Will bring me hence, no other guide I feek.
By miracle he may, reply'd the fwain. What other way I fee not, for we here Live on tough roots and Rubs, to thirst inur'd More than the camel, and to drink go far, Men to much mifery and hardship born; But if thou be the fon of God, command That out of these hard stones be made thee bread; So fhalt thou fave thy felf and us relieve With food, whereof we wretched feldom taste. He ended, and the fon of God reply'd... Think'ft thou fuch force in bread; is it not written (For I difcern thee other than thou seem'st) Man lives not by bread only, but each word Proceeding from the mouth of God? who fed Our fathers here with manna; in the mount Mofes was forty days, not eat nor drank, And forty days Elijah without food
Wandred this barren wafte, the fame I now: Why doft thou then fuggeft to me distrust, Knowing who I am, as I know who thou art?
Whom thus anfwer'd th' arch-fiend now undifguis'd.
'Tis true, I am that spirit unfortunate,
Who leagu'd with millions more in rash revolt
Kept not my happy ftation, but was driv'n With them from blifs to the bottomless deep, Yet to that hideous place not fo confin'd By rigour unconniving, but that oft Leaving my dolorous prifon I enjoy
Large liberty to round this globe of earth,
Or range in th' air, nor from the heav'n of heav'ns
Hath he excluded my refort sometimes.
I came among the fons of God, when he Gave up into my hands Üzzean Job
To prove him, and illustrate his high worth; And when to all his angels he propos'd To draw the proud king Ahab into fraud, That he might fall in Ramoth, they demurring, I undertook that office; and the tongues Of all his flattering prophets glibb'd with lyes To his destruction, as I had in charge, For what he bids I do; though I have loft Much luftre of my native brightness, loft To be belov'd of God, I have not lost To love, at least contemplate and admire What I fee excellent in good, or fair, Or virtuous, I fhould fo have loft all fenfe. What can be then lefs in me than defire To fee thee, and approach thee, whom I know Declar'd the Son of God, to hear attent Thy wisdom, and behold thy God-like deeds? Men generally think me much a foe
To all mankind: why should I? they to me Never did wrong or violence, by them
I loft not what I loft, rather by them
I gain'd what I have gain'd, and with them dwell Copartner in these regions of the world,
If not difpofer; lend them oft my aid, Oft my advice by presages and signs, And answers, oracles, portents and dreams, Whereby they may direct their future life. Envy they fay excites me, thus to gain
Companions of my misery and wo.
At first it may be; but long fince with wo Nearer acquainted, now I feel by proof, That fellowship in pain divides not smart, Nor lightens aught each mans peculiar load; Small confolation then, were man adjoin'd: This wounds me most (what can it less) that man, Man fall'n fhall be reftor'd, I never more.
To whom our Saviour sternly thus reply'd: Defervedly thou griev❜st, compos'd of lyes From the beginning, and in lyes wilt end; Who boast'st release from hell, and leave to come Into the heav'n of heav'ns: thou com'st indeed, As a poor miferable captive thrall,
Comes to the place where he before had fat Among the prime in fplendor, now depos'd, Ejected, emptied, gaz'd, unpitied, shun'd, A fpectacle of ruin or of scorn
To all the host of heav'n; the happy place Imports to thee no happiness, no joy, Rather inflames thy torment, representing Loft blifs, to thee no more communicable, So never more in hell than when in heav'n. But thou art ferviceable to heav'ns king. Wilt thou impute t' obedience what thy fear Extorts, or pleasure to do ill excites? What but thy malice mov'd thee to misdeem Of righteous Job, then cruelly to afflict him With all inflictions? but his patience won. The other fervice was thy chofen task, To be a lyar in four hundred mothus;
For lying is thy fuftenance, thy food. Yet thou pretend'st to truth; all oracles By thee are giv'n, and what confest more true Among the nations? that hath been thy craft, By mixing fomewhat true to vent more lyes. But what have been thy answers, what but dark, Ambiguous, and with double sense deluding, Which they who ask'd have seldom understood, And not well understood as good not known? Who ever by consulting at thy shrine Return'd the wiser, or the more instruct To fly or follow what concern'd him most, And run not fooner to his fatal fnare? For God hath justly giv❜n the nations up To thy delufions, juftly, fince they fell Idolatrous, but when his purpose is
Among them to declare his providence
To thee not known, whence haft thou then thy truth, But from him or his angels president
In ev'ry province, who themselves disdaining T'approach thy temple, give thee in command What to the smallest title thou shalt say To thy adorers? thou with trembling fear, Or like a fawning parasite obey'st;
Then to thy felf afcrib'st the truth foretold. But this thy glory shall be soon retrench'd; No more shalt thou by oracling abuse The Gentiles; henceforth oracles are ceas'd; And thou no more with pomp and facrifice Shalt be enquir'd at Delphos or elfe-where, At least in vain, for they shall find thee mute.
God hath now fent his loving oracle
Into the world to teach his final will, And fends his spirit of truth henceforth to dwell In pious hearts, an inward oracle
To all truth requifite for men to know.
So fpake our Saviour; but the subtle fiend, Though inly stung with anger and disdain, Dissembled, and this answer smooth return'd. Sharply thou haft insisted on rebuke, And urg'd me hard with doings, which not will But mifery hath wrefted from me: where Eafily canft thou find one miferable,
And not inforc'd oft-times to part from truth, If it may stand him more in stead to lye, Say and unfay, feign, flatter, or abjure? But thou art plac'd above me, thou art lord; From thee I can and muft fubmifs endure Check or reproof, and glad t' escape so quit. Hard are the ways of truth, and rough to walk, Smooth on the tongue difcours'd, pleafing to th' ear, And tuneable as filvan pipe or fong;
What wonder then if I delight to hear
Her dictates from thy mouth? most men admire Virtue, who follow not her lore: permit me To hear thee when I come (fince no man comes) And talk at least, tho' I defpair t'attain. Thy father, who is holy, wife and pure, Suffers the hypocrite or atheous priest To tread his facred courts, and minister About his altar, handling holy things, Praying or vowing, and vouchsaf'd his voice
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