صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Stanford University

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THIS edition of the Menaechmi is based upon the third edition (Leipzig, 1880) by the late Dr. Julius Brix, that eminent Plautine critic, to whom all recent scholars are so deeply indebted. The few variations from his text are almost without exception a nearer approach to the reading of the Mss., and are mentioned in the notes.

The introduction is mainly a translation and abridgment of Brix's introductions to the Menaechmi and the Trinummus.

In addition to the notes of Brix's Menaechmi, which I have for the most part translated, I have inserted many from his editions of other plays to which he merely refers. I have also made other additions to the notes, including several references to Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors," and have, in some cases, ventured to disagree with Brix.

I have placed a critical apparatus containing the principal variations of the Mss. and the most important conjectures at the foot of the text, and transferred the notes to the end of the book, in accordance with the plan of this series. Most of the textual discussion is relegated to an appendix.

Besides Brix's edition, I have made constant use of others, especially those of Ussing, Vahlen, and Wagner.

The references to other plays are by the lines of the Ritschl edition edited by Goetz, Schoell, and Loewe, but since five plays

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