From hence the low murmur of his pupils' voices, conning over their lessons, might be heard in a drowsy summer's day like the hum of a bee-hive, interrupted now and then by the authoritative voice of the master in the tone of menace or command, or... The Beauties of Washington Irving, Esq. ... - الصفحة 204بواسطة Washington Irving - 1830 - عدد الصفحات: 316عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
 | 1820 - عدد الصفحات: 870
...voices, conning over their lessons, might be heard in * drowsy summer s day, like the hum of a bee-hive ; interrupted now and then by the authoritative voice...; or, peradventure, by the appalling sound of the bitch, as he urged some tardy loiterer along the flowery path of knowledge. Truth to say, he was a... | |
 | Washington Irving - 1820 - عدد الصفحات: 438
...voices, conning over their lessons, might be heard in a drowsy summer's day, like the hum of a bee-hive; interrupted now and then by the authoritative voice...tone of menace or command; or, peradventure, by the appaling sound of the birch as he urged some tardy loiterer along the flowery path of knowledge. Truth... | |
 | Washington Irving - 1823 - عدد الصفحات: 402
...voices, conning over their lessons, might be heard in a drowsy summer's day, like the hum of a bee-hive ; interrupted now and then by the authoritative voice...conscientious man, ' that ever bore in mind the golden maxim, i< Spare the rod and spoil the child. » — Ichabod Crane's scholars certainly were not spoiled. I... | |
 | Washington Irving - 1834 - عدد الصفحات: 330
...authoritative voice of the master, in the tone of menace or command; or, peradventure, by the appalling-sound of the birch, as he urged some tardy loiterer along...mind the golden maxim, " Spare the rod and spoil the child."—Ichabod Crane's scholars certainly were not spoiled. I would not have it imagined, however,... | |
 | Washington Irving - 1835 - عدد الصفحات: 194
...running close by , and a formidable birch-tree growing at one end of it. From hence the low murmur of bis pupils' voices, conning over their lessons, might...menace or command ; or, peradventure , by the appalling sonnd of the birch, as he urged some tardy loiterer along the flowery path of knowledge. Truth to say,... | |
 | Washington Irving - 1835 - عدد الصفحات: 284
...voices, connmg over their lessons, might be heard ma drowsy summer's day, like the hum of a beehive; interrupted now and then by the authoritative voice of the master, in a tone of menace 01 command; or, peradventure, by the appalling sound of the birch, as he urged some... | |
 | Washington Irving - 1848 - عدد الصفحات: 550
...voices, conning over their lessons, might be heard in a drowsy summer's day, like the hum of a bee-hive ; interrupted now and then by the authoritative voice...knowledge. Truth to say, he was a conscientious man, and ever bore in mind the golden maxim, " Spare the rod and spoil the child." — Ichabod Crane's scholars... | |
 | Washington Irving - 1848 - عدد الصفحات: 478
...voices, conning over their lessons, might be heard in a drowsy summer's day, like the hum of a bee-hive; interrupted now and then by the authoritative voice...knowledge. Truth to say, he was a conscientious man, and ever bore in mind the golden maxim, " Spare the rod and spoil the child."—Ichabod Crane's scholars... | |
 | Washington Irving - 1849 - عدد الصفحات: 546
...voices, conning over their lessons, might be heard in a drowsy summer's day, like the hum of a bee-hive; interrupted now and then by the authoritative voice...the master, in the tone of menace or command; or, peradvcnture, by the appalling sound of the birch, as he urged some tardy loiterer along the flowery... | |
 | Washington Irving - 1853 - عدد الصفحات: 524
...voices, conning over their lessons, might be heard in a drowsy summer's day, like the hum of a bee-hive ; interrupted now and then by the authoritative voice of the master, in the tone pf menace or command ; or, peradventure, by the appalling sound of the birch, as he urged some tardy... | |
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