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النشر الإلكتروني
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The most learned interpreters understood the words of sin, and not of Abel.


He hopes you will your foreign taste command, To bear for once with what you understand. Addison. The present physician is a very understanding man.


UNDERVALUE, v. a. & n. s. Under and
value. To rate

Slow or lightly;

treat as of little worth little worth; low price: one who so rates things or persons: undervaluation is a rate not equal to worth.

Her name is Portia, nothing undervalued To Cato's daughter.

Shakspeare. There is often failing by an undervaluation; for in divers children their ingenerate powers are of slow disclosure. Wotton.

An undervaluer of money was Sir Henry Wotton. Walton. I write not this with the least intention to undervalue the other parts of poetry Dryden. Schooling Luther, an undervaluing term, would make one think that Erasmus had a mean opinion of him. Atterbury. UN'DERWOOD, n. s. Under and wood. The low trees that grow among the timber. When you fell underwood, sow haws and sloes.


Mortimer. Under and work. Subor

dinate business; petty affairs: to work at a low price or by scanty means: an inferior or subordinate workman.

Nor would they hire under-workmen to employ their

UN'DERSTRAPPER, n. s. Under and strap. parts and learning to disarm their mother of all.

A petty fellow; an inferior agent.

Every understrapper perked up, and expected a regiment, or his son must be a major.

Swift. UNDERTAKE', v. a. & v. n. Under and UNDERTAKER, n. s. take. Pret. unUNDERTAKING. dertook; part. pass. undertaken. To attempt; engage in or with; assume; have the charge of; venture; hazard; promise the noun substantives both correspond: an undertaker is also used particularly for one who engages to build, or to conduct a funeral.

O Lord, I am oppressed, undertake for me.
Isaiah xxxviii. 34.

The task he undertakes

Is numbering sands, and drinking oceans dry. Shak.
His name and credit shall you undertake,
And in my house you shall be friendly lodged.


To the waterside I must conduct your grace, Then give my charge up to Sir Nicholas Vaux, Who undertakes you to your end. Id. Henry VIII. Mighty men they are called; which sheweth a s'rength surpassing others and men of renown, that is, of great undertaking and adventurous actions. Raleigh's History of the World. Antrim was naturally a great undertaker. I undertook alone to wing the abyss. If this seem too great an undertaking for the humour of our age, then such a sum of money ought to be ready for taking off all such pieces of cloth as shall be brought in. Temple.



Fiercer than cannon, and than rocks more hard, The English undertake the unequal war. Dryden. If the curious search the hills after rains, I dare un dertake they will not lose their labour.

Woodward's Natural History.

While rival undertakers hover round,
And with his spade the sexton marks the ground.


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Thou from loving England art so far, That thou hast underwrought its lawful king, To cut off the sequence of posterity.



Those that are proper for war, fill up the laborious part of life, and carry on the underwork of the nation. Addison. UNDERWRITE', v. a. Under and write. To write under something else.

What addition and change I have made, I have here Sanderson. underwritten. UNDESCRIBED, adj. Not described. They urge, that God left nothing in his word undescribed, whether it concerned the worship of God, or outward polity. Hooker. Not, merited; not obtained by merit, or default: the adverb and other derivatives cor


This victory obtained with great, and truly not undeserved, honour to the two princes, the whole estates, with one consent, gave the crown to Musidorus.


I was carried to mislike, then to hate; lastly, to destroy this son, undeserving of destruction. Id.

He which speaketh no more than edifieth is undeservedly reprehended for much speaking. Hooker.

You see how men of merit are sought after; the undeserver may sleep, when the man of action is called on. Shakspeare

It exerts itself promiscuously towards the deserving and the undeserving, if it relieves alike the idle and the indigent. Addison.

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In female sex, the more to draw his love,
And render me more equal; and perhaps,
A thing not undesirable, some time
Superior; for inferior, who is free?



O goddess-mother, give me back to fate;
Your gift was undesired, and came too late.
The baits of gifts and money to despise,
And look on wealth with undesiring eyes:
When thou canst truly call these virtues thine,
Be wise, and free, by heaven's consent and mine. Id.
UNDESTROY'ABLE, adj. Indestructible; not
susceptive of destruction. Not in use.

Common glass, once made, so far resists the violence of the fire, that most chymists think it a body more undestroyable than gold itself. Boyle. The essences of those species are preserved whole and undestroyed, whatever changes happen to any, or all of the individuals. Locke. Not settled; not decided; contingent; indeterminate: undeterminateness and un

UNDETERMINATE, adj. UNDETERMINABLE, UNDETERMINATENESS, n. s. UNDETERMINATION, UNDETERMINED, adj. determination correspond: undeterminable, impossible to be decided: undetermined, unsettled; undecided.

On either side the fight was fierce, and surely undeterminable without the death of one of the chiefs.

Extended wide
In circuit, undetermined, square or round. Milton.
It is difficult to conceive that any such thing should
be as matter, undetermined by something called form.

He is not left barely to the undetermination, incertainty and unsteadiness of the operation of his faculties, without a certain, secret, predisposition of them to what is right.

Fluid, slippery, and undeterminate it is of itself.



The idea of a free agent is undeterminateness to one part before he has made choice. Id.

UNDEVOTED, adj. Not devoted. The lords Say and Brooke, two popular men, and most undevoted to the church, positively refused to make any such protestation. Clarendon. UNDIA'PHANOUS, adj. Not pellucid; not


When the materials of glass, melted with calcined tin, have composed a mass undiaphanous and white, this white enamel is the basis of all concretes that gold. smiths employ in enamelling. Boyle on Colours. UNDIGESTED, adj. Not concocted; not subdued by the stomach.

Ambition, the disease of virtue, bred
Like surfeits from an undigested fulness,
Meets death in that which is the means of life.

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UNDINT'ED, adj. Not impressed by a blow.
I must rid all the sea of pirates: this 'greed upon,
To part with unhackt edges, and bear back
Our barge undinted. Shaksp. Antony and Cleopatra.
UNDIPPED, adj. Un and dip. Not dipped;
not plunged.

I think thee

Impenetrably good; but, like Achilles,
Thou hadst a soft Egyptian heel undipped
And that has made thee mortal.

UNDIRECT'ED, adj. Not directed.
Could atoms, which, with undirected flight,


Roamed through the void, and ranged the realms of

Of reason destitute, without inten,
In order march?


Blackmore on the Creation.

Not observed; not discovered; not descried: the adverb following corresponds: undiscernible, not to

be discovered or descried: the adverb correspond-
ing undiscerning is injudicious; not capable of

I should be guiltier than my guiltiness,
To think I should be undiscernible,
When I perceive your grace.


His long experience informed him well of the state of England; but of foreign transactions he was entirely undiscerning and ignorant. Clarendon.

Our profession, though it leadeth us into many truths undiscerned by others, yet doth disturb their communications. Browne's Vulgar Errours. Some associated particles of salt-petre, by lurking undiscernedly in the fixed nitre, had escaped the analyzing violence of the fire. Boyle.

Many secret indispositions will undiscernibly steal upon the soul, and it will require time and close application to recover it to the spiritualities of religion.


UNDISCIPLINED, adj. Not subdued to regularity and order.

in the field, in an orderly way, than skuffle with an un-
A gallant man had rather fight to great disadvantages
disciplined rabble.
King Charles.
Divided from those climes where art prevails,
Undisciplined by precepts of the wise,
Our inborn passions will not brook controul;
We follow nature.
UNDISCORD'ING, adj. Not disagreeing; not
jarring in music.

We on earth, with undiscording voice,
May rightly answer that melodious noise;
As once we did, till disproportioned sin
Jarred against nature's chime.

Milton. Not seen; not

UNDISCOVERED, adj. descried; not found


out: not to be found out.

Coming into the falling of a way, which led us into a place, of each side whereof men might easily keep themselves undiscovered, I was encompassed suddenly by a The future but a length behind the past. great troop of enemies. Sidney. Time glides with undiscovered haste; Dryden. He was to make up his accounts, and by an easy, pending distress. undiscoverable cheat, he could provide against the imRogers. UNDISCREET, adj. Not wise; imprudent. If thou be among the undiscreet, observe the time. Ecclus. xxvii.

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Though oft repulsed, again

They rally undismayed.

Philips. He aimed a blow against his undismayed adversary. Arbuthnot.

UNDISOBLIG'ING, adj. Inoffensive.

All this he would have expatiated upon, with connexions of the discourses, and the most easy, undisobliging transitions. Broome.

UNDISPERS'ED, adj. Not scattered. We have all the redolence of the perfumes we burn upon his altars; the smoke doth vanish ere it can reach the sky, and, whilst it is undispersed, it but clouds it. Boyle.

UNDISPOS'ED, adj. Not bestowed. The employments were left undisposed of, to keep alive the hopes of impatient candidates. Swift. UNDISPUTED, adj. Incontrovertible; evi


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No idea can be undistinguishable from another from which it ought to be different. Undistinguishing complaisance will vitiate the taste of

the readers.



Not perplexed

UNDISTRACTEDLY, adv. by contrariety of UNDISTRACTEDNESS, N. S. thoughts or desires: the adverb and noun substantive corresponding.

When Enoch had walked with God, he was so far from being tired with that lasting assiduity, that he admitted him to a more immediate and more undistracted communion with himself. Boyle.

St. Paul tells us that there is difference betwixt married and single persons; the affections of the latter being at liberty to devote themselves more undistractedly to



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or divided.


The best actors in the world for tragedy, pastoral, scene undividable, or poem unlimited. Shakspeare. Love is not divided between God and God's enemy: we must love God with all our heart; that is, give him a whole and undivided affection. Taylor. UNDIVULG'ED, adj. Secret; not promulLet the great gods Find out their enemies now. Tremble, thou wretch, That hast within thee undivulged crimes Unwhipped of justice. UNDO', v. a. UNDO'ING, adj. & n. s. UNDONE', adj.


Pret. undid; part. pass. undone. From do. To ruin; bring to destruc

tion; loose; unravel; reveal: undoing is ruining; destructive also the destruction or ruin incurred: undone, not done or performed; ruined.

They false and fearful do their hands undo; Brother, his brother; friend doth friend forsake. Sidney. To the utter undoing of some, many things by strictness of law may be done, which equity and honest meaning forbiddeth. Hooker.

done, the issue of it being so proper. Do you smell a fault?—I cannot wish the fault unShakspeare.

We seem ambitious God's whole work t' undo; Of nothing he made us, and we strive, too, To bring ourselves to nothing back. Where, with like haste, through several ways they


Some to undo, and some to be undone.

Were men so dull, they could not see That Lyce painted; should they flee, Like simple birds, into a net So grossly woven and ill-set;



Her own teeth would undo the knot,

And let all go that she had got.


The great and undoing mischief which befalls men, is by their being misrepresented.


Now will this woman, with a single glance, Undo what I've been labouring all this while. Addison, False lustre could dazzle my poor daughter to her Id. Guardian.


2 G

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Reform her into ease,
And put her in undress to make her please. Dryden.
Thy vineyard lies half pruned, and half undressed. Id.
UNDRIED, adj. Not dried.

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Driven down

Four pounds of undried hops, thorough ripe, will To chains of darkness, and the undying worm make one of dry. Mortimer's Husbandry.

Their titles in the field were tried :

Witness the fresh laments, and funeral tears undried.


UNDRIVEN, adj. Not impelled any way.
As wintery winds contending in the sky,
With equal force of lungs their titles try:
The doubtful rack of heaven,

Stands without motion, and the tide undriven. Dryden.
UNDROSS'Y. adj. Free from recrement.
Of heaven's undrossy gold, the gods' array
Refulgent, flashed intolerable day. Pope's Homer.
UNDU'BITABLE, adj. Not admitting doubt;

Let that principle, that all is matter, and that there is nothing else, be received for certain and undubitable, and it will be easy to be seen what consequences it will Locke. lead us into.

UNDUE', adj. Fr. indue. Not right; not UNDU'LY, adv. legal; contrary to duty: the adverb corresponding.

That proceeding being at that time taxed for rigorous and undue, in matter and manner, makes it very probable there was some greater matter against her. Bacon. Men unduly exercise their zeal against persons; not only against evil persons, but against those that are the most venerable. Sprat's Sermons. He will not prostitute his power to mean and undue ends, nor stoop to little and low arts of courting the people. Atterbury.


UNEARN'ED, adj. Not obtained by labor or

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Aspiring, factious, fierce and loud, With grace and learning unendowed. UNENGAGED, adj. Not engaged; not appropriated.

When we have sunk the only unengaged revenues left, our incumbrances must remain perpetual. Swift. UNENJOY'ED, adj. Not obtained; not pos


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UNENLIGHTENED, adj. Not illuminated. Moral virtue, natural reason, unenlightened by revelation, prescribes. Atterbury. UNENSLAVED, adj. Free; not enthralled. By thee

She sits a sov'reign, unenslaved and free. Addison. UNENTERTAINING, adj. Giving no de

light; giving no entertainment.

It was not unentertaining to observe by what degrees I ceased to be a witty writer. Pope. UNENTOMBED, adj. Unburied; uninterred. Think'st thou unentombed to cross the floods?

Dryden. UNEN'VIED, adj. Exempt from envy. The fortune which nobody sees makes a man happy and unenvied.





Lat.inæqualis. Not even or equal; inferior; partial; ill matched unequable is diverse; different from it

self: the other adjective and adverb follow the sense of unequal.


There sits deformity to mock my body; To shape my legs of an unequal size. Among unequals, what society? Dorinda came, divested of the scorn, Which the unequalled maid so long had worn.



Christ's love to God is filial and unequalable. Boyle. March and September, the two equinoxes, are the most unsettled and unequable of seasons. Bentley. No single parts unequally surprize; When we view some well-proportioned dome, All comes united to the' admiring eyes. Pope. UNEQUITABLE, adj. Not equitable; not


We foree him to stand to those measures which we think too unequitable to press upon a murderer. Decay of Piety. UNEQUIVOCAL, adj. Not equivocal. This conceit is erroneous, making putrefactive geneconceiving unequivocal effects, and univocal conformity rations correspondent unto seminal productions, and

unto the efficient.


UNER'RABLENESS, n. s. Incapacity of error. The many innovations of that church witness the danger of presuming upon the unerrableness of a guide. Decay of Piety. UNER'RING, adj. Į Latin inerrans. ComUNER'RINGLY, adv. S mitting no mistake; capable of no mistake: the adverb corresponding. The king a mortal shaft lets fly From his unerring hand.


Nor Phoebus flattered; nor his answers lied. Dryden.
Is this the' unerring power? the ghost replied;
The irresistible infirmities of our nature make a perfect
and unerring obedience impossible.


cally adapted to fall so unerringly into regular compoWhat those figures are, which should be mechanisitions, is beyond our faculties to conceive. Glanville. UNESCHEW'ABLE, adj. Inevitable; unavoidable; not to be escaped. Not in use. He gave the mayor sufficient warning to shift for safety, if an uneschewable destiny had not altered him. Carew.

UNESPIED, adj. Not seen; undiscovered; undescried.

Treachery, guile, and deceit, are things which may for a while, but do not long, go unespied. Hooker. Nearer to view his prey, and unespied To mark what of their state he more might learn. Mil. UNESSENTIAL, adj. Not being of the last importance; not constituting essence. The void profound

Of unessential night receives him next.


Tillotson was moved rather with pity than indignation, towards the persons of those who differed from him in the unessential parts of Christianity. Addison.

UNE'VEN, adj. Į Unequal in surface; not. UNE'VENNESS, n.s. level; not suitable: the noun substantive corresponding.

Some said that it was best to fight with the Turks in that uneven, mountain country, where the Turk's chief strength consisting in the multitude of his horsemen should stand him in small stead. Knolles.

The Hebrew verse consists of uneven feet. Peacham.

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