صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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VILE, adj. VILED, adj. VILE'LY, adv. VILE'NESS, n.s. VIL'IFY, v. a. ponding to vilify is to debase; degrade; defame. Our case were miserable, if that wherewith we most endeavour to please God were in his sight so vile and despicable as men's disdainful speech would make it.





I disdaining scorned, and craved death,
Rather than I would be so vile esteemed.
The Volscians vilely yielded the town.
He granted life to all except one, who had used viled
speeches against king Edward.

Tomalin could not abide

To hear his sovereign vilified.

That sinful creature man elected is,


And in our place the heavens possess he must;
Vile man, begot of clay, and born of dust.


Reflect on the essential vileness of matter, and its impotence to conserve its own being.

Restored by thee, vile as I am, to place Of new acceptance.



Considering the vileness of the clay, I wondered that no tribune of that age durst ever venture to ask the potter, What dost thou make? How can I


Forget my Hector, treated with dishonour,
Deprived of funeral rites, and vilely dragged,
A bloody corse, about the walls of Troy. A. Philips.
The displeasure of their friend those may expect who
would put in practice all methods to vilify his person.


UILKENS (James Albert), divine and naturalist, was born at Wierum, near Groningen, in 1772, and was passed through his academical studies at Groningen with reputation. In 1795 he took the degree of M. D. On proceeding doctor in philosophy, he supported an ingenious thesis On the Nature of the Atmosphere; and afterwards produced an Elementary Treatise on Physics, for which he obtained the prize offered by a learned society. This work became very popular. His Discourse on the Perfections of the Creator considered in the Crea

ture, 4 vols. 8vo., is another valuable piece, as also are his Memoir on the Utility of Insects.; and his Manual of Technology. In 1815 he was chosen to the newly established chair of Rural Economy at Groningen, and in 1819 published a treatise on that subject. He died in 1825, having written several other works.

VILL, n. s. Fr. ville; Lat. villa. A village; a small collection of houses. Little in use. This book gives an account of the manureable lands in every manor, town, or vill.


VILLA, n. s. Lat. villa. A country seat.
The antient Romans lay the foundations of their
villas and palaces within the borders of the sea. Addison.


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VILLA FRANCA, an old town on the southern coast of the island of St. Michael, one of the Azores. It is founded on lava, and partly destroyed by earthquakes; prior to which it was the principal town of the Azores. It now contains only 2000 inhabitants; and the commerce has been transferred to Ponte del Jada.

VILLA FRANCA, a town of Italy, in Piedmont, the resort of consumptive invalids. It has a spacious and secure harbour, and a dock for the royal Populagalleys. Its trade, however, is limited. tion 2200. Two miles east of Nice.

VILLA FRANCA, another town of Piedmont, contains nearly 7000 inhabitants, and is situated in a fertile plain on the banks of the Po. Twenty miles south by west of Turin.

VILLA REAL, a town of Spain, in Valencia, on the Mijares, near the Mediterranean. It has 7000 inhabitants, who manufacture woollens and silks. The vicinity is favorable to the culture of the vine Thirty-five miles north by and mulberry tree. east of Valencia, and twenty east of Segorbe.

VILLA RICA, a town of Brasil, the capital of the province of Minas Geraes, is situated on the side of a large mountain. Most of the streets range in steps, as it were, from the base to the summit, and are crossed by others which lead up the acclivity. The town is divided into two parishes, and contains about 20,000 inhabitants, white and black. The climate is delightful. The greatest heats prevail in January: thunder storms are common, but by no means violent, and the sun is sometimes clouded by dews and mist, so dense as not to subside until the forenoon is far advanced. As there is scarcely a piece of level ground, even ten yards square, on the whole side of the mountain, the defect has been remedied by cutting spaces one above another at regular distances, and supporting them by low walls, the top of one being on a level with the base of that next above it. An easy flight of are covered with a profusion of the most delicate steps leads from one to the other. These terraces flowers. The market of Villa Rica was, according to Mr. Mawe, but ill provided; pulse and vegetables for the table were scarce: even grass was an article in great demand, and milk was as dear as in London. Poultry sold at from 3s. 6d. to 4s. 6d. means good, might be had at 14d. per pound. Pork per couple. Beef of a tolerable kind, but by no was very fine. Tallow was exceedingly dear; but English manufactures were in abundance. It owes its origin to the rage for discovering gold mines; and at present is much declined from its former consequence.

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VIL'LAIN, n. s. Fr. vilain; low Lat. vilVILLANAGE, lanus. One who held by a VILLANIZE, V. a. base tenure: hence, in VILLANOUS, adj. modern times, a low man VILLANOUSLY, adv. | from whatever cause; VILLANY, n. s. wicked wretch: villanage, the state or tenure of a villain; servitude; baseness; infamy: villanize, to debase; degrade; defame: villanous, base; vile; sorry; wicked: the adverb following corresponds: villany is wickedness; baseness; a wicked action.

We were prevented by a dozen armed knights, or rather villains, who, using this time of their extreme feebleness, all together set upon them.



They exercise most bitter tyranny Upon the parts brought into their bondage: No wretchedness is like to sinful villanage. O villain! villain! his very opinion in the letter. Abhorred villain! unnatural, detested, brutish villain! Shakspeare.

We shall lose our time,

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Calm thinking villains, whom no faith could fix; Of crooked counsels and dark politicks.

Pope. VILLAIN, or VILLEIN, in our ancient customs, denotes a man of servile or base condition, viz. a bond-man or servant.

VILLALPANDUS (John Baptist), Jesuit, who died in 1608. He wrote a comment on Ezekiel, 3 vols. folio, 1596, and an Exposition of St. Paul's Epistles.

VILLARET (Claude), born at Paris 1715. He was first an actor, then became an author. He continued Velley's History of France, and wrote a treatise on Acting, and a tract On the Mind of Voltaire. He died in 1766.

VILLARS (Lewis Hector), peer and marshal of France, and grandee of Spain, was born at Moulins in 1653. After distinguishing himself on various occasions in the army, he was made marshalde-camp in 1690, and was sent against Marlborough, but was defeated at Malplaquet, and dangerously wounded. He was appointed plenipotentiary for concluding a peace at Rastadt in 1714.

In 1733 he was sent into Italy, where he took Pisighitone, and died at Turin 1734.

VILLENAGE, in law. The folk-land, or estates held in villenage, was a species of tenure not strictly feudal, Norman, or Saxon; but mixed and compounded of them all; and which also, on account of the heriots that usually attend it, may seem to have somewhat Danish in its composition. Under the Saxon government there were, as Sir William Temple speaks, a sort of people in a condition of downright servitude, used and employed in the most servile works, and belonging, both they, their children, and effects, to the lord of the soil, like the rest of the cattle or stock upon it.

These seem to have been those who held what was

called the folk-land, from which they were removeable at the lord's pleasure. On the arrival of the Normans here, it seems not improbable, that they, who were strangers to any other than a feudal state, might give some sparks of enfranchisement to such wretched persons as fell to their share, by admitting them, as well as others, to the oath of fealty; which conferred a right of protection, and raised the tenant to a kind of estate superior to downright slavery, but inferior to every other condition. This they called villenage, and the tenants villeins. These villeins, belonging principally to the lords of manors, were either villeins regardant, that is, annexed to the manor or land; or else they were in gross, or at large, that is, annexed to the person of the lord, and transferable by deed from one owner to another. They could not leave their lord without his permission; but if they ran away, or were purloined from him, might be claimed and recovered by action, like beasts or other chattels. They held indeed small portions of land by way of sustaining themselves and families; but it was at the mere will of the lord, who might dispossess them whenever he pleased; and it was upon villein services, that is to carry out dung, to hedge and ditch the lord's demesnes, and any other the meanest offices: and their services were not only base but uncertain both as to their time and quantity. A villein could acquire no property, either in lands or goods; if he purchased either, the lord might seize them to his own use; unless he contrived to dispose of them again before the lord had seized them. In many places also a fine was payable to the lord, if the villein presumed to marry his daughter to any one without leave from the lord, and, by the common law, the lord might also bring an action against the husband for damages for thus purloining his property. For the children of villeins were also in the same state of bondage with their parents; whence they were called in Latin nativi, which gave rise to the female appellation of a villein, who was called a neife. In case of a marriage between a freeman and a neife, or a villein and a free woman, the issue followed the condition of the father, being free if he was free, and villein if he was villein; contrary to the maxim of the civil law, that partus sequitur ventrem. But no bastard could be born a villein, because by another maxim of our law he is nullius filius; and as he can gain nothing by inheritance, it were hard that he should lose his natural freedom by it. The law, however, protected the persons of villeins against atrocious injuries of the lord: for he might not kill or maim his villein; though he might beat him with impunity. Villeins might be enfranchised by manumission. In process of time they gained

considerable ground on their lords; and in particular strengthened the tenure of their estates to that degree that they came to have in them an interest in many places full as good, in others better than their lords. For the good-nature and benevolence of many lords of manors having, time out of mind, permitted their villeins and their children to enjoy their possessions without interruption, in a regular course of descent, the common law, of which custom is the life, now gave them title to prescribe against their lords; and, on performance of the same services, to hold their lands, in spite of any determination of the lord's will. For though in general they are still said to hold their estates at the will of the lord, yet it is such a will as is agreeable to the custom of the manor; which customs are preserved and evidenced by the rolls of the several courts baron in which they are entered, or kept on foot by the constant immemorial usage of the several manors in which the lands lie. And as such tenants had nothing to show for their estates but these customs, and admissions in pursuance of them entered on these rolls, or the copies of such entries witnessed by the steward, they now began to be called tenants by copy of court roll, and their tenure itself a copyhold.

VILLENAGE, PRIVILEGED, a species of tenure otherwise called villein soccage. See TENURE. Ancient demesne consists of those lands or manors which, though now perhaps granted out to private subjects, were actually in the hands of the crown in the time of Edward the Confessor or William the Conqueror, and so appear to have been, by the great survey in the exchequer, called doomsday book. The tenants of these lands, under the crown, were not all of the same order or degree. Some of them, as Britton testifies, continued for a long time pure and absolute villeins, dependent on the will of the lord; and common copyholders in only a few points. Others were in a great measure enfranchised by the royal favor; being only bound in respect of their lands to perform some of the better sort of villein services; but those determinate and certain; as, to plough the king's land for so many days, to supply his court with such a quantity of provisions, and the like; all of which are now changed into pecuniary rents; and in consideration hereof they had many immunities and privileges granted to them; as, to try the right of their property in a peculiar court of their own, called a court of ancient demesne, by a peculiar process denominated a writ of right close; not to pay toll or taxes; not to contribute to the expenses of knights of the shire; not to be put on juries, and the like. These tenants, therefore, though their tenure be absolutely copyhold, yet have an interest equivalent to a freehold for though their services were of a base and villeinous original, yet the tenants were esteemed in all other respects to be highly privileged villeins; and especially for that their services were fixed and determinate, and that they could not be compelled (like pure villeins) to relinquish those tenements at the lord's will, or to hold them against their own: et ideo (says Bracton) dicuntur liberi. Lands holding by this tenure are therefore a species of copyhold, and as such preserved and exempted from the operation of the statute of Charles II. Yet they differ from common copyholds, principally in the privileges before mentioned: as also they differ from freeholders by one especial mark and tincture of

villenage, noted by Bracton, and remaining to this day, viz. that they cannot be conveyed from man to man by the general common law conveyances of feoffment, and the rest; but must pass by surrender to the lord or his steward, in the manner of common copyholds; yet with this difference, that, in the surrenders of these lands in ancient demesne, it is not used to say, 'to hold at the will of their lord,' in their copies; but only, 'to hold according to the custom of the manor.'

VILLENEUVE (Gabrielle Susannah Barbot, De), novel writer, was the widow of a French lieutenantcolonel. Her novels are numerous. She died in 1755. VILLERS (Charles François Dominique de), a modern French writer, was a native of Belchen in Lorraine, where he was born 1764. In the earlier part of his life he served as a lieutenant of artillery, but on the breaking out of the revolution emigrated, and joined the Royalist force under the prince de Condé. After this he retired to Lubec, and devoted himself to literary pursuits. Villers obtained the prize given by the institute for an Essay on the Influence of the Reformation; and was at length invited to fill the professor's chair in philosophy at Gottingen. This situation, when the French influence predominated, he was compelled to resign, but received a pension. During the occupation of Hanover by the troops of that nation, under Davoust, the excesses committed by the soldiery induced him to address a letter to Fanny Beauharnois, with the hope of procuring, through her interest, some mitigation of these evils; but the only effect was to draw on its author the personal hatred of the French commander. He also addressed to the Institute two reports on the state of ancient literature, and on the history of Germany. The Swedish government made him a chevalier of the order of the polar star. Villers died in the spring of 1815.

VILLIERS (George), duke of Buckingham, was born at Brookesby, 1592. He became a very great favorite of James I., who advanced him to his dignity of duke, and made him a knight of the garter, lord high admiral, and master of the horse, and gave him the disposal of all places in church and state. He retained the same place in the favor of Charles I., but the people detested him. He took the command of an expedition for the relief of Rochelle, instead of which he made a descent on the Isle of Rhé, and lost the greater part of his troops. A new expedition was planned, but he was stabbed by a lieutenant Fellon, when at Portsmouth ready to embark, 23d of August 1628.

VILLIERS (George), duke of Buckingham, son of the preceding, was born in 1627. He was educated at Cambridge, and, on the breaking out of the civil wars, served the king with great zeal, till the ruin of the royal cause, when he went abroad. He afterwards accompanied Charles II. to Scotland, and was with him at the battle of Worcester, when he had the good fortune to escape. By marrying the daughter of lord Fairfax, he recovered a principal part of his estate before the Restoration, when he was made a lord of the bed-chamber, member of the privy-council, and master of the horse. But, entering into a conspiracy against the king, he lost his places. He afterwards recovered the royal favor, and was sent ambassador to France. died in 1688. He wrote the celebrated comedy of the Rehearsal, and some poems. His morals were very dissipated.


VIL'LOUS, adj. Lat. villosus. Shaggy; rough; cennes, a favorite resort of the Parisians. Populafurry.

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VINCA, in botany, a genus of the monogynia order, and pentandria class of plants; natural order thirtieth, contorta: COR. twisted; there are two erect follicles: SEEDS naked. There are five species; only two of which are natives of Britain. 1. V. major, great periwinkle. It has a woody, erect stem; leaves broader and sharper pointed; pedicles of the flowers straight, and calyx as long as the tube; otherwise like the next. 2. V. minor, small periwinkle, has a woody, creeping, slender, crooked stem; leaves long, oval, entire, pointed, opposite, glossy. Flowers single, on long curved pedicles from the alæ of the leaves, which are large and blue.

VINCE (Rev. Samuel), A. M., F. R. S., late Plumian professor of astronomy and experimental philosophy at Cambridge, was of humble Suffolk parentage; but the munificence of Mr. Tilney, of Harleston, enabling him to enter himself of Caius College in 1775, he distinguished himself by gaining one of Smith's mathematical prizes, and became the senior wrangler of his year. In 1796, then a fellow of Sidney Sussex College, he was elected to the professorship, which he afterwards filled in so distinguished a manner, and which he held till his death in 1821. His works are a treatise on the Elements of Conic Sections, 8vo. 1781; another on Practical Astronomy, 4to., 1790; Plan of a Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy, 8vo., 1793; The Principles of Fluxions, 2 vols., 8vo., 1795; The Principles of Hydrostatics, 8vo., 1796, 1800; A Complete System of Astronomy, 2 vols., 4to., 1797-1799: 3 vols., 4to., with additions, 1814; A Vindication of Christianity against the objections of Hume, in two discourses, preached before the University, 1798–1809; A Treatise on Trigonometry, the nature and use of Logarithms, &c., 8vo., 1800; A Confutation of Atheism, from the Laws of the Heavenly Bodies, 8vo., 1806; and On the Hypotheses accounting for Gravitation from Mechanical Principles, 8vo., 1806. He was, at the time of his decease, rector of Kirkby Bedon, vicar of South Creak (both in Norfolk), and archdeacon of Bedford.

VINCENNES, a town and castle of France, near the confluence of the Seine and Marne, about three miles east of Paris. The castle was built in a remote age, as a country residence of the royal family. It continued a palace during three centuries; but, since Louis XIV. removed the court of Versailles, has been used as a state prison. It is surrounded by a deep ditch, and has nine towers, of great height and solidity. The largest, called the dungeon, is surrounded by a separate ditch of forty feet in depth. It was here that the unfortunate duke d'Enghien was murdered on 21st March 1804. Adjoining to the castle is a fine park, and a forest called the Bois de Vin

tion 1800.

VINCENNES, a post town of the United States, and capital of Knox county, Indiana, on the east bank of the Wabash, 100 miles from its junction with the Ohio, in a direct line, and nearly 200 miles by the course of the river.

VINCENT (Thomas), a divine who continued to preach regularly during the plague. He died in 1671. He wrote God's Terrible Voice in the City by Plague and Fire, an Explanation of the Catechism, and other religious books.

VINCENT (Nathaniel), a non-conformist, wrote the Conversion of a Sinner, and the Day of Grace, 8vo.; several sermons and other pious books. Ile died in 1697.

VINCENT (William), D. D., master of Westminster School, was born in London in 1739. He was educated at Westminster, and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he obtained a fellowship. In 1762 he became an usher, and nine years after succeeded to the office of second master, at Westminster. He now took the degree of D. D., and was appointed chaplain in ordinary to the king. In 1778 he became vicar of Longdon, in Worcestershire; but soon after resigned his benefice for the rectory of Allhallows, Thames Street, in London. In 1788 he became head master at Westminster, where he continued to preside till 1801, when he was made a prebend; and two years after he succeeded to the deanery of Westminster, on the promotion of Dr. Horsley to the see of St. Asaph. As an author dean Vincent is principally known on account of his commentary on Arrian's Voyage of Nearchus; and his Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, republished together under the title of The Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients in the Indian Ocean, 1807, 2 vols., 4to. The Voyage of Nearchus was translated into French by Billecocq, Paris, 1800. Dr. Vincent died in December 1815. He published also The Conjugation of the Greek Verb, and the Greek Verb Analysed; A Defence of Public Education; and a Charity Sermon. A volume of his Discourses, with his life, was published posthumously.

VINCENT (St.), an island of the West Indies, is twenty-three miles long, and eighteen broad, containing 84,000 acres, of which nearly one half consist of mountains incapable of improvement. The island is sufficiently watered by twenty small rivers, turning sugar mills. It is divided into five parishes, with one town, named Kingston, on the south-west, and three insignificant villages. The population in 1787 was 1450 whites and 11,853 negroes. In the same year the exports of the island sold for £186,450 in England. They were composed of coffee 634 cwt., cotton 761,880 lbs., sugar 65,000 cwt., rum 88,000 galls., and cocoa 143 cwt. The peace establishment of the island is a regiment of regular infantry, and a company of artillery, besides a Negro corps, raised in the island, and a militia of two regiments, serving without pay. The governor's salary is £2000.

VINCENT, CAPE ST., the south-west point of Portugal, noted for the naval victory gained off it on 14th February 1797, by Sir John Jervis. Long. 8° 58′ 39′′ W., lat. 37° 2′ 54′′ N.

VINCENT (St.), BAY, a bay on the north coast of Terra del Fuego, a little to the east of cape St. Vincent.

VINCENTIUS, one of the Christian Fathers,

A. D. 434. His works are best edited by Baluzius, Paris, 1699.

VINCI (Leonard), Da, was born in the castle of Vinci near Florence in 1445. Verochio was his master, whom he soon excelled, as he did all the painters of his time. At Milan he founded his celebrated school of painting. He was also an excellent architect, and constructed the famous aqueduct which supplies Milan with water. From that place he went to Florence, where he labored with Michael Angelo, in ornamenting the grand council chamber. At the invitation of Francis I. he visited the French court, where he died in the arms of that monarch, in 1520. He composed a great number of discourses on curious subjects; but none of them have been published but his Treatise on the Art of Painting. VINCIBLE, adj. Lat. vinco. Conquerable; superable.

He, not vincible in spirit, and well assured that shortness of provision would in a short time draw the seditious to shorter limits, drew his sword. Hayward.

VINCULUM, in algebra, a character in form of a line, or stroke drawn over a factor, divisor, or dividend, when compounded of several letters or quantities, to connect them, and shows that they are to be multiplied or divided, &c., together by the other term. Thus d x a+b-c shows that dis to be multiplied into a +b-c.

VINDALIUS, a writer in the age of Augustus, who wrote ten books on agriculture.

VINDELICI, an ancient people of Germany, between the head of the Rhine and the Danube; Vindelicia, their country, forms now part of Suabia, and Bavaria, and Augsburg was their chief town, Augusta Vindelicorum. VINDE MIATE, v. n. gather the vintage.

Lat. vindemia. Το

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VIN'DICATE, v. a.) Lat. vindico. To justify; VINDICATION, n. s. support; maintain; clear; VINDICATIVE, adj. protect from censure; VIN'DICATOR, N. s. avenge vindication, vinVINDICATORY, adj. I dicative, vindicator, and VINDICTIVE. J vindicatory, follow all these senses: vindictive means given to revenge; malicious; and is only used in this sense.

He, in heat of action,

Is more vindicative than jealous love.


Public revenges are for the most part fortunate; but in private revenges it is not so. Vindicative persons live the life of witches, who, as they are mischievous, so end they unfortunate.


The afflictions of Job were no vindicatory punishments to take vengeance of his sins, but probatory chastisements to make trial of his graces.

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The vine-prop elm, the poplar never dry. Spenser.
Let us not live in France; let us quit all,
And give our vineyards to a barbarous people. Shaksp.
The vintner may draw what religion he pleases.

The best wines are in the driest vintages. Bacon.
Our first success in war makes Bacchus crown,
And half the vintage of the year our own.
The motion of the oily drops may be in part due to
some partial solution made by the vinous spirit. Boyle.
Water will imbibe

The small remains of spirit, and acquire
A vinous flavour.


Depending vines the shelving cavern screen,
With purple clusters blushing through the green.


The vintner, by mixing poison with his wines, destroys more lives than any malignant disease. Swift. VINE, in botany. See VITIS.

VINEGAR, n. s. Fr. vinaigre. Wine, or vinous liquor, grown sour; any thing acid or acrid, literally or metaphorically.

Some laugh like parrots at a bag-piper,
And others of such vinegar aspect
That they'll not shew their teeth in way of smile.

the hot sun; and therefore vinegar will not burn, much
Vinegar is made by setting the vessels of wine against
of the finer parts being exhaled.


Heaven's blest beam turns vinegar more sour. Pope. VINEGAR, acetum, an agreeable acid and penetrating liquor, prepared from wine, cyder, beer, and other liquors; of considerable use, both as a medicine and a sauce. The word is French, vinaigre; formed from vin, 'wine;' and aigre, 'sour'. See ACETUM, and CHEMISTRY. Wine and other vinous liquors are changed into vinegar by the acetous fermentation, which is nothing more than the acidification or oxygenation of wine, produced in the open air by means of the absorption of oxygen. Vinegar is composed of hydrogen and carbon united together in proportions not yet ascertained, and changed into the acid state by oxygen. As vinegar is an acid, we might conclude from analogy that it contains oxygen; but this is put beyond doubt by direct experiments. In the first place, we cannot change wine into vinegar without the contact of air containing oxygen; secondly, this process is accompanied by a diminution of the air in which it is carried on from the absorption of its oxygen; and, thirdly, wine may be changed into vinegar by any other means of oxydation. Independent of the proofs which these facts furnish of the acetous acid being produced by the oxygenation of wine, an exDistinguish betwixt a passion purely vindicative, and periment made by Chaptal gives a distinct view of


The fruits of adusted choler, and the evaporations of

a vidicative spirit.

I may assert eternal providence,
And vindicate the ways of God to man.



The more numerous the offenders are, the more his justice is concerned to vindicate the affront. Tillotson. Suits are not reparative, but vindictive, when they are commenced against insolvent persons. Kettlewell.

Augustus was of a nature too vindictive to have contented himself with so small a revenge.

Assemble ours, and all the Theban race,

To vindicate on Athens thy disgrace.



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