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النشر الإلكتروني
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EN this tract was commenced printing eighteen months since, it was intended to have

made a thick volume, in fact, to be "A History of Kent in the Primeval Period," but circumstances, over which the author had no control, compelled him to vary his plans no less than three times during which interval, the great discoveries made in various parts of the county, also induced him to change his opinion on one of the theories mooted.

However, the author does not despair of being enabled to present the public in a few years, with a work upon Springhead and its neighbourhood, agreeably to his original design, for which he has accumulated vast materials. He likewise lives in hope, that it will be his fortune to describe in it, the discoveries which he anticipates will be made at the still-deferred thorough exploration, which is to take place at some yet un-named period, of the massive and extensive remains in Barque lands; and also minutely detail the contents of the adjacent tumuli in Stone-Park and Swanscombe woods. Tasks long since promised to be undertaken, by the lord of the properties, and both, yet to be accomplished!

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