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النشر الإلكتروني

which you have not in Modern Greece, for war and change have deprived her of them; you have that which is found not in Italy, a profusion everywhere of the most magnificent foliage, recalling the greenness of our own island-clustering plain and chestnut, growth abundant of forest oak and beech, and dark tracts of pine. You have majestic cliff-girt shores, castlecrowned heights, and gloomy fortresses: Turkish palaces glittering with gilding and paint; mountain-passes such as you encounter in the snowy regions of Switzerland; deep bays, and blue seas, with calm, bright isles resting on the horizon; meadows and grassy knolls, convents and villages, olive-clothed slopes, and snow-capped mountain peaks-and with all this a crowded variety of costume and pictorial incident, such as bewilders and delights an artist at each step he takes."

But it is to the classical scholar that the greatest share of interest in Greece belongs. In the language and manners of every Greek sailor and peasant he will constantly recognize phrases and customs familiar to him in the literature of ancient Hellas; and he will revel in the contemplation of the noble relics of Hellenic architecture, while the effect of classical association is but little spoiled by the admixture of post-Hellenic remains. In Italy the memory of the Roman empire is often swallowed up in the memory of the republics of the middle ages; the city of the Caesars is often half forgotten in the city of the Popes. But it is not so in Greece. We lose sight of the Venetians and the Turks, of Dandolo and Mahommed II., and behold only the ruins of Sparta and Athens, only the country of Leonidas and Pericles. For Greece has no modern history of such a character as to obscure the vividness of her classical features. A modern history she does indeed possess, various and eventful, but it has been (as was truly observed) of a destructive, not of a constructive character.

It has left little behind it which can hide the immortal memorials of the greatness of Hellenic genius. At Rome the acquisition of a clear idea of the position and remains of the ancient city is, more or less, the result of study and labour; whereas, at Athens, the idea flashes at once on the mind, clear as the air of Attica, and quick and bright as the thoughts of the Athenians of old. After a walk of a few hours, every well-informed traveller may carry away in his mind a picture of the city of Pericles and Plato, which will never leave him till the day of his death. So recently as Dr. Wordsworth's visit in 1832, there was scarcely any building at Athens in so perfect a state as the temple of Theseus."


In all parts of the country the traveller is, as it were, left alone with antiquity: Hellas tells her own ancient history with complete distinctiveness. "In whatever district the stranger may be wandering-whether cruising in shade and sunshine among the scattered Cyclades, or tracing his difficult way among the rocks and along the watercourses of the Peloponnesus, or looking up to where the Achelous comes down from the mountains of Acarnania, or riding across the Boeotian plain, with Parnassus behind him and Kitharon before him-he feels that he is reading over again all the old stories of his school and college days-all the old stories, but with new and most brilliant illuminations. He feels in the atmosphere, and sees in the coasts and in the plains, and the mountains, the character of the ancient Greeks, and the national contrasts of their various tribes. Attica is still what it ever was-a country where the rock is ever labouring to protrude itself from under the thin and scanty soil, like the bones under the skin of an old and emaciated man. No one can cross over from 'hollow Lacedæmon' to the sunny climate and rich plain of Messenia, without sympathizing with the Spartans who fought so long for so rich a prize. No one can ride along the beach at Salamis, while the wind which threw the Persian ships into confusion is dashing the spray

about his horse's feet, without having before his eyes the image of that sea-fight where so great a struggle was condensed into the narrow strait between the island and the shore, with Aristides and Themistocles fighting for the liberties of Greece, and Xerxes looking on from his golden throne. No one can look down from the peak of Pentelicus upon the crescent of pale level ground, which is the field of Marathon, without feeling that it is the very sanctuary where that battle ought to have been fought which decided that Greece was never to be a Persian satrapy.”— Quarterly Review.

The very mode of travelling will be felt by many to be an additional charm. Throughout Greece and European Turkey journeys are made only on horseback. "This is not a recreation suited to all men, and is trying even to those who are vigorous and indifferent to luxuries and comforts; yet there is none of that languor and feverishness that so generally result from travelling on wheels, but in their stead invigorated health, braced nerves, and elevated spirits. You are in immediate contact with Nature. Every circumstance of scenery and climate becomes of interest and value, and the minutest incident of country or of local habits cannot escape observation. A burning sun may sometimes exhaust, or a summer-storm may drench you, but what can be more exhilarating than the sight of the lengthened troop of variegated and gay costumes dashing at full speed along-what more picturesque than to watch their career over upland or dale, or along the waving line of the landscape-bursting away on a dewy morn, or racing 'home' on a rosy eve?

"You are constantly in the full enjoyment of the open air of a heavenly climate; its lightness passes to the spirits-its serenity sinks into the mind. You are prepared to be satisfied with little, to support the bad without repining, to enjoy the good as a gain, and to be pleased with all things. You are fit for work, and glad of rest; you are, above all things, ready for your food, which is always savoury when it can be got, and never unseasonable when forthcoming. But here it will be seen that no small portion of the pleasures of Eastern travel arises from sheer hardship and privation, which increase so much our real enjoyments, by endowing us with a frame of mind and body at once to enjoy and to endure. It is also from such contingencies alone that those amongst us who have not to labour for their daily bread can obtain an insight into the real happiness enjoyed three times a day by the whole mass of mankind who labour for their bread and hunger for their meals."-Urquhart.

As the Hellenic Kingdom obtained, in the course of the year 1870, so unhappy a celebrity on account of the capture at Pikermes, and as the question of safety is, after all, the one of primary importance to the traveller, it is desirable to state, as clearly as may be possible, the present conditions in respect to it of travelling in Greece. The state of insecurity which for some years past has existed in that country may be traced to the measure of employing condemned criminals in aiding the insurrectionists in Crete in 1866, many hundreds of these having formed themselves into brigand bands on their return to Greece. In the fifteen months ending with March, 1870, no fewer than 109 acts of brigandage are officially recorded, but since that date the efforts which, in deference to European opinion, have been made by the Ottoman as well as by the Hellenic authorities have already produced a state of comparative security. Extremely few acts of brigandage have been recorded since April, 1870; parties of English travellers have made excursions in safety not only in the neighbourhood of Athens, but likewise in the Peloponnesus and other parts of Greece; and in April, 1871, the British Vice-Consul at Mesolong! officially reported that Ætolia and Acarnania, formerly the chosen hau?

of brigands, were now "safe," whilst Her Majesty's Consul at Patras gave a similar report in respect to the whole of the Peloponnesus. We should take upon ourselves grave responsibility were we to advise travellers to under-rate the risks of journeying in Greece, but on the other hand it is equally our duty not to exaggerate them. Persons making tours in the interior should carry with them revolvers; the Hellenic authorities are always ready to supply escorts when asked to do so; but they require that a traveller should, before setting out on any excursion, give, through the landlord of his hotel, twenty-four hours' notice to the police authorities, whose duty it is to provide escorts, or, if necessary, to give warning of danger. For the present, no traveller should undertake any excursion, however short, out of Athens without having duly taken this precaution.


N.B.-The days of sailing, &c., given in the following lists, or elsewhere throughout these pages, are those fixed at the date of publication of the present edition of this Handbook. But as changes frequently occur in the arrangements of steam-companies, reference should be made, before starting, to the Continental Guide of Bradshaw or some similar monthly publication. The several lines of merchant steamers which have been established between various English and Levant ports give the traveller an extensive choice of conveyances by sea.

Many persons visit Greece on their return from the East, in which case they generally land at Syra; that great centre of the steam navigation of the Levant, whence there is frequent communication with Athens, Salonica, Constantinople, Smyrna, Syria, and Egypt. (For details see Section III., under head of Syra.) Again, many travellers proceed to Greece from Italy, in which case they can meet the weekly steamers from Trieste at Ancona or Brindisi.

The main routes from England to Greece direct are as follows:

I. (1.) Liverpool to Gibraltar, Malta, and Syra (fourteen days) (about 167. to Athens) by Burns and Mac Iver's steamers (1, Rumford Street, Liverpool) several times a month; or (2.) Liverpool to Malta, Syra, Constantinople, and Salonica; every ten days; or (3.) Liverpool to Syra, Constantinople, and Smyrna. John Bibby, Sons, and Company's steamers, which sail at irregular intervals.

II. Across France to Marseilles, and thence to Piræus by French Steamers (Messageries). For the present every alternate Saturday, at 4 p.m.

A variation of this route would be to go by steamer from Marseilles to Genoa, Leghorn, Civita Vecchia, or Naples, and then crossing Italy, to meet the steamers for Corfu at Ancona or Brindisi; or to go by Mont Cenis to Brindisi. A journey from London to Athens, direct, via Paris and Marseilles, costs about 211.

III. By the Austrian Lloyd's Steamers from Trieste.

Perhaps the most agreeable route from England to the Ionian Islands and Greece is by railroad to Trieste; the traveller proceeding thence in the Austrian Lloyd's steamers to Corfu. The journey from London to Athens by this route can easily be accomplished in nine or ten days, and for about 251. (first-class fare, including living on the road, and all expenses). Corfu is reached by the same mode of conveyance in seven or eight days, and for about 201. The London agency of the Austrian Lloyd's Company is at 127, Leadenhall Street, where every requisite information may always be obtained. At present, the steamers leave Trieste-

(1.) Every Saturday, at 2 P.M., for Constantinople direct, touching only at Corfu and Syra. From Syra there is a branch line to Athens.

From Corfu a pleasant variation of the above route, and one which we can especially recommend to those who may not be accompanied by ladies, and even to ladies who may not to disposed to find fault with the imperfect arrangements of Levant travel, is by the Greek steamer to the Isthmus of Corinth, which leaves Corfu in connection with the Brindisi and Trieste boats, every Tuesday afternoon or evening for Lutraki. For the short journey of six miles across the isthmus the Company provides carriages; and at Calamáki, on the Gulf of Salamis, another steam-packet will be found wherein to proceed to Athens (Piræus).

(2.) Once a week, for Corfu, by the coasts of Dalmatia and Albania. This is a voyage of about a week, but a large portion of that period is spent in port, and the traveller is enabled to see on his way, Zara, Spalato, Ragusa, Cattaro, Durazzo, Avlona, and other highly interesting places.

N.B. Arrivals from the Levant, Greece, and the Ionian Islands are admitted to free pratique at Trieste.

The Austrian Lloyd's steamers which leave Trieste for Alexandria direct, every Saturday night, call at Corfu both in going out and in returning.


In Greece and the East generally, even more than in other countries, let the traveller bear in mind this important hint-he should never omit visiting any object of interest whenever it happens to be within his reach at the time, as he can never be certain what impediments may occur to prevent him from carrying his intentions into effect at a subsequent period.

We strongly advise those going to Greece not to encumber themselves with a canteen, nor to purchase in England other similar requisites for journeys in the interior of Eastern countries. It is infinitely better to proceed in the first instance to Athens, and there enter into arrangements with one of the regular travelling servants, who provide all such necessaries. Luggage should be packed in two portmanteaus or boxes of moderate size, or in two stout leather bags of equal weight,-so as to balance easily on either side of the pack-saddle of a baggage-horse. A sportsman, will, of course, take his gun and cartridges. A tent, though requisite in many parts of Asia, is unnecessary in Greece.

Protection from Vermin.-Greece and all parts of the East abound in vermin of every description, each annoying the wearied traveller, and some by their bite occasioning serious pain or illness. An apparatus for obviating this evil was invented by Mr. Levinge, and is thus described by Sir Charles Fellows, who used it in travelling in Asia Minor:-"The whole apparatus may be compressed into a hat-case. A pair of calico sheets, nine feet long, sewed together at the bottom and on both sides, are continued with muslin of the same form and size, sewed to them at their open end; and this muslin is drawn tightly together at the end of the tape. Within this knot are three or four loose tapes, about eighteen inches long, with nooses at their ends, through which, from within, a cane is threaded so as to form a circle, extending the muslin as a canopy, which in this form is suspended. These canes must be in three pieces, three feet long, each fitting into the other with a socket or ferrule. The entrance to the bed is by a neck from the calico, with a string to draw it tightly together when you are within. It is desirable that the traveller

should enter this bed as he would a shower-bath, and having his nightshirt with him. When the end formed of muslin is suspended, the bed forms an airy canopy, in which the occupant may stand up and dress in privacy, no one being able to see him from without, while he can observe all around. To prevent accidents from tearing the apparatus, I have found that the best mode of entering it was to keep the opening in the middle of the mattrass, and, standing in it, draw the bag entrance over my head."

[blocks in formation]

During the day one may read and write within it free from the annoyance of flies; and in the evening, by placing a lamp near the curtain, pursue one's occupations undisturbed by gnats. It will even supply the place of a tent, as a protection from the dew, if a night be spent in the open air. The price of this apparatus is trifling. Messrs. Maynard and Harris, 126, Leadenhall Street, have prepared it under Mr. Levinge's instructions, and furnish it complete, of the best materials, for 17. 58.

Clothes should be such as will stand hard and rough work. They must not be too light, even in summer; for a day of intense heat is often followed by a storm, or by a cold night. It would be ridiculous in an English traveller to assume the Greek or any other Oriental dress, unless he is a master of the local languages and manners; and even in that improbable case he will still find an English shooting-jacket and wide-awake the most respectable and respected travelling costume throughout the Levant.

A comfortable English saddle and bridle will be found a great luxury. A portable india-rubber bath, with a bellows to distend it, is an immense comfort, especially as it is next to impossible to procure any means of ablution in the interior of Greece.

A large and stout cotton umbrella is required as a protection not only

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