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the daughter of his predecessor. Lacedaemon gave to the people and the country his own name, and to the city which he founded the name of his wife. Amyclas, the son of Lacedaemon, founded the city called after him Amyclae. (Paus. iii. 1.) Subsequently Lacedaemon was ruled by Achaean princes, and Sparta was the residence of Menelaus, the brother of Agamemnon. Menelaus was succeeded by Orestes, who married his daughter Hermione, and Orestes by his son Tisamenus, who was reigning when the Dorians invaded the country under the guidance of the Heracleidae. In the threefold division of Peloponnesus among the descendants of Hercules, Lacedaemon fell to the share of Eurysthenes and Procles, the twin sons of Aristodemus. According to the common legend, the Dorians conquered the Peloponnesus at once; but there is sufficient evidence that they only slowly became masters of the countries in which we afterwards find them settled; and in Laconia it was some time before they obtained possession even of all the places in the plain of Sparta. According to a statement in Ephorus, the Dorian conquerors divided Laconia into six districts; Sparta they kept for themselves; Amyclae was given to the Achaean Philonomus, who betrayed the country to them; while Las, Pharis, Aegys, and a sixth town the name of which is lost, were governed by viceroys, and were allowed to receive new citizens. (Ephor. ap. Strab. viii. p. | 364; on this corrupt passage, which has been happily restored, see Müller, Dorians, vol. i. p. 110, transl.; Niebuhr, Ethnograph. vol. i. p. 56, transl.; Kramer, ad Strab. l. c.) It is probable that this division of Laconia into six provinces was not actually made till a much later period; but we have sufficient evidence to show that, for a long time after the Dorian conquest, the Dorians possessed only a small portion of Laconia. Of this the most striking proof is that the Achaean city of Amyclae, distant only 2 miles from Sparta, maintained its independence for nearly three centuries after the Dorian conquest, for it was only subdued shortly before the First Messenian War by the Spartan king Teleclus. The same king took Pharis and Geronthrae, both Achaean cities; and his son and successor, Alcamenes, conquered the town of Helos, upon the coast near the mouth of the Eurotas. (Paus. iii. 2. §§ 6, 7.) Of the subjugation of the other Achaean towns we have no accounts; but there can be little doubt that they were mainly owing to the military organisation and martial spirit which the Spartans had acquired by the institutions of Lycurgus.

By the middle of the eighth century the Dorians of Sparta had become undisputed masters of the whole of Laconia. They now began to extend their dominions at the expense of their neighbours. Originally Argos was the chief Dorian power in the Peloponnesus, and Sparta only the second. In ancient times the Argives possessed the whole eastern coast of Laconia down to Cape Malea, and also the island of Cythera (Herod. i. 82); and although we have no record of the time at which this part of Laconia was conquered by the Spartans, we may safely conclude that it was before the Messenian wars. The Dorians in Messenia possessed a much more fertile territory than the Spartans in Laconia, and the latter now began to cast longing eyes upon the richer fields of their neighbours. A pretext for war soon arose; and, by two long protracted and obstinate contests, usually called the First and Second Messenian wars (the first from B. c. 743 to

724, and the second from B. c. 685 to 668), the Spartans conquered the whole of Messenia, expelled or reduced to the condition of Helots the inhabitants, and annexed their country to Laconia. The name of Messenia now disappears from history; and, for a period of three centuries, from the close of the Second Messenian War to the restoration of the independence of Messenia by Epaminondas, the whole of the southern part of Peloponnesus, from the western to the eastern sea, bore the appellation of Laconia.

The upper parts of the valleys of the Eurotas and the Oenus, the districts of Sciritis, Beleminatis, Maleatis, and Caryatis, originally belonged to the Arcadians, but they were all conquered by the Spartans and annexed to their territory before B. C. 600. (Grote, Hist. of Greece, vol. ii. p. 588.) They thus extended their territories on the north to what may be regarded as the natural boundaries of Laconia, the mountains forming the watershed between the Eurotas and the Alpheius; but when they crossed these limits, and attempted to obtain possession of the plain of Tegea, they met with the most determined opposition, and were at last obliged to be content with the recognition of their supremacy by the Tegeatans, and to leave the latter in the independent enjoyment of their territory.

The history of the early struggles between the Spartans and Argives is unknown. The district on the coast between the territories of the two states, and of which the plain of Thyreatis was the most important part, inhabited by the Cynurians, a Pelasgic people, was a frequent object of contention between them, and was in possession, sometimes of the one, and sometimes of the other power. At length, in B. C. 547, the Spartans obtained permanent possession of it by the celebrated battle fought by the 300 champions from either nation. [CYNURIA.] The dominions of the Spartans now extended on the other side of Mount Parnon, as far as the pass of Anigraea.

The population of Sparta was divided into the three classes of Spartans, Perioeci, and Helots. Of the condition of these classes a more particular account is given in the Dictionary of Antiquities; and it is only necessary to remark here that the Spartans lived in Sparta itself, and were the ruling Dorian class; that the Perioeci lived in the different townships in Laconia, and, though freemen, had no share in the government, but received all their orders from the ruling class at Sparta; and that the Helots were serfs bound to the soil, who cultivated it for the benefit of the Spartan proprietors, and perhaps of the Periocci also. After the extension of the Spartan dominions by the conquest of Messenia and Cynuria, Laconia was said to possess 100 townships (Strab. viii. p. 362), among which we find mentioned Anthana in the Cynurian Thyreatis, and Aulon in Messenia, near the frontiers of Elis. (Steph. B. s. vv. 'Avðáva, Aúλúv.)

According to the common story, Lycurgus divided the territory of Laconia into a number of equal lots, of which 9000 were assigned to the Spartans, and 30,000 to the Perioeci. (Plut. Lyc. 8.) Some ancient critics, however, while believing that Lycurgus made an equal division of the Laconian lands, supposed that the above numbers referred to the distribution of the Lacedaemonian territory after the incorporation of Messenia. And even with respect to the latter opinion, there were two different statements ; some maintained that 6000 lots had been

given by Lycurgus, and that 3000 were added by king Polydorus at the end of the First Messenian War; others supposed that the original number of 4500 was doubled by Polydorus. (Plut. l. c.) From these statements attempts have been made by modern writers to calculate the population of Laconia, and the relative numbers of the Spartans and the Perioeci; but Mr. Grote has brought forward strong reasons for believing that no such division of the landed property of Laconia was ever made by Lycurgus, and that the belief of his having done so arose in the third century before the Christian era, when Agis attempted to make a fresh division of the land of Laconia. (Grote, Hist. of Greece, vol. ii. p. 521.) In any case, it is impossible to determine, as some writers have attempted, the lands which belonged respectively to the Spartans and the Perioeci. All that we know is, that, in the law proposed by Agis, the land bound by the four limits of Pellene, Sellasia, Malea, and Taygetus, was divided into 4500 lots, one for each Spartan; and that the remainder of Laconia was divided into 15,000 lots, one for each Perioecus (Plut. Agis, 8.)

With respect to the population of Laconia, we have a few isolated statements in the ancient writers. Of these the most important is that of Herodotus, who says that the citizens of Sparta at the time of the Persian wars was about 8000 (vii. 234). The number of the Periocci is nowhere stated; but we know from Herodotus that there were 10,000 of them present at the battle of Plataea, 5000 heavyarmed, and 5000 light-armed (ix. 11, 29); and, as there were 5000 Spartans at this battle, that is fiveeighths of the whole number of citizens, we may venture to assume as an approximate number, that the Perioeci at the battle may have been also fiveeighths of their whole number, which would give 16,000 for the males of full age. After the time of the Persian wars the number of the Spartan citizens gradually but steadily declined; and Clinton is probably right in his supposition that at the time of the invasion of Laconia, in B. c. 369, the total number of Spartans did not exceed 2000; and that Isocrates, in describing the original Dorian conquerors of Laconia as only 2000, has probably adapted to the description the number of Spartans in his own time. (Isocr. Panath. p. 286, c.) About 50 years after that event, in the time of Aristotle, they were scarcely 1000 (Aristot. Pol. ii. 6. § 11); and eighty years still later, in the reign of Agis, B. C. 244, their number was reduced to only 700 (Plut. Agis, 5.) The number of Helots was very large. At the battle of Plataea there were 35,000 light-armed Helots, that is seven for every single Spartan (Herod. ix. 28.) On the population of Laconia, see Clinton, F. H. vol. ii. p. 407, seq.

From B. c. 547 to B. C. 371, the boundaries of Laconia continued to be the same as we have mentioned above. But after the overthrow of her supremacy by the fatal battle of Leuctra, the Spartans were successively stripped of the dominions they had acquired at the expense of the Messenians, Arcadians, and Argives. Epaminondas, by establishing the independent state of Messenia, confined the Spartans to the country east of Mount Taygetus; and the Arcadian city of Megalopolis, which was founded by the same statesman, encroached upon the Spartan territory in the upper vale of the Eurotas. While the Thebans were engaged in the Sacred War, the Spartans endeavoured to recover some of their territory which they had thus lost;

but it was still further circumscribed by Philip, the father of Alexander the Great, who deprived the Spartans of several districts, which he assigned to the Argives, Arcadians, and Messenians. (Polyb. ix. 28; Paus. iv. 28. § 2.) After the establishment of the Achaean League their influence in the Peloponnesus sank lower and lower. For a short time they showed unwonted vigour, under their king Cleomenes, whose resolution had given new life to the state. They defeated the Achaeans in several battles, and seemed to be regaining a portion at least of their former power, when they were checked in their progress by Antigonus Doson, whom the Achaeans called in to their assistance, and were at length completely humbled by the fatal battle of Sellasia, B. C. 221. (Dict. of Biogr. art. Cleomenes.) Soon afterwards Sparta fell into the hands of a succession of usurpers; and of these Nabis, one of the most sanguinary, was com pelled by T. Quinctius Flamininus, to surrender Gythium and the other maritime towns, which had sided with the Romans, and were now severed from the Spartan dominion and placed under the protection of the Achaean League, B. c. 195. (Strab. viii. p. 366; Thirlwall, Hist. of Greece, vol. viii. p. 326.) The Spartans were thus confined almost to the valley in which their Dorian ancestors had first settled, and, like them, were surrounded by a number of hostile places. Seven years afterwards, B. c. 188, Sparta itself was taken by Philopoemen, and annexed to the Achaean League (Plut. Phil. 16; Liv. xxxviii. 32-34); but this step was displeasing to the Romans, who viewed with apprehension the further increase of the Achaean League, and accordingly encouraged the party at Sparta opposed to the interests of the Achaeans. But the Roman conquest of Greece, which soon followed, put an end to these disputes, and placed Laconia, together with the rest of Greece, under the iminediate government of Rome. Whether the Lacedaemonian towns to which Flamininus had granted independence were placed again under the dominion of Sparta, is not recorded; but we know that Augustus guaranteed to them their independence, and they are henceforth mentioned under the name of Eleuthero-Lacones. Pausanias says there were originally 24 towns of the Eleuthero-Lacones, and in his time there were still 18, of which the names were Gythium, Teuthrone, Las, Pyrrhicus, Caenepolis, Oetylus, Leuctra, Thalamae, Alagonia, Gerenia, Asopus, Acriae, Boeae, Zarax, Epidaurus Limera, Brasiae, Geronthrae, Marios. (Paus. iii. 21. § 7.) Augustus showed favour to the Spartans as well as to the Lacedaemonians in general; he gave to Sparta the Messenian town of Cardamyle (Paus. iii. 26. § 7); he also annexed to Laconia the Messenian town of Pharae (Paus. iv. 30. § 2), and gave to the Lacedaemonians the island of Cythera. (Dion Cass. liv. 7.)

At the end of the fourth century of the Christian era, Laconia was devastated by the Goths under Alaric, who took Sparta (Zosim. v. 6). Subsequently Slavonians settled in the country, and retained possession of it for a long time; but towards the end of the eighth century, in the reign of the empress Irene, the Byzantine court made an effort to recover their dominions in Peloponnesus, and finally succeeded in reducing to subjection the Slavonians in the plains, while those in Laconia who would not submit were obliged to take refuge in the fastnesses of Mt. Taygetus. When the Franks became masters of Laconia in the 13th century, they found upon

the site of ancient Sparta a town still called Lacedaimonia; but in A. D. 1248, William Villehardoin built a fortress on one of the rocky hills at the foot of Mt. Taygetus, about three miles from the city of Lacedaemonia. Here he took up his residence; and on this rock, called Misithra, usually pronounced Mistrá, a new town arose, which became the capital of Laconia, and continued to be so till Sparta began to be rebuilt on its ancient site by order of the present Greek government. (Finlay, Medieval Greece, p. 230; Curtius, Peloponnesos, vol. ii. p. 214.)


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-21. § 3.) In the neighbourhood of Belemina was AEGYS, originally an Arcadian town, which was conquered at an early period by the Spartans, and its territory annexed to Laconia. In the upper vale of the Eurotas was the Lacedaemonian TRIPOLIS. (Liv. xxxv. 27.) Pellana was one of the three cities (Polyb. iv. 81); Belemina was undoubtedly another; and the third was either Aegys or Carystus.

The road to Tegea and Argos ran along the vale of the Oenus. (Paus. iii. 10. §§ 6-8.) After crossing the bridge over the Eurotas, the traveller saw on his right hand Mount Thornax, upon which stood a colossal statue of Apollo Pythaeus, guarding the city of Sparta, which lay at his feet. (Comp. Herod. i. 69; Xen. Hell. vi. 5. § 27.) A little further on in the vale of the Oenus, was SELLASIA, which was the bulwark of Sparta in the vale of the Oenus, as Pellana was in that of the Eurotas. Above Sellasia was a small plain, the only one in the vale of the Oenus, bounded on the east by Mt. Olympus and on the west by Mt. Evas: a small stream, called Gorgylus, flowed through the western side of the plain into the Oenus. This was the site of the celebrated battle in which Cleomenes was defeated by Antigonus. [SELLASIA.] In this plain the road divided into two, one leading to Argos and the other to Tegea. The road to Argos followed the Oenus; and to the west of the road, about an hour distant from the modern Arákhova, lay CARYAE. From this place to the confines of the Thyreatis in Argolis, was a forest of oaks, called SCOTITAS (KOTíTas), which derived its name from a temple of Zeus Scotitas, about 10 stadia west of the road. (Paus. iii. 10. § 6; Polyb. xvi. 37.) On the ridge of Mt. Parnon the boundaries of Argolis and Laconia were marked by Hermae, of which, three heaps of stones, called of povevμévoi (the slain), may perhaps be the remains. (Ross, Reisen im Peloponnes, p. 173.) There was also a town OENUS, from which the river derived its name.

1. In the Spartan Plain. - The three chief towns were SPARTA, AMYCLAE, and PHARIS, all situated near one another, and upon some of the lower heights close to the Eurotas. Their proximity would seem to show that they did not arise at the same time. Amyclae lay only 2 miles south of Sparta, and appears to have been the chief place in the country before the Dorian invasion. South of Amyclae, and on the road from this town to the sea, was Pharis, also an Achaean town in existence before the Dorian conquest. THERAPNE may be regarded as almost a part of Sparta. [SPARTA.] On the slopes of Mt. Taygetus, above the plain, there were several places. They were visited by Pausanias (iii. 20. §§ 3-7), but it is difficult to determine the road which he took. After crossing the river Phellia, beyond Amyclae, he turned to the right towards the mountain. In the plain was a sanctuary of Zeus Messapeus, belonging, as we learn from Stephanus, to a village called MESSAPEAE (Meoσanéai), and beyond it, at the entrance into the mountains, the Homeric city of BRYSEAE. In the mountains was a sanctuary of Demeter Eleusinia, and 15 stadia from the latter LAPITHAEUM, near which was DERRHIUM, where was a fountain called Anonus. Twenty stadia from Derrhium was HARPLEIA, which borders upon the plain. Pausanias gives no information of the direction in which he proceeded from the Eleusinium to Harpleia. Leake supposes that he turned to the south, and accord-present road from Sparta to Tripolitzá, after leaving ingly places Harpleia at the entrance into the plain by the bridge of Xerókampo; while Curtius, on the contrary, imagines that he turned to the north, and came into the plain at Mistrá, which he therefore identifies with Harpleia. It is impossible to determine which of these views is the more correct. The antiquities and inscriptions discovered at Mistrá prove that it was the site of an ancient town, and Leake conjectures that it represents the Homeric MESSE.

The road to Tegea, which is the same as the

the plain of Sellasia, passes over a high and mountainous district, called SCIRITIS in antiquity. The territory of Laconia extended beyond the highest ridge of the mountain; and the chief source of the Alpheius, called Sarantopótamos, formed the boundary between Laconia and the Tegeatis. Before reaching the Arcadian frontier, the road went through a narrow and rugged pass, now called Klisúra. The two towns in Sciritis were SCIRUS and OEUM, called Ium by Xenophon.

2. In the Vale of the Upper Eurotas.-The 3. In the southern part of Laconia. - On the road from Sparta to Megalopolis followed the vale of road from Sparta to Gythium, the chief port of the the Eurotas. On this road Pausanias mentions first country, Pausanias (iii. 21. § 4) first mentions several monuments, the position of one of which, the CROCEAE, distant about 135 stadia from Sparta, tomb of Ladas, may still be identified. This tomb and celebrated for its quarries. GYTHIUM was 30 is described as distant 50 stadia from Sparta, and stadia beyond Croceae. Above Gythium, in the as situated above the road, which here passes very interior, was AEGIAE, to which a road also led near to the river Eurotas. At about this distance from Croceae. Opposite Gythium was the island from Sparta, Leake perceived a cavern in the rocks, CRANAE. After giving an account of Gythium, with two openings, one of which appeared to have Pausanias divides the rest of Laconia, for the purbeen fashioned by art, and a little beyond a semi-poses of his description, into what lies left and what circular sepulchral niche: the place is called by the lies right of Gythium (èv aptoтepą Tubíov, iii. 22. peasants σTous Poúprous. (Leake, Morea, vol. iii. § 3- -τὰ ἐν δεξιᾷ Γυθίου, iii. 24. § 6). p. 13.) Further on was the Characoma (Xapákwμa), Following the order of Pausanias, we will first a fortification, probably, in the narrow part of the mention the towns to the left or east of Gythium. valley; above it the town PELLANA, the frontier-Thirty stadia above Gythium was TRINASUS, sifortress of Sparta in the vale of the Eurotas; and 100 tuated upon a promontory, which formed the NE. stadia from Pellana, BELEMINA. (Paus. iii. 20. § 8 extremity of the peninsula terminating in Cape



the interior; and a little below Las was the river Smenus (Zuvos), rising in Mt. Taygetus, which Pausanias praises for the excellence of its water, now the river of Passavá. Immediately south of this river was the temple of Artemis Dictynna, on a promontory now called Aghéranos; and in the same neighbourhood was a village called by Pausanias Araenus or Araenum, where Las, the founder of the city of Las, was said to have been buried. South of the promontory of Aghéramos is a stream, now called the river of Dhikova, the SCYRAS (kúpas) of Pausanias (iii. 25. § 1), beyond which were an altar and temple of Zeus: there are still some ancient remains on the right side of the river near its mouth. Further south is the peninsula of Skutári, inclosing a bay of the same name, which is conjectured to be the Sinus Aegilodes of Pliny (iv. 5. s. 8); if so, we must place here Aegila, which is mentioned incidentally by Pausanias (iv. 17. § 1) as a town of Laconia. Inland 40 stadia from the river Scyras lay PYRRHICHUS. SE. of Pyrrhichus on the coast was TECTHRONE. Between Teuthrone and the Taenarian peninsula no town is mentioned, but at a place on the coast called Kikonia there are considerable remains of two temples. The Taenarian

Taenarum. Eighty stadia beyond Trinasus was HELOS, also upon the coast. The road from Sparta to Helos followed the Eurotas the greater part of the way; and Leake noticed in several parts of the rock ruts of chariot wheels, evidently the vestiges of the ancient carriage-road. (Leake, Morea, vol. i. p. 194.) Thirty stadia south of Helos on the coast was ACRIAE; and sixty stadia south of Acriae, ASOPUS, the later name of CYPARISSIA. Between Acriae and Asopus, Ptolemy mentions a town BIANDINA (Biάvõiva, iii. 16. § 9), the name of which occurs in an inscription in the form of Biadinupolis (Badouroλeitav, Böckh, Inse. No.1336). Between Asopus and Acriae was an inland plain, called LEUCE, containing in the interior a town of this name, and in the same neighbourhood was PLEIAE. Returning to the coast, 50 stadia south of Asopus, was a temple of Asclepius, in a spot called HYPERTELEATUM. Two hundred stadia south of Asopus was the promontory and peninsula ONUGNATHUS, connected with the mainland by a narrow isthmus, which is, however, generally covered with water. Between Onugnathus and Malea is a considerable bay, called Boeaticus Sinus, from the town of BOEAE, situated at its head. In this neighbourhood were three ancient towns, called ETIS, APHRO-peninsula is connected with that of Taygetus by an DISIAS, and SIDE, which were founded by the Dorians; the two former on the Boeaticus Sinus, and the other on the eastern sea north of Cape Malea. Between Boeae and Malea was NYMPHAEUM (Núupatov or Nuusaor), with a cave near the sea, in which was a fountain of sweet water. Pausanias (iii. 23. § 2) calls Nymphaeum a Aiurn, but, as there is no lake in this neighbourhood, Boblaye conjectures (Recherches, &c. p. 99) that we should read Aur, and places Nymphaeum at the harbour of Santa Marina, where a fountain of water issues from a grotto. The promontory MALEA (Maλéa, Steph. B. s. v. et alii; Maλéa, Herod. i. 82; Strab. viii. p. 368), still called Malia, the most southerly point in Greece with the exception of Taenarum, was much dreaded by the ancient sailors on account of the winds and waves of the two seas, which here meet together. Hence arose the proverb, “after doubling Malea, forget your country" (Strab. viii. p. 378), and the epithet of Statius, "formidatum Maleae caput" (Theb. ii. 33). On the promontory there was a statue of Apollo. (Steph. B. s. v. A10ýσios; 'Aπáλλшv Mаλeάrns, Paus. iii. 12. § 8.) South of Malea was the island CYTHERA. Following the eastern coast we first come to SIDE, already mentioned; then to EPIDELIUM, 100 stadia from Malea; next to EPIDAURUS LIMERA, and successively to ZARAX, CYPHANTA, and PRASIAE or Brasiae, of which the last is near the confines of Argolis. The numbers in Pausanias, giving the distances of these places from one another, are corrupt: see CYPHANTA. In the interior, between the Eurotas and the south-western slopes of Parnon, Pausanias mentions GERONTHRAE, situated 120 stadia north of Acriae; MARIUS, 100 stadia east of Geronthrae; GLYPPIA, also called Glympia, north of Marius; and SELINUS, 20 stadia from Geronthrae.

[blocks in formation]


isthmus half a mile across, and contains two har-
[see TAENARUM]: the extremity of the peninsula
is C. Matapán. Rounding the latter point, and
ascending southwards, we come to the town of TAE-
NARUM, afterwards called CAENEPOLIS, 40 stadia
above the Taenarian isthmus. Thirty stadia N. of
Caenepolis was the commencement of the promontory
THYRIDES, nearly as large as the Taenarian penin-
sula, but connected with the mainland by a much
wider isthmus. On this promontory were the towns
of HIPPOLA and MESSA. North of Messa was
OETYLUS; but the distance of 150 stadia, assigned
by Pausanias between the two places, is too much.
[OETYLUS.] Eighty stadia north of Oetylus was
THALAMAE, situated inland, and 20 stadia from
Thalamae was PEPHNUS, upon the coast.
these towns were upon the lesser PAMISUS, now
called the Miléa, which the Messenians said was
originally the boundary of their territory. (Strab.
viii. p. 361; Paus. iii. 26. §3.) The districts north
of this river were taken away from the Lacedae-
monians by Philip in B.C. 338, and granted to the
Messenians; but it is probable that the latter did
not long retain possession of them. In the time of
the Roman empire they formed part of Eleuthero-
Laconia. (Leake, Peloponnesiaca, p. 179.) Twenty
stadia north of Pephuus, upon the coast, was
LEUCTRA or LEUCTRUM ; and 60 stadia north of
the latter, CARDAMYLE, at the distance of 8 stadia
from the sea. North of Cardamyle was GERENIA,
the most northerly of the Eleuthero-Laconian towns.
Thirty stadia from Gerenia, in the interior, was

(On the geography of Laconia, see Leake, Morea and Peloponnesiaca; Boblaye, Recherches, &c.; Ross, Reisen im Peloponnes and Wanderungen in Griechenland; Curtius, Peloponnesos.)


LACRINGI, mentioned by Capitolinus (M. Antonin. c. 22), by Dion Cassius (lxxxi. 12), and by Petrus Patricius (Excerpt. Legat. p. 124, ed. Bonn), along with the ASTINGI and BURI. They were either Dacian or on the Dacian frontier, and

are known only from having, in the Marcomannic war, opposed a body of invading Astings, and, having so done, contracted an alliance with Rome. [R. G. L.] LACTA'RIUS MONS (гáλактos opos: Monte S. Angelo), was the name given by the Romans to a mountain in the neighbourhood of Stabiae in Campania. It was derived from the circumstance that the mountain abounded in excellent pastures, which were famous for the quality of the milk they produced; on which account the mountain was resorted to by invalids, especially in cases of consumption, for which a milk diet was considered particularly beneficial. (Cassiod. Ep. xi. 10; Galen, de Meth. Med. v. 12.) It was at the foot of this mountain that Narses obtained a great victory over the Goths under Teïas in A. D. 553, in which the Gothic king was slain. (Procop. B. G. iv. 35, 36.) The description of the Mons Lactarius, and its position with regard to Stabiae, leave no doubt that it was a part of the mountain range which branches off from the Apennines near Nocera (Nuceria), and separates the Bay of Naples from that of Paestum. The highest point of this range, the Monte S. Angelo, attains a height of above 5000 feet; the whole range is calcareous, and presents beautiful forests, as well as abundant pastures. The name of Lettere, still borne by a town on the slope of the mountain side, a little above Stabiae, is evidently a relic of the ancient name.

[E. H. B.]

LACTORA, in Gallia Aquitania, is placed by the Antonine Itin. on the road between Aginnum (Agen) and Climberrum (Auch), and 15 Gallic leagues from each. The distance and name correspond to the position and name of Lectoure. Several Roman inscriptions have been discovered with the name Lactorates, and Civitas Lactorensium; but the place is not mentioned by any extant writer. [G. L.]

LACUS FELICIS, a place in Noricum, on the south of the Danube, 25 miles west of Arelape, and 20 miles east of Laureacum (It. Ant. pp. 246, 248). According to the Not. Imper., where it is called Lacufelicis, it was the head-quarters of Norican horse archers. It is now generally identified with the town of Niederwallsee, on the Danube. [L.S.] LACYDON. [MASSILIA.]

LADE (Adon), the largest of a group of small islands in the Sinus Latmicus, close by Miletus, and opposite the mouth of the Maeander. It was a protection to the harbours of Miletus, but in Strabo's time it was one of the haunts and strongholds of pirates. Lade is celebrated in history for the naval defeat sustained there by the Ionians against the Persians in B. C. 494. (Herod. vi. 8; Thucyd. viii. 17, 24; Strab. xiv. p. 635; Paus. i. 35. § 6; Steph. B. s. v.; Plin. v. 37.) That the island was not quite uninhabited, is clear from Strabo, and from the fact of Stephanus B. mentioning the ethnic form of the Dame, Λαδαῖος.

[L. S.] LADICUS, a mountain of Gallaecia, the name of which occurs in ancient inscriptions, and is still preserved in that of the Codos de Ladoco, near Montefurado on the Sil. (Florez, Esp. S. vol. xv. p. 63; Ukert, vol. ii. pt. 1. p. 278.) [P.S.]

LADOCEIA (τà Aadóketa), a place in Arcadia, in the district Maenalia, and, after the building of Megalopolis, a suburb of that city, was situated upon the road from the latter to Pallantium and Tegea. Here a battle was fought between the Mantineians and Tegeatae, B. C. 423, and between the Achaeans and Cleomenes, B. C. 226. Thucydides calls it Laodicium (Aavôíktov) in Oresthis. (Paus. viii. 44.

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§ 1; Thuc. iv. 134; Pol. ii. 51, 55.) [ORESTHASIUM.]

LADON (Aaðúv). 1. A river of Elis, flowing into the Peneius. [ELIS, p. 817, a.]

2. A river of Arcadia, flowing into the Alpheius. [ALPHEIUS.]

LAEAEI (Aaiaîoi), a Paeonian tribe in Macedonia, included within the dominion of Sitalces, probably situated to the E. of the Strymon. (Thuc. ii. 96.) [E. B. J.]

LALAETA'NI or LEÉTA'NI (Λαιαιτανοί, Ptol. ii. 6. §§ 18, 74; Aenтavol, Strab. iii. p. 159), a people on the N. part of the E. coast of Hispania Tarraconensis, above the Cosetani. Strabo merely speaks vaguely of the sea-coast between the Ebro and the Pyrenees as belonging to "the Leëtani and the Lartolaeëtae, and other such tribes" (TV TE Λεητανῶν καὶ Λαρτολαιητῶν καὶ ἄλλων τοιούτων), as far as Emporium, while Ptolemy places them about Barcino (Barcelona) and the river Rubricatus (Llobregat); whence it appears that they extended from below the Rubricatus on the SW. up to the borders of the Indigetes, upon the bay of Emporiae, on the NE. They are undoubtedly the same people as the LALETANI of Pliny (iii. 3. s. 4; comp. Inser. ap. Gruter. p. cdxxx.), who speaks of their country (Laletania) as producing good wine in abundance. (Plin. xiv. 6. s. 8: comp. Martial, i. 27, 50, vii. 52; Sil. Ital. iii. 369, xv. 177.) Strabo describes it as a fertile country, well furnished with harbours. Besides their capital BARCINO (Barcelona), they had the following towns: (1.) On the sea coast, from SW. to NE.: BAETULO (BaitovAúv, Ptol. ii. 6. § 19: Badelona; Muratori, p. 1033, no. 3; Florez, Esp. S. vol. xxiv. p. 56, vol. xxix. p. 31; Marca, Hisp. ii. 15, p. 159), with a small river of the same name (Besos: Mela, ii. 6); ILURO or ELURO, a city of the conventus of Tarraco, with the civitas Romana (Mela, ii. 6; Plin. iii. 3. s. 4; Aiλoupúv, Ptol. ii. 6. § 19, where the vulgar reading is Aoup@v; prob. Mataro, Marca, Hisp. ii. 15, p. 159; Florez, Esp. S. vol. xxix. p. 34); BLANDA (Bλárda, Ptol. I. c.: Blanes), on a height, NE. of the mouth of the little river LARNUM (Tordera Plin. iii. 3. s. 4): between Baetulo and Iluro Ptolemy places the LUNARIUM PR. (Aourápiov čкрov; probably the headland marked by the Torre de Mongat). (2.) On the high road from Tarraco to Narbo Martius in Gaul (Itin. Ant. p. 398): FINES, 20 M. P. W. of Barcino (near Martorell, on the right bank of the Llobregat), marking doubtless the borders of the Lacetani and the Cosetani; then BARCINO; next PRAETORIUM, 17 M. P. (near Hostalrich or La Roca, where are great ruins; Marca, Hisp. ii. 20); SETERRAE or SECERRAE, 15 M. P. (prob. S. Pere de Sercada or San Seloni); AQUAE VOCONIAE, 15 M. P. (Caldas de Malavella). (3.) Other inland towns: RUBRICATA (Ptol.); EGARA, a municipium, whose site is unknown (Inser. ap. Muratori, p. 1106, no. 7, p. 1107, no. 1); AQUAE CALIDAE, a civitas stipendiaria, in the conventus of Tarraco (Plin. iii. 3. s. 4, Aquicaldenses: Caldas de Mombuy, N. of Barcelona, Marca, Hisp. ii. 16, p. 167; Florez, Esp. S. vol. xxix. p. 37; Ukert, vol. ii. pt. 1. pp. 423, 424.) [P.S.]

LAEDERATA (Λεδεράτα οι Λιτερατά, Procop. de Aed. iv. 6), a town in the north of Moesia, on the Danube, and a few miles east of Viminacium. In the Notitia its name is Laedenata; it must have been near the modern Rama.

[L. S.]

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