BERNARDUS CLUNIACENSIS HORA NOVISSIMA Hora novissima, tempora pessima sunt, vigilemus. Ecce minaciter imminet arbiter ille supremus. Imminet, imminet ut mala terminet, aequa coronet, Recta remuneret, anxia liberet, aethera donet, Auferat aspera duraque pondera mentis onustae Sobria muniat, improba puniat, utraque iuste. BERNARD OF CLUNY THE LATEST HOUR The latest hour hath spent its little round, The Judge approacheth threatening from heaven. He is at hand, He comes the ill to end, To crown with due reward the just and right; From every pain deliverance to send, And give to faithful hearts eternal light. The rough and harsh that fill our souls with grief ADAM DE ST. VICTORE Adam, of the School of St. Victor, in Paris, was another contemporary of Bernard of Clairvaux. He was born in Brittania, but the date of his birth is unknown, nor is it certain whether Brittania means Great Britain or Bretagne. He died between 1172 and 1192. He is said to have been the author of one hundred and six hymns. Trench puts him "foremost among the Latin poets of the Middle Ages." Other writers, like Mrs. Charles, Professor March, and Mr. Duffield dissent from this high praise. Neale, however, thinks it insufficient. The selection given here is chosen because of its theme, the symbolism of the four living creatures in Ezekiel and Revelation. ADAM DE ST. VICTORE DE SANCTIS EVANGELISTIS Circa thronum maiestatis, Astant animalia. Formae formant figurarum |