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النشر الإلكتروني

ing to turn them out of their cells, and make a devil's mass of it in the old church, thinking they have forborne that sport too long; and troth I am clear of the same opinion."

66 Then, will Father Ambrose be the better of having a friend beside him!" said the page manfully.


Ay, but, my young fearnought," replied the falconer, "the friend will scarce be the better of being beside Father Ambrose-he may come by the redder's lick, and that is ever the worst of the battle."

"I care not for that," said the page, "the dread of a lick should not hold me back; but I fear I may bring trouble between the brothers by visiting Father Ambrose. I will tarry to-night at Saint Cuthbert's cell, where the old priest will give me a night's shelter; and I will send to Father Ambrose to ask his advice before I go down to the convent."


By our Lady," said the falconer, “and that is a likely plan—and now," he continued, exchanging his frankness of manner for a sort of awkward embarrassment, as if he had somewhat to say that he had no ready means to bring out" and now, you wot well that I wear a pouch for my hawks' meat, and so forth; but wot you what it is lined with, Master Roland ?"

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With leather, to be sure," replied Roland,

somewhat surprised at the hesitation with which Adam Woodcock asked a question so simple.



"With leather, lad?" said Woodcock; and with silver to the boot of that. See here," he said, shewing a secret slit in the lining of his bag of office- here they are, thirty good Harry groats as ever were struck in bluff old Hall's time, and ten of them are right heartily at your service; and now the murder is out."

Ronald's first idea was to refuse this assistance; but he recollected the vows of humility which he had just taken upon him, and it occurred that this was the opportunity to put his new-formed resolution to the test. Assuming a strong command of himself, he answered Adam Woodcock with as much frankness as his nature permitted him to wear, in doing what was so contrary to his inclinations, that he accepted thankfully of his kind offer, while, to sooth his own reviving pride, he could not help adding," he hoped soon to requite the obligation."

"That as you list-that as you list, young man," said the falconer, with glee, counting out and delivering to his young friend the supply he had so generously offered, and then adding, with great cheerfulness,-" Now you may go through the world; for he that can back a horse, wind a horn, hollow a greyhound, fly a hawk, and play at sword and buckler, with a whole pair of shoes, a

green jacket, and ten lily-white groats in his pouch, may bid Father Care hang himself in his own jesses. Farewell, and God be with you.”

So saying, and as if desirous to avoid the thanks of his companion, he turned hastily round, and left Roland Græme to pursue his journey alone.


The sacred tapers' lights are gone,
Grey moss has clad the altar stone,
The holy image is o'erthrown,

The bell has ceased to toll.

The long ribb'd aisles are burst and sunk,
The holy shrines to ruin sunk,

Departed is the pious monk,

God's blessing on his soul.


THE Cell of Saint Cuthbert, as it was called, marked, or was supposed to mark, one of those resting-places, which that venerable saint was pleased to assign to his monks, when his convent, being driven from Lindisfern by the Danes, became a peripatetic 'society of religionists; and bearing their patron's body on their shoulders, transported him from place to place through Scotland and the borders of England, until he was pleased at length to spare them the pain of bearing him farther, and to choose his ultimate place of rest in the lordly towers of Durham. The odour of his sanctity remained behind him at each place where he had granted the monks a transient respite from their labours; and proud were those who could assign, as his tempo

rary resting-place, any spot within their vicinity. Few were more celebrated and honoured than the well-known Cell of Saint Cuthbert, to which Roland Græme now bent his way, situated considerably to the north-west of the great Abbey of Kennaquhair, on which it was dependent. In the neighbourhood were some of those recommendations which weighed with the experienced priesthood of Rome, in choosing their sites for places of religion.

There was a well, possessed of some medicinal qualities, which, of course, claimed the saint for its guardian and patron, and occasionally produced some advantage to the recluse who inhabited his cell, since none could reasonably be expected to be benefitted by the fountain who did not extend their bounty to the saint's chaplain. A few roods of fertile land afforded the monk his plot of garden ground; an eminence well clothed with trees rose behind the cell, and sheltered it from the north and the east, while the front, opening to the south-west, looked up a wild, but pleasant valley, down which wandered a lively brook, which battled with every stone that interrupted its passage.

The cell itself was rather plainly than rudely built a low Gothic building with two small apartments, one of which served the priest for his dwelling-place, the other for his chapel. As there were few of the secular clergy who durst venture to re

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