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Compound Purgers.


OMPOUND medicines which purge melancholy, are either taken in the superior or inferior parts: superior at mouth or nostrils. At the mouth swallowed or not swallowed: If swallowed liquid or solid: liquid, as compound wine of Hellebor, Scilla or Sea-onyon, Sena, Vinum Scilliticum, Helleboratum, which Quercetan so much applauds "for melancholy and madness, either inwardly taken, or outwardly applied to the head, with little pieces of linen dipped warm in it." Oxymel. Scilliticum, Syrupus Helleboratus major and minor in Quercetan, and Syrupus Genista for Hypocondriacall melancholy in the same Author, compound Syrupe of Succory, of Fumitory, Polypodic, &c. Heurnius his purging Cockbroth. Some except against these Syrupes, as appears by Udalrinus Leonorus his Epistle to Matthiolus, as most pernicious and that out of Hippocrates, cocta movere, & medicari, non cruda, no raw things to be used in Physick; but this in the following Epistle is exploded and soundly confuted by Matthiolus; many Julips, potions, receipts, are composed of these, as you shall finde in Hildesheim spicel. 2. Heurnius lib. 2. cap. 14. George Skenkius Ital. med. prax. &c.

Solid purges are confections, electuaries, pills by themselves, or compound with others, as de lapide Lazulo, Armeno, Pil. Inde, of fumitory, &c. Confection of Hamech, which though most approve, Solenander sec. 5. consil. 22. bitterly inveighs against, so doth Randoletius Pharmacop. officina, Fernelius and others; Diasena, Diapolypodium, Diacassia, Diacatholicon, Wecker's Electuarie de Epithymo, Ptolomye's Hierologadium, of which diverse receipts are daily made.

tius 22. 33. commends Hieram Ruffi. Trincavelius consil. 12. lib. 4. approves of Hiera; non, inquit, invenio melius medicamentum, I finde no better medicine, he saith. Heurnius adds pil. Aggregat. pills de Epithymo. pil. Ind. Mesue describes in the Florentine Antidotary, Pillule sine quibus esse nolo, Pillula Cochiæ cum Helleboro, Pil. Arabice, Fætida, de quinq; generibus mirabolanorum, &c.

i Pharmacop. Optimum est ad maniam & omnes melancholicos affectus, tum intra assumptum, tum extra, secus capiti cum lintcolis in eo madefactis tepide admotum. Epist. Math. lib. 3. Tales Syrupi nocentissimi et omnibus modis extirpandi. More

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More proper to melancholy, not excluding in the mean time, Turbith, Manna, Rubarb, Agarick, Elescophe, &c. which are not so proper to this humour. For as Montaltus holds cap. 30. and Montanus cholera etiam purganda, quod atræ sit pabulum, choler is to be purged because it feeds the other: and some are of an opinion, as Erasistratus and Asclepiades maintained of old, against whom Galen disputes, that no physick doth purge one humour alone, but all alike or what is next." Most therefore in their receipts and magistrals which are coined here, make a mixture of several simples and compounds to purge all humours in generall as well as this. Some rather use potions than pills to purge this humour, because that as Heurnius and Crato observe, hic succus à sicco remedio agrè trahitur, this juyce is not so easily drawn by dry remedies, and as Montanus adviseth 25 cons. "All drying medicines are to be repelled, as Aloe, Hiera," and all pills whatsoever, because the disease is dry of itself.

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I might here insert many receipts of prescribed potions, boles, &c. The doses of these, but that they are common in every good Physitian, and that I am loth to incurre the cencure of Forestus lib. 3 cap. 6. de urinis, " against those that divulge and publish medicines in their mother tongue," and lest I should give occasion thereby to some ignorant Reader to practise on himself, without the consent of a good Phy


Such as are not swallowed, but only kept in the mouth, are Gargarisms used commonly after a purge, when the body is soluble and loose. Or Apophlegmatisms, Masticatories, to be held and chewed in the mouth, which are gentle, as Hysope, Origan, Pennyriall, Thyme, Mustard; strong, as Pellitory, Pepper, Ginger, &c.

Such as are taken into the nostrils, Errhina are liquid or drie, juyce of Pimpernell, Onions, &c. Castor, Pepper, white Hellebor, &c. To these you may adde odoraments, perfumes, and suffumigations, &c.

Taken into the inferior parts are Clysters strong or weak, Suppositories of Castilian sope, honey boiled to a consistence; or stronger of Scamony, Hellebor, &c.

These are all used, and prescribed to this malady upon severall occasions, as shall be shewed in his place.


1 Purgantia censebant medicamenta, non unum humorem attrahere, sed quemcunq; attigerint in suam naturam convertere. cantes medicinæ, ut Aloe, Hiera, pilulæ quæcunq;.

Religantur omnes exsic-
Contra eos qui lin-

gua vulgari et vernacula remedia et medicamenta præscribunt, et quibusvis communia faciunt.

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Chirurgicall Remedies.

'N letting of blood three main circumstances are to be considered, "Who, how much, when." That is, that it be done to such a one as may endure it, or to whom it may belong, that he be of a competent age, not too young, nor too old, overweak, fat, or lean, sore laboured, but to such as have need, are full of bad blood, noxious humors, and may be eased by it.

The quantity depends upon the parties habit of body, as he is strong or weak, full or empty, may spare more or less.

In the morning is the fittest time: some doubt whether it be best fasting, or full, whether the Moon's motion or aspect of Planets be to be observed; some affirm, some deny, some grant in acute, but not in Chronick diseases, whether before or after Physick. 'Tis Heurnius' Aphorism, à Phlebotomia auspicandum esse curationem, non à pharmacia, you must begin with blood-letting and not physick; some except this peculiar malady. But what do I? Horatius Augenius, a Physitian of Padua, hath lately writ 17. books of this subject, Jobertus, &c.

Particular kindes of blood-letting in use are three, first is that opening a Vein in the arm with a sharp knife, or in the head, knees, or any other parts, as shall be thought fit.

Cupping-glasses with or without scarification, ocyssimè compescunt, saith Fernelius, they work presently, and are applyed to severall parts, to divert humours, aches, windes, &c.

Horse-leeches, are much used in melancholy, applied especially to the Hæmrods. Horatius Augenius lib. 10. cap. 10. Platerus de mentis alienat. cap. 3. Altomarus, Piso, and many others, prefer them before any evacuations in this kinde.

Cauteries or searing with hot irons, combustions, boarings, launcings, which because they are terrible, Dropax and Sinapismus are invented, by plaisters to raise blisters, and eating medicines of pich, mustard-seed and the like.

Issues still to be kept open, made as the former, and applyed in and to several parts, have their use here on diverse occasions, as shall be shewed.

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Fernclius lib. 2. cap. 19.

* Renodcus

lib. 5. cap. 21. de his Mercurialis lib. 3. de composit, med. cap. 24. Heurnius lib. 1. prax. med. Wecker, &e.




Particular cure of the three severall kindes;
of head Melancholy.

THE generall cures thus briefly examined and discussed, it remains now, to apply these medicines to the three particular species or kindes, that according to the several parts affected, each man may tell in some sort how to help or ease himself. I will treat of head melancholy first, in which, as in all other good cures we must begin with Diet, as a matter of most moment, able oftentimes of it self to work this effect. I have read, saith Laurentius cap. 8. de Melanch. that in old diseases which have gotten the upper hand or an habit, the manner of living is to more purpose, then whatsoever can be drawn out of the most pretious boxes of the Apothecaries. This diet, as I have said, is not only in choice of meat and drink, but of all those other non-naturall things. Let air be clear and moist most part: diet moistning, of good juyce, easie of digestion, and not windie: drink clear, and well brewed, not too strong, nor too small. "Make a melancholy man fat,' as Rhasis saith, " and thou hast finished the cure." Exercise

not too remisse, nor too violent. Sleep a little more then ordinary. Excrements daily to be avoided by art or nature; and which Fernelius enjoyns his patient consil. 44. above the rest, to avoid all passions and perturbations of the mind. Let him not be alone or idle, (in any kind of melancholy) but still accompanied with such friends and familiars he most affects, neatly dressed, washed and combed, according to his ability at least, in clean sweet linen, spruce, handsome, decent, and good apparell; for nothing sooner dejects a man then want, squalor and nastiness, foul, or old cloaths out of fashion. Concerning the medicinal part, he that will satisfie himself at large (in this precedent of diet) and see all at once, the whole cure and manner of it in every distinct species, let him consult with Gordonius, Valescus, with Prosper Calenius lib. de atra bile ad Card. Cæsium, Laurentius cap. 8. & 9. de mela. Elian Montaltus de mel. cap. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Donat. ab. Altomari cap. 7. artis med. Hercules de Saxonia in Panth.

⚫ Cont. lib. 1. c. 9. festines ad impinguationem, & cum impinguantur, removetur malum. ⚫ Beneficium ventris.

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cap. 7. & Tract. ejus peculiar. de melan. per Bolzetam edit. Venetiis 1620. cap. 17. 18. 19. Savanarola Rub.82. Tract. 8. cap. 1. Skenkius in prax. curat. Ital. med. Heurnius cap. 12. de morb. Victorius Faventinus pract. Magn. & Empir. Hildesheim Spicel. 2. de man. & mel. Fel. Platter, Stokerus, Brucl. P. Baverus, Forestus, Fuchsius, Cappivaccius, Rondoletius, Jason Pratensis. Salust. Salvian, de remed. lib. 2. cap. 1. Jacchinus in 9. Rhasis, Lod. Mercatus de Inter. morb. cur. lib. 1. cap. 17. Alexan. Messaria pract. med. lib. 1. cap. 21. de mel. Piso. Hollerius, &c. that have culled out of those old Greeks, Arabians, and Latines, whatsoever is observable or fit to be used. Or let him read those counsels and consultations of Hugo Senensis consil. 13. & 14. Renerus Solinander cons. 6. sec. 1. & consil. 3. sec. 3. Crato consil. 16. lib. 1. Montanus 20. 22. 229. and his following counsels, Lælius à Fonte. Egubinus consult. 44. 69. 77. 125. 129. 142. Fernelius consil. 44. 45. 46. Jul. Cæsar Claudinus, Mercurialis, Frambesarius, Sennertus, &c. Wherein he shall finde particular receipts, the whole method, preparatives, purgers, correcters, averters, cordials in great variety and abundance: Out of which, because every man cannot attend to read or peruse them, I will collect for the benefit of the reader, some few more notable medicines.



PHLEBOTOMY is promiscuously used before and after

Physick, commonly before, and upon occasion is often reiterated, if there be any need at least of it. For Galen, and many others make a doubt of bleeding at all in this kind of head-melancholy. If the malady, saith Piso cap. 23. & Altomarus cap. 7. Fuchsius cap. 33. ""shall proceed primarily from the mis-affected brain, the Patient in such case shall not need at all to bleed, except the blood otherwise abound, the veins be full, inflamed blood, and the party ready to run mad." In immateriall melancholy, which especially comes from a cold distemperature of spirits, Hercules de Saxonia cap. 17. will not admit of Phicbotomy; Laurentius cap. 9. approves it out of the authority of the Arabians; but as Mesue, Rhasis, Alexander appoint, especially in the head," to open the veins

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Si ex primario cerebri affectu melancholici evaserint, sanguinis detractione non indigent, nisi ob alias causas sanguis mittatur, si multus in vasis, &c. frustra enim fatigatur corpus &c. * Competit iis phlebotomia frontis. of

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