صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

1. What is Mythology?

2. What is meant by the "Golden Age?"

3. Who was Hercules?

4. What was Atlantis?

5. What was the Trojan war? 6. Who was Ulysses? 7. Who was Nestor? 8. Who was Achilles? 9. Who was Penelope? 10. Who was Calypso?

11. Who were the Titans ?

12. Who was Atlas?

13. Who was Saturn?

14. Who was Pluto?

27. Who was Ceres?

28. Who was Argus?

29. Who was Bacchus ?

30. Who was Silenus?

31. Who were Momus and Comus?

32. Who was Somnus? 33. Who was Hymen?

34. Who was Hebe?

35. What was ambrosia ?

36. Who was Aurora?

37. Who was Iris?

38. Who was Pan?

39. Who was Chloris ?

40. Who was Eolus?

41. Who was Boreas?

15. Who were the twelve Olympic 42. Who was Esculapius?


16. Who was Jupiter? 17. Who was Neptune? 18. Who was Apollo? 19. Who was Vulcan? 20. Who was Mars? 21. Who was Mercury? 22. Who was Juno? 23. Who was Minerva ? 24. Who was Diana? 25. Who was Venus?

43. Who was Procrustes? 44. Who was Prometheus? 45. Who was Pandora? 46. Who was Python? 47. Who were the Fates? 48. Who were the Furies? 49. Who was Hecate? 50. Who was Nemesis? 51. Who were the Harpies? 52. Who was Charon? 53. What was Cerberus ?

26. Who was Vesta?

54. Who was Briareus?

55. Who was Sisyphus ? 56. Who were the Muses? 57. What was Parnassus? 58. Who was Orpheus? 59. Who were the Graces? 60. Who were the Nymphs? 61. Who were the Sirens? 62. Who were the Tritons?

63. Who was Eris?

64. Who was Fame? 65. Who was Fortune? 66. Who was Psyche? 67. Who was Proteus?

68. Who were the Gorgons? 69. Who was Pegasus? 70. Who was Pygmalion? 71. Who was Dido?

72. Who was Narcissus?

73. Who was Philomela?

74. What were the Greek oracles? 75. What were the tutelary gods? 76. What were the Olympic games? 77. What were the Pythian games? 78. Who was Midas? 79. Who was Laocoon? 80. Who was Europa? 81. Who was Minos? 82. Who was Ariadne? 83. Who was Theseus?

84. Who was Cadmus ?

85. What was the Gordian-knot? 86. What is the story of Hero and Leander?

87. Who was Tantalus?

88. Who were the Centaurs? 89. Who was Morpheus?


1. A system of fables or stories respecting the supernatural actions of gods, divinities, and heroes.

2. The Greeks believed the history of the world to be divided into ages, the Golden Age first, when there was universal goodness, happiness, and abundance; after which came the silver, bronze, and iron ages-this last being filled with war, rapine, crime and every sort of misery.

3. The ideal of physical perfection and bodily strength, life devoted to the performance of great and virtuous deeds; the most celebrated hero of the Greek mythology.

4. A fabulous island in the Atlantic Ocean, lying off the Pillars of Hercules, supposed to have been engulfed in the sea, from which the Atlantic Ocean is said to take its name.

5. According to the poet Homer, a war against the city of Ilium, or Troy, in Asia-Minor, caused by Paris, son of King Priam, carrying away Helen, wife of the Spartan Menelaus. According to the legend, the Greeks recovered Helen, and destroyed Troy.

6. A sagacious and artful Greek, who entered Troy in disguise, and stole away a statue of Minerva, called the Palladium, there being a belief that the city would remain invincible so long as it possessed this famous statue, which had been the gift of Jupiter.

7. A venerable old man renowned for wisdom, who acted as counsellor for the Grecian chiefs at the siege of Troy.

8. Son of Peleus and Thetis, a sea-nymph, who dipped him in the river Styx, so making him invulnerable except the heel by which she held him. Achilles was killed by a wound in the heel. The tendon of the leg above the heel is usually called "the tendon Achilles."

9. The wife of Ulysses, and mother of Telemachus. During the long wanderings of Ulysses, after the fall of Troy, and when he was believed

to be dead, Penelope was importuned to marry again, but she put off her suitors on the pretext that she must first weave a web as a shroud for Laertes, her aged father-in-law. To protract the time, she undid by night what she had woven during the day; and at length Ulysses returned. From this legend, any task apparently endless is said to resemble "Penelope's web."

10. Daughter of Atlas, and inhabited a remote woody island in the ocean, on which Ulysses was shipwrecked. She promised him immortality if he would marry her; this he refused to do, and finally she was forced to let him depart; being inconsolable, Calypso died of grief.

11. They were an early race of gods, and are represented as being the sons and daughters of Uranus (heaven) and Ge (earth).

12. Leader of the Titans, he attempted to storm the heavens, for which audacity he was condemned to support forever the vault of heaven on his shoulders. Represented as bearing up the globe.

13. Saturn or the God of Time, had six children-Vesta, Ceres, Juno, Neptune, Pluto, and Jupiter, and was represented by an old man with wings, holding a scythe in one hand, and a serpent with its tail in its mouth in the other.

14. Ruler of Hades, or the world of shades, represented sitting on a throne, holding two keys in his hand, to signify that he is the warden of the dead.

15. Gods and goddesses who dwelt on the heights of Mount Olympus, known by the following Roman names-Jupiter, Neptune, Apollo, Vulcan, Mars, Mercury, Juno, Minerva, Diana, Venus, Vesta, and Ceres.

16. Jupiter, or Jove, the chief of all the gods, represented as seated on a throne amidst clouds, with thunder-bolts in his right hand, a sceptre in his left, and an eagle at his side.

17. Neptune, second in power to Jupiter, god of the Sea and of Earthquakes; represented as seated in a shell-chariot drawn by sea-horses, a crown on his head, and a trident in his hand. His wife was Amphitrite, queen of the sea.

18. Apollo, son of Jupiter, the god of Prophecy, Music, and Song; represented as a handsome youth in flowing garments, with a lyre and bow in his hand.

19. Vulcan, the god of Fire, a great artificer in metals; one of his

performances was that of forging the thunderbolts of Jupiter; represented as working at an anvil in the volcano of Mount Etna.

20. Mars was the god of War, and delighted in slaughter; represented as an armed man in a chariot, with the goddess Bellona at his side.

21. Mercury, the god of Eloquence, the messenger of the gods, and patron of knavery; represented with wings on his cap and ankles, and with a wand or caduceus in his hand.

22. Juno was the wife of Jupiter; represented as a majestic female seated in a car drawn by peacocks, with two cupids flying over them.

23. Minerva, goddess of Wisdom and unrelenting Force; she wears a helmet and breast-plate, carries a spear in her right hand, while with the left she holds a shield.

24. Diana, a sister of Apollo, the goddess of Hunting, and is armed with a bow and arrows. Under the name of Cynthia, she is goddess of

the moon.

25. Venus, the goddess of Love and Beauty, and had a son Cupid who, with his bow and arrow, aided her designs on the hearts of mortals.

26. Vesta, the goddess of the Domestic Hearth, a chaste maiden, who was believed to dwell in the inner part of every house.

27. Ceres, the goddess of Corn and Agriculture; represented as holding a garland of corn-ears in the right hand, while with the left she poured flowers from a horn of plenty.

28. A monster with a hundred eyes, of which two were only asleep at the same time.

29. The god of Wine, whose worship consisted in noisy orgies. 30. The god of Humor and Good-fellowship, an ally of Bacchus. 31. Momus was the god of Mockery, and Comus god of Nocturnal Revelry.

32. God of Sleep, near whose habitation flowed the river Lethe, which creeps silently over the pebbles, and invites slumber. One of the attendants of Somnus was Morpheus, the son of sleep, whose duty it was to excite agreeable dreams.

33. The god of Marriage, represented to be the son of Bacchus and Venus. On the occasion of nuptials, propitiatory hymns were sung in his praise.

34. The goddess of Youth, and cup-bearer to the goda oʻympus, whom she served with the divine drink, nectar.

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