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crowned. Marcus the Heretick is accused by Irenæus to have inveagled a yong maid by this means: and some writers speak hardly of the Lady Katharine Cobham, that by the same Art she circumvented Humphrey Duke of Glocester to be her husband. Sycinius Emilianus summoned 'Apuleius to come before Cneíus Maximus, Proconsul of Africk, that he being a poor fellow," had bewitched by Philters Pudentilla an ancient rich Matron to love him," and, being worth so many thousand sesterces, to be his wife. Agrippa lib. 1. cap. 48. occult. philos. attributes much in this kind to Philters, Amulets, Images: and Salmutz com. in Pancirol. Tit. 10. de Horol. Leo Afer. lib. 3. saith, 'tis an ordinary practice at Fez in Africk, Præstigiatores ibi plures, qui cogunt amores & concubitus: as skilful all out as that Hyperborean Magitian, of whom Cleodemus, in * Lucian, tells so many fine feats perform'd in this kind. But Erastus, Wierus, and others are against it; they grant indeed such things may be done, but (as Wierus discourseth, lib. 3. de Lamiis cap. 37.) not by charms, Incantations, Philters, but the Divel himself; lib. 5. cap. 2. he contends as much; so doth Freitagius noc. med. cap. 74. Andreas Cisalpinus cap. 5. and so much Sigismundus Schereczius cap. 9. de hirco nocturno, proves at large. "Unchast women by the help of these witches, the Divels kitchin maids, have their loves brought to them in the night, and carried back again by a phantasm flying in the air in the likeness of a Goat. I have heard (saith he) divers confess, that they have been so carried on a Goat's back to their sweet hearts, many miles in a night." Others are of opinion that these feats, which most suppose to be done by Charms and Philters, are meerly effected by natural causes, as by man's blood Chimically prepared, which much avails, saith Ernestus Burgranius, in Lucerná vitæ & mortis Indice, ad amorem conciliandum & odium, (so huntsmen make their dogs love them, and farmers their pullen) 'tis an excellent Philter, as he holds, sed vulgo prodere grande nefas, but not fit to be made common: and so be Mala insana, Mandrake roots, Mandrake apples, pretious stones, dead men's cloaths, candles, mala Bacchica, panis porcinus, Hippomanes, a certain hair in a ‡ Wolf's tail, &c. of which Rhasis, Dioscorides, Porta, Wecker, Rubeus, Mizaldus, Albertus, treate: a swallow's heart, dust of a Dove's heart, multum va

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Apolog. quod Pudentillam viduam ditem & provectioris ætatis fœminam cantaminibus in amorem sui pellexisset. *Philopseude, Tom. 3. + Impudicæ mulieres opera veneficarum, diaboli coquarum, amatores suos ad se noctu dicunt & reducunt, ministerio hirci in aëre volantis: multos novi qui hoc fassi sunt, &c. Mandrake apples, Lemnius lib. herb. bib. c. 2. which read Plin. lib. 8. cap. 22. & lib. 15. c. 25. & Quintilianum lib. 7. U


+ Of


lent lingue viperarum, cerebella asinorum, tela equina, palliola quibus infantes obvoluti nascuntur, funis strangulati haminis, lapis de nido Aquile, &c. See more in Skenkius observat. medicinal. lib. 4. &c. which are as forcible and of as much vertue, as that fountain Salmacis in Vitruvius, Ovid, Strabo, that made all such mad for love that drank of it, or that hot Bath at *Aix in Germany, wherein Cupid once dipt his arrows, which ever since hath a peculiar vertue to make them lovers all that wash in it. But hear the Poet's own description of it,


"Unde hic fervor aquis terrâ erumpentibus udâ?
Tela olim hic ludens ignea tinxit Amor;

Et gaudens stridore noyo, Fervete perennes
Inquit, & hæc pharetræ sint monumenta meæ.
Ex illo fervet, rarusque hic mergitur hospes,
Cui non titillet pectora blandus amor."

These above-named remedies have happily as much power as that bath of Aix, or Venus' inchanted girdle, in which, saith Natales Comes, "Love toys and dalliance, pleasantness, sweetness, perswasions, subtilties, gentle speeches, and all witchcraft to enforce love, was contained." Read more of these in Agrippa de occult. Philos. lib. 1. cap. 50. & 45, Malleus malefic. part. 1. quæst. 7. Delrio tom. 2. quest. 3. lib. 3, Wic rus, Pomponatius, cap. 8. de incantat. Ficinus lib. 13. Theol. Plat. Calcagninus, &c.

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Symptomes or signs of Love Melancholy, in Body, Mind; good, bad, &c.


YMPTOMES are either of Body or Mind; of body, paleness, leanness, driness, &c. Pallidus omnis amans, color hic est aptus amanti, as the Poet describes lovers: fecit amor maciem, love causeth leanness. y Avicenna de Ilishi c. 33. "makes hollow eys, driness, Symptomes of this disease, to go smiling to themselves, or acting as if they saw or heard some delectable object." Valleriola lib. 3. observat. cap. 7.

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Lib. 11. c. 8. Venere implicat eos, qui ex eo bibunt. Idem Ov. Met. 4. Strabo. Geog. 1. 14. *Lod. Guicciardine's descript. Ger. in Aquisgrano. Baltheus Veneris, in quo suavitas, et dulcia colloquia, benevolentiæ, et blan ditiæ, suasiones, fraudes et veneficia includebantur. * Ovid. Facit hunç amor ipse colorem. Met. 4. Signa ejus profunditas oculorum, privatio lachrimarum, suspiria, sæpe rident sibi, ac si quod delectabile viderent, aut audirent.


Laurentius cap. 10. Ælianus Montaltus de Her. amore. Langius epist. 24. lib. 1. epist. med. deliver as much, corpus exangue pallet, corpus gracile, oculi cavi, lean, pale,

- ut nudis qui pressit calcibus anguem,”

hollow-ey'd, their eys are hidden in their heads,

*Tenerque nitidi corporis cecidit decor,"

They pine away, and look ill with waking, cares, sighs.

"Et qui tenebant signa Phœbeæ facis

Oculi, nihil gentile nec patrium micant.”

With groans, griefs, sadness, dulness,

"+ Nulla jam Cereris subit

Cura aut salutis"


want of appetite, &c. A reason of all this, Jason Pratensis gives, "because of the distraction of the spirits the Liver doth not perform his part, nor turns the aliment into blood as it ought, and for that cause the members are weak for want of sustenance, they are lean and pine, as the hearbs of my garden do this month of May, for want of rain." The green sickness therefore often happeneth to yong women, a Cacexia or an evil habit to men, besides their ordinary sighs, complaints, and lamentations, which are too frequent. As drops from a still,.

-" ut occluso stillat ab igne liquor,"

doth Cupid's fire provoke tears from a true Lover's eys, The mighty Mars did oft for Venus shreek,

Privily moistning his horrid cheek

With womanish tears,

"§ ignis distillat in undas,

Testis erit largus qui rigat ora liquor,"

with many such like passions. When Chariclia was enamored on Theagines, as Heliodorus sets her out," she was half distracted, and spake she knew not what, sighed to herself, lay much awake, and was lean upon a sudden :" and when she was besotted on her son in law, pallor deformis, marcentes

Seneca Hip. + Seneca'Hip. De morbis cerebri de erot. amore. Ob spirituum distractionem hepar officio suo non fungitur, nec vertit alimentum in sanguinem, ut debeat. Ergo membra debilia, et penuria alibilis succi mar. cescunt, squalentque ut herbæ in horto meo hoc mense Maio Zeriscæ, ob imbrium defectum. Fairy Queen 1. 3. cant. 11. § Amator Emblem. 3. *Lib. 4. Animo errat, & quidvis obvium loquitur, vigilias absq; causa sustinet, & succum corporis subito amisit. # Apuleius.

U. 2


oculi, &c. she had ugly paleness, hollow eys, restless thoughts, short wind, &c.. Eurialus, in an Epistle sent to Lucretia his Mistress, complains amongst other grievances, tu mihi & somni & cibi usum abstulisti, thou hast taken my stomack and my sleep from me. So he describes it aright;

his sleep, bis meat, his drink, in him bereft,
That lean be wareth, and dry as a shaft,
his eys hollow and grisly to behold,
his hew pale and ashen to unfold,
And solitary he was ever alone,

And waking all the night making mone.

Theocritus Edyl. 2. makes a fair maid of Delphos, in love with a yorg man of Minda, confess as much,

"Ut vidi ut insanii, ut animus mihi male affectus est,
Miseræ mihi forma tabescebat, neque amplius pompam
Ullum curabam, aut quando domum redieram
Novi, sed me ardens quidam morbus consumebat,
Decubui in lecto dies decem, & noctes decem,
De fluebant capite capilli, ipsaque sola reliqua
Ossa & cutis."

No sooner seen I had, but mad I was,
My beauty fail'd, and I no more did care
any pomp, I knew not where I was,
But sick I was, and evil I did fare;

I lay upon my bed ten days and nights,
A Sceleton I was in all men's sights.


All these passions are well expressed by that Heroical Poet in the person of Dido;


At non infælix animi Phænissa, nec unquam
Solvitur in somnos, oculisque ac pectore amores
Accipit; ingeminant curæ, rursusque resurgens
Sævit amor," &c.-

Unhappy Dido could not sleep at all,
But lies awake, and takes no rest:
And up

gets again, whilst care and grief,

And raging love torments her brest.

Accius Sanazarius Egloga 2. de Galatea, in the same manner fains his Lychoris tormenting herself for want of sleep, sighing, sobbing, and lamenting; and Eustathius in his Isme

*Chau cerin the Knight's tale. Virg. Æn. 4. Dum vaga passim sydera fulgent, Bumerat longas tetricus horas, & sollicito nixus cubito suspirando viscera rumpit.


nias much troubled, and "panting at heart, at the sight of his mistress," he could not sleep, his bed was thorns. All make leanness, want of appetite, want of sleep ordinary Symptomes, and by that means they are brought often so low, so much altered and changed, that as he jested in the Comedy, 46 one scarce know them to be the same men.”

"Attenuant juvenum vigilatæ corpora noctes,
Curaque & immenso qui fit amore dolor."

Many such Symptomes there are of the Body to discern lovers by,

-"quis enim bene celet amorem?”

Can a man, saith Solomon, Prov. 6. 27. carry fire in his bosome and not burn? it will hardly be hid, though they do all they can to hide it, it must out,

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"*Quoque magis tegitur, tectus magis æstuat ignis," 'Twas Antiphanes the Comoedian's observation of old, Love and drunkenness cannot be concealed, Celare alia possis, hæc præter duo, vini potum, &c. words, looks, gestures, all will betray them but two of the most notable signs are observed by the pulse and Countenance. When Antiochus the son of Seleucus was sick for Stratonice his Mother-in-law, and would not confess his grief, or the cause of his disease, Erasistratus the Physitian found him by his Pulse and Countenance to be in love with her, " h because that when she came in presence, or was named, his pulse varied, and he blushed besides." In this very sort was the love of Callicles, the son of Polycles, discovered by Panaceas the Physitian, as you may read the story at large in † Aristenætus. By the same signs Galen brags that he found out Justa, Boethius the Consul's wife, to dote on Pylades the Player, because at his name still she both altered Pulse and Countenance, as Polyarchus did at the name of Argenis. Franciscus Valesius, 1. 3. controv. 13. med. contr. denies there is any such pulsus amatorius, or that love may be so discerned; but Avicenna confirms this of Galen out of his experience, lib. 3. Fen. 1.

f Gordonius c. 20. 8 Ter

• Saliebat crebro tepidum cor ad aspectum Ismenes. amittunt sæpe cibum, potum, & merceratur inde totum corpus. Eunuch. Dii boni, quid hoc est, adcone homines mutari ex amore, ut non cognoscas cundem esse! *Ovid. Met. 4. h Ad ejus nomen rubebat, & ad + Epist. 13. Barck. lib. 1. Oculi

aspectum pulsus variebatur. Plutar. medico tremore errabant.

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