but those intentions soon expanded into various larger undertakings, till, at length, they settled down into a resolution to obtrude upon the public the sketch of a "Christian Gentleman," as he presents himself under the various aspects of duty and demeanour proper to the purest conception of that character. Whether I have or have not drawn and coloured the picture correctly, no one is more competent to judge than yourself. I have endeavoured to portray a man worthy of being introduced to the honour of your acquaintance, and have, therefore, kept as close as I could to your own views of spiritual and moral excellence. So far as my humble purpose shall appear to have been usefully executed, I am sure it will have the advantage of your countenance and approbation, and I desire no success for it on any other grounds. If, by the favour of Almighty God, I shall be accepted as an instrument in his hands of conveying profitable counsel to some of my countrymen, who contemplate the qualifications of a gentleman through the medium of perverted sentiment, and the prejudices which naturally and almost necessarily result from a prevalent system of false education-if I shall be successful in bringing over a few to better judgment, in a matter which so greatly concerns the well-being of society, I shall consider my slight performance as superabundantly rewarded. I am, my dear Madam, with the highest sense of what I owe to you, as one of a community so benefited by your labours, and for long-continued personal kindness, Your affectionate friend and servant, W. R. Clapham, Feb. 1829. IX.-The Politics of the Christian Gentleman X.-The Literature of the Christian Gentleman XI.-Family Government of the Christian Gentleman XII.-The exterior Intercourse of the Christian Gentleman XIII.-Familiar Talk of the Christian Gentleman |