And what may quiet us in a death fo noble. 1725 Şok'd in his enemies blood, and from the stream 1730 Home to his father's houfe: there will I build him, Oft he seems to hide his face, But unexpectedly returns And to his faithful Champion hath in place 1745 1750 And all that band them to refift His uncontroulable intent, His fervant he with new acquift Of true experience from this great event The EN D. 1755 LYCIDA S. In this Monody the Author bewails a learned Friend, unfortunately drown'd in his paffage form Chefer on the Irish Seas, 1637. And by occafion foretells the ruin of our corrupted Clergy then in their height. Et once more, Oye Laurels, and once more YE Ye Myrtles brown, with Ivy never-fear, Shatter your leaves before the mellowing year. H |