THE STUDENTS' SERIES OF LATIN CLASSICS UNDER THE EDITORIAL SUPERVISION OF ERNEST MONDELL PEASE, A.M., Late Leland Stanford Junior University, AND HARRY THURSTON PECK, PH.D., L.H.D., This Series contains the Latin authors usually read in American schools and colleges, and also others well adapted to class-room use, but not heretofore published in suitable editions. The several volumes are prepared by special editors, who aim to revise the text carefully and to edit it in the most serviceable manner. Where there are German editions of unusual merit, representing years of special study under the most favorable circumstances, these are used, with the consent of the foreign editor, as a basis for the American edition. In this way it is possible to bring out text-books of the highest excellence in a comparatively short period of time. The editions are of two kinds, conforming to the different methods of studying Latin in our best institutions. Some contain in the introductions and commentary such a careful and minute treatment of the author's life, language, and style as to afford the means for a thorough appreciation of the author and his place in Latin literature. Others aim merely to assist the student to a good reading knowledge of the author, and have only the text and brief explanatory notes at the bottom of each page. The latter are particularly acceptable for sight reading, and for rapid reading after the minute study of an author or period in one of the fuller, editions. For instance, after a class has read a play or two of Plautus and Terence carefully, with special reference to the peculiarities of style, language, metres, the methods of presenting a play, and the like, these editions will be admirably suited for the rapid reading of other plays. The Series also contains various supplementary works prepared by competent scholars. Every effort is made to give the books a neat and attractive appearance. The following volumes for College use are now ready or in preparation: ATLAS OF THE GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT WORLD. Edited by JOHN K. LORD, Ph.D., Professor in Dartmouth College. Ready. CATULLUS, Selections, based upon the edition of Riese. By THOMAS B. LINDSAY, Ph.D., Professor in Boston University. CICERO, De Senectute et de Amicitia. By CHARLES E. BENNETT, A.M., Professor in the Cornell University. Ready. CICERO, Tusculan Disputations, Books I and II. By Professor PECK. CICERO, De Oratore, Book I, based upon the edition of Sorof. By W. B. OWEN, Ph.D., Professor in Lafayette College. CICERO, Select Letters, based in part upon the edition of Süpfle Ready Böckel. By Professor PEASE. GELLIUS, Selections. By Professor PECK. GREEK AND ROMAN MYTHOLOGY. By KARL P. HARKINGTON, A.M., University of Maine, and HERBERT C. TOLMAN, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. HAND-BOOK OF LATIN SYNONYMS. By Mr. MILLER. HORACE, Odes and Epodes. By PAUL SHOREY, Ph.D., Professor in the Chicago University. Ready HORACE, Satires and Epistles, based upon the edition of Kiessling. By JAMES H. KIRKLAND, Ph.D., Professor in Vanderbilt Uni versity. Ready. JUVENAL, Satires. By JAMES C. EGBERT, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Latin, and NELSON G. MCCREA, Ph.D., Instructor in Latin, Columbia University. LATIN COMPOSITION, for College Use. By WALTER MILLER, A.M., Professor in the Tulane University. Ready. LATIN COMPOSITION, for Advanced Classes. By H. R. FAIRCLOUGH, Ph.D., Professor in the Leland Stanford Jr. University. fessor in the University of California. LIVY, Books XXI and XXII, based upon the edition of Wölfflin. By JOHN K. LORD, Ph.D., Professor in Dartmouth College. Ready. LIVY, Book I, for rapid reading. By Professor LORD. Ready. MARTIAL, Selections. By CHARLES KNAPP, Ph.D., Professor in Barnard College. Ready. NEPOS, for rapid reading. By ISAAC FLAGG, Ph.D., Associate Pro PETRONIUS, Cena Trimalchionis, based upon the edition of Bücheler. By W. E. WATERS, Ph.D., the University of New York. Ready. PLAUTUS, Captivi, for rapid reading. By GROVE E. BARBER, A.Μ., Professor in the University of Nebraska. Ready. PLAUTUS, Menaechmi, based upon the edition of Brix. By HAROLD N. FOWLER, Ph.D., Professor in the Western Reserve Univer sity. Ready 2 PLAUTUS, Trinummus. By H. C. NUTTING, Ph.D., Instructor in Latin in the University of California. Ready. PLINY, Select Letters, for rapid reading. By SAMUEL BALL PLATNER, Ph.D., Professor in the Western Reserve University: Ready. QUINTILIAN, Book X, based upon the edition of Krüger. By EMORY B. LEASE, Ph.D., Instructor in the College of the City of New York. SALLUST, Catiline, based upon the edition of Schmalz. By CHARLES G. HERBERMANN, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor in the College of the City of New York. Ready. SENECA, Select Letters. By E. C. WINSLOW, A.M. Classical Prose. By JOHN FRANCIS GREENE, A.M., Professor in Classical Poetry. Early Latin. By HENRY F. LINSCOTT, Ph.D., Professor in the University of North Carolina. Latin Hymns. By WILLIAM A. MERRILL, Ph.D., Professor in the University of California. Silver Prose. By ARTHUR L. WHEELER, Ph.D., Professor in Bryn Mawr College. Silver Poetry. By WALTER A. DENNISON, Ph.D., Professor in Oberlin College. SACITUS, Annals, Book I and Selections from Book II, based upon the edition of Nipperdey-Andresen. TACITUS, Agricola and Germania, based upon the editions of SchweizerSidler and Dräger. By A. G. HOPKINS, Ph.D., Late Professor in Hamilton College. Ready. TACITUS, Histories, Book I and Selections from Books II-V, based upon the edition of Wolff. By EDWARD H. SPIEKER, Ph.D., Professor in the Johns Hopkins University. TERENCE, Adelphoe, for rapid reading. By WILLIAM L. COWLES, A.M., Professor in Amherst College. Ready. TERENCE, Phormio, based upon the edition of Dziatzko. By HERBERT C. ELMER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Cornell Uni versity. Ready. THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE ROMANS, a manual for the use of schools and colleges. By HARRIET WATERS PRESTON and LOUISE DODGE. Ready. TIBULLUS AND PROPERTIUS, Selections, based upon the edition of Jacoby. By HENRY F. BURTON, A.M., Professor in the University of Rochester. VALERIUS MAXIMUS, Fifty Selections, for rapid reading. By CHARLES S. SMITH, A.M., late College of New Jersey. Ready. VELLEIUS PATERCULUS. Historia Romana, Book II. By F. E. RockWOOD, A.M.. Professor in Bucknell University. 3 Ready. Books for the Secondary School: A FIRST BOOK IN LATIN. Revised, 1903. By HIRAM TUELL, A.M., late Principal of the Milton High School, Mass., and HAROLD N. FOWLER, Ph.D., Professor in the Western Reserve University. Ready. A BEGINNER'S BOOK IN LATIN. By TUELL and FOWLER. Ready. A NEW LATIN COMPOSITION, for Schools. By M. GRANT DANIELL, A.M., formerly Principal of Chauncy Hall School, Boston. Ready. A NEW GRADATIM. By M. C. SMART, A.M., Principal of Littleton (N.H.) High School. Ready. ATLAS OF THE GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT WORLD. Edited by JOHN K. LORD, Ph.D., Professor in Dart mouth College. Ready. CAESAR, Gallic War, Books I-V. By HAROLD W. JOHNSON, Ph.D., Professor in the Indiana University, and FREDERICK W. SANFORD, A.M., Professor in Illinois College. CICERO, Pro Ligario. By CLARENCE H. WHITE, Colby College. Ready. CICERO, Select Orations. By BENJ. L. D'OOGE, Ph.D., Professor in the Michigan State Normal College. Ready. EUTROPIUS, Selections. By VICTOR S. CLARK, Lit.D. NEPOS, Selections. By J. C. JONES, A.M., Professor in the University of Missouri. Ready. OVID, Selections from the Metamorphoses, based upon the edition of Meuser-Egen. By B. L. WIGGINS, A.M., Professor in the University of the South. OVID, Selections, for rapid reading. By A. L. BONDURANT, A.M., Professor in the University of Mississippi. SALLUST, Catiline, based upon the edition of Schmalz. By CHARLES G. HERBERMANN, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor in the College of the City of New York. Ready. VERGIL, Books I-VI. By WILLIAM H. KIRK, Ph.D., Professor in Rutgers College. Ready. VIRI ROMAE, Selections. With Prose Exercises. By G. M. WHICHER, A.M., Teachers' Normal College, New York City. VERGIL, The Story of Turnus from Aen. VII-XII, for rapid reading. By MOSES SLAUGHTER, Ph.D., Professor in the University of Wisconsin. Ready. BENJ. H. SANBORN & CO., Publishers, |