That glaffy flouds from rugged rocks can crush, And make foft rills from fiery flint-ftones gufh. PSALM 136. LET us with a gladfom mind Praise the Lord, for he is kind: Let us blaze his name abroad, O let us his praises tell, Who doth the wrathful tyrants quell: Who with his miracles doth make For his, etc. Who by his wifdom did create Who by his all-commanding might, For his, etc. And caus'd the golden-treffed fun, For his, etc. The horned moon to fhine by night, He with his thunder-clasping hand, shaw na Ti And in defpight of Pharoah fell, The ruddy waves he cleft in twain Of the Erythraean main. For his, etc..ans The floods stood ftill like walls of glafs, But full foon they did devour The tawny king with all his power. For his, etc. His chofen people he did blefs For his, etc. In bloody battle he brought down He foil'd bold Sihon and his hoft, For his, etc. And large-lim'd Og he did fubdue, With all his over-hardy crew. And to his fervant Ifrael He gave their land therein to dwell, He hath with a piteous eye And freed us from the flavery Of the invading enemy. All living creatures he doth feed, Let us therefore warble forth His mighty majefty and worth. That his manfion hath on high |