صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

in an ifland overagainft it, is about fifty feet broad; and there are three mills on it, which fhew all the changes and varieties that happen in the current, Near the Euripus, and oppofite to the town, they fhew a port, which they fay was Aulis, and it is not improbable, for it must be thereabouts. Between Negropont and Athens, is a high hill, called 'Ayopane, formerly very dangerous, but now guarded by Albanefes. It is part of mount Parnasse, and near it, on the left hand, lies mount Pentelicus, from whence the Athenians anciently fetch'd their stone, and now there is a convent of Caloyers there, one of the richest of all Greece.

In going from Athens by fea, I embarked in a port, which lies juft by Munichia. That which they call Porto Pyrao, lies behind it a mile diftant, which is a large port able to contain 500 veffels. There are the ruins of the town yet remaining, and of the walls, which joined it to the city of Athens. I failed by Porto Phalero the ancient haven of Athens, which is rather a road than à port. I saw an island called 6s, where the Athenians had anciently mines. I went afhore on the promontory of Sunium, to view the remains of the temple of Minerva, which flood on it, Hence I failed among the ifles of the Archipelago, Macronefia, Thermea, Serphanto, Siphanto, till I came to Melo. From Melo I failed through the Cyclades to come hither. I pafs'd by Andros, Tenos, Mycone, Delos: Nuxia and Paros I faw at a diftance. We failed near the northern cape of Scio, and the fouthern of Myteline or Lesbos, and fo came into the gulph of Smyrna. Within this gulph ftands Burla, ncar fome fmall iflands, which is judged to be the ancient, Clazomene: Foja, which is fame with the ancient Phocaa. Near this, the river Hermus difcharges itself into this gulph.

In this my journey, I had fome mifadventures. My companion, Sir Giles Eaftcourt, died by the way. At fea I was plunder'd by the Serphiotes, where I loft all my letters, and yours among the reft, which you fent to my Lord Embaffador at Conftantinople, and Conful Rycaut, whom I find here a very civil and knowing gentleman, and am much obliged to him for his favours.

I have been as curious as I could in taking the latitudes of fome remarkable places: As I find them, I fhall give them you.

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I defire you to prefent my humble fervices to the gentlemen of the Royal Society.

I am, &c.


Some plants obferved by Sir George Wheeler, in bis vayage to Greece and Afia minor.

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N the Scoglio, or ifland of St Andre, on the fhore of Iftria, Scorpioides Limonii foliis, floribus luteis. Limonium reticulatum. Sideritis fpinofa. Draba cærulea Cretica. Convolvulus rectus argenteis foliis. Polium Creticum, &c.


On the rocks near Pola, in Iftria: Caffia PoëtaTrifolium Saxatile hirfutiffimum. Genista montana arborefcens. Tordilium five Sefeli Creticum. Tragoriganum Creticum, vel potius Saturcia hyberna" noftras. Polium Rorifmarini foliis. Salvia fruticofa. Abundance of Samphire, and à curious bulbose plant, crested with little flowers ftriped with white and cinnamon colour.

Near Mortaro, thirty miles from Zara: Planta laEtefcens Althea foliis; it was not blown, (it might either be a Tithymal, an Apocinum, or Campanula major latescens Lobel.) Eryngium luteum monfpelienfe, &c.

On the great rock near Cliffa: After verbafci foliis. Facea incana feu argentea Alpin. in Exot. Lotus odoratus. Horminum creticum. Satureia citrii odore. After montanus folio odorato, forfan After montanus luteus glabro Salicis folio Bauhin. Libanotis Ferula facie. Linum flore luteo. Hieracium flore incarnato. Thlafpi Saxatile folio Poëtarum. Caucalis platyphylla Column. Caucalis magno flore & fructu. Planta Equifeti frutef centis facie, on the flecple and hard walls, (perhaps a fpecies of Tithymal) it was without leaves, but full of joints, with abundance of yellow fcaly knobs by pairs, between which iffue forth three or four little Tetrapetalofe flowers. Of this I faw an Arborefcent one near Troy.


On the mountain near Lefina, in the island Pharos Aconitum Lycottinum flore Delphinii, vel Napelli Species. Aloë in flower. Afphodelus minor Junci folio, fiftulofà non bulbofà radice. Malva Romana rubra. Juneperus major feu oxycedrus. Genista Spartium Septimo Bauhini fimile; the root is hot of a fpicy tafte. Pilfel la major pilofiffima, &c.

In the Inland of Corfu: Thymus capitatus Diofcoridis. Lyfimachia Hyfopi folio. Scabiofa caule altiffimo, flore nigrefcente, fortè peregrina Bauhin. Cyperus grumineus miliaceus. Scammonea. Acarna flore patulo_rubente. Centaurium major, album. Centaurium rubens Spicatum. Centaurium ramofum rubens. Centaurium ramofum album. Vitex flore cæruleo & albo. Confolida regalis fœtida. Glicyrrhiza. Pulegii Species erecto caule, latitelia, incana, & hirfuta. With many others mention'd before.

In the island of Zant: The Curran Grape. White and yellow Melons. A large thin-skinn'd Lemon without either feed or ftone, as alfo the Curran Grapes are. Genifia feu fpartium foliis argenteis. Convolvulus Sagittaria foliis. Prunella fpinofa. Coris Matthioli. Goffi pium feu Xylon. Glaux Diofcoridis. Ciftus plantaginis folio. Cicer Creticum, &c.

In the ile of Cerigo: Dictamnus falfus. Chamadrys Alpina minima hirfuta. Thymi capitati fecunda fpecies foliis minoribus denfius Stipatis. Salvia pomifera feu gallifera. Stachas citrina. That fpecies of Thyme is in Dr Plukenet's Phytographia, Tab. 116. F. 4.

In the ile of Tenos or Tine: Limonium caule finuato. Frutex Spinfus face alba capitulis. Stachys parva foliis argenteis. Genista fpinofa floribus rubris.

Near the ruins of Troy : Quercus glande majore. Goffipium. Sefamum. Anguria. Tragacantha. Tartonreira Maffilienfium feu Thymelea incana Sericea, longifolia & latifolia. Paftinaca echinifera Colum. Facea lutea capite fpinofo. Papaver corniculatum flore tricolore. Pancratium in flower. Verbafcum marinum laciniatis foliis.

Near Conftantinople: Abrotanum humile flore Chamemeli. Serpilli fpecies foliis Satureia. Androfanum fore thecâ omnium maximis. Guaiacum Patavinum.


On mount Olympus, near Burfa or Prufa: Abies conis furfum fpectantibus, foliis fubtus argenteis. Ciftus laurinis foliis. After montanus, Linaria folio, flore flavo. Coris feu Hypericum foliis crifpis. Hypericum fohis birfutis, margine crinifero. After Conyzoides Gefn. Aftragalus Matthiol. flore cæruleo. Pyrola frutefcens Arbuti folio. Gentianella verna. Senecio incana pinguis. Cerinthe minor. Ciftus argenteis foliis. Cymbalaria Italica. Calamintha montana praftantior. Elichryfon five Gnaphalium comâ aureâ. Gramen junceum Echinatum. Millefolium nobile odoratum. Hypericum feu Afcyron magno flore. Panax Heracleum. Gnaphalium repens. Herba Tuitia Auricula Affinis. Tragacantha. Helleborus niger. Ephedra feu Polygonum Scandens bacciferum ; climbing up to the tops of the vast Plane-trees, according to Bellonius.

In our Journey to Mandragorai and Courougouli: Scordium lanuginofum five Creticum. Alfine Lotoides feu Anthylloides, five Spergula facie C. B. Gingidum HiSpanicum. Leucoium Alyffoides Clypeatum maj. C. B. Origanum Spicatum Montis Sipyli foliis glabris.

Near Thyatira : Spartium alterum Monofpermum, Pfeudofpartium Hifpanicum Aphyllon. A Thapfus minor longifolia; or rather a Sideritis or Stachis foliis Salvia argenteis pilofis mollibus; which is the Panacea of the country people. Scabiofa argentea min.

About Smyrna Two kinds of Jujubes or Ziziphus. Turpentine-trees, and Maftich-trees. Smyrnion Creticum. Origanum perenne lignofum odoratiffimum. Several forts of Olive-trees. Tamarisk and Ricinus, or Palma Chrifti.

Near the gulph of Lepanto: Tithymalus Spinofus. The Fuft or yellow wood ufed to die with, call'd by the Greeks Chrifoxulo. Cedrus Lycia. Arifarum anguftifolium. Lamium mofchatum foliorum margine ar


About mount Parnaffus, Athens, and other places of Attica or Achaja: Stachys vifcofo flore luteo, odore Narcifi juncifolii. Petromarula Cretica or Rapunculus Pyramidalis altera. Sabina. Crocus Albus & Luteus. Poterion Plinii, fmaller than Tragacanth. Polium Gnapholoides. Ilex Chermifera. Acacia Secunda Matthioli.


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