صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

rumbling of the volcano,-these were the principal incidents of this horrible, yet sublime scene. The ruins of Pompeia, buried beneath heaps of drosses and powders, did not certainly present a spectacle near so striking. To these objects, so powerfully calculated to fix the senses, was added another, which forcibly touched the heart; this was a doleful group of fifteen thousand persons, bewailing the destruction of their city and property, who had had but a moment's notice to flee and abandon their homes for ever, and were reduced to become wanderers, and dependent on the world for refuge.

About dawn the summit of Vesuvius ceased to be visible: it was covered with a thick cloud, frequently furrowed with lightning. This cloud gradually spread itself, and in a little time overshadowed the gulf, the city of Naples, and its vicinage. It was formed of a large quantity of that fine sand called ashes, and prevented all sight of the fire of the volcano. The sun, as it appeared above the horizon, presented a still more dismal picture. From the abundance of ashes in the air, it seemed more pale than during the strongest eclipse: and a black scarf appeared to be spread over the whole of the gulf and the country. At the extremity of the horizon, towards the west, the day was more clear, while the light at Naples was fainter than twilight; and, with Pliny the younger, one might have said, 'Jam dies alibi illic nox omnibus nigrior densiorque.'

During this mournful night the air was perfectly unagitated, and the sea calm: it was not disturbed even in the slightest degree, at least in the gulf of Naples. The slightest action of the volcano on it would have been perceptible at the base of the mountain, and I was within a distinct view of this part of the sea; but its influence on that element was absolutely null.

While one current of lava flowed over the western flank of Vesuvius, spreading ruin and desolation, another fell down its eastern slope, from an opening of inferior height, and a greater distance from the summit. This current was not visible at Naples: all that was perceived of it was a great light in the atmosphere, produced by reflection from the rolling fire. At first it took an eastern direction, turned afterwards to the south, and descended to the spot called Cognolo. There it fortunately found the valley of Sorienta, sixty-five feet wide, 121 deep, and 1627 long. This valley the lava filled; but, as the volcano still continued to emit fresh matter, the current afterwards spread into the plain of Forte, near to Pozzelle, where it divided into three branches; one proceeded towards Bosco, another towards Mauro, and the third to the plain of Mulara. The length of this current of lava was not less than an Italian mile; but, as it flowed constantly over old lavas, it did but little harm, merely laying waste and occupying a small extent of vineyard. From the spot where it diverged from its first direction, it projected a small branch in a continued line: falling to this point over a very rapid slope, the speed with which it flowed must have been considerable: and a portion of preserving its first impulse, naturally fell

its mass

in this small stream, in which were four mouths in the shape of an inverted cone, the base of which is in the surface of the lava. This stream terminates in a small and regular hill of a conical figure, on the summit of which are two mouths in form of inverted cones. The dimensions of this second current are nearly half those of the first; consequently the mass of the whole is adequate to 2,804,440 cubic fathoms.

The coincidence and perfect resemblance of these two currents of lava sufficiently prove that they had but one common origin, and but one cauldron in which the matter was fused of which they were composed. How great then must that recipient be in which such an enormous mass could be contained! And what powerful exertion of strength must have been required to break through the mountain in such opposite directions! The lava, agitated by the expansion of elastic fluids, made its first efforts to liberate itself on the eastern flank, and found a passage; but the resistance it met with from the mountain no doubt occasioned its reflux or rebound against its opposite flank. The western current, taking its departure from a more elevated mouth, more quickly terminated its course; but the cauldron chiefly emptied itself by the eastern opening. The lava issued from it very slowly, compared with the celerity with which that flowed which proceeded from the eastern mouth, because it was no longer driven forward, or compressed by the total mass, which was already greatly diminished.

On the morning of the 16th the lava ceased to flow over the western side, and the mouth of the volcano began to resume activity. The whole of its cone was covered with a very thick rain of ashes or powders, which totally hid it from sight, so that nothing could be distinguished on Vesuvius, which was wholly inaccessible. In this state it continued four days, during which many shocks of earthquakes were felt, and loud claps of thunder were heard. Thunders raged in every part of the adjacent country, and the flashes of lightning, by which they were accompanied at intervals, for an instant allowed a view of the mountain through the darkness in which it was involved by the rain of powders. This darkness was so prodigiously great that at Caserto, and other places ten or twelve miles from Vesuvius, it was impossible to walk the streets at mid-day without torches, and that circumstance was renewed which is related by Pliny on the occasion of the eruption in the time of Titus, 'faces multæ, variaque lumina solvebant obscuritatem.' It is utterly impossible to determine with precision the quantity of ashes or powders that fell in the course of these days, as it was different in different places, according to the direction of the wind; it is, however, computed, on the base of observations at different places, that fourteen inches and six lines in depth fell on an area the radius of which is three miles, the summit of Vesuvius being the centre.

After the eruption of 1794 the cone lost much of its elevation; a portion of it, after being shaken and even raised by the convulsion, sinking down into the crater and almost filling up the cavity. The fire raging in the hollow of the

mountain, having thus lost its upward vent, burst through the side and poured out the lava, which rolled down the declivity all the way to the sea, burning up the cultivated ground, and covering with a fluid which afterwards became solid and hard the chief part of the town of Torre del Greco. The total number of great eruptions on record is above thirty, reckoning from the celebrated one of A. D. 79, which proved destructive to Herculaneum. One of the latest, though not most formidable eruptions, took place in the end of the summer of 1819. The mountain had discharged almost daily small quantities of fire and lava; but on the 27th of July a thick smoke, accompanied by flames, and the discharge of red hot stones, rose from the crater. The shocks succeeded each other, and seemed to cause a trembling on the summit of the mountain. Next day, the crisis took place; one side of the crater was suddenly rent with a dreadful crash, and its highest point, with the chief part of its south-west side, fell in. From the breach thus opened there burst forth a great stream of lava; and this is at present (1829) the principal opening, although eruptions take place sometimes above, and sometimes below it, according to the pressure of the melted substance in the interior of the crater. The permanent effect of this last eruption has been to lower the height of the summit. VETCH, n. s. Lat. vicia. A plant with a VETCH'Y, adj. papilionaceous flower, pro

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VETERINARY ART, from veterinarius, the name by which a farrier was known in the time of Columella. This term seems itself deduced from veterinus, a term applied by Pliny to the horse, in allusion we presume to the staid and steady disposition of that noble animal when properly reduced to the hand, and which, like the evocati or veterans of the Romans, is every way worthy of our trust and confidence.


OF VETERINARY SURGERY. In conformity to the general usage we may adopt the denomination surgery, in a more extended sense, to denote the curative treatment of all those diseases which are incident to horses, since the mere administering of a ball requires a certain adroitness in the manual operation; and we have for the sake of convenience attempted a classification of the diseases of the horse, which will answer the purpose of an index.

The laying a foundation for an arrangement of caballine maladies, besides habituating the mind to the logic of method, admonishes the practical reader to renew his observations and to cultivate a more intimate acquaintance with the respective situations and tendencies of disorders; for experience has taught us that nothing has a greater influence in sharpening our perceptive faculties than the carrying of a rational outline of a treatise of this kind in the head. Nor ought we to forget another species of utility


which the formality of an arrangement possesses, which is, that it helps those who are otherwise unfurnished with a test to discover how far the writer himself is able to fulfil his engagements with the reader.

Had our limits permitted us we should have been glad to preface this article with a history of this valuable animal, by illustrating and discussing the merits of those elegant observations which are to be found in the writings of Xenophon, Varro, Virgil, Columella, &c., and by means of which it would have appeared that, though the chirurgical treatment of disorders has shared in the modern improvements, yet the ancient methods of studying, training, and humoring the disposition of the horse were as choice and excellent as the diction in which they are described.


Order I.-SOLIDS.

cules which compose an organ, or as they are Alterations in the arrangement of the moleotherwise called changes of continuity. The essential character of a genus is derived from the nature of the texture which is effected.

Genera I.-BONES.

Species 1. Bone spavin, an osseous enlargement upon the inner side of the hock.

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5. Poll evil, an abscess arising from an inflammation in the synorical surface of the first vertebra of the neck and adject ligaments.

6. Fistula of the withers, a deep seated abscess, arising from an inflammation in the spinous processes of the dorsal vertebræ.

7. Sore mouth, sore in the lower jaw between the tusk and the first grinder.

8. Anchylosis, a preternatural apophysis of bony matter upon a joint.

9. Enostosis, superfluous formation of bony substance unlimited in its situation.

Genera II.-LIGAMENTS AND TENDONS. Species 1. False-quarter, a change in the texture and color of the hoof, arising from an injury of the coronary ligament.

2. Strain of the hip joint, injury in the round ligament of the hip joint.

3. Breaking down, a disruption of the great suspensary ligament of the leg, or of the ligaments of the pastern.

4. Wind-galls, distended bursæ mucosa. 5. Curb, swelling on the back part of the hock. 6. Shoulder strain, rupture of the membranes about the shoulder-joint.

7. Strain in the back sinews, a rupture of the membranes which form the lower boundary of the synovial cavity on the back part of the fore leg.

8. Strain of the fetlock joint, swelling of that joint with lameness corresponding in degree. 9. Strain of the coffin joint, with scarcely any lameness.

10. Strain in the loins.

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3. Saddle or harness galls, warbles, navel galls, &c.

4. Bruises by violent and continued pressure. 5. Acute general Rheumatism, inflammation of the muscular system.

6. Rheumatic affection in the hock joint, with a morbid irritated state of the stomach.

7. Chest founder, rheumatic affection of the muscles of the chest, fore-leg, and diaphragm. 8. Acute founder, or chill, a general stiffness of the muscular system.

Genera IV.—INteguments, Skin. Species 1. Surfeit, pimples changing into


2. Hide bound, skin from a deficiency of nutritive juices becoming rigid.

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7. Crown scab, a scabby eruption upon the coronet, followed by loss of hair.

8. Rat tails, a scabby eruption upon the back part of the leg, entering in lines from the foot lock upwards.

9. Treads, superficial injuries in the heels. 10. Grease, a discharge of fætid matter from the heels.

11. Broken knees.

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16. Over-reaching, over-lashing, over-stopping, injuries in the heel, higher and nether attaint. 17. Thrush, frog becoming rotten from long standing in filthy litter.

18. Canker, neglected thrush extending to the laminated surface and coffin bone.

19. Pomiced feet, an internal thickening of

the hoof.

20. Groggy feet, reeling, occasioned by weak joints.

21. Sit fasts, dead skin upon the back.

Genera V.-ABSORBENT SYSTEM. Species 1. Farcy, inflammation of the lymphatic glands, exhibiting small tumors on the inside of the legs, lips, face, &c.

2. Glanders, ulceration of the lymphatic glands affecting the conglomerate.

3. Lampas, symptomatic swelling in the


4. Bags or washes, swellings just within the corners of the mouth.

Genera VI.-CONGLOMERATE GLANDS. Inflammation of the tonsils terminating in an abscess under the jaws.

Vives or ives, swelling of the parotid gland. Glanders, swelling of the glands under the jaw and a gluey discharge from the nostrils.

Genera VII.-SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. Blood spavin, varix or enlargement of the saphena vein, on the inside of the hock.

the peritonæum.
Species. Hernia (ɛpvog, a bud), a rupture of

Species 1. Epilepsy, spasmodic contraction of

the nerves.

2. Spasms, twitchings of the muscles.

3. Stringhalt, irritation of a nerve occasioned by mechanical obstruction.

4. Titanus, spasmodic contractions of the muscles of the lower jaw.


tion occasioned by an unusual quantity of blood determined to any particular part or organ, or in a general excess of the red fluid.

Species 1. Synochus (ovvexw, contrain, alluding, we presume, to the general superabundance of constringing sensation of an iufarcled blood vessel), blood in the system.

2. Phrenitis (pony, diaphragm, by a metaphor, the mind which divides or discriminates), inflammation of the brain.

3. Peripneumonia (rept, about, and πενμv), inflammation of the lungs.

4. Pleuritis (λvpa, side, membrane which lines the chest or thorax), inflammation of the pleura.

5. Influenza and catarrhus (karɛppea, to flow downwards), inflammation of membranes occasioned by the acrimony of the humors.

6. Gastritis (yaorno, genitive yaorpos, the belly), inflammation of the stomach.

7. Peritonilis (TEOITOVELOV, web which encloses the bowels, from EOITELY, extend round about), inflammation of the peritoneum.

8. Enteritis (Evrɛpa, inwards), inflammation of the coats of the intestines.

9. Splenitis (onλny, the spleen), inflammation of the spleen.

10. Hepatilis (ар аrоs, the liver), inflammation of the liver.

11. Nephritis (veppoç, a kidney), inflammation of the kidneys and bladder.

12. Ophthalmia (opaλμoç, the eye) inflamma

tion of the eyes.

13. Psorophthalmia (opa, a scab, and opaλμoç), inflammation of that part of the conjunctiva which lines the eyelids.

14. Podilis (ovg Todos, the foot), inflammation of the foot.

15. Anticore, painful swelling about the breast and belly.


Species 1. Anasarca (ava, upon, gape capros, flesh), general dropsy. Superabundant humors in the cellular substance, under the skin of the body.

2. Hydralcus (vdwp, water, ελkog, an ulcer), water farcy. Accumated water producing ulceration.

3. Ascites (aokog, a leathern bottle, from a fancied resemblance which the body bears to that vessel), water in the cavity of the abdomen. 4. Hydrothorax (vdwp, Jwpaž, the chest), water in the cavity of the chest.

5. Hydropericardium, water within the bag which contains the heart.

6. Hydrocephalus (vdwp, repaλŋ, head), water within the meninges of the brain.

7. Hydrocnemia (vôwp, kvnμn, leg), dropsy of the legs.

8. Diarrhea (dia, through, pew, flow) unnatural defluxion of fluid down the intestinal canal.

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Genera I.-DISEASES OF THE BONES. Species 1. Bone-spavin is a hard tumor or excrescence formed on the inside of the hock; it sometimes occurs on the lower part of the hock, at others it is more deeply seated in the centre of the joint; the latter is by far the most painful. Cure.-Firing, and blistering immediately after.

2. Ring-bone. The term ring-bones is given to hard swellings extending round the fore part of the foot in the form of a ring, on the lower part of the pastern near the coronet; they occasionally appear a little above the coronet only on each side, they are then termed splinters of a ring-bone. The causes of these affections are various; they are produced by strains, blows, and other causes, which occasion a diminution of synovia, when the great and little pastern bones enter more closely into contact with each other, producing stiffness of the joint. The former as frequently arises from a blow as any other cause, the latter from a stub; they are said to be occasionally hereditary. Cure.-Firing the only remedy likely to do good.

3. Splints. Hard excrescences which form on the shank bone of the horse are termed splints; they vary in size and shape, and are sometimes so large as to press against the back sinew, causing stiffness, and in some instances decided lameness. Those of a smaller kind are seldom of much importance, unless situated on or near the joint. The treatment in all these cases requires but little variation. The horse will be very lame on the first appearance of these excrescences and for some time previous, requiring judgment on the part of the practitioner to ascertain the cause. Gentle treatment must be had recourse to in the first instance, and the following blister will be found efficacious :-Take Spanish flies, euphorbium, of each two drachms and a half; Egyptiacum, strong vinegar, of each two ounces; spirit of turpentine, water of pure ammonia, of each ten drachms; oil of thyme one ounce. and put into a bottle, shaking previous to using. Lameness from a splint may sometimes be removed by placing a pledget of old linen, wet with goulard or saturnine lotion, on it, and confining it with a bandage kept constantly wet. I have seen a good effect from diluted vinegar also. Saturnine lotion.-Super-acetate of lead one ounce, vinegar four ounces, water one pint. Mix.


4. String-halt. The string-halt, Mr. White

9. Dysenteria, defluxion acrimious, so as to observes, has been properly enough named blind

spavin. It is thought by the French to be of the same nature as bone spavin, the bony excrescence being concealed, or on the outside of the small tarsal bones, and out of sight. If any remedy is thought necessary for this, firing should be preferred; but this will generally be found to fail. A few years ago, says Mr. White, I had the pleasure of spending a day with the late Dr. Jenner at Berkeley, when he informed me that string-halt depended upon a disease of the spine, and showed me several vertebræ which afforded a proof of it. From what I have since observed I am satisfied that this is the case. Firing and all other operations must therefore be useless.

5. Poll-evil. This disease derives its name from its situation, which is between the poll-bone and the first vertebra of the neck, and is produced by a mangy horse rubbing his head under the manger, and sometimes lifting it up suddenly when frightened; also by hanging back upon his halter. Repeated injuries of this kind produce at length inflammation of the first vertebra of the neck, and the matter that forms in consequence being so completely confined spreads and renders carious the under surface of the ligament of the neck as well as the posterior part of the occipital bone, and sometimes of the atlas or first bone of the neck also. This disorder then is precisely of the same nature as fistula of the withers, and requires a similar treatment. But it would seem that the poll-evil is caused rather by an over-stretching of the neck, or by a frequent effort to extend the ligaments which connect the first two bones of the neck, or those which unite the first two bones of the head. We have placed this disease among the maladies of the bones to exhibit the importance which it bears, though, if we regard the origin of the evil, it would be more consistent to rank it under the genus of ligamentous disorders.

6. Fistula of the withers, or winding ulcer. The above-named injury, although it derives its origin from the severe pressure of the fore part of the saddle, and, if taken in time, would be easily cured, is, from neglect and repeated bruises, extended to a dangerous inflammation of the spinous parts of the joints of the back bone. The result is that an internal abscess is formed, and searches in various directions inwards, until at last it appears on the surface in form of a violent inflamed ulcer. In this advanced stage of the disease a moderate incision must be made to allow the suppurated matter to pass off. If upon examination the seat of the disease cannot be discovered, tents of tow, steeped in solution of blue vitriol, must be forced into the wound as far as possible; and, in about a week, when the coat or core of the pipes or channels has been removed, the probe must be used in order to determine the winding direction of those pipes, and the extremity of the diseased part. When it is found that the pipes are not destroyed, and the seat of the wound is ascertained, if it appears from the feel of the probe that the bare bone is sensible to its touch; in such case the bone should be well scraped, and afterwards a few dressings of Friar's balsam, or tincture of myrrh, will effect a speedy and perfect cure. In some cases, where the caustic application has, in the first instance, destroyed

those pipes, any further operation of scraping the bone will be unnecessary, and the wound may be perfectly healed by dressings of Friar's balsam, or tincture of myrrh, and sprinkling a little of the following powder on the part before dressing it every second day:-Take white vitriol and burnt alum of each three drachms; white lead, yellow rosin, bole armoniac, of each one ounce and a half. Mix well together.

7. Sore mouth. During the time that horses are breaking they are often hurt in the mouth by the pressure of the bit, especially in that part where it bears when they are put upon the bit, as it is termed; that is, when their noses are reined in towards the chest. The bit then bears on the under jaw between the tush and the first grinder. The bone in this part being thinly covered with gum is often bruised and inflamed; and being neglected, or rather the pressure being still continued, it becomes carious, and a troublesome sore or sinus is the consequence. This sore, in feeding, becomes filled with masticated hay, which being discovered is supposed to be the cause of the sore; and, as common hay cannot be supposed to be capable of such an effect, it is attributed to what the grooms term squirrel-tail grass, that is wild barley.

8. Anchylosis. This is a deposition of bony matter thrown out in the joints, and arising from hurts and bad treatment of punctures of the joints; every joint is liable to it. The effect is to render the joint completely stiff and useless. We can do nothing to remove it, but a great deal to prevent it.

9. Exostosis. This is an excess of bone, a super-abundance of osseous matter being thrown out to various sizes. Pressure and blistering, in the first instances, will be proper to try; further applications are useless.



Species. 1. False quarter. When the coronary ligament has been much injured by treads or other contused wounds, it sometimes forms horn of a lighter color than the rest of the hoof, and less perfect, often leaving a fissure or seam from the top to the bottom. Sometimes the whole quarter is imperfect, and incapable of bearing pressure; therefore in such cases a bar shoe is necessary, by means of which, when the false quarter is kept properly pared down, it will be at some distance from the surface of the shoe, and thus be always free from pressure.

2. Strain of the hip joint, femur, hurdle bone, whirl bone, or round bone. Injuries of this kind are frequently brought on by negligence in riding or driving, and sometimes from a sudden slip of the animal's hind feet on a bad road or pavement, whereby he is thrown upon his side; in some cases the head of the bone or cup of the joint may be affected; in other cases the thigh and hip joint are so severely injured that violent inflammation and lameness of the parts ensue. When the strain has been of a slight nature it may not be perceptible at first, further than a tenderness in leaning on the limb affected when in exercise; but, if he has been left to stand for

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