صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


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Cornwall Devonshire Dorsetshire Somersetshire




Yorkshire 1s. 6d.


3s. Od.

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The succeeding Counties will be published at the same
cheap rate, on the first day of every month,
To each county is prefixed a List of the Markets and
Fairs; an Index Table, shewing at one view, the
distance of every Town from London, and from each
also a copious Travelling Guide, exhibiting
the direct and principal Cross Roads, Inns, distance
of Stages, Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Seats, &c.
forming a complete COUNTY ITINERANT.


Is printed on a larger Wove Vellum Paper; it will also contain Coloured Maps; to which the trifling advance of only One Shilling is attached to each Part.

London: Printed for C. COOKE, 17, Paternoster[725 row and sold by all the Booksellers in the United Kingdom.


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The Publication of a NEW EDITION of this ad-curred since it was first introduced to public notice, mirable NOVEL, well printed in small octavo, and excellently embellished, is This Day commenced, in Monthly Parts, price 2s. Ed. each.

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has required a reputation almost unparalleled in the lencies are the softening the skin for a free perspiration, annals of personal improvement. Its principal exceladhering firmly to the face, giving a light and delicate tint that cannot be distinguished from nature. Five Shillings per bottle.

Pears's Liquid Bloom of Roses gives a most delight. ful tinge to the Female Countenance, and to such a degree of perfection, that it may with propriety be improving the Charms of Nature. Price 35. 6d. per said that Art was never so successfully employed in Bottle.

Pears's White Imperial Powder is an admirable Companion to the above, being the most simple and It is produced AROMATIC SPIRIT OF VINEGAR, from Vegetables only, and gives to the Skin a delicacy Prepared by E. COMPLIN, Chymist, No. 41, Bishops-effective Cosmetic in fashionable use. gate Within, London. Price 2s. 6d. and 5s. per strictly consonant to true Beauty, nor can the most circumspective observer preceive the application of it on the Countenance. Box.

This Spirit is a certain Antidote to all contagious disPersons afflicted with eases, malignant fevers, &c. fainting or hysteric fits, will find it useful to smell to; A letter and all who attend the sick, or visit places where infection prevails, should be provided with it. from Dr. Trotter, Physician to his Majesty's Fleet, given with each bottle, it is trusted, will by considered by the [710 public as a sufficient testimony of its efficacy. Sold in stopper bottles, price 2s. 6d.

Pears's New Liquid Pink Dye, for colouring Silk Stockings, Gloves, Ribbons, &c. in a more bright and transparent style than can be given by any other preparation. Price 1s. 6d. and 3s. per Bottle.

Pears's Pink Saucers, an entire new Invention. 727




Charcoal from its antiseptic properties has long been recommended by the first professional men as the most efficacious Tooth Powder that can be used for cleaning, whitening, and preserving the Teeth, removing the Scurvy from the Gums, and destroying the fetor arising from curious teeth, which contaminates the breath, and is incapable of injuring the enamel.

From the great reputation the above articles, invented by Edm. Lardner (Chemist to the Duke and Duchess of York), has acquired, many imitations are daily offered for sale; the true only is signed Edm. Lardner on the


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Price 7s. 6d per Bottle, Stamp Duty included. Homo sum, humani Nihil a me alienum puto-Terrence. Errat, si quis existimat facilum rem esse Donare Seneca.

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K. and B. feel it incumbent on them to state to the Public, that the very great demand for the Genuine Prepared Charco 1, testified by Affidavit of Mr. Blake, before the Lord Mayor, bearing da e, June the 10th, 1806, has occasioned such various imitations, that unless they are particular in asking for their Preparation, they undergo a great risk of a spurions kind bemg in posed upon them. Price 2s. each box, bearing their signature. None other is genuine.

Sold by the proprietors, at their Warehouse, No 33,
St. James's street; by Mr. Samuel Berry, Wholesale
Agent, Greek-street, London; at most of the Watering
Ploces, and principal Towns throughout the United


Of all the irregularities of Nature, incident to the HuThe BALM of QUITO is the best remedy in the man Frame, there are none whose intrinsic insignifi universe for Nervous Complaints, the most powerful reeance is accompanied with such distressing hostility to personal comeliness and attraction; none which so ob-storative and re-animating Balm of Life and Halth, and the safest and best medicine in the world. It is not stinately resist the utmost efforts of medical wisdom as pretended that this medicine can arrest the progress of the Diseases of the Skin. nature, but it is asserted, and proved, that it will restore health even where the constitution appears to have been irreparably injured. Those who have impaired their health by a residence in hot and unhealthy climates; the young of either sex, whose infirmities threaten pre mature old age, a life of misery, and an early dissolu. tion: and those more advanced in years, whose totter

A private Gentleman (an enthusiastic Amatuer of Chemical Philosophy), having long since witnessed the inefficacy of every application to professional aid,

as well as of each celebrated Lotion to relieve a certain lovely young friend of his from a cutaneous mal dy of a very singular and afflicting species, at length succeeded in discovering the above combination of simple and innocent ingredients, which not only proved a quick g sapless frames appear withered and almost worn remedy for the Case in question, but has for at least, t, are more immediate objects of this soothing Balm, these ten years last past, been generally used by a Circle whose benign influence may be extended to the whole of the First Fashion, as a specific for a variety of other class of Valetudinarians. For in all cases, and in all complexional Ailments, arising from obstructed Capil-tion has received a shock, or is by any means debilitated, ages, where the solids are relaxed, where the constitu Jary Vessels. At the pressing instance of many who have been this RESTORATIVE and RE ANÍMATING BALM thus benefited, it is, that the Proprietor of the above of LIFE and HEALTH will produce the happiest effects; the cold and tremulous nerves will be warmed Preparation, is at last induced (without offending de-and steadied; the relaxed fibres will be braced and licacy by an ostentatious nomenclature of Morbid symp-rendered firm; the muscles will be invigorated; the toms) to offer it to the Public, not only as a general S, e- sinews will be strengthened; the emaciated limbs cific for the prevalent Diseases of the Skin, but also as a never-failing Antidote to, or Cure for the Venom of those Insects which usually annoy the inhabitants of this Country and our Indian Settlements, of which ample testimony can be produced.

will be covered with firm flesh; the exhausted blood will become rich and balsamic, and its lan. vessels will be replenished; the impoverished watery guid circulation restored to the sanative imperus, The Public may rely upon it that the Proprietor has which is the true criterion of health; the languid droop already received permission to affix the Names of many will be promoted; in short, the tone of the nerves will ing spirits will be revived and exhilirated; digestion well known personages, in high life, in confi: mation, of be restored, and by these means the whole constitution the virtue of this Water; but unwilling to expose their will be renovated; feebleness, lassitude, anxiety, me generosity to any possible abuse, he at pressnt de-lancholy, and all the deplorable symptoms of disease clines publishing such respectful sanction: yet to pre- will venish; and strength, ardour, renity, and every vent suspicion of all empirical artifice and imposture, evidence of renovated health will be the happy result of the Names of any illustrious Persons who have received Relief, will be left for inspection at the Proprie-the directions for use which accompany each bottle. taking this inestimable Balm in due time, according to tor's Office. It is particularly recommended to the Inhabitants of hotter Climates. Sold wholesale and for *The Balm of Quito is prepared and sold by W. exportation by the Proprietor, Mr. Bragge, Holloway, Withers, Chemist, 229, Strand, near Temple Bar. LonIslington; and rer il by most of the respectable Perdon; and Retail by all the respectable Medicine Venders, fumers and Medicine Venders. Price 2s. 94. per Bottle, or the quantity of five bottles N. B. None are genuine but those signed by the Pro-in one for 18s. 6d. duty included, 1788

prietor on the Label of each Bottle.



Patronised by the Fashionable World.

· DAVISON's celebrated original PALMYRENE, or
VIOLET-SCENTED SOAP, for softening, beautify.
ing, and preventing the skin from chapping; the
fragrance of which is considerably enriched by the addi-
tion of elegant East Indian and Italian Perfumes.-
Price One Shilling the Square.


deau, braid, tuft, or any other article of ornament to a lady's Peruke, or her own Hair, where, in one minute, it forms the most graceful Head-dress, according to the fancy of the we rer, and may be affixed without the assistance of any other person. The excellence and simplicity of the Patent Springs, render them applicable to, and desirable for, all kinds of Hair ornament. He is the sole inventor and improver of all the useful gold, silver, and s'el Elastic Springs; all others being mere imitations, and an imposition on the credulous: and he particularly recommends them because the Brass Spring (which he has long exploded) oozes out no inconsider able quantity of verdigrease, of a disgusting appearance, and most poisonous quality. A host of impostors, envious of his reputation and merit, are continually foistMerchants or Tradesmen having Orders for a quantity ing on the public their slight-wove, ill-shaped, ricketty of this Soap, are particularly requested to apply at their productions; surreptitiously obtaining even this semManufactory, in Fleet-street, where they will be sup-lance of his invention, by bribing those to be ray their plied on the most liberal terms, and be certain of obtain ing the genuine article.

The acknowledged and evident superiority of this Soap having occasioned many imitations, Families are particularly requested to direct for Davison's original Palmyrene or Violet Scented Soap, sold in London at their Manufactory, No. 59, Fleet-street, and by one principal Trader in every chief Town and fashionable Watering Place in England, Scotland and Ireland.

Davison's fashionable and elegant Extract, or Otto of Roses, is considerably improved in fragrance, and sold at 25, 4s 6d. and 9s. the Bottle.

Davison's fragrant Huile Antique a la Rose double, for the Hair, &c in Bottles, at 2s each. This superior [714 Oil is infused with pure Otto of Roses.


The lowest Price asked and no abatement made.-Great advantages to be had in laying out Ready Money at the Gallery of Fashion, opposite the Brewhouse, 29, City Road, Finsbury-square.-.


trust who are bound by gratitude to protect his property; and thus by a little variation, they deceive the world, and secure themselves from prosecution. But Ross's His Perukes and Patent Head dresses will be superiority is not confined to these important improvefound to surpass all others in the union of lightness, strength, elegance, and ease: they are not worked in open bars, like gridirons, which adinit the tangent rough points through, to irritate the head, and kep the wearer in perpetual torment; a practice, adopted by tricking Valet de Chambres and Demi-Quacks, who never have served a regular time to the art, have acquired all their knowledge from a few lessons by advertisers, and whose only meri is the exorbitant high price of their articles, puffed off with encomiums, and exciting no other atJOHN INGRAM repeats his thanks to the Nobility, tention in the purchaser than astonishment at the imGentry, and the Public for a long distinguished Patro-pudence of the vender, and a regret at his own dearSuch impostors obtain twenty nage, and standing on an establishment of many years, bought experience. most gratefully announces that all the ingenuity and im-guineas for that which is not worth one; careless whether provements in the trade, which the first expectations they see a customer twice; as the picking up a few of the unwary every week pays the expence of puffing, can challenge, are exhibited by him in the largest Gal lery in London, where all the advantage of finished ele- and fully answers their expectation and purpose. [720 gance, and very low prices in the best manufactures from a connected assemblage. Fancy, japanned, Windsor, Mahogany, and dyed Chairs, Sofa Bedsteads, Cornices, Flower Stands, Garden and Rustic Seats, Gothic entwined Friese Works, and general Furniture Warehouse. Liberal Allowance to Merchants, Captains and others giving orders for exportation.-The Trade sup[723 plied as usual.



No. 18, Woburn-place, Russell-square.

Mr. FALEUR respectfully announces to the Public, in addition to his improvements in the composition of MINERAL TEETH, which have always given so much satisfaction, that he has planned and brought to perfection an effectual method of introducing an Artificial Palate, so as completely to relieve the sufferer.For this invention of his art, Mr. F. is enabled to refer to a Field Officer lately returned from India, whose, Teeth and Palate were shot away in the Mahratta Ware and whose sufferings and privations in consequenc, were great for several years but he is now so far relieved as to be enabled to eat, drink, and talk with ease and satisfaction.

Mr. F. again beg leave to caution the Public against the invidious attacks of an advertising Dentist, who, by frequent publications, endeavours to injure him. Mr. Faleur, being honoured with an extensive portion of public favour, can feel no other sentiment for this envious, disappointed, and irritable old man, but pity.And Mr. F. is confident, that while he continues to give satisfaction to those who honour him with their commands, no efforts of an ungenerous enemy can injure him with a British Public.


OR, THE PERFECTION OF HUMAN NATURE, No. 119, Bishopsgate-street, established Twenty Years. During which period every article of elegance, beauty, and taste in Hair, has been invented by him, and, by ais talents and unremitting attention" to catch the iving manners as they rise," every graceful improveent has been happily accomplished. The distinction e is honoured with by the first families in this country, nd the whole fashionable world, both at home and broad, incontestably proves his superiority, and enables Mr. Faleur begs leave to add, that in consequence of im to import above one thousand pounds weight of Hair every year, which affords employment to more various experiments, he has succeeded in making the han one hundred men, women, and children in his Mineral Teeth so incorruptible, that he engages to reTanufactory. His patent is for an article of real ser- place them, free of expence, if they are ever known to ice; which, in a surprising manner, attaches a ban-wear or change colour, or any other defect.

Mr. Faleur has also to produce a specimen of this person's skill-nine Artificial Teeth, which he got from a Gentleman, who ranks high in the State, with per mission to use his name, and for which he was shamefully charged the enormous sum of Sixty Guineas!!



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Try this and decide!

The Proprietors of this article can announce to the public, that it is not only the most excellent Blacking ever seen; (for jet black lustre) but they assert, that it possesses the rare quality of preventing dampness, and even rain from affecting its pristine gloss, without the use of the Oil of Vitriol, which every other Blacking is made with, and is so prejudicial to the leather; and farther, that no dust will adhere to the boot or shoe, which may not be wiped off with a handkerchief, and the polish will thus continue for three or four days

without additional blacking.

But the proprietors have discovered one grand property which this, of all other Blacking, possesses, and must recommend itself to the world in general, particularly to officers, both in the navy and army, and others travelling to the East and West Indies, as well as to those who export Boots and Shoes, to have them done with it before the voyage, because it will positively prevent that destructive insect, the Cock Roach, from touching the leather; it being a well known fact, from their devastation, that often out of a whole package, hardly a single pair can be found wearable!

This invaluable Blacking may be had wholesale, retail, and for exportation, at the Warehouse, No. 2, Webber-street, Westminster Road; where all orders (post paid) will be taken, and punctually executed. Sold in Bottles of One Shilling and Nine-pence, and One Shilling each. Payment is expected on delivery. None will be genuine but what is signed, on the bottle, in writing JAS WEST and CO.

Directions for using it.

Let the dirt be brushed clean off first ;-shake the bottle and pour a little into a saucer, then, with a soft brush, thinly and equally lay it on;—it gives the best | polish if brushed before it is too dry, but it must be done with a hard brush, quick and lightly.

Appropriate sets of brushes may be had, and also a Composition for boot tops, which will take out all stains, and make the leather look like new.




LINEN CLOTHS, whitened by muriatic acid, a Com-
In consequence of the many complaints against p
pany was formed on the Union, in 1801, by some of the
first Bleachers in Ireland, to supply the Public in this
Country with Cloths of the best fabric (bleached in the
old and usual method) at the wholesale Irish prices.-
Their original plan is invariably adhered to, viz.
To sell One Piece, but not less.

A Piece to be sold at the wholesale price.
Each Piece rated, and no alteration of price.
All goods warranted, and the money returned if a
fault appears.

Their 4-4th and 7-8th Linens contain about twentyfive yards each piece.

Their 9-8th and 5-4th Sheetings contain about fiftytwo yards each piece.

Their 6-4th Sheetings contain about thirty-two yards each piece.

Cash as usual for Bank of Ireland Notes.
J. O'BRIEN, Agent to the Company,
Removed from Great Russell street to No. 4, Blooms.

bury-square, near Hart and Southampton-streets, lead-
ing to Holborn.



Established by an Association of Noblemen and Gen-
tlemen, in the Counties of

Nottingham, Oxford,

Patrons-The Lords Lieutenants of the several Counties.


Warwick, York.

The Most Noble the Marquis of Buckingham, K.G. The Most Noble the Marquis of Salisbury, K. G. The Right Honourable the Earl of Northampton, The Right Honourable the Earl of Upper Ossory, The Right Honourable Lord Braybrooke.

The Directors having agreed to effect insurances in and about such parts of London as partake of the ture of country risks, i. e. the western parts of the Metropolis, and the new buildings generally, subinit the following leading features of the Association to an al tentive perusal, and solicit that preference only which they may jusly claim.

All persons who continue insured with this Associa tion seven years, whether their Policy be originally taken out for seven years, or be renewed annually, will be rendered Proprietors, and participate with the origi nal Subscribers in the Profits of the establishment:

MRS. VINCENT's GOWLAND's LOTION for the while thus entitled to eventual profits, they have the


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peculiar and valuable assurance of being secured from the possibility of Loss, as the sole responsibility is undertaken by an extensive association, who have subscribed a Capital of 300,000l. to guarantee the engagements of the Office.

A discerning public will doubtless perceive, that on the above principles the benefits of insurance from fire will be arrived at in the cheapest and most secure man. ner. The premiums of insurance are as low as can be admitted, consistently with the security of the insured

themselves, should unfavourable events arise: but if it Proves that such events do not take place, the excess of premium will be returned in the shape of profits; these profits, however, may reasonably be expected to be very satisfactory, as the business of the Association consists of a selection of the best risks, the Directors act gratuitously, and the arrangements are, in all respects, justly economical; the capital embarked also, while amply sufficient to cover any train of losses that can be conceived in an office which rejects great hazards, is not so great as to disperse the profits through an useless curent of shareholders.

Mrs. Vincent's genuine Gowland's Lotion is sold by Attendance is daily given from nine to four o'clock, her at No. 4, Davies street, Grosvenor-square; Bacon at the head Office, in Southampton-street, Strand, and Co No. 150, Oxford-street, and every reputable London, which is also the Office of the Provident in Vender of Medicines in Europe, in Quarts 8s. 6d;stitution for the Insurance of Lives, and the granting Pints 5. 6d. ; half Pin's 2s 96.

To prevent Counterfeits, see Mrs. Vincent's Name on the Label on each Bottle.


and purchasing of Annuities.

Agents are appointed in all the principal Cities and Towns in the Associated Counties.

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ROYAL ABYSSINIAN FLOWER SOAP. A delicate Skin is attainable by using MIDDLEWOOD's ROYAL ABYSSINIAN FLOWER SOAP, which is used, and in high repute, with the Royal Family, the Nobility, and the Public in general, for washing the Hands and Face beautifully clean, white, and smooth, and preventing them from chapping in the most intense winter, even if washed with hard water. It is particularly recommended to wash young Children, or Gentlemen to shave with. Cold or only warm water is recommended.



May be obtained by using PRINDON's ITALIAN

This truly innocent, efficacious, and agreeable Powder
was discovered by an eminent foreign Dentist, and which
has met the approbation of most of the Nobility of this

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It far surpasses every thing of the kind ever offered to the Public, for cleansing, beautifying, and preserving the Teeth and Gums, as it renders the Enamel equisitely J. W. Middleweod, the inventor and proprietor, most white, the Gums firm and of a beautiful appearance; gratefully cautions those Families who are yet unac-in short, a perseverance in its use will prove its superior Sold, Wholesale and Retail at WARD's Medicine quainted with the above celebrated Soap from being efficacy. Price 2s. 6d. imposed upon with a counterfeit, which is called the [715 Improved Abyssinian Flower Soap. Indeed the word Warehouse, No. 324, Holborn, London, and by Apin Town and Country. improved is become the denomination for deception.-pointment by most Perfumers and Medicine Venders To guard against such imposition in future, please to ask for Middlewood's Soap, and observe his name, with the Duke and Duchess of York's Arms, are on the outside wrapper. shaving cakes 16. 6d. and in a neat shaving-box, with brush, 2s. 6d.


Price 1s. the square, the same in Beg to inform the Public that they propose to publish

Venders are supplied by his Agents as usual, at his wholesale price; and orders transmitted, with reference or the amount inclosed, to J. W. Middlewood, at his Perfume Warehouse, 110, High-street, Whitechapel, London, will be forwarded to any part of the world. [737


Invention Unique and of the utmost utility.

Five Plates representing the

With the disposition of the ENGLISH FLEET before it,
during thebte siege, (Dedicated to Lord Cathcart
and Admiral Gambier), from Drawings made on the
spot, by Capt. Cockburn, of the Royal Artillery.
Plate I. Will represent a view of the Island of Amak,
with the Coast of Sweden, and the advanced Squadron,
under Sir Samuel Hood, in the distance; the British

Removed from No 12, Piccadilly to No. 330, Oxford-Batteries and the Danish Gun boats engaging in the

street, near Argyle-street.

The PATENT SPECTACLES, by which the sight of the aged is restored, the weak sight strengthened, and the perfect sight preserved, upon unerring principles. At Home from Twelve to Five-Not a Shop. [728 RICHARDSON'S ASTRINGENT LOZENGES,


II. and III: Views of the City of Copenhagen, taken of the City, and shewing the situation of the British Batfrom the Palace of Fredericksberg, embracing the whole teries and the Lunatic Hospital, &c. &c.

IV. View of the whole of the British Fleet and Transports, with the Coast of Sweden in the distance. In the middle-ground is seen the Windmill, and situation of FOR DISORDERS OF THE BOWELS. other British Batteries with the Village of FredericksIn those Disorders of the Bowels commonly more V. View of the Castle of Cronenberg, with the prevalent in the autumnal months than in any other berg in the fore-ground, and the Royal Garden. period of the year, arising from a too free use of fruits and other vegetables-from imprudent exposure to cold British Fleet before it ; together with the Castle of Elsinevening air in thin cloathing after a hot day-from sud-berg on the Swedish side, shewing the Entrance into den transitions of the air from hot to cold-from wet seasons-from whatever suddenly obstructs the perspi ration-from some particular kinds of food-and from other causes; and which, if neglected, too often termimate in painful and alarming Dysentery or Bloody Flux, which sometimes proves fatal. In those distressing Disorders, these Lozenges afford immediate relief, and, in most cases, effects a cure in a few hours.

the Sound; likewise the town of the Elsineur, the Rope-walk, &c.


The recent glorious achievement of the British Navy and Army at Copenhagen, will fully sanction, it is to be hoped, these Proposals for publishing Five Engravings descriptive of the Metropolis of Denmark, and of the different dispositions of the British Troops and Fleet In private practice, they have been given in very ob- at the most interesting periods of the siege. The understinate cases with the greatest success; even in Dysen- taking has not only strong claims on the patronage of tery of long standing, a single box has effected a cure, the Public in a national point of view, inasmuch as it after every other remedy previously prescribed by emi-will shew the positions of our gallant Navy and Army in nent Physicians had failed. Those, therefore, who have had recourse to the common remedies in these complaints, without experiencing the desired relief, may take this medicine with the greatest confidence of


They are peculiarly convenient for persons whose avocations require them to be absent from home many hours in the day, as from their being more portable than a liquid medicine, they can be carried in the pocket and readily taken at any time; and they have, moreover, this advantage of Pills, that by being dissolved in the mouth before they pass into the stomach, their effects takes place much sooner, and a more speedy relief is obtained; which is a very desirable object in so distressing a complaint.

Sold, wholesale and retail, in boxes at Is. 6d. and 2s. 94. each, by Smith and Son, Chemists, &c. No. 29, Hay-Market, London, with printed Instructions, re commending such Aperients as are most proper to pre. cede their use, and pointing out a regimen which has been found by experience to be most suitable in such disorders. Sold also by Barclay and Son, No. 95, Fleet. Market; and Tutt, Royal Exchange.


various points of attack, and demonstrate the several obstacles they had to surmount; but it has claims on public notice also, which will exist long after the feelings of the present day shall have subsided. The Coast of Zealand, and, indeed, the whole scenery which these proposed Engraving will represent, is universally admitted to rank among the most picturesque and beautiful marine views in Europe.


Pollard, and the Prints to be finished in colours to The Plates to be engraved in Aquatinta, by Mr Robert imitate the Drawings.

The Size of each Print will be 161 by 21 inches long.
The Prints to be scrupulously delivered in the order they

are subscribed for.

Set, and Proofs Five Guineas.
The Price to Sub-cribers Three Guineas and a Half each

To be published on or before the 1st of November next.
Subscribers names are received by the Publishers, Boy.
dell and Co. No. 90, Cheapside, London; and the
Engravings may be had or every Print and Bookseller
throughout the United Kingdom.


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