Die Bernsteinhexe

الغلاف الأمامي
J. J. Weber, 1872

من داخل الكتاب

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 291 - ... flos perpetuus rosarum ver agit perpetuum; candent lilia, rubescit crocus, sudat balsamum. virent prata, vernant sata, rivi mellis influunt; pigmentorum spirat odor, liquor et aromatum; pendent poma floridorum non lapsura nemorum. non alternat luna vices, sol vel cursus siderum; agnus est felicis urbis lumen inocciduum; nox et tempus desunt ei; diem fert continuum.
الصفحة 25 - Ubi corpus, illic iure congregantur aquilae, Quo cum angelis et sanctae recreantur animae, Uno pane vivunt cives utriusque patriae. Avidi et semper pleni, quod habent desiderant, Non satietas fastidit, neque fames cruciat : Inhiantes semper edunt et edentes inliiaut.
الصفحة 130 - I straightway perceived that all he wanted was to see my daughter, inasmuch as he presently occupied himself about her, and began chattering with her in the Latin again. He made her repeat to him the carmen to his Majesty; whereupon he, in the person of the king, answered her, "Dulcissima et venustissima puella, quae mihi in coloribus coeli, ut angelus Domini appares, utinam semper mecum esses, nunquam mihi male caderer," whereupon she grew red, as likewise did I, but from vexation, as may be easily...
الصفحة 137 - ... tune tua, maxime rex, Martia facta canam. tu modo versiculis ne spernas vilibus ausum auguror et res est ista futura brevi!

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