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" Strong in the Lord of Hosts, And in his mighty power; Who in the strength of Jesus trusts, Is more than conqueror. "
Hymns with Tunes for the Use of Rugby School - الصفحة 184
بواسطة Rugby School, Rugby, England - 1906 - عدد الصفحات: 364
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

A Collection of Hymns for Social Worship,: More Particularly Designed for ...

George Whitefield - 1758 - عدد الصفحات: 208
...eternal Son ; Strong in. the Lord of Hofts, And in his mighty Power, Who in the Strength of Jefus trufh Is more than Conqueror. Stand then in his great Might, With all his Strength endu'd, And take, to arm you for the Fight, The Panoply of God ; That having all Things done,. . And...

Psalms and Hymns for Public and Private Worship

1776 - عدد الصفحات: 428
...Etcrr;al Son : Strong in the LORD of hofts, And in his mighty pow'r; Who in the ftrength of JESUS trufts, Is more than conqueror. Stand, then, in his great might, With all his ftrength endu'd,' And take, to arm you for the fight, The panoply of GOD; That, having all things done,...

A Collection of Hymns for Social Worship: More Particularly Designed for the ...

George Whitefield - 1801 - عدد الصفحات: 326
...Son ; . Strong in the Lord of hofts, And in his mighty pow'r : Who in the ftrength of Jefus trufts Is more than conqueror. Stand then in his great might, With all his ftrength endu'd ; And take, to arm you for the fight, ' The panoply of God ; That having all things...

Hymns, Partly Collected and Partly Original: Designed as a Supplement to Dr ...

William Bengo Collyer - 1812 - عدد الصفحات: 984
...held in thy heart. HYMN CCCLXII. The whole Armour of God. Ephes. vi. 10—18. c. WESLEY. 1 OOLDIERS of Christ, arise ^ And put your armour on, Strong...strength of Jesus trusts, Is more than conqueror. 2 Stand then in his great might, With all your strength endu'd, But take, to arm you for the fight,...

A selection of psalms & hymns, by T. Jones

Thomas Jones (chaplain to the earl of Peterborough) - 1812 - عدد الصفحات: 486
...below, And earth exchang'd for heaven. 349. The Christian Armour . SOLDIERS of Christ, arise, And gird your armour on, Strong in the strength which God supplies...Son : Strong in the Lord of hosts, And in his mighty pow'r ; Who in the strength of Jesus trusts, Is more than conqueror. Stand, then, in his great might,...

A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the People Called Methodists

John Wesley, Charles Wesley - 1816 - عدد الصفحات: 602
...in the strength which Godsupplttt Tn rough his eternal Son; Strong in the Lord of Hosts, And in lrts mighty power, Who in the strength of Jesus trusts, Is more than conqueror. S Stand then in his great might. With all his strength endu'd; But take, to arm you for the fight....

The Methodist Pocket Hymn-book, Revised and Improved: Designed as a Constant ...

Methodist Episcopal Church - 1817 - عدد الصفحات: 606
...hurt whom God delights to save ? THE CHRISTIAN'S WARFARE. Hymn 204. SM 1 SOLDIERS of Christ, arise, O And put your armour on, Strong in the strength which...the strength of Jesus trusts, Is more than conqueror 2 Stand then in his great might, But take to arm yon for the fight, The panoply of God ; That having...

A Collection of Hymns: For the Use of the People Called Methodists

John Wesley - 1820 - عدد الصفحات: 588
...perfect lore, And scale the mount of heaven ! HYMN 266. SM FIRST PART. 1 OOLDIERS of Christ, arise, K_J And put your armour on, Strong in the strength which...strength of Jesus trusts, Is more than conqueror. 2 Stand then in his great might, With all his strength cndu'd ; But take, to arm you for the ftgUt...

Psalms and Hymns: Selected and Arranged for the Use of All-Saints' Church ...

Charles Burton - 1820 - عدد الصفحات: 490
...Self-righteousness, and pride. How often do they steal. >* ' Jftpmn. / M warfare. — Armour of God. wv. ERS of CHRIST, arise, And put your armour on, Strong in...SON. Strong in the LORD of Hosts, And in His mighty pow'r, Who in the strength of JESUS trusts, Is more than conqueror. Stand then in His great might,...

The Providence Selection of Hymns: Supplementary to Dr. Watts. Embracing ...

1820 - عدد الصفحات: 280
...throng the air 'and darken heav'n, And rule the lower world. Hymn 30. SM double. Christian Soldier. SOLDIERS of Christ, arise, And put your armour on, Strong in the strength which God supplier Through his eternal Son : ' Strong in the Lord of hosts, And in his mighty pow'r, Who in the...

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