صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

1. BE

An ACT to divide this State into Counties.

Paffed 3d April, 1801.

into thirty

E it enacted by the People of the State of New-York, State divided represented in Senate and Assembly, That the faid counties. ftate fhall be and hereby is divided into thirty counties, to be called by the names of New-York, Suffolk, Queens, Names Kings, Richmond, Weftchefter, Rockland, Orange, Ulfter, thereof. Dutchefs, Columbia, Renffelaer, Wafhington, Saratoga, Effex, Clinton, Greene, Albany, Schoharie, Delaware, Otfego, Montgomery, Herkimer, Chenango, Onondaga, Cayuga, Tioga, Oneida, Steuben and Ontario.

II. And be it further enacted, That the extent and lim- Bounds its of the faid feveral counties fhall be as follows:


The county of New-York to contain the islands called New-York, Manhattan's ifland, Great-barn-ifland, Little-barn-ifland, Mannning's ifland, Nutten-ifland, Bedlow's ifland, Bucking-ifland and the Oyfter-iflands, and all the land under the water within the following bounds: Beginning at Spyten Duyvel-creek, where the fame empties itfelf into the Hudfon's river, on the Weftchefter fide thereof, at low water mark, wherever the fame now is or hereafter may be, and fo running along the faid creek at low water mark as aforefaid on the Weftchefter fide thereof unto the Eaft-river or Sound, and from thence to cross over to Naffau-ifland to low water mark there as aforefaid, including Great-barn-ifland, Little-barn-ifland and Manning's illand, and from thence along Naffau-ifland fhore, at low water mark as aforefaid, unto the fouth fide of the RedHook, and from thence across the North-river fo as to include Nutten-ifland, Bedlow's ifland, Bucking-ifland and the Oyster-iflands, to low water mark on the weft fide of Hudfon's river, or fo far as the bounds of this



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