صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Delaware county

annexed to the di


And be it further enaed, That the faid county of Delaware fhall be annexed to and become part of the district now compofed of the counties of Orange, Dutchefs and Ulfter, as it refpects all proceeding under the act entitled "an act maCertain public profe king provifion for the more due and convenient conducting profecutions at the courts of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery and general feffions of the peace."



An ACT further to amend an Act entitled "an Act for the encouragement of

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Paffed 10th March, 1797.

HEREAS the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the city of New-York, have by memorial reprefented to the legislature that From the mode of con. the manner of conducting the private schools, in the faid ducting fchools in city, is such as renders it impracticable to diftribute the York it is impoffible to diftribute the mo money appropriated by the act entitled "an act for the nies allowed by law. encouragement of schools," in the manner which the faid act directs; for rectedy whereof,

New York for the pur

divided annually a


BE it enalled by the People of the State of New-York, reprefented in Senate and Affembly, That one fixth part as well of the money appropriated One Gxth of faid nor by the faid act as of the money raised by taxes in the city ney railed by tax in and county of New-York for encouraging and mainpols of fchools to be taining schools in the faid city and county, fhall hereafInong the charity ter be yearly diftributed among the feveral charity fchools in the faid city, in fuch proportions as the Mayor, Aldermen and commonalty of the city of New-York in common council convened fhall judge proper; and the remaining five fixth parts thereof The other five fixths fhall be diftributed among the fchools which in any how to be difp. fed of. wards in the faid city may be established and conducted in conformity to the faid act, and in proportion to the number of days of inftruction given in fuch schools refpectively; but there fhall not be paid to any fchool more than the amount paid or agreed to be paid to the inafter for teaching the faid scholars in fuch-fchool. And it hall and may be lawful for the Mayor, Aldermen and commonalty of the city of NewYork in common council convened, to apply the faid refidue of the faid money already received and hereafter to be received, until fuch school or fchools fhall be established; and all fuch furplus, if any, as fuch school or fchools fhall not be entitled to receive according to the directions of this act, from time to time to the erecting, fupporting and maintaining one or more free schools in the city of New-York, in which the fcholars fhall be inftructed in the English language, or be taught reading, writing, the English grammar, arithmetic, mathematics and fuch other branches of knowledge as are moit ufeful and neceffary to complete a good English education; which public fchools fhall be fubject to the direction of the Mayor, Aldermen and commonalty of the city of New-York for the time being, and of fuch commiffioners as they may from time to time appoint for that purpofe. And it is hereby declared, that children of any citizen of the United States refiding in the city of New-York: fhall be received and instructed in the faid free school or fchools from time to time according to the priority of their application without diftinétion; and if

And be it further enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful for all Prifoners of laid and officers of faid county of Delaware, in all caf County to be confined and criminal, to confine their prifoners in the ga county of Ulfter, until a gaol be erected in

in Ulfter County gaul

for the prefent.

county of Delaware.

A court houfe and

And be it further enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful f holders and inhabitants of the faid county of gaol to be built. to build and erect a court house and gaol county of Delaware, at fucn place as the judges and justic pointed in the faid county, and the fupervilors of the towns majority of the faid judges, juftices and fupervifors may di faid court houle and gaol fhall not be erected at a greate two miles from the mouth of the Little Delaware.

tob held.

And be it further enacted, That it shall not be the duty A circuit court not the fupreme court once in every year court in the faid county of Delawar judgment they fhall deem it proper and neceffary, a trary notwithstanding.

Said county to com- And be it further enacted, That pol part of the Middle Delaware thall be a part of the Mi ftate.


Members of Affembly

of Wife r. Otfego and


Part of the town of

the town of Roche.


And be it further enated, That from and after the fhall and may be lawful for the county of Ulfter bers of affembly, the county ef and the county of Delaware twe any law to the contrary thereof And be it further enacled, Ti Colchefter added to town of Colcheter, fituate on fide of the easterly line of the fhall be annexed to, and be a part of the tour remaining part of faid town fhall be and rem name of Colchester; and all that part of the on the easterly fide of the I added to Woodstock. fhall be annexed to and be. ftock; and all the remaining part of the. a feparate town by the name of Middlet town of Woodstock, lyin laware, fhall be annexe..

Part of Middletown

Part of Woodstock added to Stamford. Stamford.

And be it further enacted, That all loff
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while part of the county of Otfego.
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county of Scohaof the town of Blenerly line of the faid erfected by the fouth thence eafterly along aty of Albany, thence of the town of Middlethe fame to the place of a feparate town by the ting in faid town fhall be

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That all the refidue or remaining part of the Schoharie, fhall be, and hereby is erected into town by the name of Sharon, and that the first eting in faid town fhall be held at the dwelling William Beekman.

le it further enacted, That the freeholders and inhs of each of the refpective towns hereby erected, le and hereby are empowered to hold town meet, and elect fuch town officers as the freeholders and own in this flate may do by law; and that the freelants of each of the faid towns refpectively, and the by them elected, fhall have the like power and privit to like regulations and penalties as the freeholders,

inhabitants and town officers of the other towns in this fate are entitled and fubject to by law.

And be it further enated, That as foon as may be after the first Tuesday Sp fra of April next, the fupervisors and overfeers of the poor first meet anape of the towns aforellid, thall, by notice to be given for portive the pra that purpofe by the fupervifors of the towns aforesaid, meet together and apportion the poor maintained by the towns of Schoharie and Durlach previous to the civicon thereof, and to divide the money now in the hands of the overteers of the poor (for the ufe of the poor of the towns of Schoharie and Darlach) between the towns hereby erected, in an equitable manner, and each of the faid towns hereby erected fhall thereafter maintain their own poor respectively.


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An ACT providing a mean for procuring a Sum to the Western Inland Lock Navigation Company, to enable item more effectually and speedily to projecute the improvements in the jaid Navigation. Paffed 17th March, 1797.. 7HEREAS it has been fuggefted to the legislature on behalf of the faid company, that they cannot profecute the improvements W Bern inland lock in the faid navigation to fuch effect and with fuch celenavigation cac not be rity as is dearable, unless they are furnished with the fum the futur fan of of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and which 25000 d 1 ars. they are unable to raife by requifition on the ftockholders, or otherwife to procure in this country; and that if the several perfons for whofe relief the act entitled "An act for the reliet of Wilhem Willink, Nicholas Van Staphorst, Chriftian Van Eeghen, Hendrick Vollenhoven, Rutger Jan Schiminelpenninck and Peter Stadniki, being aliens," paffed at the last feffion, and the act fupplementary thereto, paffed during the prefent feffion of the legislature, were paffed, could be afcertained that their property and intereft in the lands intended in the faid acts would endure and continue until the benefits to be derived from the improvements in the faid navigation would be fo extended as thereby to increase the value of the faid lands, that they would then probably from that confideration be induced to furnish a fum to the above amount to the faid company: Therefore,

their intereft in faid

lead the corp

BE it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, reprefented in Senate and Affembly, That if the thirteen perfons named in the faid acts, or any Willink and others number of them, fhall on or before the first day of Januauth rifed to hold ary, in the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninetylands for 20 years in nine, furnish and pay, or fecure to furnish and pay to the tead of feven if they corporation of The Prefident, Directors and Company of the fiid company of the Western Inland Lock Navigation Company in the the fun of 25000 State of New-York," the fum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, either as part of the ftock of, or a loan to the faid company, or otherwife, and on fuch terms as fhall be agreed on between the faid company and the faid perfons, or any number of them, that then the term or period of feven years mentioned in the laft fection of the faid act first above mentioned, fhall be enlarged and extended to the term of twenty years from the paffing of the faid a&t; fubje& nevertheless to all and fingular the other conditions and restrictions contained in the acts above mentioned or either of them: And the evidence

dollars before a certain day.

that the faid perfons have furnished and paid or fecured to furnish and pay the faid fum to the faid company, fhall be a certificate thereof under the common feal of the faid corporation, and which being acknowledged by the prefident of the faid company for the time being before the chancellor, or a judge of the fupreme court, may be recorded in the fecretary's office of this state.

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Part of Franklin town

erected in oa town by the name Walton, and


An ACT for dividing the Town of Franklin in the County of Delaware. Paffed 17th March, 1797E it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, reprefented in Senate, and Affembly, That from and after the first Monday of April next, all that part of the town of Franklin, in the county of Dein Delaware county laware, within the following bounds, to wit, beginning at the Delaware river and running northwesterly on the first town meeting divifion line between the town of Franklin and the town where to be held. of Kortright, five miles, to a beach tree marked F W;" thence running fouth fixty degrees weft until it ftrikes the Line of Property fo called; thence down the faid Line of Property to the Delaware river; thence up the faid river to the place of beginning, be, and hereby is erected into a separate town by the name of Walton, and the firft town meeting fhall be held at the meeting houfe in Union Society in faid

town of Walton..

Remainder of Frank


And be it further enafled, That all the remaining part of the town of Franklin shall be and remain a feparate town by the name lin to retain its prefent of Franklin, and the firft town meetin in the faid town of Franklin, shall be held at the dwelling houfe of Sluman Wattles in faid town. And be it further enacted, That the freeholders and inhabitants of the faid towns fhall be entitled to all the privileges, and be habitants the fame as fubject to all the penalties which the freeholders and inhabitants of the other towns in this ftate are fubje&t to by by law.

Privileges of the in

in other towns.

Superv fors and over

feers of the poor to

Av de and apportion the money and poor of the late town of

And be it further enacted, That as foon as may be after the firft Tuesday of April next, the overfeers of the poor and the fupervilors of the faid towns thall after due notice being given for that purpose by the fupervifors of the faid towns, Frank in between the, meet together and apportion the money and poor befaid two towns. longing to faid town of Franklin previous to the divifion thereof, in as equitable a manner as may be, and in cafe the fupervisors and overfeers of the poor cannot agree in the divifion of the money and poor as aforefaid, then the fupervitors of the county of Delaware at their annual meeting thall make fuch divifion of the money and poor aforefaid as fhall appear moft equitable to the major part of them.


An ACT for altering the Times of holding the Court of General Seffions of the Peace in and for the City and County of New-York, and for altering one of the Terms of the Courts of Common Pleas and General Seffions of the Peace in the county of Albany.

Paffed 17th March, 1797. E it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, reprefented in Senate and Affembly, and it is bereby enacted by the authority of the fame, That

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