acid, and the oxide which falls down reduced by heat in contact with charcoal, in a covered crucible.

There are two definite combinations of tin and oxygen. The first or protoxide is gray; the second or peroxide is white. The first is formed by heating tin in the air, or by dissolving tin in muriatic acid, and adding water of potash to the solution whilst recent, and before it has been exposed to air. The precipitate, after being heated to whiteness to expel the water of the hydrate, is

liquor is formed, a non-conductor of electricity, and which, when mixed with a little water, becomes a solid crystalline substance, a true muriate of tin, containing the peroxide of the metal. This, which has been called the liquor of Libavius, may be also procured by heating together tin-filings and corrosive sublimate, or an amalgam of tin and corrosive sublimate. It consists, according to the analysis of Dr. John Davy, of 2 primes of chlorine 91 of tin = 7.35. The other compound of tin and chlorine is a gray semitransparent crystalline solid. It may be procured by heating together an amalgam of tin and calomel. It dissolves in water, and forms a solution, which rapidly absorbs oxygen from the air, with deposition of peroxide of tin. It consists of, Chlorine, 4·5


Tin, 7.35

There are two sulphurets of tin. One may be made by fusing tin and sulphur together. It is of a bluish co.or, and lamellated texture. It consists of 7.35 tin + 2 sulphur. The other sulphuret, or the bisulphuret, is made by heating together the peroxide of tin and sulphur. It is of a beautiful gold color, and appears in fine flakes. It was formerly called aurum musivum. According to Dr. John Davy, it consists of 1 prime tin = 7.35



= 4.00. The salts of tin are characterised by the following general properties:-1. Ferroprussiate of potash gives a white precipitate. 2. Hydrosulphuret of potash a brown black with the protoxide, and a golden yellow with the peroxide. 3. Galls do not affect the solutions of these salts. 4. Corrosive sublimate occasions a black precipitate with the protoxide salts, a white with the peroxide. 5. A plate of lead frequently throws down metallic tin, or its oxide, from the saline solutions. 6. Muriate of gold gives, with the protoxide solutions, the purple precipitate of Cassius. 7. Muriate of platinum occasions an orange precipitate with the protoxide salts.

Concentrated sulphuric acid, assisted by heat, dissolves half its weight of tin, at the same time that sulphurous gas escapes in great plenty. By the addition of water, an oxide of tin is precipitated. Sulphuric acid, slight y diluted, likewise acts upon this metal; but, if much water be present, the solution does not take place. the sulphuric solution of tin there is an actual formation or extrication of sulphur, which renders the fluid of a brown color, while it continues heated, but subsides by cooling. The tin is


likewise precipitated in the form of a white oxide, by a continuance of the heat, or by long standing without heat. This solution affords needle-formed crystals by cooling.

Nitric acid and tin combine together very rapidly without the assistance of heat. Most of the metal falls down in the form of a white oxide, extremely difficult of reduction; and the small portion of tin which remains suspended does not afford crystals, but falls down, for the most part, upon the application of heat to inspissate the fluid. The strong action of the nitric acid upon tin produces a singular phenomenon, which is happily accounted for by the modern discoveries in chemistry. M. de Morveau has observed that, in a solution of tin by the nitric acid, no elastic fluid is disengaged, but ammonia is formed. This alkali must have been produced by the nitrogen of that part of the nitric acid which was employed in affording oxygen to oxidise the tin.

The muriatic acid dissolves tin very readily at the same time that it becomes of a darker color, and ceases to emit fumes. A slight effervescence takes place with the disengagement of a fatid inflammable gas. Muriatic acid suspends half its weight of tin, and does not let it fall by repose. It affords permanent crystals by evaporation. If the tin contain arsenic, it remains undissolved at the bottom of the fluid. Recent muriate of tin is a very delicate test of mercury. M. Chenevix says, if a single drop of a saturated solution of neutralised nitrate, or muriate of mercury, be put into 500 grains of water, a few drops of solution of muriate of tin will render it a little turbid, and of a smoke-gray. He adds, that the effect is perceptible, if ten times as much water be added.

Aqua regia, consisting of two parts nitric and one muriatic acid, combines with tin with effervescence, and the development of much heat. In order to obtain a permanent solution of tin, in this acid, it is necessary to add the metal by small portions at a time; so that the one portion may be entirely dissolved before the next piece is added. Aqua regia in this manner dissolves half its weight of tin. The solution is of a reddish-brown, and in many instances assumes the form of a concrete gelatinous substance. The addition of water sometimes produces the concrete form in this solution, which is then of an opal color, on account of the oxide of tin diffused through its substance.

The uncertainty attending these experiments with the solution of tin in aqua regia, seems to depend upon the want of a sufficient degree of accuracy in ascertaining the specific gravities of the two acids which are mixed, the quantities of each, and of the tin, together with that of the water added. It is probable that the spontaneous assumption of the concrete state depends upon water imbibed from the atmosphere. The solution of tin in aqua regia is used by dyers to heighten the colors of cochineal, lac-dye, and some other red tinctures, from crimson to a bright scarlet, in the dyeing of woollens. The acetic acid scarcely acts upon tin. The operation of other acids upon this metal has been little enquired into. Phosphate, fluate, and bo

rate of tin, have been formed by precipitating the muriate with the respective neutral salts.

If the crystals of the saline combination of copper with the nitric acid be grossly powdered, moistened, and rolled up in tin-foil, the salt deliquesces, nitrous fumes are emitted, the mass becomes hot, and suddenly takes fire. In this experiment the rapid transition of the nitric acid to the tin is supposed to produce or develope heat enough to set fire to the nitric salts, but by what particular changes of capacity has not been shown.

If small pieces of phosphorus be thrown ou tin in fusion, it will take up from fifteen to twenty per cent., and form a silvery white phosphuret of a foliated texture, and soft enough to be cut with a knife, though but little malleable. This phosphuret may be formed likewise by fusing tin filings with concrete phosphoric acid.

Tin unites with bismuth by fusion, and becomes harder and more brittle in proportion to the quantity of that metal added. With nicke. it forms a white brilliant mass. It cannot easily be united in the direct way with arsenic, on account of the volatility of this metal; but, by heating it with the combination of the arsenical acid and potash, the salt is partly decomposed; and the tin, combining with the acid, becomes converted into a brilliant brittle compound, of a plaited texture. It has been said that all tin contains arsenic; and that the crackling noise which is heard upon bending pieces of tin, is produced by this impurity; but, from the experiment of Bayen, this appears not to be the fact. Cobalt unites with tin by fusion; and forms a grained mixture of a color slightly inclining to violet. Zinc unites very well with tin, increasing its hardness, and diminishing its ductility, in proportion as the quantity of zinc is greater.

This is one of the principal additions used in making pewter, which consists for the most part of tin. The best pewter does not contain above one-twentieth part of admixture, which consists of zinc, copper, bismuth, or such other metallic substances as experience has shown to be most conducive to the improvement of its hardness and color. The inferior sorts of pewter, more especially those used abroad, contain much lead, have a bluish color, and are soft. The tin usually met with in commerce, in this country, has no admixture to impair its purity, except such as may accidentally elude the workmen at the nines. But the tin met with in foreign countries is so much debased by the dealers in that article, especially the Dutch, that pewter and tin are considered abroad as the same substance.

Antimony forms a very brittle hard mixture with tin; the specific gravity of which is less than would have been deduced by computation from the specific gravities and quantities of each, separately taken. Tungsten, fused with twice its weight of tin, affords a brown spongy mass, which is somewhat ductile.

The uses of tin are very numerous, and so well known, that they scarcely need be pointed out. Several of them have been already mentioned. The tinning of iron and copper, the silvering of looking-glasses, and the fabrication of a great variety of vessels and utensils for domestic and

other uses, are among the advantages derived

from this metal.


first use of this covering is to keep the tin from burning; for, if any part should take fire, the See CHE- suet would soon moisten it and reduce it to its primitive state again. The blanchers say this

TIN, MEDICAL PROPERTIES OF. See MEDI- Suet is a compounded matter; it is indeed of a CINE, Index.



TIN, TRADE IN. An advantageous commerce has been lately opened between Cornwall and the East Indies and China. In 1791 about 3000 tons of tin were raised in Cornwall; of which 2200 tons were sold in the European market for £72 each, and 800 tons carried to India and China at £62 per ton. See CORNWALL.

TIN-PLATE WORKING.-On the affinity which there is between tin and iron is founded the art of forming what is commonly called tin-plates, which is, properly, tinned iron, or as it is denominated in Scotland, and also on the continent, white iron. The process in manufacturing these plates is simply this: thin plates of malleable iron, thoroughly cleared from all rust or oxide, are dipped into a vessel of melted tin, the surface of which fluid metal is protected from oxidisement by the air, by a thin layer of melted tallow; the tin unites with the iron at each surface, but whether the two metals actually combine is not yet ascertained. The iron thus acquires a white color, is rendered less liable to rust, and its ductility is scarcely at all impaired; hence the plates can be easily bent, and, from the alloy of tin at the surface, can be also easily worked. Iron-plates when tinned over, and which are very thin, have been denominated latten. Of the manufacture of these we have an account in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, from which we shall extract some particulars.

Plates of iron, being prepared of a proper thickness, are smoothed by rusting them in an acid liquor, as common water made eager with rye; with this liquor they fill certain troughs, and then put in the plates, which they turn once or twice a day that they may be equally rusted over; after this they are taken out and well scoured with sand, and, to prevent their rusting again, are immediately plunged into pure water, in which they are to be left till the instant they are to be tinned or blanched, the manner of doing which is this: they flux the tin in a large iron crucible, which has the figure of an oblong pyramid with four faces, of which two opposite ones are less than the two others. The crucible is heated only from below, its upper part being luted with the furnace all round. The crucible is always deeper, than the plates which are to be tinned are long; they always put them in downright, and the tin ought to swim over them; to this purpose artificers of different trades prepare plates of different shapes, though M. Reaumur thinks them all exceptionable. But the Germans use no sort of preparation of the iron to make it receive the tin, more than the keeping it always steeped in water till the time only when the tin is melted in the crucible; they cover it with a layer of a sort of suet, which is usually two inches thick, and the plate must pass through this before it can come to the melted tin. The

black color, but M. Reaumur supposed that to be only an artifice to make it a secret, and that it is only colored with soot or the smoke of a chimney; but he found it true so far that the common unprepared suet was not sufficient; for, after several attempts, there was always something wanting to render the success of the operation certain. The whole secret of blanching, therefore, was found to lie in the preparation of this suet, and this he discovered at length to consist in the first frying and burning it. This simple operation not only gives it the color, but puts it into a condition to give the iron a disposition to be tinned, which it does surprisingly. The melted tin must also have a certain degree of heat; for, if it is not hot enough, it will not stick to the iron; and, if it is too hot, it will cover it with too thin a coat, and the plates will have several colors, as red, blue, and purple, and upon the whole have a cast of yellow. To prevent this, by knowing when the fire has a proper degree of heat, they might try with small pieces of iron; but in general use teaches them to know the degree, and they put in the iron when the tin is at a different standard of heat, according as they would give it a thicker or a thinner coat. Sometimes also they give the plates a double layer, as they would have them very thickly covered. This they do by dipping them into the tin, when very hot, the first time, and when less hot the second. The tin which is to give the second coat must be fresh covered with suet, and that with the common suet, not the prepared. Tin-plates are often manufactured in a different way: the iron in bars, or plates, is cased over with tin, and then drawn out by means of rolling-mills. In 1681 tin-plates were made in England by a person named Andrew Yarranton, who was sent into Bohemia to learn the art, but it was not brought into perfection for more than fifty years; and, since the middle of the last century, it has been carried on in these islands in so perfect a manner that scarcely any have been imported from the continent, Our plates are of a finer gloss, or coat, than those made beyond sea, the latter being chiefly hammered, but ours, according to the plan of which we are now speaking, are always drawn out by the rolling-mill.

The tin-plate worker, a trade well known in London, and all large towns, receives his tinplate in sheets, and it is his business to form them into all the various articles of domestic use, which are known to every body. The principal instruments that he makes use of are a large pair of fixed shears, to cut the tin to the proper size and shape, a polished anvil, and hammers of various kinds, some of which are highly polished on the face. The joints of his work are made with solder, which he makes himself, and which is a composition of equal parts of tin and lead that the workman causes to unite with the tin-plate, or tinned iron, by means of rosin. The two principal wholesale houses in

London are those of Jones and Taylor, in Tottenham Court Road, and of Howard and Co. in Old Street Road. These, and other wholesale traders, have constantly travellers in various parts of the kingdom; and, as they cannot carry the articles of their trade in saddle-bags, like many other manufacturers, they take with them drawings of all works of taste in their line of business.

Tin, in blocks, resembles silver, but it is of a darker hue; it is also much softer, less elastic and sonorous, than any other metal excepting lead: it is most readily extended, and melts with a lower heat than all other metals. When tin is made very hot, it will break with a blow. In the state of ore it is found mixed with arsenic. The chief tin-mines in the known world are those of Cornwall; and it is a fact well ascertained that the Phoenicians visited these islands, for the purpose of getting tin from our ancestors, several centuries before the Christian era. In tracing the history of the Cornwall mines, we find that they produced very little in the reign of king John; but the right, at that period, was wholly vested in the sovereign, as earl of Cornwall. Their value has fluctuated at different periods; of late years they have produced to the value of £150,000 or £200,000. The duke of Cornwall, for the time being, receives 4s. upon every cwt. of what is called coined white tin, which some

times amount to £10,000 or £12,000 a-year: the proprietors of the soil have one-sixth, and the rest goes to the adventurers in the mine, who are at the whole charge of working. As the tin is to be thus divided, or rather its real value ascertained, it is stamped and worked at the mill, and it is then carried, under the name of blocktin, to the melting-house, where it is run into blocks, and thence carried to the coinage towns. The coinage towns are Leskard, Lestwithiel, Truro, Helston, and Penzance, being the most convenient parts of the county for the miners.

TINA, an island in the Grecian Archipelago, anciently called Tinos: one of the Cyclades, on the west of Nicaria; seventeen miles long, and eight broad. It is defended by a fort seated on a rock. It is a bishop's see of the Roman church, though there are also 200 Greek priests. It has about 5000 troops. The chief commodity is silk: about 16,000 lbs. are produced annually; and they make silk stockings and gloves, which are universally admired. St. Nicolo is the capital. Long. 25° 24′ E., lat. 37° 30′ N.

TIN'CAL, n. s. A mineral.

The tincal of the Persians seems to be the chrysocalla of the ancients, and what our borax is made of. Woodward.

TINCAL Crude borax, as it is imported from the East Indies, in yellow greasy crystals, s called tincal.


of government, the liberty of the press, &c. His Rights of the Christian Church Asserted, occasioued his having a violent contest with the high-church clergy; and his treatise Christianity as old as the Creation, published in 1730, made much noise, and was answered by several writers, particularly by Dr. Conybeare, Mr. Forster, and Dr. Leland. Dr. Tindal died at London in August 1733. He left in MS. a second volume of his Christianity as old as the Creation; the preface to which has been published. TINDALE (William). See TYNDALE. Fr. teint; Lat.

TINCT, v. a. & n. s.

TINCTURE, n. s. & v. a. tinctus. To stain; color; spot; dye: a color or spot: tincture is synonymous, both as a verb and noun substantive, and more in modern use.

That great med'cine hath With his tinct gilded thee.


We have artificial wells made in imitation of the

natural, as tincted upon vitriol, sulphur, and steel.


Some bodies have a more departible nature than others in colouration; for a small quantity of saffron will tinct more than a very great quantity of wine.

Id. The first scent of a vessel lasts, and the tinct the wool first appears of. Ben Jonson.

The sight must be sweetly deceived by an insensible passage from bright colors to dimmer, which Wotton. Italian artizans call the middle tinctures.

Those who have preserved an innocence, would not suffer the whiter parts of their soul to be discoloured or tincted by the reflection of one sin. Decay of Piety.

'Tis the fate of princes, that no knowledge Come pure to them, but, passing through the eyes And ears of other men, it takes a tincture From every channel.

Hence the morning planet gilds her horn. By tincture or reflection they augment Their small peculiar.



[blocks in formation]

The bright sun compacts the precious stone, Imparting radiant lustre like his own: He tinctures rubies with their rosy hue, And on the sapphire spreads a heavenly blue. Blackmore.

ing sense of good and evil; early were the seeds of Early were our minds tinctured with a distinguisha divine love, and holy fear of offending, sown in our hearts. Atterbury. All manners take a tincture from our own, Or come discoloured through our passions shown. Pope.

TINDAL (Dr. Matthew), a famous English writer, the son of the Rev. John Tindal of BeerFerres in Devonshire, born about 1657. studied at Lincoln College, Oxford, and was afterwards elected fellow of All Souls. In 1685 he took the degree of LL. D., and in the reign of James II. declared himself a Roman Catholic; but soon renounced that religion. After the Revolution he published several pamphlets in favor vail over your mind, as to give a sovereign tincture

Have a care,

lest some darling science so far pre

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