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6. The Sprouting.

Watch for the sprouting and give a full account of the time and conditions.

Make a garden calendar, telling the dates of planting, sprouting, and blooming of the different plants.

7. Transplanting or thinning.

Tell what you know about the time for transplanting and thinning the different kinds of plants in your garden. Why should different times be selected for different plants?

8. The Weeding.

Tell what kinds of weeds you found.

Which are the most troublesome?

Write about how you weeded the garden, what tools you used if any, and how often you found it necessary to weed.


The Insects

Are there insects on the plants in your garden? Do they do any harm? Find out all you can about them.


The flower and vegetable show from the school garden. Have in autumn a display of all the products of your garden. Arrange the articles artistically as to color, size, and kind.

Invite your parents and friends to see what you have done. After your autumn display, send your

flowers to some sick schoolmate or to the Children's


After it is all over in the fall, write an account of your garden and of your experiences.

Write a list of the names of your flowers. Write a list of the names of your vegetables. Find and copy carefully in your garden calendar quotations from the poets about some of the flowers that you have studied.




The Willows,

526 Culver Road,

Rochester, New York.


Mamma has told me that I may give a lawn party on Friday, the twenty-sixth. You will surely come, won't

[blocks in formation]

It is lovely of you to ask me to your lawn party and

I shall be very glad to come.

August 17, 1905.

Your friend,

Ruth Wilson.

1050 Summit Ave.,

St. Paul, Minn.


I am to have a birthday party on Saturday, the twenty-fourth. We shall have skating first and games indoors later. Be sure to come and bring your skates.

[blocks in formation]

Your kind invitation to your birthday party is received. I am very sorry, but Billy has the measles and I fear I should not be welcome. I hope you will all have a good time.

January 17, 1906.

Yours mournfully,

Jack Armstrong.

The Willows,

526 Culver Road,

Rochester, New York.

Miss Mary Andrews asks the pleasure of Miss Wilson's company at a lawn party on Friday, August 26. August 15, 1905.

236 University Ave.,

Rochester, New York.

Miss Ruth Wilson begs to thank Miss Andrews for her kind invitation on August 26, which she accepts with pleasure.

August 17, 1905.

1050 Summit Ave.,

St. Paul, Minn.

Henry Allen invites Jack Armstrong to be present at his birthday party on Saturday, the twenty-fourth. Skating in the afternoon.

January 16, 1906.

872 Dayton Ave.,

St. Paul, Minn.

Jack Armstrong thanks Henry Allen for his kind invitation for the twenty-fourth, and regrets that because of illness in the family he is unable to accept.

January 17, 1906.

Invitations by letter are sometimes formal and sometimes informal. Here are letters and replies of both kinds. Copy them all carefully.

Write invitations and replies, two of each kind, selecting your own occasions.

(Notice that in the formal invitations the pronouns I and you are not used.)

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This sentence tells about great deeds. says about them is that they cannot die.

2. Kings have long arms. - LATIN PROverb.

What it

What does this sentence tell about? What does it say about them? Every sentence may be divided into two parts. One part names a person or other object; the other says something about it. What it says may be a statement, a question, or a command.

What the sentence is about is called the subject. What is said about the subject is called the predicate.

The words great deeds are the subject of sentence 1. The words cannot die are the predicate.

What is the subject and what the predicate of sentence 2?

Write separately the subject and the predicate of each of the following sentences:

The bluebird sings in the apple tree.
The mouse ran up the clock.
Edison invented the phonograph.
Jack and Jill went up the hill,

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