صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Since then this of marriage, is the last and best refuge, and cure of Heroical love, all doubts are cleared, and impediments removed; I say again, what remaines, but that according to both their desires, they be happily joyned, since it cannot otherwise be helped. God send us all good wives, every man his wish in this kinde, and me mine!

* And God that all this world bath wrought Send him his Love that hath it so deere bought. If all parties be pleased, aske their Banes, 'tis a match. Fruitur Rhodanthe sponsa, sponso Dosicle, Rhodanthe and Dosicles. shall go together, Clitiphon and Leucippe, Theagines and Chariclia, Poliarchus hath his Argenis, Lysander Calista, (to make up the maske) Potiturque sua puer Iphis Ianthi.


And Troilns in lust and in quiet.

Is with Creseid, his own heartsweet.

And although they have hardly past the pikes, through many difficulties and delayes brought the match about, yet let them take this of Aristenetus (that so marry) for their comfort: "After many troubles and cares, the marriages of lovers are more sweet and pleasant." As we commonly conclude a Comody with an wedding, and shaking of hands, lets shut up our discourse, and end all with an || Epithalamium.

Feliciter nuptis, God give them joy together. Hymen O Hymenae, Hymen ades O Hymenee! Bonum factum, 'Tis well done, Haud equidem sine mente reor, sine numine Divum, 'tis an happy conjunction, a fortunate match, an even couple,

"Ambo animis, ambo præstantes viribus, ambo

Florentes annis,"

they both excell in gifts of body and mind, are both equal in yeares, youth, vigor, alacrity, she is fair and lovely as Lais or Helena, he as another Charinus of Alcibiades,

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Epist. 4. 1. 2. Jucundiores multó & suaviores longè post molestas turbas aman tium nuptiæ. § Olim meminisse juvabit.


Quid expectatis, intus fiutit

The conCatullus., Catullus.

nuptiæ, the music, guests, and all the good cheere is within. clusion of Chaucer's Poem of Troilus and Creseid. J. Secundus sylvar. lib. Jam virgo thalamum subibit, unde.ne; virgo redeat, marite cura.

Ee 2

7. Goe

"Goe give a sweet smel as Incense, and bring forth flowers as the Lilly:" that we may say hereafter,

"Scitus Mecastor natus est Pamphilo puer."

In the mean time I say,

"Ite, agite O juvenes, *non murmura vestra columbæ,
Brachia non hederæ, neque vincant oscula concha."

Gentle youths go sport your selves betimes,
Let not the Doves outpass your murmurings,
Or Ivy clasping armes, or oyster kissings.

And in the morne betime, as those Lacedæmonian Lasses
saluted Helena and Menelaus, singing at their windowes, and
wishing good successe, do we at yours:

"Salve O sponsa, salve felix, det vobis Latona
Felicem Sobolem, Venus dea det æqualem amorem
Inter vos mutuò; Saturnus durabiles divitias,
Dormite in pectora mutuò amorem inspirantes,
Et desiderium!".

Good morrow Master Bridegroom, and Mistris Bride,
Many fair lovely Bernes to you betide!

Let Venus to you mutual love procure,
Let Saturne give you riches to endure.
Long may you sleep in one another's armes.
Inspiring sweet desire, and free from harmes.

Even all your lives long,

"Contingat vobis turturum concordia,
Corniculæ vivacitas".

The love of Turtles hap to you,
And Ravens yeares still to renew.

Let the Muses sing, (as he said ;) the Graces dance, not at their weddings only but all their daies long; "so couple their hearts, that no irksomeness or anger ever befall them: Let him never call her other name then my joy, my light, or she call him otherwise then sweet-heart. To this happiness of their's, let

Ecclus. 39. 14. 'Galeni Epithal. * O noctem quater & quater beatam. Theocritus eidyl. 18. Erasm. Epithal. P. Egidij. Nec saltent modo sed duo charissima pectora indissolubili mutuæ benevolentiæ nodo copulent, ut nihil unqua eos incedere possit iræ vel tædii. Illa perpetuò nihil audiat nisi, mca lux: Ille vicissim nihil nisi anime mi: Atque huic jucunditati ne senectus detrahat, imo potius aliquid adaugeat.


not old age any whit detract, but as their yeares, so let their mutual love and comfort increase." And when they depart this life,

-« * concordes quoniam vixere tot annos,
Auferat hora duos eadem, nec conjugis usquam
Busta suæ videat, nec sit tumulandus ab illa."

Because they have so sweetly liv'd together,
Let not one dye a day before the other,
He bury her, she him, with even fate,
One houre their soules let jointly separate.

Fortunati ambo si quid mea carmina possunt,
Nulla dies unquam memori vos eximet ævo,"

Atq; hæc de amore dixisse sufficiat, sub correctione, quod ait ille, cujusque melius sentientis. Plura qui volet de remediis amoris, legat Jasonem Pratensem, Arnoldum, Montaltum, Savanarolum, Langium, Valescum, Crimisonum, Alexandrum Benedictum, Laurentium, Valleriolam, è Poetis Nasonem, è nostratibus Chaucerum, &c. with whom I conclude,

† For my words here and every part,
I speak hem all under correction,
Df you that feeling have in love's art,
And put it all in your discretion,
To intreat or make diminution,
Df my language, that I you beseech:
But now to purpose of my rather speech.

Kornmannus de linea amoris. +Finis 3 book of Troilus & Creseid.

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Jealousie, its Equivocations, Name, Definition, Extent, severall kindes; of Princes, Parents, Friends. In Beasts, Men: before marriage, as Corrivals; or after, as in this place.


VALESCUS de Taranta cap. de Melanchol. Elian Montaltus, Felix Platerus, Guianerius, put Jealousie for a cause of Melancholy, others for a Symptome; because melancholy persons amongst these passions and perturbations of the minde, are most obnoxious to it. But me thinks for the latitude it hath, and that prerogative above other ordinary symptomes, it ought to be treated of as a Species apart, being of so great and eminent note, so furious a passion, and almost of as great extent as Love itself, ás i Benedetto Varchi holds, "No love without a mixture of Jealousie," qui non zelat, non amat. For these causes I will dilate, and treat of it by it self, as a bastard-branch or kinde of Love-Melancholy, which, as Heroical Love goeth commonly before marriage, doth usually follow, torture, and crucifie in like sort, deserves therefore to be rectified alike, requires as much care and industry, in setting out the severall causes of it, prognosticks and cures. Which I have more willingly done, that he that is or hath been jealous, may see his error as in a glass; he that is not, may learn to detest, avoid it himself, and dispossess others that are any wise affected with it.

Jealousie is described and defined to be "a certain suspition which the lover hath of the party he chiefly loveth, lest he or she should be enamoured of another :" or any eager desire to enjoy some beauty alone, to have it proper to himself only a fear or doubt, lest any forrainer should participate or share with him in his love. Or (as 'Scaliger adds) "a fear of losing her favour whom he so earnestly affects." Cardan calls it "a

In his Oration of Jealousie, put out by Fr. Sansavin. * Benedetto Varchi. 'Exercitat. 317, Cum metuimus ne amata rei exturbimur possessione.

- zeal

zeal for love, and a kinde of envy lest any man should beguile us." "Ludovicus Vives defines it in the very same words, or little differing in sense.

There be many other Jealousies, but improperly so called all; as that of Parents, Tutors, Guardians over their children, friends whom they love, or such as are left to their wardship or protection.

"Storax non rediit hac nocte à coenâ schinus,
Neque servulorum quispiam qui adversum ierant?"

As the old man in the Comedy cried out in a passion, and from a sollicitous fear and care he had of his adopted son; "not of beauty, but lest they should miscarry, do amiss, or any way discredit, disgrace (as Vives notes) or endanger themselves and us." P geus was so sollicitous for his son Theseus, (when he went to fight with the Minotaure) of his success, lest he should be foiled, Prona est timori semper in pejus fides. We are still apt to suspect the worst in such doubtful cases, as many wives in their husbands' absence, fond mothers in their childrens', lest if absent they should be misled or sick, and are continually expecting news from them, how they do fare, and what is become of them, they cannot endure to have them long out of their sight: Oh my sweet son, O my dear childe, &c. Paul was jealous over the Church of Corinth, as he confesseth, 2 Cor. 11. 12. "With a godly jealousie, to present them a pure Virgin to Christ;" and he was afraid still, lest as the Serpent beguiled Eva through his subtilty, so their mindes should be corrupt from the simplicity that is in Christ. God himself in some sense is said to be jealous "I am a jealous God, and will visit:" so Psal. 79. 5. Shall thy jealousie burn like fire for ever?" But these are improperly called Jealousies, and by a Metaphor, to shew the care and solicitude they have of them. Although some Jealousies express all the Symptomes of this which we treat of, fear, sorrow, anguish, anxiety, suspition, hatred, &c. the object only varied. That of some fathers is very eminent, to their sons and heirs; for though they love them dearly being children, yet now comming towards man's estate they may not well abide them, the son and heire is commonly sick of the father, and the father again may not well brook his eldest son, inde simultates, plerumque contentiones & inimicitiæ; But that of Princes is most notorious, as when they fear corrivals

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Zelus de forma est invidentia species ne quis forma quam amamus fruatur. 3. de Anima. R. de Anima. Tangimur zelotypia de pupillis, liberis charisq; curæ nostræ concreditis, non de forma, sed ne male sit iis, aut ne nobis sibique arent ignominiam. Senec. in Herc. fur. Exod. 20.

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