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a short time in the stable, and he be taken out, the lameness will be obvious. In this case the horse must be kept quiet in stable for some time after wards, until by repose he gradually recovers his strength. In severe strains a strong blister should be applied to the part, and if necessary it would be expedient also to fire the limb injured, and of course bleed and purge.

3. Breaking down. This accident often occurs in racing, and sometimes in hunting, but very rarely upon the road. A strain in the back sinews is sometimes called by this name; but, when a horse breaks down, the fetlock joint, when he rests on that leg, absolutely bears upon the ground. This accident is supposed to depend on a rupture of the great suspensory ligament of the leg; but sometimes it is occasioned by a rupture of the ligaments of the pastern, and a consequent dislocation of the small with the large pasterns. If we examine the tendons and ligament, on the back part of the shank, we shall find that the great flexor, or perforans tendon, is, supported by a strong ligament, nearly as large as itself, which proceeds from the back part of the knee, or from the upper and posterior part of the great metacarpal or canon bone. About three or four inches down it joins the perforans tendon, and becomes intimately mixed with it. If this part is examined it will clearly appear that a rupture of the suspensory ligament of the fetlock joint would not bring the horse down upon his fetlock joint unless this suspensory ligament of the perforans tendon were to give way also.

4. Windgalls. The term windgall is given popularly to swellings situated on the joints, and which are enlargements of the bursæ mucosa, or mucous bags, with which every joint is furnished, to contain a lubricating oil. These enlargements are termed, according to their situation, bog spavin, thorough pin, capped hock or capulet, windgalls of the knee joint and of the elbow. The diseased enlargement of the bursæ mucosa arises from hard work, and, if we attempt a cure, this must be discontinued. Horses once affected in this way are always liable to a return if worked hard again. Let it be particularly remembered that this tumor is never to be opened: the worst of consequences would follow such a step. Pressure by flannel bandages and pads, placed between the folds, upon the tumor, and continued a considerable time, with strict rest, will often cure, and should be first tried in all cases. Then, if not successful, blister the part; or perhaps firing it would be better, as the marks of the iron leave a contraction in the skin, which acts as a bandage perpetually. In using pressure by bandage and pads, a solution of sal ammoniac and vinegar should be poured upon it occasionally, so as to wet the bandage through. Goulard water may be used in the same manner.

5. Curb or strain of the hock. This disease was formerly considered as a kind of exostosis, but now it is properly admitted under the head of strains. The back part of the hind leg is the seat of this disease, arising from the articulation of the same bones which are affected in spavin, and is succeeded by the formation of a considerable tumor a little below the hock. It is

generally the consequence of a strain, accompanied with inflammation; the coagulable lymph which is thrown out is often left, and causes a hardness to remain. If the affection be observed in its early stage, those applications which are used in strains of the back sinews will generally effect a cure. Should the pain and substance however continue ten or twelve days after having had recourse to this treatment, a more powerful plan must be pursued. When this is the case cut the hair close, and use the following blistering spirit :-Take euphorbium, Spanish flies powdered, of each two drachms; oil of thyme, spirit of turpentine, pure ammonia water, of each one ounce; vinegar, egyptiacum, of each two ounces. Let them be put into a bottle, and well shaken before they are used. Let the part affected be well rubbed with the hand for six or seven mornings following. After which turn the animal out to grass for five or six weeks; if at this period the curb should not be entirely removed, the blistering spirit should be again resorted to. 6. Shoulder strain. Strains of the shoulder appear trifling in some cases at first, and lameness is not observable until the horse cools; in strains of a severe or desperate nature the animal can hardly lay his foot to the ground, and stands upon three legs. In all slight cases copious bleeding, and confinement to the stable, in a spacious stall, so that he can move about, will be sufficient; but in severe strains it will be necessary, besides bleeding, to introduce a rowel to the chest, and if that be not effectual in removing the strain, the shoulder must be blistered, or the same embrocation as prescribed for strain of the loins should be well rubbed into the chest and shoulder. Send him out to graze in a well enclosed field, and he will gradually recover.

7. Strain in the back sinews, or clap. This accident may happen in either fore or hind legs, and may be either a simple extension of the tendons, or accompanied with some degree of laceration of the cellular substance or ligaments. It occurs generally from down-leaps, false steps, or sudden attempts at recovering the feet from a slip. There are frequently hard lumps remaining after the inflammation abates and the strain is recovered, which arise from the coagulable lymph being thrown out in the accident and ultimately becoming callous. These lumps are early felt; they are not of very great consequence, but in general a slight lameness accompanies them, which goes off when the animal trots a little and becomes warm; but, if the horse be much worked, the lameness returns from the constant action upon the parts. The treatment will be in the first instance nearly the same as in other strains; next bleeding, purging, and cold applications to the injured limb, with a moist diet. Cold poultices should be applied every morning and night, which should enwrap the limb from above the knee joint downwards. The best poultice is-linseed cake six ounces, bran (sufficiently wetted) three pints; mix. It will be more beneficial to look to the horse's constitution, and lessen the action of the blood vessels according to the strength and irritability of the animal, than to depend on local remedies. When the inflammatory stage has gone by it will be

then right to use rubbing with liniments and oils, such as camphorated liniment, soap, and spirits, &c., and to bandage the limb. If this plan do not quite remove the swelling in a fortnight, a blister must be applied; and, when healed, the horse turned out to grass. It may be a long time before a perfect cure can be established, and the only hope is in repeated blisters at the interval of a month between each. When, however, full trial be given to this, firing may be resorted to.

8. Strain of the fetlock joint. The symptoms of this injury are similar to those of strain in the back sinews; the fetlock joint appears swollen and inflamed, attended by lameness. The horse must be copiously bled, and kept tranquil in a roomy stall; in slight cases this will be sufficient. A few emollient poultices, in bad cases, will be necessary, and the body should be kept cool by moderate aperients. Firing the limb is frequently practised by veterinarians as a sure preventive against the recurrence of the injury; this operation also tends to strengthen the joint. After a rest of about a fortnight, in the stable, he may be turned out to grass in an enclosed field, when he will gradually recover.

9. Strain of the coffin joint. Those accidents are more difficult to ascertain at first than strains in any other part of the horse, as the lameness is hardly perceptible for some time after the injury has been received. In gentle exercise the coffin joint is excited to little or no action; but in a quick pace a tenderness and slight lameness will be observable. Unless remedies be applied in proper time, strains in the coffin joint are the most difficult to cure. The animal should be bled freely, his bowels kept cool by moderate purgatives, and the foot, from the fetlock joint down, should be well poulticed every morning and night with Goulard water and linseed meal. He should be kept quiet, and the poultice continued for a week or ten days, and longer if the case require it. After this he may be turned out to grass until the joint is restored to its original strength and flexibility.

10. Strain in the loins. The symptoms of this strain are either a partial stiffness of the back, and an involuntary yielding of the horse to any weight placed upon him, or, in very bad cases, general lameness ensues. The animal should, as soon as possible after the accident, be freely bled, which, together with rest, may be sufficient in slight injuries; but, if otherwise, in addition to bleeding, even to faintness, the following embrocation should be applied to the loins; viz. Liquor ammonia of two ounces, oil of turpentine one ounce, olive oil three ounces. A fresh sheep skin, with the fleshy side in, should be laid across the strained parts.

11. Bog spavin. This is a swelling on the inside of the hock, rather towards the fore part: the large vein, which is so conspicuous on the inside of the leg, passing over it. It depends either upon a distension or rupture of the membranes which form the synovial cavity, or bursa mucosa, through which the great flexor tendon passes. The swelling is soft and yielding to the pressure of the finger, but rises again as soon as the pressure is removed. Sometimes, however,

there is a swelling on the outside of the hock also, and in that case the fluid or synovia which the swelling contains may be forced from one to the other. Only remedy, firing and sufficient rest, but not always necessary.

12. Thorough pin. Of the same nature, and requires the same treatment, as bog spavin.

13. Strain of the knee joint. There is a correspondence between the knee joint of the horse and the human wrist, and the stifle joint with the human knee. When the knee joint is strained it is mostly acompanied by that common accident called broken knees, and is in consequence distinguished with difficulty. Bleeding and rest must, however, be employed here, as, should the case turn out to be simply a broken knee, bleeding will be found extremely serviceable.

14. Bursal swellings of the elbows and knees. The elbows frequently are affected by such swellings, often occasioned by the shoes in lying down when the horse sleeps with his fore legs doubled under him. Sometimes there is a hard tumor formed by the same cause; in this case the tumor might be dissected out safely. The swellings on the knee occur seldom, and are of no consequence.


Species 1. Quitto. This injury arises when a horse, in frosty weather, endeavours to recover himself from falling on his side, which causes the animal to step in a most violent manner on the inside foot; it also is occasioned by punctures, &c. Quittor is, properly, a degenerative and ulcerative state of it, generally attended with pipes, and the inner parts seldom escape injury. In such cases the winding and extent of the pipes should be ascertained by the probe. Then prepare a piece of light brown paper, cut into small pieces, and grease them with a light surface of lard; after this get some corrosive sublimate, finely powdered, and sprinkle it over them; then roll them round, and twist them at each end, and pass them, by the aid of the probe, one after the other successively, to the extremity of the pipe, until it is completely stuffed; after this lay on a small pledget of tow, and bandage the part. In about a week remove the bandage, when the core will be extracted, and an extensive open sore will be visible. By this process the extent of the wound will be ascertained. Tents of tow or lint should be then steeped in solution of blue vitriol, and lodged in the bottom of the wound; when the carious parts are sufficiently corroded, apply a few dressings of tincture of myrrh, or Friar's balsam, and in a very short time the animal will be in an advanced state of convalescence.

2. Capellet, or capped hock. There are particular swellings which horses are subject to, of a wenny nature, which grow on the heel of the hock, and on the point of the elbow, and are called by the French and Italians capellets : they arise often from bruises and other accidents; and, when this is the case, should be treated with vinegar and other repellers; but, when they grow gradually on both heels or elbows, we may then suspect the blood and juices in fault; that some of the vessels are broke and juices extrava

sated; in this case the suppuration should be promoted by rubbing the part with marsh-mallow ointment, and, when matter is formed, the skin should be opened with a lancet in some dependent part towards one side, to avoid a scar: the dressings may be turpentine, honey, and tincture of myrrh. The relaxed skin may be bathed with equal parts of spirit of wine and vinegar, to which an eighth part of oil of vitriol may be added. The contents of these tumors are various, sometimes watery, at others suety, or like thick paste; which, if care be not taken to digest out properly with the cyst, will frequently collect again: was it not for the disfigurement, the shortest method would be to extirpate them with a knife, which, if artfully executed, and the skin properly preserved, would leave very little deformity. When these tumors proceed from an indisposition of the blood they are best let alone, especially those of the watery kind, which will often wear off insensibly without any applications; but, when they are likely to prove tedious, endeavour to disperse them by bathing with repellers, and have recourse to rowels, purges, and diuretic medicines, to carry off the superfluous juices, and correct the blood. And experience and observation, which were said to be αρισση didaσkalia, the best master, has taught that most attempts towards a removal of this deformity are of no avail, and little or no expense ought to be incurred in fruitless efforts to cure it.

3. Suddle or harness galls, warbles, navel galls, &c. These may be considered as bruises, and when it can be done should be poulticed, until the swelling has been dispersed or has suppurated. If the matter has not sufficient vent, the opening may be enlarged, or the sinus laid open if there is any. It must then be dressed with digestive ointment, and, when it has been reduced to the state of a clear open sore, the cure may be finished by the astringent paste.

4. Bruises by violent or continued pressure. These injuries may happen in various ways, by kicks, by bites, in leaping over hedges or gates, by kicking against stalls, and many other ways. Various names have been applied to such injuries, according to the manner in which they are inflicted; but there is no occasion for such distinctions; they are all bruises or contused wounds, and require to be poulticed or fomented; the horse should immediately be bled freely, and his bowels opened by a dose of physic. The diet also should be attended to, allowing only a very moderate quantity at first of grass, or bran mashes. In all these cases poultices are by far the best remedy, until the inflammation is completely subdued; and when the situation of the part will not admit of a poultice, which is seldom the case, then fomentations of warm water only, almost constantly applied, are the best substitute. When inflammation has quite ceased, which may be known by an abatement of the pain and swelling, and by the appearance of white matter, the poultice may be discontinued, and then the wound should be carefully dressed to the bottom with a tent of tow, dipped in melted digestive ointment. The cavity is not to be filled with the tent, but it must be intro

duced to the bottom, and then the wound will heal as it ought; whereas, if it be dressed superficially, or only syringed, it will often close over at the surface and the wound appear healed, while the matter is spreading and doing mischief at the bottom. There are four obstacles to the complete healing of wounds which sometimes occur, and these are, when the wound has been complicated with an injury of a bone, a ligament, a cartilage, or a tendon. In any of these cases the fleshy parts and skin will generally heal readily, and the wound will appear nearly or quite healed, except a small or minute orifice from which a little matter oozes; and this orifice is not perceptible, being covered with spongy flesh, until a probe is introduced; it will then he found that there is a sinus running down to the bottom of the original wound, and there the probe will be resisted by the diseased bone, ligament, cartilage, or tendon. The bone may be easily distinguished by the sensation conveyed to the hand through the probe; and when this is felt a free opening should be made if the situation of the wound will admit of it, and the diseased surface scraped off. A tent of Friar's balsam should then be introduced, and continued until it is cured. If the first scraping has not been freely performed, a second may be necessary. Sometimes sinuses, or pipes as they are termed, remain after the inflammation of wounds has subsided. If these are superficial, running under the surface, or nearly horizontally, they require to be laid open, and then they heal readily. Sometimes they run obliquely inward, or perpendicularly, and then require to be dressed at first with stimulating or even caustic tents, of solution of blue vitriol; and these must be repeated until the sides of the sinus have sloughed off, and the very bottom of the wound can be distinctly felt. In all complicated ulcers of this kind, where the sinus runs in a winding or crooked direction, or where there are two or more sinuses, the caustic tents must be repeated until they are brought to the state of one simple sore, the bottom of which can be distinctly felt; and, if the bottom happen to be bone, it must be scraped freely and dressed with Friar's balsam. A good method of destroying such sinuses is to take some corrosive sublimate, or finely pulverised blue vitriol, and fold it up in a long narrow slip of thin whity-brown paper; this being neatly folded may be twisted at each end and may thus be conveniently introduced into the sinuses, and forced to the very bottom with a strong probe. Several small parcels of this kind may be made and forced in one after another, until all the sinuses are completely filled. By these means a large core or slough will be brought out in four or five days; and if the sinuses are not then so destroyed that the bottom can be ascertained, the same dressing must be repeated.

5. Acute rheumatism. Acute general rheumatism, or rheumatic fever, is inflammation of the muscular system, and has been already noticed under the head Founder, or Chill. There is, however, a different kind of rheumatic affection I have sometimes met with, in which the joints are affected; generally, I believe, the hock

joint; but probably the other joints are equally liable to this affection. It is sometimes accompanied with a morbidly irritable state of the stomach and bowels, and, if a strong or even a common purgative is given in such a case, there will be danger of its producing inflammation of these parts. The same irritable state of the stomach and bowels is sometimes observable also in chills, as they are termed, and when the hind leg is suddenly attacked with inflammation and swelling, after violent shivering and fever. In all such cases, though physic is often necessary, that is, when the bowels are in a costive state, yet it is likely to do great harm unless in a moderate dose, and guarded with cordials or opium. The following ball may be given on such occasions: it must be observed, however, that copious bleeding is the essential remedy, and must precede every other. Purgative with opium, or cordial cathartic:-Barbadoes aloes four to five drachms, ginger one drachm, hard soap three drachms; syrup enough to form the ball. The affected parts may be fomented and rubbed with some stimulating liniment or embrocation.

6. Rheumatic affection in the hock-joint, accompanied by an irritable state of the stomach. In this, and every other case in which the constitution is any way affected, the affection ought first to be removed by an attention to the general health of the animal, and we may fairly expect that, as soon as the constitutional debility is healed, the local disease will disappear; and we take this opportunity strenuously to recommend the observation now made to such of our readers as may have the care of this noble creature confided to their charge; for the primary procedure of first considering whether the topical malady was not occasioned by the disordered functions of the system, has been many years established with respect to the human constitution, and has been one essential means of securing to surgery its modern name.

7. Chest founder, or flying lameness. Some modern practitioners have disputed the existence of this disease, and the ancients attributed the lameness arising from it to some disorder in the foot; there is, however, little doubt but it is rheumatism. There is an affection of the muscles of respiration, some of which support the body, and advance the fore legs. There is also an affection of the diaphragm; from which, as well as the increase of the disease, after considerable exercise, with every appearance of the lungs partaking of the attack, obtained for it the name of bastard peripneumony. In this disorder the muscles of the shoulder and chest are of a diminished size, with a contracted motion of the fore legs, and weakness of all the supporting muscles. The feet will almost always be found affected in horses laboring under chest-founder, from their partaking in the rheumatic affection; but often disease of the foot is mistaken for chest-founder: however, examining the foot will often decide, and if no apparent cause of lameness appears then, and yet the horse suddenly becomes stiff and lame after heats, swimming, &c., we may conclude it is rheumatism. All that it is necessary to say on it is, that horses so affected are fit only for very moderate work in harness; for the musVOL XXII.--PART 2.

cles of respiration, and of the shoulder, are so affected as to render them quite unsafe for the saddle. It is to be regretted that such horses are frequently used in stage-coaches and postchaises, and urged to exertions far beyond their powers. Horses laboring under this disorder have generally been possessed of great spirit and power, and will, if fed high, and urged by the whip, appear to go on with spirit for a short time, but after standing they suffer great pain, and terminate their short career by a miserable death. The animal should not be exposed to cold, and should be covered with a rug in the stable. He should be kept regular by aloetic and antimonial balls, and often have a warm mash, with nitre. Perhaps the mustard seed might be given with advantage; and blister on the chest, which we think better than rowels.

8. Acute founder, or chill. This disorder is brought on by excessive exertion, and a consequent exhaustion of nervous power, and not merely by a chill or suddenly cooling the animal, as it is supposed to be. This excessive exertion of the muscular system brings on a peculiar state of inflammation in the whole body; so that not only the muscles of the loins and hind parts, but every other muscle, and even the heart and capillary arteries, participate in the affection. The kidneys often partake of the affection, the horse voiding high-colored urine, sometimes mixed with blood: this happens only in bad cases, and then the kidneys are often inflamed; and the pulse is quick, and accelerated by the slightest exercise. The inner surface of the eye-lids are always very red. The horse should be immediately bled until he becomes faint; the bowels should be emptied with clysters, and the stable should be made as cool as possible.


Species 1. Surfeit. This word, derived from super over and above or excess, and fio to be made, applies to the notion which was entertained that the malady arose out of a superabundance of humors produced by over feeding. There are different causes which produce surfeits, but they mostly arise from bad food. When the coat of a horse is of a dirty color, and stares, he is said to labor under a surfeit. The skin is covered with scurf and scabs; these return, although rubbed off. Sometimes the surfeit appears on the skin of the horse in small lumps, like peas or beans; this is often occasioned by his drinking much cold water when unusually heated. This kind of surfeit will be cured effectually by a gentle purge and bleeding. In some cases the scabs appear covering the whole of the body and limbs; at times moist, and at others dry. The irritation is generally so great, as to cause the horse to chafe himself, producing rawness in many parts, and degenerating into mange. In the first instance, it will be requisite to give him a dose or two of mercurial physic. Should his condition be good, and able to bear it, he may subsequently take the following balls, which will produce a gentle purging and perspiration on the skin, and lead to beneficial results:

Take crocus of antimony, flour of sulphur 2 C

nitre, Venice soap, Barbadoes aloes, of each in fine powder, four ounces; precipitated sulphur of antimony one ounce. Let them be mixed, add a sufficient quantity of honey or treacle, and liquorice powder, and make them into a mass fit for balls. The weight of each ball should be one ounce and a half.

2. Hide-bound. When a horse's hide or skin sticks to his ribs, as it were, and cannot be drawn out or moved, as in the healthy state, he is said to be hide-bound. It indicates great weakness and poverty, and sometimes a diseased state of the mesenteric vessels, and consumption. It is generally occasioned by ill usage, and bad or insufficient food, and can only be removed by proper feeding and good treatment. A good piece of grass is the best remedy, especially in the early part of summer.

3. Mange. This is a well known disease, highly contagious. It however as frequently arises from debility as from contagion. The horse first begins to rub and scratch; the hair, then, at various parts, falls off, leaving bare patches; and, if the disease be suffered to continue, the animal pines away amazingly. The cure of mange is simple: common sulphur ointment rubbed well in, all over the animal, once a day, will cure it in a week. The following remedies are also effectual::

Lotion. Take of tobacco and white hellebore, three ounces; and boil in two quarts of water to three pints; then add an equal portion of lime water. Wash the horse all over with this every day.

Ointment.-Arsenic one drachm, sulphur eight ounces, lard a pound, train oil sufficient to improve its consistence. In curing the mange, the horse should have a purging ball first, and then in a day or two a dose of nitre and cream of tartar. His food should be green if it can be obtained, or, if not, turnips, carrots, or speared


4. Mallenders. This is a scurfy eruption at the back part of the knee, or bending of the joint. The affection, if allowed to remain, degenerates into a disagreeable discharge. By washing the parts with soap and water, and drying them with a soft cloth or sponge, and then anointing with the following ointment once a day, the disease will be removed :-Take of mercurial ointment an ounce, sulphate of zinc a scruple. Mix.

5. Sallenders. This is the same disease as mallenders, only that it affects the inside of the hock joint. Its treatment is precisely the


6. Cracks in the heels. These are frequently occurring, especially in saddle horses, even when properly treated, except in one particular, and that an important one, for it is occasioned entirely by the foolish practice of trimming out the heels. This renders them liable to injuries in travelling on gravelly or muddy roads, or indeed in any kind of road, as loose stones can not be avoided. In this way small bruises take place in the bend of the pastern, the skin is in flamed, and an ulcer or crack follows. These cracks are very painful, and often cause lameness: from improper treatment they often prove

very obstinate. An emollient poultice should be first applied, and continued for a few days, or until the inflammation has completely subsided. The crack or ulcer, as well as all the hollow part of the pastern or heel, should be covered with the following paste, which is to remain two or three days, and then to be washed off and repeated. When the crack is perfectly healed or dried up by this astringent paste, a little sallad oil or fresh hog's lard is often necessary to supple the part. In obstinate cases it is necessary to keep the horse perfectly at rest until the crack is healed, and sometimes to apply the following ointment, spread on a pledget of tow, and confined by a bandage:-Take of litharge plaster two ounces, best sallad oil one ounce. Melt slowly; and when removed from the fire, continue stirring until it is cold. Three of these dressings will generally cure the disorder. During this treatment the horse must not be taken out for exercise, but be turned loose into a cool box or out-house, where he may move himself about gently. As he takes no exercise during this time, he should be fed with bran mashes, and have only very little hay, as his bowels would otherwise be loaded with excrement, and much mischief might thereby be done. Though the disease is entirely local, it may not be amiss to give half an ounce of nitre once or twice a day in his mash. Horses that are constantly kept trimmed out in the heels often lose the hair from the part by the constant friction of the dirt of the roads; and, besides the deformity this occasions, they are still more liable to those painful cracks. I have lately, Mr. White observes, found the following treatment successful :—If the cracks are very painful, poultice for one day and night, then wash them three times a day with the following lotion, for one or two days, after this apply the astringent ointment, which generally heals them in a short time. Lotion.-Superacetate of lead and sulphate of zinc, of each two drachms, water eight ounces. Mix.

7. Crown scab, of the same nature as the mallender, and may be cured by the same means: it generally leaves a blemish consisting in the loss of hair.

8. Rat-tails, an affection of the same kind essentially as the preceding, but under a different formality, the eruption appearing in lines or wheals, which from their shape have received the fanciful denomination of rat-tails.

9. Treads. Waggon horses, especially in mangy stables, have often an itching about the heels, which causes them to injure themselves, sometimes severely, in endeavouring to rub or scratch the part with their own feet. It is thus that they tread on the coronet or heel, and sometimes cause quittor. The injury, however, is seldom so severe as this, and may be soon cured by poulticing for a few days, and dressing the part afterwards with the tar ointment. It is always better to lay up the horse, and poultice him, than to put him immediately to work, as is commonly done, because the disease appears trifling: they are almost always obliged to do it at last, and then a much longer time is required for the cure. Treads have been noticed

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