صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

tunate Princess out of the country. She arrived at Paris, went from thence to Louisiana, with a colony of Germans, and after various adventures and fufferings in America, came back to Paris, fet out from thence with a French nobleman (whom the had married at New Orleans) for the ifle of Bourbon, and after his death returned to Europe, where the lived a retired life, fupported by a penfion from the court of Brunfwick. Some fay the place of her refidence was Montmartre, others, Bruffels.

The other materials that form this work are abundant, and have alfo the merit of variety. They are contained in nine letters, written between the 25th of July, 1770, and the 25th of August 1771. We find in them an account of the events that accompanied the ceffion, made by France to Spain of Louifrana, in 1762, a fhort defeription of the government of Mexico, and a great number of plans for the improvement of the police and well-being of the colonists in thefe countries,

IV. Hiftoire Politique des grandes Querelles entre l'Empereur Charles V. et le Roi François I. i. e. A Political Hiflory of the Animofities and Quarrels that fubfifted between the Emperor Charles V. and Francis I. 8vo. 2 Vols. Paris. 1778. This work comprehends a period of time, and an affemblage of objects, which have been already treated by masterly hands. It may, however, be affirmed that the, fubject is not yet exhaufted, with respect, at least, to the character, reign, conduct, intentions, and poThe anonymous licy of the first of thefe two crowned heads. Author of the performance before us, has, indeed, drawn his materials from the best printed fources that are extant; but this is not fufficient to raife him above his predeceffors. He has placed at the head of his book an introduction, relative to the ftate of the military, and the art of war, in the times of which he writes.

: V. Recueil Hiftorique et Chronologique des Faits memorables, pour fervir à l'Hiftoire generale de la Marine et à celle des Decouvertes, &c. i. e. An Hiftorical and Chronological Collection of memorable Facts, which exhibit an univerfal Hiftory of Navigation, and of maritime Expeditions and Discoveries. 8vo. 2 Vois. Paris. 1778. This work is inftructive and entertaining. It takes in a vaft compafs, and comprehends a great variety of objects. The maritime expeditions of the Egyptians, Phenicians, Sidonians, Perfians, Portuguese, Danes, Venetians, Genoefe, English, French, and Spaniards, furnish our Author with a rich variety of interefting relations, and give him an occafion of investigating the origin, enlarging upon the political views and interefts, and pointing out the caufes of the great revolutions of the maritime ftates, ancient and modern. He has alfo indicated the principal difcoveries of travellers and adventurers in both hemifpheres, the degrees of longitude and latitude thro' which

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which they directed their courses, the dreadful tempefts which affailed them in diftant feas, and the various remarkable phenomena which they obferved during their voyages. In a word, this book affords pleafant reading; but it might have been made more useful to feamen; for it is chargeable with many omiffions relative to the art of navigation, which can fcarcely be excufed in a work of this kind: we find not here a fingle word about the mariner's compafs, the attempts to determine the longitudes at fea, the methods that have been employed to prevent or cure the diseases incident to feamen, and other matters of fimilar importance.

VI. Hiftoire generale Hongrie, depuis la premiere Invasion des Huns jufqu'à nos fours, &c. i. e. A general History of Hungary, from the firft Invasion of the Huns to the prefent Times. 12mo. 2 Vols. By M. DE SACY, Royal Cenfor, Member of feveral Academies. Paris. 1778. The first thing we meet with in this work is a preliminary difcourfe, in which the Author draws, with no mean pencil, the character of the Hungarians, enumerates their virtues, their defects, and their prejudices, and points out, not only what has been done, but also what yet remains to be done, to render their ftate ftill more happy and flourishing. This is fucceeded by an introduction, in which the Author gives an hiftorical fummary of the events that happened in the period which begins with the invafion of the Huns, and ends with the fettlement of Stephen I. on the throne; and here we fee, as in a moving picture, different tribes of barbarians fucceeding and deftroying each other, fometimes confounded, fometimes difperfed: and the Author points out those among them from whom the Hungarians derive their origin. The History begins with the reign of Stephen I. and ends with the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748. There is, undoubtedly, a great variety of objects prefented to the reader during that fpace of time he will fee here the deftruction of idolatry (Pagan we mean); the changes that have been brought about in laws, religion, and manners; the tumults of elective government; the contests and cabals of rival competitors; the ravages of the Tartars; the conquefts of the Hungarians; their victories and their defeats; their fituation with respect to the Turks, who were alternately their protectors and enemies; their infurrections and confpiracies against the house of Auftria; their final fubjection to that houfe; and the mafculine spirit and national vigour the inhabitants of both fexes discovered in all the revolutions that have happened in their country.

VII. Efais Botaniques, Chymiques, et Pharmaceutiques fur quelques Plantes indigenes, fubftituees avec Succfs à des Vegetaux Exotiques, &c. i. e. Botanical, Chymical, and Pharmaceutical Effays concerning certain indigenous Plants fubftituted with Success in


Medical Practice, in the Place of exotic ones, with Medical Obfervations, by Meffrs. COSTE and WILLEMET (whofe literary Titles and academical Honours are too numerous to be inferted here.) Printed at Nancy and Bouillon in 1778. This is a moft curious work; deferving, in a particular manner, the attention of the medical faculty, in every country.


VIII. Introductione alla Chimica: i. e. An Introduction to Chymiftry. 4to. Piftoria. 1777 Accuracy and precifion, method and perfpicuity are united in this work, in which the reader will find the nature and properties of terreftrial foffils, minerals, acid, alkaline, and neutral falts, expofed in a very fatisfactory manner-the compofition, decompofition, and analyfis of different fubftances elucidated-and the various proceffes of diftillation, fublimation, precipitation, chryftallization, calcination, revivification, rectification, &c. unfolded with the greateft fimplicity and clearnefs. The table of chemical affinities is remarkable for its exactness, and is more complete than that of Geoffroy.

IX. La Vita de Diogene Cynico, &c. i. e. The Life of Diogenes, the Cynic, by the Marquis F. A. GRIMALDI. 8vo. Naples. 1778. This is a very ingenious though paradoxical defence of the doctrine, morals, manners, and conduct of a dirty, difgufting fellow, who has retained the name of a philofopher; and why fhould he not retain it, fince it is given to many, even in our days, that do not deserve it much better than Diogenes? We hope the Marquis does not resemble his hero.

X. Corporis Hiftoriæ Byzantina Nova Appendix, &c. i. e. A New Appendix to the Body of Byzantine Hiftory, comprehending the Works of George Pifid, Theodofius the Deacon, and Corippus the African Grammarian. Folio. Rome. 1777. This work, which was begun and finished by the Abbot JOSEPH-MARIA QUERCI, has been published by Monf. Foggini, fince the death of the Compiler. The notes, both of the Author and Editor, are full of erudition, although they do not always come up to the standard of perfection.


It is rare to fee this country making a figure in a literary journal. The following works, however, fhew that the spirit of erudition, and the defire of promoting the useful arts, are not entirely extinguished in Spain:

XI. Memorias Inftructivas, &c. i.e. Useful, curious, and inftructive Memoirs, relative to Agriculture, Commerce, Industry, Oeconomy, Chemistry, Botany, and Natural Hiftory, drawn from the Works of eminent Authors of all Nations, and more especially from the learned Academies in England, France, Germany, Sweden, c. Volumes I.-VI. 8vo. Madrid. 1778. XII. Hij

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XII. Hiftoria Literaria Efpanna, &c. i. e. A Literary Hiftory of Spain, or an Account of the Origin, Progress, Decline, and Refloration of Spanish Literature, under the Domination of the Phenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Goths, Arabians, and alfo under the Government of the Catholic Kings of that Country. To which are added, the Lives of the learned Men that Spain has produced, Extracts and a critical Review of their Writings, &c. By the. Rev. Fathers RAPHAEL and PETER RODERICO MOHEThe five firft Volumes. Madrid. 1778..



XIII. C. G. A. Oldendorp Gefchicht der Miffion, &c. i. e. A History of the Million of the Evangelical (i. e. Lutheran) Brethren, to the Caribbee Islands of St. Thomas, St. Cruza, and St. John. By Mr. OLDENDORP. Publifhed by Mr. f. Boiffart. 8vo. 2 Vols. Berlin. 1777. The Author of this interefting work was fent to the Weft Indies in the year 1767, and, befide the principal end of his miffion, made there feveral important obfervations relative to the natural history of the islands mentioned in this title, and delineated, himself, the animals and plants which are peculiar to that region, or unknown in ours. From thefe materials, and a judicious review of the papers of our traveller, Mr. Boiffart has published the work before us. divided into two parts. The first contains the obfervations of Mr. OLDENDORP on the Caribbees, their characters, traffic, natural productions, climate, with fome curious remarks on the crimes, punishments, death, funerals, and religion of the negroes, and the odious traffic that is made of thefe unhappy and injured creatures. The fecond part contains the hiftory of the miffion, which difplays the zeal and humanity of the evangelical brethren, and the fuccefs of their well-meant and welldirected labours. It appears from this account that, in the year 1768, they baptized in these iflands 1561 young negroes, 1985 adults, and 1014 children. The whole bufinefs of this miflion was confided to 79 perfons, brethren or fifters of the Evangelical Society.

XIV. Lexicon et Commentarius Sermonis Hebraici et Chaldaici post F. Cocceium et J. H. Maium, longe quam antehac correctius et emendatius Edidit Jo. CH. FRIED. SCHULZ. 8vo. 2 Tom. Leipfig. 1777. The merit of this new edition of the Hebrew and Chaldaic Dictionary, published by Cocceius, is undoubted, and answerable to the pains and erudition which Mr. SCHULZ has employed on this ufeful work. He has fuppreffed all the Dutch and German words, deeming them fuperfluous, as the Oriental languages are rarely ftudied by any who have not acquired a previous knowledge of the Latin tongue. It is proper to obferve that Mr. SCHULZ, in determining the fignification of cach Hebrew word, confults previously the meaning of the equivalent



equivalent term in Arabic and the other Oriental languages: he has alfo reftored to their true place, to their native foil, feveral fcattered roots, together with their derivatives, and if he has rectified feveral defective paffages and readings in the Hebrew text, it is not without alledging the reafons that engaged him to take this liberty. The two volumes contain 1690 pages, and it must be acknowledged that the typographical part of the work, whether we confider its correctness or beauty, does ho-, nour to the publisher.

XV. Einleitung in die Becherkunde, &c. i. e. An Introduc-' t to the Knowledge of Books. By M. DENIS, Librarian to the Empress Queen. Part I. Containing Bibliography. 4to. Vienna. 1777. This is in reality a work replete with erudi tion, and will be read with pleasure and profit, not only by the beginner but by the adept in literature provided they underftand German. The Author divides his Bibliography into three periods: the first relates to the book bufinefs, or the ftate of book writing, previous to Chriftianity :-the fecond comprehends the ftate of Bibliography from the introduction of Chrif tianity to the restoration of letters, or the invention of printing; and the third extends from this latter period to the prefent times. Each of thefe periods contain an hiftorical and me chanical account of book making. The hiftorical account of the first period exhibits the origin, progrefs, and decline of the art of writing and preferving books in different nations; and the other part of this fame period contains a defcription of the alphabets, paper, and inftruments employed in writing, and of the form of books in thefe early times. In the fecond period we find the hiftory of printing; and, in the third, an account of the most celebrated libraries of that time.

XVI. CAII PLINII SECUNDI Hiftoria Naturalis, cum Interpretatione et Notis integris J. Hardouini, itemque cum Commentariis et Annotationibus Hermolai Barbari, Pintiani, Rhenani, Gelenii, Dalechampii, Scaligeri, Salmafii, If. Voffit, J. F. Gronovii, et Aliorum. Vol. I. We have here the firft volume of a new edition of Pliny's Natural Hiftory, published at Leipfic by the learned FRANZIUS, and augmented by him with various readings. This new Editor has followed the text of Harduin, as it ftands in the edition of Paris of the year 1723, and not in that of Bafil, which is in no repute. This firft volume, which is to be followed by five more, contains the three first books of Pliny; to which is prefixed a life of that author, the prefaces of Gronovius and Hardouin, the teftimonies of celebrated writers in his favour, and an enumeration of the manufcripts and editions that were ufed by Hardouin. The various readings are collected with care, and, the notes are elegant and judicious. The laft volume will contain corrections and remarks, and in

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