PSAL. VII. Aug. 14. 1653. Upon the words of Chufh the Benjamite L against him. P Ord my God to thee I flie, Save me and fecure me under Thy protection while I cry, Lord my God if I have thought Be in my hands, if I have wrought Let th' enemy pursue my foul In the duft and there out spread Rife Jehovah in thine ire, Of my foes that urge like fire; And wake for me, their fury affwage ; So th' aflemblies of each Nation All people from the world's foundation. Judge me Lord, be judge in this And the innocence which is Upon me: caufe at length to cease And their power that do amifs. But the juft eftablish faft, Since thou art the juft God that tries God is a juft Judge and fevere, His fword he whets, his bow hath bended (His arrows purposely made he Trouble he hath conceiv'd of old He dig'd a pit, and delv'd it deep, His mischief that due courfe doth keep, Then will I Jehovah's praise PSAL. VIII. Aug 14. 1653. Jehova our Lord! how wondrous great And glorious is thy Name through all the earth? So as above the Heav'ns thy praise to fet Out of the tender mouths of lateft breath. N & Out of the mouths of Babes and Sucklings thous When I behold thy Heav'ns, thy of thy Fingers art, The Moon and Stars which thou fo bright haft fet, In the pure firmament, then faith my heart, ✪ what is man that thou remembreft yet, And think'ft upon him; or of man begot, That him thou vifit'ft, and of him art found; Scarce to be lefs than Gods, thou mad'ft his lot, With honour and with ftate thou haft him crown'd. O'er the works of thy hand thou mad'st him Lord, Fowl of the Heav'ns, and Fish that through the wet And glorious is thy name through all the Earth. April. 1648. J. M. Nine of the Pfalms done into Metre, wherein all, but what is in a different CharaEter, are the very words of the Text, tranflated from the Original. PSAL. LXXX. 1 Hou Shepherd that doft Ifrael keep Give ear in time of need, Who leadeft like a flock of Sheep Thy loved Jofeph's feed, That fit'ft between the Cherubs bright Between their wings out-Spread Shine forth, and from thy cloud give light, And on our foes thy dread. 2 In Ephraim's view and Benjamin's, And in Manaffe's fight, * Awake thy ftrength, come, and be seen Gnorera, To fave us by thy might. 3 Turn us again, thy grace divine To us O God vouchsafe; Caufe thou thy face on us to fhine, And then we fhall be fafe. 4 Lord God of Hofts; how long wilt thou, How long wilt thou declare |