صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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consisting of 6000 troops, which formed a cordon round that place and the neighbour hood, infected with the yellow fever, had suddenly broke up, and retired into Estremadura. They had arrived at Santa Olava, a small village, but finding no accommodation in so small a place, they had proceeded to Cassilis, a larger town further up the country. The inhabitants, alarmed, proceeded to take arms in their defence, when, in order to avoid extremities, a parley took place, and the troops in consequence halted. It is stated that this unexpected movement arose from want of provisions.

In the midst of these scenes of terror and distress, the young Queen of Spain arrived on the 20th ult. at Madrid, and her arrival is said to have caused much rejoicing.

Of course, all expectation of completing the equipment of the expedition, so long destined for South America, has been abandoned. The strictest precautions were adopted to prevent the introduction of the fever into the capital.

ITALY.-Accounts from Rome, dated the 9th ult., state that the brigands pursue their predatory plans with increased daring, on the route between that capital and Naples; they seize all travellers indiscrimi, nately with a view of extorting a ransom. A young Genoese nobleman was lately stopped by them near Bondi; and his liberation was obtained for the sum of 10,000 crowns, which was paid by a mercantile house at Naples.

GERMANY.-By the accounts received from Germany, it appears that many of the states of that empire are still in a very agitated state. A Brussels paper contains a long article, which seems to have been published by some of the Prussian authorities, in order to shew, that the late arrests in Germany, consequent on the assassination of Kotzebue, were well warranted by the existence of an association, the objects of which were to revolutionize all Germany by the most horrible means. It states, that the persons in prison at Berlin do not excced 10 or 11, chiefly young men of the Universities, from 20 to 24 years of age, will soon be brought to public trial. Fourteen associations have been discovered, which are directed by secret chiefs.

Prussia, it is stated, has agreed, in the most unqualified manner, to adopt the measures proposed by the central commission at Mentz, for restraining seditious publications, and for the maintenance of internal security and public tranquillity in the confederation. The law agreed to by the German Diet, and now adopted by Prussia, orders, that "all the hitherto existing laws upon the censorship of the press, both in the old and the new provinces of the kingdom, shall be abolished, so that the


censorship shall be exercised on one uniform principle throughout the whole monarchy."

An article dated Carlsruhe, October 29, states, that the resolutions of the Diet had been promptly put in execution there. The same course has been pursued in Wis baden.

The shameful outrages against the Jews have extended themselves to Dantzic, where the garrison was compelled to remain during three whole days under arms.

SWEDEN AND DENMARK.-The convention concluded between Sweden and Denmark, through the mediation of Great Britain, provides, by one of its articles, that the King of Denmark shall henceforth cease to include the Lion of Norway in his armorial bearings.

TURKEY. A revolution has recently occurred in the ministry of the Ottoman Porte. His Highness announced a grand levee to be held; the Ministers repaired to it; and, quite unexpectedly, the Mufti (or Lord Chief Justice of Turkey) was turned out of office. A short time afterwards, three other Ministers were deposed-the Grand Master of the Ceremonies, Minister of the Interior, and Grand Marshal. The poor Grand Admiral was also accused of various crimes, sentenced, rangled, and thrown into the sea.

CORFU, Sept. 11.On the 4th inst. at seven o'clock in the evening, we had here such a violent shock of an earthquake, that in an instant the bells of all the churches began to ring. As this happened in forty churches at once, it may be supposed what terror was excited. The inhabitants rushed out of their houses, and several buildings were damaged. The air was quite

serene, and the moon shone bright. We expect now that we shall hear of an eruption of Vesuvius or Etna, as earthquakes in this country are usually ascribed to such eruptions.


EAST INDIES.-A vessel recently arriv ed at Bengal, which touched at Batavia, brings accounts of the extreme jealousy with which the Dutch authorities at Java are disposed to treat the British who trade in that quarter. They had determined, it appears, to exclude all foreigners from the various ports of the island excepting Batavia, and their hostility seemed particularly directed against the English, of whom they were exceedingly jealous on account of the advantages they derived from their settlement at Singapore. The Government of Java had granted, however, to certain individuals special licences, allowing them to load their vessels at Sourabaya and Samarang, but whether to soften the general severity of their measures, or to favour them, was not known.

3 N

AFRICA. MOROCCO.-A circumstance recently occurred in Morocco, which has there brought the Jews into great favour. A conspiracy has been formed in one of the provinces, to attack and rob the Crown Prince, who had to travel that way: and but for information which was furnished by a Jew, the result might have been most fatal. The escort was attacked, the Prince wounded, and the treasure carried off by the robbers. Of this event the Jew gave such prompt information to the Emperor, that a large force was instantly sent off, which not only succeeded in rescuing the Prince from the defiles in which his party was entangled, but succeeded in taking an immense number of prisoners, among whom were many Jews, who had been compelled into the service by their superiors. The Jews were all treated with favour, the others had their eyes thrust out. The Emperor is married to a Jewess. The Crown Prince is since dead.

It is mentioned in the recent Paris papers, that the plague has entirely ceased at Algiers and Tunis.


UNITED STATES.-The United States, which have been for a long period suffering equally with this country from severe commercial distress, we are sorry to state, have also of late been visited with the fatal yellow fever, which has made such dreadful ravages in Spain. New York, Baltimore, and Boston, have particularly suffered from this dreadful malady; and by the last accounts it continued to rage at the two latter places with unabated violence, but at the former place on the 26th uit. only one new case had been reported. Its terrors had, however, completely suspended all public business, and thousands are said to have emigrated. Philadelphia, at the date of the last accounts, remained free from contagion.

SPANISH AMERICA. By a vessel arrived at Bristol, advices have been received from Trinidad, of the successful progress of the Patriot arms under General Bolivar in New Granada. From these it appears, that while the English expedition was pre

paring for a descent upon the north of Venezuela, and for an attack on the ports of that maritime frontier, General Bolivar, the Commander-in-Chief, carried his arms to the westward against New Granada, and appears to have commenced his operations under happy auspices. On the 25th July he defeated the Spanish army, after a se vere and bloody contest, during which the Independents were at one time surrounded, and in the course of which the British troops distinguished themselves by their characteristic bravery; in consideration of which, Bolivar rewarded our countrymen with the Star of the Order of Liberators. The Spaniards lost above 500 men, with arms and military stores. It appears that the Spanish Viceroy, after his defeat, abandoned Santa Fe, the capital of the province, which city was afterwards entered by the Patriots, who threatened to push forward to the neighbourhood of Carthagena, and were expected to make it the object of an immediate attack.

BRITISH AMERICA.-The Montreal Herald gives a full detail of the trial of the Editor of the Niagara Spectator, for a libel. He was found guilty, by a Special Jury, of libelling the local authorities of the Upper Province. Gourlay, the reformer, was also tried for a similar crime. He made a long and vapouring defence, stating his knowledge of law, and that he would carry the cause to the mother country. He was found guilty, and was ordered to leave the province in 24 hours. He absconded the following evening.

WEST INDIES.-We are sorry to say that distressing accounts have recently been received from Jamaica, relative to the health of the troops in that island. The 50th and 92d regiments have suffered severely by the insalubrity of the climate, and are reduced to mere skeletons. The names of several officers are mentioned who have fallen victims to it; among others are those of Captain Mackie of the 92d, Colonel Hill, Captain Montgomery, the paymaster of the 50th, and his son, and several others. The deaths from the fever had been very considerable in the island, but the garrison had suffered most.



14.-A new yacht is now building for the Prince Regent at Portsmouth, which, for elegance, will probably surpass every thing of the kind. The first artists are employed in the embellishments: and it is understood that the gilding of the ornaments alone will cost nearly L. 1000. The burthen of

the vessel is 281 tons, and the upper deck is 103 feet in length. She is to be called the Regent, and her head will be an immense bust of that illustrious personage, supported by full length figures of Britan nia and Neptune. The vessel will be launched in the spring of next year.

16.-Edinburgh.The Caledonian Hunt


and Edinburgh Races commenced running over Musselburgh course on Monday, and closed this day. They were well attended, had the advantage of good weather, and afforded considerable sport. On this occasion, although the building of the street running along the Regent Bridge, called Waterloo Place, is not quite finished, the remaining part of the road running over the Calton Hill, and joining the old road near Jock's Lodge, being nearly complete, the magistrates, with great propriety, order ed the road to be opened for the accommodation of the company going to the races; and this arrangement, besides, afforded a high gratification to the public in general, Every day during the week the Calton Hill was covered with crowds of spectators, who assembled to see the return of the immense cavalcade of carriages, horsemen, and pedes trians, which daily crowded to Musselburgh; and these, on the other hand, were equally gratified to witness the enlivening spectacle which the assemblages on the hill afforded.

Queensferry Passage-At a meeting of the Trustees on the Queensferry Passage, held to-day, the Lord Chief Commissioner in the chair, it was finally resolved to erect a new pier at the present landing place adjoining the signal-house at the North Ferry. This work is to be begun early in the spring, and of all the improvements which have taken place at this Ferry, that now proposed, when completed, will be the means of affording the greatest facility and accommodation to travellers. meant to extend the present landing con. siderably to the southward-to widen it by blowing away the rocks-and on the west side to erect a pier exclusively for pinnaces. -When these improvements are finished, which it is expected will be next summer, we may congratulate the public upon this Ferry being the most complete in Great


It is

18. Trial for Blasphemous Publications. On Monday the 11th instant, the Court of King's Bench, London, proceeded to the trial of Richard Carlile, bookseller, for publishing Paine's Age of Reason; and at the end of the third day, the jury found him guilty. Next day he was arraigned on a similar charge, and found guilty of publishing another blasphemous work, entitled "Principles of Nature,"&c. Carlile conducted his own case, and throughout the three first days was almost constantly engaged in altercations with the Judge, who endeavoured in vain to restrain him in the line of defence he adopted. He did not, like Hone, rest his defence in disproving the charge of reviling the scriptures, and bringing religion into contempt. On the contrary, he boldly avowed the most unqualified infidelity, maintaining that the scriptures were a tissue of falsehoods and absur

dities, and endeavouring to defend his
blasphemies by proving them justifiable.
For this purpose, he read over the whole
of the Age of Reason, and also many pas,
sages of the Bible, commenting upon these
in such a manner, as frequently to make
the jury shudder. On the second trial he
attempted the same line of defence, and
on being told by the Judge that it was
inadmissible, he appealed to the jury, who
informed him the course he was adopting
could not be favourable to his interests;
upon which he immediately closed his de-
fence. Carlile, for want of bail, has been
committed to Newgate until he receive sen-
tence; but in the mean time has stated his
intention of applying for a new trial. In
the course of the third day's proceedings, the
Attorney-General remarked that it was evi-
dently the object of the defendant to give
currency to the calumnies against the Chris-
tian religion which he had brought forward,
by connecting them with his defence. It was
important, therefore, it should be under-
stood, that these could not be reiterated
with impunity, for he would take care that
those who might hereafter publish them
should not pass unnoticed or unpunished.
This will prevent Carlile from publishing
the blasphemous matter as part of his de-
fence, in any report of his trial which, in
imitation of Hone, he may hereafter chuse
to put forth. Since these proceedings, an
information has been laid against Carlile's
wife, for ontinuing to sell the publica-
tions in question; and she will likely also
be brought to trial. It is remarkable, that
three years ago Carlisle, who was then a
journeyman tinman, was with his wife re-
ceiving pecuniary relief; and such has
been his success in the iniquitous traffic
which he has since carried on, that some
weeks ago, in offering himself bail for one
of his friends, he made oath that he was
worth L. 4000.

Northern Meeting. This institution, which met at Inverness last week, is among the oldest of its kind in the kingdom, having commenced so far back as the year 1788. Its avowed object was the promotion of harmony and easy social intercourse among the nobility and gentry of the north. ern counties. The company was but thin in the beginning of the week, but towards its close many additional visitors arrived, and on Friday a party of about 130 ladies and gentlemen sat down to dinner and supper. Lord Saltoun presided over the convivialities of that day, and the social powers of his Lordship were most successfully exerted to promote the happiness and festive gaiety of the brilliant party around him. On this evening the ball-room was crowded, and the dance kept gaily up till four o'clock in the morning. In the absence of Seaforth, the Hon. Mrs Stewart Mackenzie sent the stewards a large fat hart, from the parks of

Brahan. Handsome and profuse dinners were furnished through the week by Mr Geddes. Captain Walker favoured the company with the attendance of the band of the Invernes-shire militia; and all the gentlemen acting as stewards exerted themselves to promote the general comfort and accommodation of the company, in a manner that deserved and obtained their warmest thanks.

22.-Snow in October.-Yesterday there had been a slight fall of snow in and a round London. In the course of the night the fall was so great, that the streets this morning were nearly ancle deep; there had been likewise a violent gale from N.W. -visitations very fatal to the trees and shrubs, the branches of which, still abounding in foliage, are in many instances broken down by the wind, and the snow with which they were encumbered. Similar accounts have been received this morning from different parts of the country. In the vale of Aylesbury the snow lies above three feet high. Between Biggleswade and Stevenage the snow fell so thick, as entirely to impede the horses in the different coaches. At Walthamstow, a number of trees were blown up by the roots, and lay across the highway, compelling travellers to go a circuit of several miles. The outside passengers, together with the guards and coachmen, suffered much from the inclemency of the weather.

25.-Accession of his Majesty.—This day his Majesty entered into the 60th year of his reign, a period longer than any of his predecessors, in England or Scotland, occupied the throne. Henry III. reigned in England 57 years, and James VI. in Scotland 58 years; but the former was only nine years of age when he succeeded to the monarchy, and the latter was an infant when, in consequence of the extorted resignation of his mother, he became king, while George III. was of legitimate age on his accession to the sovereignty of Great Britain and Ireland. Of the Peers of Scotland at his Majesty's accession, only the Duke of Gordon, born 1743, who inherited the title 1752, is alive. The twenty Judges of the Courts of Session and Exchequer in Scotland have been exactly three times renewed during this reign; the appointments to the Bench being sixty in number, exclusive of two promotions of puisne Judges to the President's chair. Of the members of the Facuity of Advocates at the accession, four are alive, viz. Robert Craig of Riccarton, and Robert Berry, both admitted in 1754, and Sir Ilay Campbell, and James Ferguson of Pitfour, the present Member of Parliament for Aberdeenshire, both admitted in 1757. Of the Society of Writers to the Signet at the accession, only one, Cornelius Elliot, of Woollee, is in existence. Of the Pcers of Eng

land and Ireland, at the commencement of this reign, five are alive, viz. the Earl, now Marquis of Drogheda, the Earl of Carlisle, Earl Fitzwilliam, Viscount Netterville, and Viscount Bulkeley, all of whom were under age at the accession, with the exception of the Marquis of Drogheda, now in his 90th year, and at the head of the Generals of the Army.

Dreadful Accident.-A terrible accident happened in the neighbourhood of Cannobies on Friday week. A gentleman, on his return from shooting, having a loaded gun in his hand, met in the road a young woman of his acquaintance, whom he attempted to kiss. A kind of struggle ensued, in which some part of the unfortunate girl's apparel came in contact with the trigger; the gun went off, and its contents lodging in her breast she expired on the spot! The unhappy man is said to be in a state of mind, in consequence, bordering upon delirium.

28.-Dreadful Hurricane.-The whole of the east coast of Britain has been for some days past visited by a violent hurricane, in which the shipping has suffered much. A letter from Fraserburgh of the 25th instant says " A shocking spectacle presented itself this morning, on the north side of Kinnaird's Head light-house, where, during the night, the brig Adonis, of Liverpool, had been driven on the rocks, and dashed to pieces, and all on board perished; the wreck of both vessel and cargo strewed along the shore exhibiting an awful catastrophe; the cargo consisting of hemp and tallow. Several dead bodies were repeatedly seen this forenoon, dashing against the face of the rocks, by the violence of the waves; one of whom had the appearance of having been a passenger, as he had on a long black coat;-several articles of children's clothes have been also washed on shore. On a small part of the stern was "Adonis, Liverpool;" and on a sign board," Adonis, Geo. Atkinson, for Oporto."

Newgate. There were confined in the gaol of Newgate, on the 25th of October, 399 persons, of whom 286 were males, and 113 females. Of these there were 34 under sentence of death-31 men, and 3 women. The prisoners for trial at the present Sessions are 220, of whom 2 are for murder, 22 for uttering forged notes, and 125 for larcenies.

The Mails. Within these few months many new and excellent arrangements have been adopted throughout the country for expediting the mails. Liverpool now receives all its letters, with the exception of the York mail, early in the morning, instead of at various hours in the day, and dispatches them many hours later (after Exchange time) than it formerly did; with a dispatch one day later of its foreign let

and hospitality with which he was entertained by the public authorities, and expressed his high admiration of the city, its situation, buildings, and public institutions. In viewing Edinburgh from the Castle, and from the promenade round the brow of the Calton Hill, he frequently burst out into exclamations of "Grand?

ters intended for the Continent. A com plete and direct moving chain of mail coaches proceeds about 1000 miles, from Penzance to Thurso, hy Bristol, Birming ham, Manchester, Carlisle, Edinburgh, and Aberdeen. By a late junction at Manchester, Scotland receives and dispatches letters one day quicker each way; and by a newly established mail-coach-fine !-very fine !-finest city in Eufrom Aberdeen, travelling daily to the Land's End and Thurso, through a country no stage-coach ever went, and where in general no post-horses were kept, in most instances the letters reach that extremity of the island several days sooner. The counties of Caithness, Ross, and Sutherland, each subscribed L. 200 towards any loss the proprietors of this mail-coach might sustain.

Edinburgh Musical Festival.-An ac count of this grand Festival will be found under the head of Public Amusements, in the present number of this Miscellany.


Executions.Glasgow, Nov. 4.-Pursuant to their sentence, Robert M Kinlay, alias Rough Rab, William Buchanan, Hunter Guthrie, and Alexander Forbes, were executed yesterday, in front of the jail. The two former were convicted of robbing Bothwell Castle; and the latter two of breaking into the house of Alexan. der M'Laren, weaver, Kilmarnock. The prisoners had been constantly attended and assisted in their devotions by Dr Chalmers, his assistant Mr Irving, Mr Ewing, and a number of the other ministers of the city. William Buchanan was a native of Glasgow, and spent the greater part of his life in Gorbals. He had not learned any regular business, but occasionally assisted his father, who is a founder, or machine maker. Robert M'Kinlay was a native of Glasgow, had been some time at sea, but had not a regular trade. Alexander Forbes was also a native of Glasgow, and by trade a cloth-lapper. Hunter Guthrie was a native of Paisley, and bred a weaver. Till within the last two years he bore an excellent character.

6.-Visit of the Persian Ambassador to Edinburgh. On Saturday the 30th ult. Mirza Abul Hassan Khan, Ambassador Extraordinary from his Majesty the King of Persia to the Court of Great Britain, arrived at the Royal Hotel in this city, on a visit to Scotland, and yesterday set off, by way of Hamilton, for Portpatrick, from thence to embark for Ireland. His Excellency, during the few days he remained here, was busily employed in surveying every thing worthy the observation of a stranger; and by his conversation and the various inquiries he made, showed himself a person possessed of no ordinary degree of intelligence and general knowledge. He was particularly pleased with the politeness

rope," &c. Every prominent object or public building which came within his view excited him to some inquiry respecting their uses or objects. On inquiring the meaning of the round tower raised over the grave of Hume, and learning that it marked the spot where the ashes of the great historian of England were deposited, he expressed peculiar satisfaction at this memorial. His Excellency speaks the English language pretty correctly. He is a stout made man, rather above the middle size, of a sallow complexion, piercing black eyes, black hair, and a long black beard. He was dressed in his national costume, in rich crimson satin, and a fine large sash of the same colour, with a highly finished dirk, with a large diamond in the centre of the hilt. His coach is very neat, painted a bright yellow, and the door pannels are adorned with the insignia of the Royal Persian order of the Sun and Lion, encircled with a large star.

Melancholy Accident.-A most distressing accident happened on Thursday at Edmonstone colliery, near Edinburgh. A collier and his wife were descending to the pit in the bucket to commence their daily labour, when, melancholy to relate, the rope broke, and they were precipitated to the bottom of the pit, and literally dashed to pieces. A man who was in the other bucket, ascending, also met with very serious injury, so as to make his life in danger. What aggravates the distressing accident is, that the collier and his wife were only one year married, and have left an infant of only three months old.

3.-Royal Remains. On Friday forenoon the tomb of King Robert Bruce, discovered about a twelvemonth ago at Dunfermline, was, in the presence of an immense number of people, opened, and his remains again deposited in a new leaden coffin provided for the purpose. The skeleton was found entire, and, after being examined by several gentlemen of the faculty present, the skull was taken out, and a drawing and cast of it taken. A number of leaden boxes were then deposited in the coffin by Mr Jardine of the Exchequer, containing the different coins of the realm, both of the last and present coinage; the Edinburgh Directory and Almanack, Life of Bruce, History of Dunfermline, a copy of all the newspapers printed in Edinburgh the week previous, &c. After the masons had prepared a foundation, the new coffin

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