صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

ject. As coin is not now in general circulation with us, we can readily fix by law the size, weight and measure of future issues. It is not worth while to negotiate about that which we can do without negotiation, and we do not wish to limit ourselves by treaty restrictions.

In England, many persons of influence and different Chambers of commerce are earnestly in favor of the proposed change in their coinage. The change is so slight with them, that an enlightened self-interest will soon induce them to make it; especially if we make the greater change in our coinage. We will have some difficulty in adjusting existing contracts with the new dollar; but as contracts are now based upon the fluctuating value of paper money, even the reduced dollar in coin will be of more purchasable value than our currency.

We can easily adjust the reduction with the public creditors in the pay ment or conversion of their securities, while private creditors might be authorized to recover upon the old standard. All these are matters of detail to which I hope the commission will direct their attention.

And now, my dear sir, allow me to say in conclusion, that I heartily sympathize with you and others in your efforts to secure the adoption of the metrical system of weights and meas


The tendency of the age is to break down all needless restrictions upon social and commercial intercourse. Nations are now as much akin to each other as provinces were of old. Preju dices disappear by contact. People of different nations learn to respect each other as they find that their differences are the effect of social and local custom not founded upon good reasons. I trust that the Industrial Commission will enable the world to compute the

négociations avec les autres puissances. Comme il n'y a pas de monnaie de circulation générale qui nous soit commune avec d'autres peuples, nous pouvons aisément fixer par une loi la dimension, le poids et la valeur des futures émissions. Il est inutile de négocier sur ce que nous pouvons faire sans négociations, et nous ne désirons pas nous soumettre aux restrictions des traités.

En Angleterre, plusieurs personnes influentes et différentes chambres de commerce sont très-favorables au changement qu'on propose d'apporter à leur monnaie. Ce changement est si faible chez eux que l'intérêt bien entendu amènera bientôt à l'adopter, surtout si nous faisons le changement plus considérable qu'on nous demande. Nous aurons quelques difficultés à adapter au nouveau dollar les contrats déjà existants; mais les contrats étant basés actuellement sur la valeur variable du papier-monnaie, même le dollar d'or sera d'un usage plus commode que notre monnaie fiduciaire.

Nous pouvons aisément faire accepter la réduction aux créanciers publics par le remboursement ou la conversion de leurs titres, tandis que les créanciers privés pourront être autorisés à opérer leurs recouvrements sur le pied de l'ancien étalon. Tout cela ce sont des points de détail sur lesquels je pense que la commission arrêtera toute son


Et maintenant, cher monsieur, permettez moi de dire en terminant, que je sympathise de grand cœur avec vous et vos collègues dans les efforts que vous faites pour assurer l'adoption du système métrique des poids et mesures.

La tendance de notre époque est de faire tomber toutes les restrictions inutiles apportées aux relations sociales et commerciales. Les nations sont aujour d'hui aussi voisines les unes des autres que l'étaient autrefois les provinces d'un même pays. Le contact fait disparaître les préjugés. Les peuples des contrées diverses apprennent à se respecter les uns les autres, parce qu'ils reconnaissent que les barrières qui les séparent sont le résultat de coutumes

value of all productions by the same standard, to measure by the same yard or metre, and weigh by the same scales.

Such a result would be of greater value than the usual employments of diplomatists and statesmen.

I am very truly yours,


sociales et locales, et n'ont pas de bonnes raisons pour base. J'ai la confiance que le comité organisé à l'Exposition de l'Industrie mettra le monde en état de rapporter au même étalon la valeur de tous les produits, et d'évaluer toutes les mesures par le même yard ou le même mètre, tous les poids par les mêmes unités.

Un pareil résultat aurait une plus haute valeur que tous les objets auxquels s'emploient d'ordinaire les diplomates et les hommes d'etat.

Votre bien sincèrement dévoué,






Resolution of the 3d ultimo, requesting him to report the amount and character of the taxes collected from the national banks since their establishment, Sc.; transmitting copies of reports from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the United States Treasurer in answer thereto.

JANUARY 8, 1668.-Referred to the Committee on Finance and ordered to be printed.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, January 7, 1868. SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Senate resolution of the 3d ultimo, "requesting the Secretary of the Treasury to report to the Senate the amount and character of taxes, including the amount received for licenses, collected from the national banks for each year since their establishment, and the amount of taxes levied and collected by the several States upon the stock of said banks, as nearly as it can be ascertained; also, the amount of bonds deposited with the government as security for national bank currency, with the amount of interest paid thereon annually in gold, and the value thereof in legal-tender notes," and to transmit herewith copies of reports from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the Treasurer of the United States, which are believed to cover the requirements of the resolution.

I am, very respectfully,

The PRESIDENT of the United States Senate.

H. McCULLOCH, Secretary of the Treasury.


Washington, December 11, 1867.

SIR: In reply to that part of a resolution passed by the Senate December 3, 1867, which requests the Secretary of the Treasury to report to the Senate the character and amount of taxes collected from national banks since their establishment, I have to say that no taxes were received by this office from national banks prior to the fiscal year ending June 30, 1864; and the manner in which collections are reported to this office since that time does not enable me to discriminate the taxes paid by national banks from those paid by State banks and private bankers. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1864, incorporated banks were not subject to license tax as bankers, but if they engaged in the business defined by the statute as that of a broker, they were liable as such. The amount thus collected was returned with the tax on brokers. The receipts from this source for that year were $98,678 05. The license or special tax for the fiscal

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