صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

disappointed care, an almost equal love with her own

partly I must confess it
that it was, after all, no ghost story. Isa- child."
bel, as usual, was the first to speak.,,And
M'Arthur, grand-mamma," said he,,, was face
M'Arthur always afterwards faithful and

,,Always, my dear Isabel. He took his wife to England, where she was honourably received by his mother, and she has since been ever tenderly cherished."

,,And Emma," asked Lucy,,,the sweet, excelling, sacrificing Emma, of course she married as she promised?"

,,Yes, my dear girl, she did so; and in her growing affection for her excellent husband, she found what is not always the consequence of a first and romantic passion, a stable and tranquil happiness."

,,But," asked Isabel,,,what did Anna what could she do, to testify her gratitude to that angelic sister?"

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Isabel looked eagerly in Mrs. Tudor's she started up, ,,Grandmamma!“ she exclaimed,,,it is so I know it is. You have been telling us of our mothers!" It was plain enough that she had guessed rightly. She turned to Lucy and folded her in her arms. I saw in Isabel's glowing face, and fine up-raised eye, the quick succeeding thoughts that were afterwards embodied in sisterly affection and kindness to Lucy; and Lucy's saintly face shone with a holy triumph such as the virtue of a parent may inspire.

The reason why these circumstances had never before been related to the daughters was obvious; the reason why Mrs. Tudor had now disclosed them, and deferred the exposé, by using assumed names, was as apparent, and fully approved by its permanent happy influence.

Isabel, with the generosity of a noble. nature, assumed her mother's debt; and the only vestige I perceived of the worldliness that tinged her first intercourse with Lucy, was in the elaborate care with which she lavished all the elegant refinements of fashion on the native graces of the Country Cousin.

Born 1791.


I HAVE seen a man in the glory of his days, and in the pride of his strength. He was built like the strong oak, that strikes its root deep in the earth like the tall cedar, that lifts its head above the trees of the forest. He feared no danger he felt no sickness he wondered why any should groan or sigh at pain. His mind was vigorous like his body; he was perplexed at no intricacy, he was daunted at no obstacle. Into hidden things he searched, and what was crooked he made plain. He went forth

boldly upon the face of the mighty deep. He surveyed the nations of the earth. He measured the distances of the stars, and called them by their names. He gloried in the extent of his knowledge, in the vigour of his understanding, and strove to search even into what the Almighty had concealed. And when I looked upon him, I said with the poet, what a piece of work is man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculties! in form and moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god!"

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I returned but his look was no more lofty, nor his step proud. His broken frame

was like some ruined tower. His hairs were white and scattered, and his eye gazed vacantly upon the passers by. The vigour of his intellect was wasted, and of all that he had gained by study, nothing remained. He feared when there was no danger, and where was no sorrow he wept. His decaying memory had become treacherous. It showed him only broken images of the glory that had departed. His house was to him like a strange land, and his friends were counted as enemies. He thought himself strong and healthful, while his feet tottered on the verge of the grave. He said of his he is my brother;" of his daughter, „I know her not." He even inquired what was his own name. And as I gazed mournfully upon him, one who supported his feeble frame, and ministered to his many wants, said to me, ,, Let thine heart receive instruction, for thou hast seen an end of all perfection!"

son, "

I have seen a beautiful female, treading the first stages of youth, and entering joyfully into the pleasures of life. The glance of her eye was variable and sweet, and on her cheek trembled something like the first blush of the morning. Her lips moved, and there was melody, and when she floated in the dance, her light form, like the aspen, seemed to move with every breeze.

I returned she was not in the dance. I sought her among her gay companions, but I found her not. Her eye sparkled not there the music of her voice was silent. She rejoiced on earth no more. I saw a train sable and slow-paced. Sadly they bore towards an open grave what once was animated and beautiful. As they drew near, they paused, and a voice broke the solemn silence: Man that is born of a woman, is of few days and full of misery. He cometh up, and is cut down like a flower, he fleeth as it were a shadow, and never continueth in one stay." Then they let down into the deep, dark pit, that maiden whose lips but a few days since were like the half-blown rosebud. I shuddered at the sound of clods falling upon the hollow coffin. Then I heard a voice saying,,, Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust." They covered her with the damp soil, and the uprooted turf of the valley, and turned again to their own homes. But one mourner lingered to cast himself upon the tomb. And as he wept he said, ,,There is no beauty, nor grace, nor loveli

ness, but what vanisheth like the morning dew. I have seen an end of all perfection!"


I saw an infant, with a ruddy brow, and a form like polished ivory. Its motions were graceful, and its merry laughter made other hearts glad. Sometimes it wept, and again it rejoiced, when none knew why. But whether its cheek dimpled with smiles, or its blue eyes shone more brilliant through tears, it was beautiful. It was beautiful because it was innocent. And careworn and sinful men admired, when they beheld it. It was like the first blossom which some cherished plant has put forth, whose cup sparkles with a dew-drop, and whose head reclines upon the parent stem.

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Again I looked. It had become a child. The lamp of reason had beamed into its mind. It was simple, and single-hearted, and a follower of the truth. It loved every little bird that sang in the trees, and every fresh blossom. Its heart danced with joy as it looked around on this good and pleasant world. It stood like a lamb before its teachers it bowed its ear to instruction it walked in the way of knowledge. It was not proud, nor stubborn, nor envious, and it had never heard of the vices and vanities of the world. And when I looked upon it, I remembered our Saviour's words, ,,Except ye become as little children, ye cannot enter into the kingdom of Heaven.“ I saw a man, whom the world calls honourable. Many waited for his smile. They pointed to the fields that were his, and talked of the silver and gold which he had gathered. They praised the stateliness of his domes, and extolled the honour of his family. But the secret language of his heart was,,,By my wisdom have I gotten all this." So he returned no thanks to God, neither did he fear or serve him. As I passed along, I heard the complaints of the labourers, who had reaped his fields — and the cries of the poor, whose covering he had taken away. The sound of feasting and revelry was in his mansion, and the unfed beggar came tottering from his door. But he considered not that the cries of the oppressed were continually entering into the ears of the Most High. And when I knew that this man was the docile child whom I had loved, the beautiful infant on whom I had gazed with delight, I said in my bitterness,,,Now, have I seen an end of all perfection!" And I laid my mouth in the dust.



In a city, which shall be nameless, there lived, long ago, a young girl, the only daughter of a widow. She came from the country, and was as ignorant of the dangers of a city, as the squirrels of her native fields. She had glossy black hair, gentle, beaming eyes, and,,lips like wet coral." Of course, she knew that she was beautiful; for when she was a child, strangers often stopped as she passed, and exclaimed,,,How handsome she is!" And as she grew older, the young men gazed on her with admiration. She was poor, and removed to the city to earn her living by covering umbrellas. She was just at that susceptible age, when youth is passing into womanhood; when the soul begins to be pervaded by,,that restless principle, which impels poor humans to seek perfection in union."

At the hotel opposite, Lord Henry Stuart, an English nobleman, had at that time taken lodgings. His visit to this country is doubtless well remembered by many, for it made a great sensation at the time. He was a peer of the realm, descended from the royal line, and was, moreover, a strikingly handsome man, of right princely carriage. He was subsequently a member of the British Parliament, and is now dead.

plicity of her heart, she believed all his flattering professions, and considered herself his bride elect; she therefore accepted the invitation with innocent frankness. But she had no dress fit to appear on such a public occasion, with a gentleman of high rank, whom she verily supposed to be her destined husband. While these thoughts revolved in her mind, her eye was unfortunately attracted by a beautiful piece of silk belonging to her employer. Ah, could she not take it without being seen, and pay for it secretly, when she had earned money enough? The temptation conquered her in a moment of weakness. She concealed the silk, and conveyed it to her lodgings. It was the first thing she had ever stolen, and her remorse was painful. She would have carried it back, but she dreaded discovery. She was not sure that her repentance would be met in a spirit of forgiveness.

On the eventful fourth of July she came out in her new dress. Lord Henry complimented her upon her elegant appearance; but she was not happy. On their way to the gardens, he talked to her in a manner which she did not comprehend. Perceiving this, he spoke more explicity. The guileless young creature stopped, looked in his face with mournful reproach, and burst into tears. The nobleman took her hand kindly, and said, „My dear, are you an innocent girl?"

As this distinguished stranger passed to,,I am, I am," replied she, with convulsive and from his hotel, he encountered the umbrella-girl, and was impressed by her uncommon beauty. He easily traced her to the opposite store, where he soon after went to purchase an umbrella. This was followed up by presents of flowers, chats by the wayside, and invitations to walk or ride; all of which were gratefully accepted by the unsuspecting rustic. He was playing a game for temporary excitement; she, with a head full of romance, and a heart melting under the influence of love, was unconsciously endangering the happiness of her whole life.

Lord Henry invited her to visit the public gardens on the fourth of July. In the sim

sobs. Oh, what have I ever done, or said, that you should ask me that?" Her words stirred the deep fountains of his better nature.,,If you are innocent," said he, „God forbid that I should make you otherwise. But you accepted my invitations and presents so readily, that I supposed you understood me." What could I understand," said she,,,except that you intended to make me your wife?" Though reared amid the proudest distinctions of rank, he felt no inclination to smile. He blushed and was silent. The heartless conventionalities of life stood rebuked in the presence of affectionate simplicity. He conveyed her to her humble

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home, and bade her farewell, with a thankful consciousness that he had done no irretrievable injury to her future prospects. The remembrance of her would soon be to him as the recollection of last year's butterflies. With her, the wound was deeper. In her solitary chamber, she wept in bitterness of heart over her ruined air-castles. And that dress, which she had stolen to make an appearance befitting his bride! Oh, what if she should be discovered? And would not the heart of her poor widowed mother break, if she should ever know that her child was a thief? Alas, her wretched forebodings were too true. The silk was traced to her; she was arrested on her way to the store, and dragged to prison. There she refused all nourishment, and wept incessantly.

,This is her first offence," said he; „,the girl is young, and the only child of a poor widow. Give her a chance to retrieve this one false step, and she may be restored to society, a useful and honoured woman. I will see that thou art paid for the silk." The man readily agreed to withdraw the prosecution, and said he would have dealt otherwise by the girl, had he known all the circumstances. ,,Thou shouldst have inquired into the merits of the case, my friend," replied Isaac. „By this kind of thoughtlessness, many a young creature is driven into the downward path, who might easily have been saved."

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The kind-hearted man then went to the hotel and inquired for Henry Stuart. The servant said his lordship had not yet risen. ,Tell him my business is of importance," said Friend Hopper. The servant soon returned and conducted him to the chamber. The nobleman appeared surprised that a plain Quaker should thus intrude upon his luxurious privacy; but when he heard his errand, he blushed deeply, and frankly admitted the truth of the girl's statement. His benevolent visiter took the opportunity to

On the fourth day, the keeper called upon Isaac T. Hopper, and informed him that there was a young girl in prison, who appeared to be utterly friendless, and determined to die by starvation. The kind-hearted Friend immediately went to her assistance. He found her lying on the floor of the cell, with her face buried in her hands, sobbing as if her heart would break. He tried to com-,,bear a testimony," as the Friends say, fort her, but could obtain no answer. ,,Leave us alone," said he to the keeper. ,,Perhaps she will speak to me, if there is no one to hear." When they were alone together, he put back the hair from her temples, laid his hand kindly on her beautiful head, and said in soothing tones,,,My child, consider me as thy father. Tell me all thou hast done. If thou hast taken this silk, let me know all about it. I will do for thee as I would for a daughter; and I doubt not that I can help thee out of this difficulty."

After a long time spent in affectionate entreaty, she leaned her young head on his friendly shoulder, and sobbed out,,,Oh, I wish I was dead. What will my poor mother say, when she knows of my disgrace ?"

,,Perhaps we can manage that she never shall know it," replied he; and alluring her by this hope, he gradually obtained from her the whole story of her acquaintance with the nobleman. He bade her be comforted, and take nourishment; for he would see that the silk was paid for, and the prosecution withdrawn. He went immediately to her employer, and told him the story.

against the sin and selfishness of profligacy. He did it in such a kind and fatherly manner, that the young man's heart was touched. He excused himself, by saying that he would not have tampered with the girl, if he had known her to be virtuous. I have done many wrong things," said he,,,but, thank God, no betrayal of confiding innocence rests on my conscience. I have always esteemed it the basest act of which man is capable." The imprisonment of the poor girl, and the forlorn situation in which she had been found, distressed him greatly. And when Isaac represented that the silk had been stolen for his sake, that the girl had thereby lost profitable employment, and was obliged to return to her distant home, to avoid the danger of exposure, he took out a fifty dollar note, and offered it to pay her expenses. ,,Nay," said Isaac,,,thou art a very rich man; I see in thy hand a large roll of such notes. She is the daughter of a poor widow, and thou hast been the means of doing her great injury. Give me another."

Lord Henry handed him another fifty dollar note, and smiled as he said,,,You understand your business well. But you

have acted nobly, and I reverence you for it. If you ever visit England, come to see me. I will give you a cordial welcome, and treat you like a nobleman."

tearful eyes earnestly upon him, and said, ,,You once helped me, when in great distress." But the good missionary of humanity had helped too many in distress, to be „Farewell, friend," replied Isaac:,,Though able to recollect her without more precise much to blame in this affair, thou too hast information. With a tremulous voice, she behaved nobly. Mayst thou be blessed in bade her son go into the next room, for a domestic life, and trifle no more with the few minutes; then dropping on her knees, feelings of poor girls; not even with those she hid her face in his lap, and sobbed out, whom others have betrayed and deserted.",,I am the girl that stole the silk. Oh, Luckily, the girl had sufficient presence where should I now be, if it had not been of mind to assume a false name, when ar- for you!" rested; by which means her true name was kept out of the newspapers.,,I did this," said she, for my poor mother's sake." With the money given by Lord Henry, the silk was paid for, and she was sent home to her mother, well provided with clothing. Her name and place of residence remain to this day a secret in the breast of her benefactor.

Several years after the incidents I have related, a lady called at Friend Hopper's house, and asked to see him. When he entered the room, he found a handsomely dressed young matron with a blooming boy of five or six years old. She rose to meet him and her voice choked, as she said, Friend Hopper, do you know me?" He replied that he did not. She fixed her

When her emotion was somewhat calmed, she told him that she had married a highly respectable man, a Senator of his native State. Having a call to visit the city, she had again and again passed Friend Hopper's house, looking wistfully at the windows to catch a sight of him; but when she attempted to enter, her courage failed.

,,But I go away to-morrow," said she, „,and I could not leave the city, without once more seeing and thanking him who saved me from ruin." She recalled her little boy, and said to him,,,Look at that gentleman, and remember him well; for he was the best friend your mother ever had." With an earnest invitation that he would visit her happy home, and a fervent,,God bless you,“ she bade her benefactor farewell.

Born 1813.


My beauty! sing to me and make me glad!
Thy sweet words drop upon the ear as soft
As rose-leaves on a well. FESTUS.

ON a low stool at the feet of the Count de Courcy sat his bride, the youthful Lady Loyaline. One delicate, dimpled hand hovered over the strings of her lute, like a snowy bird, about to take wing with a burst of melody. The other she was playfully trying to release from the clasp of his. At last, she desisted from the attempt, and said, as she gazed up into his proud,,unfathomable eyes"

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