صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

V. When a sentence contains a number of protases, relating to a common apodosis, they are separated from one another by semicolons, and from the apodosis by a colon; as, If la1; if 2a1; if 3a1; if 4a1: then A.

48. These preliminary matters will be illustrated by the following

1. The elements


2a1. Some precious metals are in every country the representatives of every commodity.

A. The more prudent of the crusaders provided themselves with these precious metals.

la. They were not sure of something.

la2. They should be fed from heaven with a shower of quails or


Note.-A. 1a' ait. a2 subs. 2a1 att.

II. The complex sentence.

The more prudent of the crusaders, who were not sure that they should be fed from heaven with a shower of quails or manna, provided themselves with those precious metals which, in every country, are the representatives of every commodity.

Exercise 14.

In each of the following examples, combine the elements into a Complex Sentence, according to the relations in the Note, and insert the proper punctuation.

1. A. Age increases our desire of living.

a. Age lessens the enjoyment of life.
Note.-A. a att.

2. a. The king broke off both treaties.
a'. The people learned this.

A. The people celebrated their triumph by bonfires and public rejoicings.

Note.-A. a' adv. time, a2 subs.

3. a1. I have an indifferent opinion of the vulgar. a. Some merit raises the shout of the vulgar. a3. I am ever led to suspect that merit.

A. This I own.

Note.-A. a1 subs. a2 adv. effect, a3 att.

4. a. A head has one day grown giddy with the roar of the million a1. That head has the very next been fixed upon a pole.

A. History has frequently taught me this.

Note.-A. a1 subs. a2 att..

5. A. The variation of the needle filled the companions of Columbus

with terror.

a'. The variation of the needle is now familiar.

a2. The variation of the needle still remains one of the mysteries of nature.

a'. Into the cause of these mysteries the sagacity of man hath not been able to penetrate.

Note.-A. a1 att. a2 adv. conces. a3 att.

6. A. There were thousands of living gazettes in all the villages of France.

¡ la1. They discussed Napoleon's measures with the utmost freedom. 2a'. They uttered curses, not loud, but deep.

3a'. Napoleon had got possession of the press, of the tribune, and of the pulpit,

4a. Nobody could write an attack on him.

5a'. Nobody could make a public speech in opposition (contr.*). Note.-(A. la1+2a1) att. (3a1 +4a1—5a1) adv. conces.

7. a2. We are acquainted with some countries in Asia.

a'. Despotism is the constitution of none of these countries.
A. Nothing is more false than to say that it is.
Note.-A. a1 subs. a2 att

8. la1. Alexander VI. was entering a little town in the neighbourhood of Rome.

a2. That little town had just been evacuated by the enemy.

A. He perceived the townsmen busy in the market-place, pulling down a figure from a gibbet.

2. That figure had been designed to represent Alexander VI. Note.-A. la1 adv. time, a2 att. 2a1 att.

9. A. Charles gave orders.

la1. Parliament was summoned in 1626.

2a1. The customary writ was not to be sent to the Earl of Bristol. la. Bristol, while Spanish ambassador, had mortally offended Buckingham, the king's favourite, in the affair of the Spanish marriage.

2a. Bristol was obnoxious to Charles.

Note.-A. la1 adv. time, 2a1 subs. 1a3 att. .. 2a2 att.

10. 1a. Despotism is the genuine constitution of India.

2a1. A disposition to rebellion in the subject or dependent prince is the necessary effect of this despotism.

3a. Jealousy and its consequences naturally arise on the part of the sovereign.

*Contract. Rule III. 2 49, applies to those subordinate clauses in a Complex Sentence which are co-ordinate with one another. Con. traction is explained in ? 29.

4a1. The government is everything. 5a'. The subject is nothing (contr.).

6a1. The great landed men are in a mean and depraved state, and subject to many evils.

A. All this he lays down as a rule.

Note,-A. (1a1 2a1 3a1 + 4a1 5a 6a1) subs.

11. 1a. He violates the most solemn engagements. (2,3,4) a1. He oppresses, extorts, robs.

(5,6,7) a'. He imprisons, confiscates, banishes, at his sole will and pleasure.

8a1. We accuse him for his ill treatment of the people committed to him as a sacred trust.

9a1. “To be robbed, violated, oppressed, is their privilege,-let the constitution of their country answer for it."

A. This is his defence.

Note.-A. (la1... 7a1) adv. cond. 8a1 adv. time, 9a1 subs.

12. A. These ruling principles are in truth everything and all in all to men rightly taught.

a2. I have mentioned certain men.

a1. In the opinion of such men these ruling principles have no substantial existence.

Note.-A. a1 att. a2 att.

13. 1a. Suppose all the misfortunes of mankind to be cast into a public stock, in order to be equally distributed among the whole species.

2a2. Some persons now think themselves the most unhappy. 3a2. These persons are already possessed of one share (of misfor


4a2. By such a division another share would fall to these persons. la1. These persons would prefer the first share to the second


A. This is a celebrated thought of Socrates.

Note.-A. a1 subs. 1a2 adv. cond. (2a 3a2 4a2) att.

14. a. The people were poor and disunited.

la1. Suppose the nobility had not been free and brave.

2a1. Tyranny was breaking through all barriers on every favour. able moment.

A. That tyranny would have ruled without control.

Note.-A. 1a1 adv. cond. a2 adv. time, 2a1 att.

15. la1. Private wars did not originate in the feudal custom.

a2. That custom, indeed, owed its universal establishment to no other cause (than private wars).

2a. Private wars were perpetuated by so convenient a custom. A. This it is impossible to doubt.

Note.-A. (la1 adv conces. 2a1 subs.) a3 att.

16. la'. The paramount end of liberal study is the development of the student's mind.

a2. This development is accomplished through some exercise of the faculties.

2a1. Knowledge is principally useful as a means of determining the faculties to that exercise.

A. All this I hold.

Note.-A. 1a1 subs. 2a1 subs. a2 att.

17. 1a. All our knowledge of mind and matter is merely relative. A. I was engaged in illustrating this principle during my last lecture.

2a1. I had previously given a definition of psychology, or the philosophy of mind.

a. In this definition I endeavoured to comprise a variety of expressions.

a3. The explanation of these expressions might smooth the way in our subsequent progress.

Note.-A. la1 subs. 2a1 adv. time, a2 att. a3 att.

18. la1. All the rites of religion seem to be instituted for a great end. A. That end is the perpetual renovation of the motives to virtue by the contemplation of its excellence and its necessity. 2a1. Its excellence and necessity gain a more forcible and permanent influence.

la2. They do this the more frequently and the more willingly they are revolved.

2a. In time they become the reigning ideas, the standing principles of action.

a3. Everything proposed to the judgment is rejected or approved by a certain test.

3a2. The excellence and necessity of virtue become that test (contr.).

Note.-A. 1a1 att. 2a1 att. (la2 adv. deg. 2a2 adv. time, 3a2 adv. time, a3 att.).

19. 1a. Suppose we are to arrange events according to their probable connection.

la2. David had been driven away from Saul.

2a2. David's life had been attempted several times

2a1. Samuel ventured on the solemn step of anointing him king. A. This we may believe.

Note.-A. la1 adv. cond. (2a1 subs. 1a3 + 2a3 adv. time).

20. 1a1. The fame of this princess has surmounted the prejudices both

of faction and bigotry.

A. Her fame yet lies still exposed to another prejudice.

2a1. This prejudice is more endurable.

1a. This prejudice is more natural (contr.).

2a2. We survey her in different views. 3a1. According to some of these views, this prejudice is capable of exalting beyond measure the lustre of her character. 4a1. According to others, it is capable of diminishing it (contr.). Note.-A. la1 adv. conces. 2a1 att. la adv. cause, (3a1. 4a1) att. 2a2 att.

Chapter V-Synthesis of Compound Sentences.*

49. Rules of Construction in Compound Sentences

I. The members of a compound sentence being either simple or complex clauses (§ 24), the same rules of construction apply to them as to simple and complex sentences (§§ 43, 46). II. In addition to the figures of construction proper to simple or complex sentences (§ 43, III.), the compound sentence admits Climax, also a figure of construction, which consists of a series of exclamations, rising generally from the weakest to the strongest form; as, "What a piece of work is man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculties !— in form, and moving, how express and admirable! in action, how like an angel! in apprehension, how like a god!" III. Co-ordinate clauses are frequently contracted by the omission of elements common to both.

50. Rules for Punctuation in Compound Sentences :

I. Since the compound sentence is made up of simple and complex clauses, the same rules of punctuation apply within each of these as in the case of simple and complex sentences (§§ 44, 47).

II. Co-ordinate clauses, unless when very closely connected and similar in construction, are separated from each other by semicolons. Especially must this point be used when any of the clauses has a comma within itself; as,

A, a; B, b1, b2; C, D.

III. When a principal clause, containing an independent proposition, is appended to a sentence, without a conjunction, it is preceded by a colon; as,

* See ?? 23-26.

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