صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Burn, while the lamp holds out to, 303.
within us, heart, 842.
words that, 382.

Burned is Apollo's laurel bough, 41.
Burning and a shining light, 843.

burns out another's, 104.
deck, boy stood on the, 570.
marle, over the, 224.
your lights, 842.

Burnished dove, 625.

sun, livery of the, 62.

Burn-mill meadow, sweets of, 474.

Burns, adores and, 316.

alive all the whores, 287.

out another's burning, 104.
with one love, 339.

Burnt child dreads the fire, 16.

half his Troy was, 88.
Burrs, conversation's, 636.

Burst in ignorance, let me not, 130.
Bury Cæsar, I come to, 113.

in oblivion, 201.

me on my face, 763.

Bush and bank, over, 28.
beat the, 10.

good wine needs no, 72.

hawthorn, with seats beneath, 395.

man in the, with God may meet, 598.
supposed a bear, how easy is a, 59.
the thief doth fear each, 95.
Bushel, do not sit down on a, 765.
Bushels of chaff, 60.

Busier seemed than he was, 2.
Business, come home to men's, 164.
despatch is the soul of, 353.
dinner lubricates, 437.
end of this day's, 115.
every man has, 132.
everybody's, is nobody's, 207.
every man mind his own, 786.
hours set apart for, 362.
in great waters, 823.

[blocks in formation]

Busy companies of men, 263.
curious, thirsty fly, 671.
hammers closing rivets up, 92.
haunts of men, in the, 570.
hum of men, 249.

whisper circling round, 397.
with the crowded hour, 600.
world an idler to, 420.

Busybodies speaking things, 848.
Busybody, be not wordy nor a, 750.

But me no buts, 861.

Butchered to make a Roman holiday, 546
Butchers, gentle with these, 113.

Butter, bread and, of mine, 787.
bread and, smell of, 554.
in a lordly dish, 814.

quarrel with my bread and, 292.
words smoother than, 821.

would not melt in her mouth, 13, 292

Buttered, which side my bread is, 19.
Butterflies no bees, no, 586.

Butterfly, I'd be a, 581.

upon a wheel, 328.

Button, did not care a, 771.

on fortune's cap, 133.

Buttoned down before, coat, 596.

Button-hole lower, let me take you, 56.
Buttons be disclosed, 129.

I had a soul above, 454.

Buttress nor coign of vantage, 117.
Buy it, they lose it that do, 59.
my flowers, O buy, 607.

with you sell with you, 61.
Buyer, it is naught saith the, 827.
Buying or selling of pig, 20.
By and by is easily said, 139.
Byron's poetry, ethics from, 591.
Byword, proverb and a, $15.

Byzantium is not big enough to hold us


Byzantium's conquering foe, 545.

Cabbage, pepper his, 712.

Cabined cribbed confined, 122.
loop-hole, 243.

Cable for a line, 217.

Cadence of a rugged line, harsh, 270.
sweet in, 422.

Cadmean victory, 807.

Cadmus gave the letters, 558.
Caesar and his fortunes, 728.

bled, where some buried, 768.
dead and turned to clay, 144.
great, fell, 114.
had his Brutus, 429.
hath wept, 113.
I appeal unto, 643.
I come to bury, 113.
imperious, dead, 144.
in every wound of, 114.
not that I loved, less, 113.
rebellion fraud and, 297.
render therefore unto, 840.
start a spirit as soon as, 110.
upon what meat doth, feed, 110.
with a senate at his heels, 319.
yesterday the word of, 113.
you carry, and his fortunes, 728.

Casar's, things which are, 840.

wife above suspicion, 727. wite not to be suspected, 727. Cage, nor iron bars a, 260. Cages, as with birds in, 778.

young ladies make nets not, 291. Cain, old Tubal, 654,

the first city made, 261. Cake, eat thy, and have it, 205. is dough, my, 73.

Cakes and ale, no more, 75.
Calamity, enigmatical sort of, 766.

fortune not satisfied with one, 709.
is man's true touchstone, 197.
learn from another's, 708.
of so long life, 135.

to be born the highest, 736. Caledonia stern and wild, 489. Caledonia's cause, support, 450.

Calf's-skin on those recreant limbs, 79.

Call a coach, go, 285.

a spade a spade, 733.
back yesterday, 81.
evil good good evil, 833.
for the robin-redbreast, 181.

it by some better name, 524.
it holy ground, 570.

me a spade, don't, 293.

me early mother dear, 624.

my brother back to me, 571.

nothing but coach, coach, 285.

our own, nothing can we, 821.

shapes that come not at an earthly, 482.

the breezy, 384.

the cattle home, 664.

these delicate creatures ours, 154.
things by their right names, 457.
to-day his own, he who can, 273.
us to penance, 226.

you that backing your friends, 84. Called, many are, 840.

the new world into existence, 464. Caller, him who calleth be the, 285. Calling, in his, let him nothing call but coach, 285.

shapes, 243.

Calls back the lovely April, 161.

Calm, after a storm comes a, 284.
and silent night, 642.

day of slumberous, 575.
familiar talk, 341.
here find that, 367.

lights of philosophy, 297.
of idle vacancy, 376.

on the bosom of thy God, 570.

on the listening ear, 640.

so deep, I never felt a, 470.

the troubled breast, 611.

thou mayst smile, 438.

tracts of, from tempest, 634.

Calmer of unquiet thoughts, 207.

Calmness made, keeps the law in, 476.
Calms after tempest, 151.
Calumnious strokes, 129.
Calumny, shalt not escape, 136.

Calvin and oatmeal, land of, 459. Calvinistic creed, a, 365.

Cambuscan bold, story of, 250.
Cambyses' vein, 85.
Came I saw I conquered, 735.
prologue, excuse, 239.
saw and overcame, 90.
Camel, cloud in shape of a, 139.
like a, indeed, 139.
swallow a, 640.

through the eye of a needle, 840.
to thread the postern, 82.

Camilla scours the plain, 324.
Camomile the more it is trodden, 32.
Campaspe, Cupid and, 31.

Camping ground, fame's eternal, 681.
Can it be that this is all, 548.

such things be, 122.
this be death, 335.
Canadian hills, cold on, 427.
Candid friend, the, 464.

where we can, be, 315.

Candied tongue, let the, 137.

Candle, from their torches I light my


[blocks in formation]

be out all cats be grey, 11, 790.
night's, are burnt out, 108.
of the night, 66.

Candy, glorified, 509.

Cane, conduct of a clouded, 326. Canker and the grief are mine, the, 555.

galls the infants of the spring, 129. Cankers of a calm world, 86. Cannibals that eat each other, 150. Cannikin, why clink the, 646. Cannon ball, brunt of, 211. by our sides, 145.

to right of them, 628. Cannon's mouth, even in the, 69. Cannot come to good, 128.

tell how the truth be, 487. Canon 'gainst self-slaughter, 128. Canonized bones, 130.

Canopied by the blue sky, 553. Canopy, most excellent, the air, 134. the skies, my, 316.

under the, 103.

which love has spread, 5€8. Canst not say I did it, 122.

thou guide Arcturus, 818.

Cant of criticism, 378.

of hypocrites, 378. Cantankerous, you won't be so, 441. Cantilena of the law, 527.

Canting world, in this, 378.

Cants which are canted, 378. Canvas glowed beyond nature, 394. Cap, addressing myself to my, 798.

button on fortune's, 133.

by night a stocking all the day, 397, 401.

of youth, riband in the, 142. whiter than driven snow, 380. Capacity, soul discontented with, 512. Cap-a-pe, armed at point exactly, 128. Capability and godlike reason, 142. Capable of nothing but dumb-shows, 137. Caparisons don't become a young woman, 140.

Cape, round the stormy, 356.
Caper, provokes the, 442.

Capers nimbly in a lady's chamber, 95.
Capital, Belgium's, 542.

solicits the aid of labor, 532.
Capitol, drizzled blood upon the, 112.
who was 't betrayed the, 280.
Capon, lined with good, 69.
Captain, becomes his captain's, 158.
but a choleric word in the, 48.
Christ, soul unto his, 82.

good, lost in an ill general, 782.
ill, good attending, 162.
jewels in the carcanet, 162.
of complements, 106.

of the sea, a boisterous, 392. Wattle, ever hear of, 436. Captive good, attending, ill, 162.

whose words all ears took, 74.

Capulets, family vault of all the, 412. tomb of the, 412.

Car, drive the rapid, 424.

rattling o'er the street, 542. Caravan, innumerable, 572.

the phantom, 768. Carcanet, jewels in the, 162. Carcase is, wheresoever the, 841. of Robinson Crusoe, 391.

Carcasses bleed at the sight of the murderer, 187.

Card, clear conscience is a sure, 33.
he's a sure, 277.

reason the, passion the gale, 317.
speak by the, 143.

Cards, old age of, 321.

patience and shuffle the, 789.
played for kisses, 31.

Care, begone dull, 684.

beyond to-day, 381.

cast away, 786.

deliberation and public, 227. draws in the trains of men, 111. earliest latest, 377.

feed me with a shepherd's, 300. fig for woe, and a fig for, 9. for me, if naebody, 449. for nobody no not I, 427.

his useful, was ever nigh, 366.

I how chaste she be, 26.

I how fair she be, 26, 199.

I'm free from, 689.
in heaven is there, 28.
is an enemy to life, 74.
keeps his watch, 106.

Care, lift her with, 586.

lodges where sleep will never lie, 106. make pale my cheeks with, 199. not, I may although I, 25. ravelled sleave of, 119.

so wan with, 82.

that buy it with much, 59.
the least as feeling her, 31.
there's neither cauld nor, 458.
to our coffin adds a nail, 431.
weep away the life of, 566.
why are we fond of toil and, 805.
will kill a cat, 177, 199.
with judicious, 447.
wrinkled, derides, 248.

Cares and delicate fears, humble, 469.
are all ended, his, 90.
beguiled by sports, 394.
depressed with, 348.
dividing his, 455.
ever against eating, 249.
far from mortal, 534.
fret thy soul with, 30.
if no one, for me, 427.
nobler loves and nobler, 477.

of business, unembarrassed by, 712.
of gain, unvexed with the, 348.
that infest the day, 614.

unvexed with all the, of gain, 348.
whose constant, 392.

Care-charmer sleep, 39.
Cared not to be at all, 226.
Career of his humour, 51.
Careful of the type, 632.
Careless childhood strayed, 381.
in deeds, be not, 755.
of the single life, 632.
shoe-string, 201.

song now and then, 389.
their merits or faults, 396.
trifle, as 't were a, 117.
Caress, wooing the, 555.
Carlyle, scolding from, 637.
Carnegie, Johnnie, lais heer, 288.
Carols as he goes, 394.
Carpet knights, 187, 774, 783.
Carry Cæsar, you, 728.

gentle peace, right hand, 100. Carrying three insides, 464. Cart before the horse, 18.

now traversed the, 288,
sung ballads from a, 274.

Carved for many a year, names, 635.
head fantastically, 90.

not a line, we, 563.

with figures strange, 499.

Carver's brain, made out of the, 499. Carves out his own fortune, 785. Carving the fashion of a new doublet, 51 Casca, the envious, 113.

Case as plain as a pack-staff, 172. consider the reason of the, 278.

I am in, what a, 72.

stands, as the, 172.

when a lady is in the, 349.

Cases, circumstances alter, 580.

tenures and tricks, 143.

Casement slowly grows, 630.

Casements, charmed magic, 575.
Cash-box, beautiful eyes of my, 798.
Cask, at the beginning of the, 694.
Casius, old Mount, 228.
Cassio, I love thee, 152.

Cassius has a lean and hungry look, 111.

help me, or I sink, 110.

no terrors in your threats, 114.
should I have answered so, 114.
Cast beyond the moon, 11, 32.
bread upon the waters, 831.
of thought, the pale, 136.
off his friends, 399.
set my life upon a, 98.
the darkness of the sky, 24.
your pearls before swine, 838.
Caste of Vere de Vere, 623.
Casting a dim religious light, 250.
Castle, a man's house is his, 24.

hall, the mistletoe hung in the, 582.
hath a pleasant seat, 117.
house of every one as his, 24.
wall, bores through his, 82.

Castles in the air, 157, 790, 854.

in the clouds, 357.

Castle's strength will laugh a siege, 125.
Castled crag of Drachenfels, 543.

Rhine, dwelleth by the, 613.

Casualty, road of, 62.

Casuists, convocation of, 786.

soundest, doubt, 322.

Cat and a rat and a coward, 786.
care will kill a, 177, 199.
endow a college or a, 322.
hanging of his, on Monday, 856.
harmless necessary, 64.

in the adage, like the poor, 118.
in the pan, 166.

is averse to fish, what, 381.
may look upon a king, 17.
monstrous tail our, has, 285.
nine lives like a, 16, 691.
watches a mouse, as a, 293.
when I play with my, 776.
will mew, 145.

would eat fish, 14.

Cats and dogs, rain, 293.

be gray when candles are out, all, 11,


Cat's ear, breeds in the, 18.

Catalogue, go for men in the, 121.

of common things, 574.
Cataract, the sounding, 467.
Cataracts, silent, 501.

Catastrophe, I'll tickle your, 89.
Catch and hold, 10.

ere she change, 321.
larks, hoped to, 771.
my flying soul, 333.

old birds with chaff, 787.

the conscience of the king, 135.
the driving gale, 318.

the manners living, 315.

the transient hour, 366.
Catechism, so ends my, 87.
Caters for the sparrow, 67.
Cathay, cycle of, 626.

Cato, big with the fate of, 297.

Cato, give his senate laws, 327, 336.
heroic stoic, 559.

statue of, 741.

the sententious, 559.

Cattle are grazing, the, 469.
call the, home, 664.
thousands of great, 410.

upon a thousand hills, 820.
Caucasus, thinking on the frosty, 81.
Caught by glare, maidens, 540.

my heavenly jewel, have I, 34.
Cauld nor care there, neither, 458.
Cauldron bubble, fire burn and, 123.
Cause, beauty of the good old, 472.
effect defective comes by, 133.
hear me for my, 113.

how light a, may move, 526.
in his country's, 336.
is just, our, 426.

judge in his own, 711, 798.
little shall I grace my, 150.
magnificent and awful, 418.
me no causes, 861.

of all men's misery, 31.
of all things, 759.
of covetousness, 41.
of doing any action, 742.
of dulness in others, 374.

of mankind, in the, 520.

of policy, turn him to any, 91.
of this defect, 133.

of this effect, 133.
report me and my, aright, 145.
that wit is in other men, 88.
their, I plead, 387.

the weak in a just, 696.
thou first great, 334.
when our, it is just, 517.
who die in a great, 555.
Causes and occasions, 93.

just, whatever is is in its, 276.
offence from amorous, 325.
Causeless, the curse, 828.
Caution's lesson scorning, 447.
Cavalrymen, not many dead, 680.
Cave Adullam, 814.

that darksome, 28.
vacant interlunar, 241.

Caves, dark unfathomed, 385.

lakes fens bogs, 228.

Cavern, misery's darkest, 366.
Caverns measureless to man, 500.

memory's, pure and deep, 581.
Caviare to the general, 134.

Cavil on the ninth part of a hair, 85.
Caw, what says he, 424.

Cease every joy to glimmer, 514.
from troubling, the wicked, 816.
rude Boreas, 672.

ye from man, 833.

Ceases to be a virtue, 407.
Ceasing of exquisite music, 616.
swiftness never, 24.

Cedar in Lebanon, 822.

to the hyssop, from the, 593.
Celebrated, Saviour's birth is, 127.
Celestial benedictions, 615.
fire, spark of, 425.

[blocks in formation]

Cement of the soul, 354.


Censer, thine eye was on the, 636.


[blocks in formation]

Chambers, King's Bench, 297.

whisper softness in, 254. Champagne and a chicken, 350. Champion cased in adamant, 484. thou fortune's, 79.

Champions fierce, four, 229.

Censure is the tax eminent men pay, Chance, all, direction, 316.


from a foe, 339.

mouths of wisest, 152.

take each man's, 130.

Cent, not one, for tribute, 673.

Centre, faith has, everywhere, 632.

Centric and eccentric, 237.

Centuries ago, in the solemn midnight,


no sequent, hit, 600.

of sonnets, C45.

Century for a reader, wait a, 670.
Cerberus, not like, 440.
Cerements, burst their, 130.
Ceremony, enforced, 114.

that to great ones 'longs, 47.
certain as a gun, 211.

to all, death is, 89.

Certainty for an uncertainty, 369.

of waking bliss, 244.

to please, 455.

Certum est, quia impossibile est, 756.

Cervantes smiled Spain's chivalry away,


Cervantes' serious air, 330.

Chaff, catch old birds with, 787. hope corn in, 539.

two bushels of, 60.
Chaff-threshing churl, 790.

Chain, death broke the vital, 367.
drags a lengthening, 394.
hanging in a golden, 230.
Homer's golden, 191.
hour with beauty's, 525.

joy so seldom weaves a, 520.

of all virtues, 182.

slumber's, 523.

striking the electric, 545.

to sport with beauty's, 525.

Chains and slavery, price of, 430.
at curfew time, 245.

bound in those icy, 184.
stagnant in, 525.

untwisting all the, 249.
wearers of rings and, 511.

Chair, my little one's, 657.
one vacant, 615.
rack of a too easy, 332.
Tully's curule, 391.
Chalice, our poisoned, 118.
Chaliced flowers, 159.

Challenge double pity, 25.

life that dares send a, 258.

Challenged, seen him damned ere I would
have, 76,

Chamber, come to the bridal, 562.

by happy, we saw, 481.

comes from art, not, 324.

decides fate of monarchs, 356.
erring men call, 245.

main, 93, 214.

may crown me, 116.

now and then be right by, 414.

or death, nativity, 46.

set my life on any, 121.
skirts of happy, 633.

will have me king, if, 116.
wisdom controlled by, 778..
Chances for a happy change, 698
most disastrous, 150.
Chancellor in embryo, 380.
Chancellor's conscience, 195.
encyclopedic mind, 593.
foot, 195.

Chancery, up to heaven's, 379.
Change, and such a, 544.

be no robbery, 17.

came o'er my dream, 553.
can give no more, 671.

everything is the result of a, 752.
fear of, perplexes monarchs, 225.
for worse pray gods, 25.

heavy, O the, 247.

nature loves so well to, 752.

of fierce extremes, 228.

of many-coloured life, each, 366.
old love for new, 25.
ringing grooves of, 626.
seasons and their, 233.
studious of, 417.

the place but keep the pain, 303.
the stamp of nature, 141.
the universe is, 751.

Changed all that, we have, 797.
and such a change, 544.

in the cradle, 790.

mind not to be, 224.

Changeful dream, fickle as a, 491.

Changing years, through many, 611

Chanticleer, crow like, 68.

Chants a doleful hymn, 80.

Chaos and old night, 224.

black, comes again, 161.
eldest night and, 229.
is come again, 153.

is restored, empire of, 332.

of thought and passion, 317.

Chaos-like together crushed, 333.
Chapel, Devil builds a, 196, 206, 286, 770
Chapels had been churches, 60.
Chap-fallen, quite, 144,
Chapman, till I heard, 576.

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