صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Mix this into a mass with syrup of buckthorn, and give it to the horse at night. In the morning it will be necessary to administer either the following purging drink or ball, as may be preferred:-Take Barbadoes aloes, according to the age and strength of the horse, from three to six drachms, worm seed in powder half an ounce, powdered gentian half an ounce, powdered carraway seeds one ounce. Mix these, and administer it in a pint of strong decoction of wormwood. This drink must be repeated in four or five days time, but the mercurial ball must be omitted after the first exhibition.

13. Icterus. Jaundice. As the horse has no gall bladder, but a simple duct, by which the bile is passed from the liver to the intestinal canal, the diseases of the biliary system are not frequent. Jaundice seldom or ever arises as a disease in itself, but very often as symptomatic of other complaints. The symptoms are a yellowish tinge on the inner surface of the eye-lids, eye-balls, nostrils, and mouth, costiveness, dry and hard dung, with debility, loss of appetite, thirst, and high-colored urine. The object to attain, in the cure of jaundice, is to promote a good secretion of bile and urine: for this purpose, calomel and aloes, in the following proportions, must be given every other day :-Take of calomel one drachm, of aloes two drachms. Beat up into a ball, with a little mucilage of gum arabic. When this operates, it need not be repeated; but, if it do not, a dose of salts and gruel must be administered to assist its operation. On the succeeding day give the following:-Take of squill pill a drachm, of nitre half a drachm, of calomel a scruple. Make into a ball with a little soap. Continue the alternate uses of the above medicines, assisted by mashes, warm ale, &c., until the dung becomes of a healthy appearance, and the yellowness abates, which will be in a few days, unless other diseases are connected with jaundice. Let the horse be walked about twice a day, and covered in the stable during the cure.



1. Bleeding. The great vein of the neck is decidedly the best to bleed from in all cases requiring general blood-letting. The operation, although simple, is frequently done in a most clumsy manner, and serious injuries often follow the improper use of the fleam. We prefer a lancet in most cases; but, if the fleam be used, let the operator gently rise the vein, by pressing his finger softly upon it, and, at the part immediately above where the vessel divides into two branches, open it by a well-directed stroke. Opening the temporal artery, in affections of the head and eyes, is an operation of great importance, and often relieves when other bleedings fail. Bleeding in the toe, as it is called, is topical, and therefore is of great use in affections of the foot; and so, perhaps, bleeding from the veins of the thigh may be found beneficial, as a topical remedy.

2. Clystering. This useful and innocent mode of exhibiting medicine is too much neglected, and when employed is frequently done in a slo

venly and ineffectual manner; that is by means of large syringes. The best apparatus is a pewter pipe, about fourteen inches long, and an inch in bore; they may be purchased at Mr. Long's, veterinary instrument maker, Holborn, London. To this pipe a large pig's or bullock's bladder should be firmly tied. An opening clyster is made by mixing a handful or two of salt with four or five quarts of warm water: to this a little hog's lard or sweet oil should be added. Linseed tea, or thin gruel, with a little treacle or sugar, makes a good emollient clyster. And an anodyne or opiate clyster is made by dissolving from one to three or four drams of crude opium in three or four pints of warm water. This last kind of clyster is employed in locked jaw, especially when it is found impossible to give medicine by the mouth. In this case nourishment must be given also in clysters. Nourishing clysters are made of broth, milk, rich gruel, and sugar. It was observed by Gibson that when nourishing clysters are given in locked jaw, they are sucked upwards by the bowels, and absorbed into the blood. He sustained a horse a considerable time in this way.

3. Fomentations. Fomentations are commonly made by boiling wormwood, chamomile flowers, bay leaves, rue, and elder flowers or leaves in water. Hemlock and poppy heads are used for anodyne fomentations. Warm water, probably, answers as good a purpose as any thing. In painful swellings, where there is great tension of the skin, a little sallad oil may be a useful addition as a relaxant, or some fresh hog's lard. Fomentations should not be used so hot as to give pain, but should be continued for a considerable time, and frequently repeated; on this inded their efficacy greatly depends; and on this account the emollient poultice is always preferable when the situation of the inflamed part is such as will admit of its being applied; for a poultice, when properly made and applied, may be considered as a continual fomentation.

4. Poulticing. The cheapest poultice, and perhaps as good a one as any, is made by pouring boiling water on a quarter of a peck of bran, so as to make a very thin mash; some linseed powder is then to be stirred into it, and a little hog's lard. When linseed powder cannot be had, some oatmeal or flour may be substituted for it. Boiled turnips make a good poultice, and may be improved by the addition of a little linseed powder. Poultices are generally too shall, and confined, and too dry. They should be considered as a means of keeping water, mucilage, and oil constantly in contact with the inflamed part; it will then be evident that if they are not constantly moist in every part they cannot answer this purpose.

5. Blistering. Before a blister is applied, the hair must be cut off from the part as closely as possible: this may be much more easily and effectually done by means of shears than scissars. The blistering ointment is then to be well rubbed into the part with the hand; and, after this has been continued about ten minutes, some of the ointment may be smeared on the part. In blistering the legs, the tender part of the heel, under the fetlock joint, is to be avoided, and it may be better to rub a little hog's lard on it in order to

defend it from any of the blisters that may accidentally run down from the leg. When the legs are blistered, all the litter should be removed from the stall, and the horse's head should be carefully secured to prevent his rubbing the blistered parts with his nose.

6. Firing. The instrument to be used for this operation is called the firing-iron; it should have an edge as thin as a blunt adze. Before the iron is used, the hair should be cut off from the part to be operated upon as closely as possible. The instrument should never penetrate the skin, but merely the outward surface of it, or cuticle, leaving a brown mark, which, if properly done, will exude a fluid soon after the operation. If the back sinew or fetlock joint is to be operated upon, the uppermost leg is to be secured and kept straight by webbing fastened from the knee to the hind leg above the hock, and another piece of the same material passed round the pastern, and securely held by an assistant. The under leg should be secured similarly. In operating on the hind leg, it will of course be the under one, and it should be taken out of the hobble; it should be drawn out by an assistant, and held by a piece of webbing. In firing the back sinew, or pastern, of the hind leg, the leg must be drawn towards the fore leg, or shoulder, by two pieces, one passed round the pastern, and the other round the hock, both fastened to a collar placed round about the horse's neck. In sprains it may be secured in a similar manner. When the operation is over, the parts fired should be rubbed with blistering ointment; the horse may be then put into a loose box, with a cradle on his neck, and may be turned out to grass in a fortnight, if the disorder do not appear to warrant a different treatment.

7. Rowelling. Rowels are a kind of drain, and as good as setons. They are produced by an incision in the skin when it is loose, and about an inch long. The incision done, an instrument, called a cornet, which is the tip of a horn, is to be introduced, or else the finger, and the skin separated from the flesh for an inch round. A round piece of leather, with a hole in the middle, is to be introduced into the opening, first having been covered with tow and smeared with simple ointment-basilicon or hog's lard. The opening is then to be stopped up or plugged with tow, and left there until matter forms, which will be in four or five days. The rowel is then to be removed, cleaned, and replaced; which is to be done every day after, as long as it is necessary to keep the wound open for a discharge.

8. Setons. A seton is put in by passing an instrument, called a seton needle, through the skin, armed with lamp-cotton, or tape, or threads. The object is to promote a discharge of matter from any particular place, and keep up an irritation there. A seton is easier done, and altogether a more useful operation than the rowel. The lamp cotton, or tape, is to be drawn a little out every day, so as to let the new part of it be in contact with the wound.

9. Docking. Docking, when done early; that is, when the colt is a mere sucker, may be performed with any common knife, and tied up with a common string, to prevent bleeding; but,

if the operation be deferred until the horse be full grown, a docking knife is to be used. The hair is to be cut closely off the part of the tail to be cut, and the instrument's edge so placed as to come over the hollow between any of the rings or bones of the tail-a simple motion completes the operation. Some sear the tail with a hot iron after the operation; but if a strong twine be tied on the part above the incision, and before the operation, there will be nothing to warrant searing.

10. Nicking. As this operation is seldom performed, we shall not occupy any space in describing a modus operandi of fanciful cruelty.

11. Castration. The best time to castrate is when the animal is about one year old. The horse is to be thrown down upon the left side, and the right hind leg drawn to the shoulder by means of a strong piece of web passed round it in a noose. The testicle is then to be grasped by the operator in his left hand, and pressed gently, so as to render the skin upon it tense. An incision should then be made through the outer skin, and about three inches in length. Having done this, the knife is to be gently used till the vaginal sac is cut through, which will be known by the issuing of water from it. One of the blades of a pair of scissors is then to be introduced, and the vaginal sac cut up as far as the external incision. The testicle will now protrude and contract, but in a little time the cord will relax, when it is to be placed in the clams, leav ing the testicles and upper portion, called the epididymis, outside them. The clams are to be made tight, so as to prevent the possibility of the slipping up of the cord after it is cut. This being done, the cord is to be cut with a nearly red-hot firing iron. This is all the searing that will be necessary, and the clams are then to be taken, when the other testicle is to be operated upon in the same manner. No dressing is necessary, and but little if any bleeding will follow. Too much searing often causes bleeding, the very thing it is meant to prevent. It is quite enough to cut off the testicles with a hot iron without further searing. When the operation is finished, the horse should be turned into a box, and in about ten days he will be well, and may be worked without danger. The swelling which occurs after is of no consequence, it will go away; however, if it be considerable, physic should be given.

12. Cropping, an operation seldom performed.

13. Nerve operation. The horse having been secured upon his side, an incision, about three inches above the most prominent part of the fetlock joint, that is the most prominent part when viewed sideways, and just within the back sinew. The incision is to be made quite through the skin to the cellular substance, and the instrument should be sharp, so that the first stroke of it may be sufficient to make the incision, and thus be the less painful to the animal as well as more creditable to the operator; however, care must be taken not to carry the incision down to the cellular substance, which will appear on opening the skin. This must then carefully be dissected away, and the nerve will appear, and immediately behind it a vein of a

bluish color. A crooked needle, armed with a small ligature, or twine, is now to be carefully passed under the nerve from within outward, and the operator must not touch the vein with the point, lest it be wounded, and so embarrass him with the blood which must consequently flow. To avoid this the needle should be a little blunt at the point. When this is done, the needle is to be removed from the twine, and, the nerve having been gently drawn out by the ligature, the cellular substance underneath it is to be cautiously dissected away, taking care not to wound in the slightest degree the nerve itself. A curved bistoury is now to be passed under the nerve, as high up as can be admitted, and at one steady, clean, and well-directed cut, it is to be divided. The bistoury must be as sharp as possible, and the cut to be drawn, and not by pressing the blade directly upwards, as the least laceration of the nerve is dangerous, as well as unnecessarily painful to the animal. The operation itself, of dividing the nerve, gives excessive and sudden pain, which causes the horse to struggle violently; this must be guarded against; but when the division is complete the pain is over. The inferior portion of the nerve, or that which remains next the hoof, is to be drawn out by forceps, and cut out to the extent of from half an inch to an inch. The skin should then be closed, and one stitch applied, which concludes the operation. No dressing or bandage is necessary, and the wound will heal in about three weeks. It will be advisable to turn the horse out to grass a little before the wound is healed, and he should be kept there for about a fortnight, or three weeks, or perhaps more.

14. Bronchotomy. In cases where suffocation is likely to ensue from the windpipe, or trachea, being obstructed, this operation becomes necessary. It is done by first making a longitudinal incision through the skin, so as to lay the trachea bare: when with sharp scissors cut out a little square portion of the cartilage, so that the animal can breathe through the opening, until the cause of suffocation is removed. The aperture is to be kept open by a pipe, or large cut at both ends. This operation has been performed for the relief of roaring, but the desired success has never followed it.

15. Esophagotomy. This operation is useful in cases where a large ball, or an apple, or accumulation of bran, &c., may occasion choking. It is done by laying bare the œsophagus, at the left side, immediately over the tumor; then cutting it, and removing the obstruction. Care must be taken to keep clear of the arteries in the

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sole, should be so pared down as to be at the distance of a quarter of an inch or more from the corresponding part of the shoe. In preparing the foot for the shoe, the loose parts only of the sole may be removed with the drawing knife; the ragged parts of the frog should be cut away, as they may serve to harbour dirt or gravel. If the toe of the frog is very hard and more prominent than the other parts, it should be pared down moderately. The heel of the shoe should have a perfectly flat and level bearing upon the junction of the bar and crust, which should be rasped to a flat surface for receiving it. The shoe should never extend beyond this part. The whole bottom of the foot, indeed, should be rasped so as to be perfectly flat and level all around, so that, when the horse stands on a plane surface, every part of the crust should bear on that surface. The shoe should be made level also on both surfaces, by the same criterion, and then it must of necessity be fitted to the foot. When this is the case, there will not be that motion in the shoe in travelling by which so many shining surfaces are often worn in it, and by which the nails are loosened, and if they are made of indifferent iron, or badly made, often broken.

2. Stabling. Loftiness is very desirable in a stable. It should never be less than twelve feet high, and the best method of ventilation is by means of a chimney or square opening in the ceiling, communicating with the open air, or it may be made in the form of a dome or cupola, which would be more ornamental. The chimney need not be open at the top so as to admit the rain, but should be roofed, and have lateral openings by means of weather-boards, as they are termed. As to the admission of air into the stable, the usual means provided for that purpose are quite sufficient; that is, by windows. The best floor for a stable, by far, is hard brick; and, next to that, limestone not less than one foot square.

3. Feeding. In the usual way of feeding and treating horses, no attention is paid to the state of the stomach when they are put to work, but frequently they are put into a chaise, or coach, or ridden off at a quick rate with their stomachs loaded with food; the consequence of this has aften been gripes, inflammation of the bowels, and even sudden death. The hay, as well as the corn, should, if possible, be divided into four portions, and each portion, both of oats and hay, should be wetted with water: this will facilitate mastication and swallowing, and likewise digestion; a horse thus fed will so quickly digest that he will always be fit for his labor. The largest portion, both of oats and hay, should be given at night; and the next in quantity to this, early in the morning; the other two portions in the forenoon and the afternoon, or about twelve and four. But this must of course depend upon the kind of work a horse is employed in, and must be regulated accordingly. Horses that have been accustomed to an unlimited allowance of hay will often eat their litter when put upon a proper diet, but this must be prevented by a muzzle.

4. Exercise. The horse was evidently desigued for exercise, and for the use of man. His

vast muscular power, and the impenetrable defence attached to his feet, were certainly not given for his own use only. If kept in a stable without exercise, his muscular power declines, his digestive organs become diseased, and so do the organs of respiration. The hoofs grow, and there is no wear; for the little that may be worn off, merely by the pressure of his own weight when standing still, is prevented by the shoes. The toe being thus elongated, the back sinews are often strained; the foot becomes hot and inflamed, its horny covering contracts; the frogs become rotten, and incapable of performing the office for which they were designed; in short, the whole body becomes diseased. Exercise then, it is evident, is essential to his health, and even his existence; and every part of his structure and economy appear to demonstrate that he was intended for the service of man. His powers, however, are limited, and so should his exertions be: but it is a fact, which must be regretted by all considerate persons, that the immoderate work in which he is often employed, so far from being salutary, or proportionate to his strength, as undoubtedly it was designed by his Creator that it should be, is injurious, and even destructive in a very considerable degree. And what greatly aggravates the mischief is, the early and premature age at which he is commonly employed.

5. Training. When a horse is brought in for training he should be fed with hay and oats, and ' if greedy of water or hay, or if he appears in clined to eat his litter, he should be limited in hay and water, and be muzzled the last thing at night. For the first week he should have walking and gentle trotting exercise for an hour or two every morning. The stable should be kept clean and cool. The second week his exercise may be increased a little, and so may his oats. Should he appear, however, rather dull, the membrane of his eyes rather red or yellow on lifting the eye lid, and the dung hard in small knobs and shining or slimy, it will be advisable to bleed moderately and give a mild dose of physic, for which he should be prepared by giving two or three bran mashes a day, for two days. The fourth week he may be worked moderately, and, if wanted for hunting, he should be put into a canter or hand-gallop once a day; and after this it will be necessary to increase his pace twice or three times a week, so as to make him sweat freely; taking care that he is walked for some time afterward, that he may become rather cool before he returns to the stable, when he must be well dressed, fed, and watered, have a good bed placed under him, and be left to his repose. When a horse has been brought up from rich pasture he is generally loaded with fat, and requires a great deal of walking exercise and careful feeding. He may be trotted gently, however, after the second week, but will not be for a quicker pace for a month at least. During this time he should have two or three doses of mild physic, and when first taken up such horses generally require to be bled.

The art of training this high mettled creature, and rendering him subservient to the use of man, was once in such repute that πоdaμaç, or

horse breaker, was thought to be a title worthy of kings and heroes, and so unaccountable was the appearance of the first men who were seen on horseback in the isles of the Gentiles, or the posterity of Javan, that some imagined the body of the horse and his rider to be mutually incorporated. But in such admiration was this art sometimes held, that the elder poets and bards seem inclined to ascribe its discovery to a superhuman agency; and with these sentiments Eschylus introduces Promethus boasting that among useful inventions he had taught mortals to render horses obedient to the yoke, and to become a sort of vicarious successors to man in his labors, as well as an ornament to the splendor of riches.

κάζευξα πρῶτος εν ζυγοίσι κνώδαλα ζευγλαισι δουλευοντα, σευμασιν θ' όπως θνητοῖς μεγιστων διαδοχοι μοχθημάτων γενοινθ', υφ ἅρματ' ηγαγον φιληνιους ίππους, αγαλλια τῆς ὑπερπλουτον χλιδῆς: 6. Soiling, feeding a horse with cut herbage. Anatomical structure of the foot. The hoof is a secretion from the living part of the foot, not wholly from the coronet, but from the living sut face which it covers, named by Mr. Coleman the laminated substance of the foot; and, by others, the elastic processes or membranes of the foot. As the quantity of horn necessary for the defence of the sensible foot is considerable, a large quantity of blood is distributed to it for the purpose, and is supplied by two large arteries which pass down on each side of the pastern; these give off considerable branches to the frog, cartilages, and coronary ring; but the trunk of the artery enters in at the posterior and inferior part of the coffin bone, and divides into eight branches within the bone, which pass out at the circumference, or angle of the toe, and give off innumerable branches about the inferior part of the laminated substance, especially about the toe. The lateral cartilages are two elastic bodies attached to the coffin bone, at its upper part, and proceeding backward, like expanded wings, terminate at the extremity of the heel; they assist in expanding the heels and quarters. The navicular, or nut bone, is placed behind the coffin bone, and is attached to it as well as to the small pastern bone, and affords a synovial or slippery surface for the flexor tendon to move upon. This part with the coffin bone forms the coffin joint.

The small pastern articulates with the coffin bone and the nut bone below, and with the great pastern above: these are all the bones comprehended in a description of the foot. The coffin bone, however, is the only one which deserves particular notice, and that on account of the peculiarity of its structure. It is completely cellular throughout, and has more blood within it than any one bone in the body, though not far from being the smallest of the whole. The great flexor tendon is inserted into the bottom of the coffin bone, and the extensor tendon on its front and upper part. Thus the sensible foot is composed of the pastern, the navicula, and the coffin bone; the lateral cartilages, the sensible frog and sole, and the laminated substance; at the

upper part of which there is a kind of cartilaginous ring which has been named by Mr. Coleman the coronary ligament, and by Mr. Bracey Clark the coronary frog band. This coronary ring, instead of terminating at the heels, is continued into the frog, and from this connexion and its situation over the lateral cartilages, it must be subject to the same motion which these parts have. When the frog then is exposed to that pressure for which it was evidently designed, it expands and contracts, and in so doing communicates a similar motion to the cartilages, the coronary ring, and the heels and quarters of the hoof.

VEVAY, a post township of the United States, and capital of Switzerland county, Indiana, on the Ohio, eight miles above the mouth of the Kentucky, and distant from Cincinnati, Louisville, and Lexington, about forty-five miles. Just below this place are the celebrated Swiss vineyards, where the culture of the vine has been introduced with good success. The settlement, called New Switzerland, was commenced in 1805, by some emigrants from Pays de Vaud. The country at the back of Vevay is hilly, but fertile. VEX, v. a. & v. n. Lat. vero. To plague; VEXATION, n. s. torment; harass: to fret; VEXATIOUS, adj. be uneasy: vexation is the VEXA TIOUSLY, adv. act of troubling, or state of being vexed: the adjective and adverb correspond. When she pressed him daily, so that his soul was vered unto death, he told her all his heart.

Do you think

Judges xvi. 16. The king will suffer but the little finger Of this man to be vexed? Shakspeare. Henry VIII. Your children were vexation to your youth; But mine shall be a comfort to your age. Shakspeare. Albeit, the party grieved thereby may have some reason to complain of an untrue charge, yet may he not well call it an unjust vexation.

Ulysses gave good care, and fed And drunke his wine, and vert and ravished His food for mere vexation.



He leads a vexatious life, who in his noblest actions is so gored with scruples, that he dares not make a step Digby. without the authority of another. Passions too violent, instead of heightening our pleasures, afford us nothing but vexation and pain. Temple. Still may the dog the wandering troops constrain Of airy ghosts, and ver the guilty train!


Consider him maintaining his usurped title by continual vexatious wars against the kings of Judah.

Vexatious thought still found my flying mind, Nor bound by limits, nor to place confined; Haunted my nights, and terrified my days.



Ranged on the banks, beneath our equal oars, White curl the waves, and the vexed ocean roars. Pope. VEXILLARII, in antiquity, signals.



VEXILLUM, in botany. The upper petal of a pea bloom, or butter-fly shaped flower, which is generally larger than any of the others.

VEZZANA, a small town of the Austrian states in the south of Tyrol, near Trent.

UFFCULME, or UFFCOLUMB, a market-town in Bampton hundred, on the river Columb, Devonshire, three miles north-east of Collumpton, and 160 from London. Market on Monday and Wednesday. Fairs, Wednesday before Good Friday, July 6th, and August 12th. UGʻLY, adj. UG'LINESS, n. s. VOL. XXII.-PART 2.

Sax. oga, terror, fear; Goth. uggia. Originally written

ougly. Offensive to the sight; deformed; loathsome; hateful: the noun substantive corresponds. All that else seemed fair and fresh in sight, Was turned now to dreadful ugliness. Spenser. O, I have passed a miserable night, So full of ugly sights of ghastly dreams. Shakspeare. Was this the cottage, and the safe abode Thou told'st me of? What grim aspects are these, These ugly-headed monsters? She takes her topicks from the advantages of old age and ugliness. Dryden. VIACHA, a settlement of Peru, in the province of Pacages.


VIADANA, a small town of Austrian Italy, twenty miles S. S. W. of Mantua. VIADRUS, an ancient name of the Oder. See SUEVUS.

VI'AL, n. s. & v. a. to enclose in a vial.

Gr. pian. A small bottle

And this distilled liquor drink thou off.
Take thou this vial, being then in bed,

Shakspeare. Another lamp burnt in an old marble sepulchre belonging to some of the antient Romans inclosed in a glass vial.


This she with precious vialled liquors heals; For which the shepherds, at the festivals, Milton.

Carol her goodness loud in rustick lays.

Chemical waters, that are each transparent, when separate, ferment into a thick troubled liquor, when mixed in the same vial.


VIAL DUCLAIRBOIS (Honore Sebastien), late director of the school of naval engineers, and chief of the maritime artillery at Brest, was a native of Paris, and, after having been a lieutenant in the navy, in 1754 entered the army, and served till 1777, when he resumed his former profession. The talents which he displayed in the construction of vessels procured him in 1793 the post of engineer constructor-in-chief. He had some other appointments previously to that of director of the school of engineers at Brest, which he held from 1801 till 1810, when his great age and infirm health obliged him to retire from the service. He died in 1816, aged eighty-three. He published Essai Géométrique et Pratique sur l'Architecture Navale, Brest, 1776, 2 tom. 8vo.; Traité Elémentaire de la Construction des Vaisseaux, Paris, 1787-1805, 2 vols. 4to.; and a translation of an English work on ShipBuilding. He was also a principal contributor to the Encyclopédie Méthodique.

VIANA, a town of Portugal, province of Entre Douro e Minho, on the north side of the river Lima, not far from its mouth, contains 8000 inhabitants, whose chief employments are navigation, fishing, and the sale of wine. They carry on also Forty-two some trade in corn, oil, and fruit. miles north of Oporto.

VI'AND, n. s. Fr. viande; Ital. vianda. Food; meat dressed.

The belly only like a gulf remained,

I' th' midst of the body idle and unactive, Still cupboarding the viand.

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