صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


instructions given on Page 1.

Dipodomys 15-652c. DIPOENUS AND SCYLLIS 8306d.

Diospolis Parva, Egy.9-40(B2).| Diplochaeta: see Spirostrep-| Dipodoidea 23-441c.
-the Great, Egy.: see Thebes.
Dios Pontus, prov., Asia M.
23-649 (F2); 22-71b.
Diospyros 8-843b; 14-839a;

dendo: see Black ebony.

-discolor: see Mabolo.

-kaki 21-252d.

-kurzii see Marble wood

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Diplocidaridae 8-881b. Diplococcus exanthematicus 27-508d.

phthalide (Phthalophenone) 21-365b.

-thiourea: see Sulphocarbanflide.

-intracellularis meningitidis 20-778b; 18-130d. lanceolatus 20-778d. pneumoniae: see Pneumo

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Dipolog, P.Is. 21-392 (D6). Diporodelphya 9-659a. Diporpa larva 27-242d. Dipotamos, Gr.: see Thebes. DIPPEL, JOHANN KONRAD 8-306d.

Dipper (astron.): see Charles's wain.


(bird) 20-380c (fig.).
Dipping refractometer 23-26d.
Dippin Head, cape, Scot. 24-
412 (C4).
Diprionid 14-155a.
Diprionidian 12-366c.

DIPLODOCUS 8-294b; 23- Diprosthomera 2-681a.


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Diprotodon 17-782a; 28-40b. Diprotodont 26-503c. Diprotodontia 17-781c; 1005d.


23- Dipsaceae 26-487a; 10-568d;
fruit 11-256d.

Diplogonidium 23-125c. Diplogonoporus grandis 26413a.

Diplograptidae 12-365d.
Diplograptus 20-237d.


acuminatus 25-111a. vesiculosus 25-111a. Diplolabis 20-533c. Diplolepis tinctoria: Cynips tinctoria. DIPLOMACY 8-294d; 21-8c; chancellor of embassy 5834a; chargé d'affaires 5859b; consul-general 7-21b; dragoman 8-465d; exterritoriality 10-86b; French consular body 7-21a; immunity 14-339c; in later Roman Empire 23-524b; neutrality laws 19-442d U.S. representatives and foreign press 22-302a; Walsingham's secret service system 28-294c; war duties 28-306d.

Diploma gallery, Lond. 16948d.

Diplomata militaria 14-637a. DIPLOMATIC 8-300c; French study 12-51c; Notae Tironianae 24-1008b.

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archeri 10-629d; 23-248b (figs.).

stercorea 16-35a. Diplophysalis 22-471c. Diplophyte: see Sporophyte. Diplopia 10-95c.

Diphenylene ketocarboxylic Diplopoda: see Millipede.

acid 10-575a.

methane: see Fluorene.

-oxide 5-304d.



DIPHILUS (of Sinope) 8-290b;

8-492c; 12-511d.

,M. Varenus 26-931d. Diphlogaena 13-887c. DIPHTHERIA 8-290b; bacillus 10-100b, 15-838a; bronchitis 4-634d; emetics 9-3360; immunization 28161b; laryngitis 16-228b; neuritis 19-429a, 20-765a paralysis 18-61c. Diphthong 21-466d. Diphthongia 28-175d. Diphya limestone 15-568d.

Diphycercal: see Protocercal.

Diphyes 14-160a;



Diplopodiidae 8-881b.

Dipsacus (bot.): see Teazel.
(zool.) 11-517a.

see Fuller's

Dipsadomorphinae 25-290c. Dipsadomorphus 25-290c. Dipsas (snake) 25-290c; Indian region 23-173c; poison glands 23-166d.

plicata (mollusc) 21-26c. DIPSOMANIA 8-307a; 14609d.

DIPTERA 8-307a; 13-431c;

13-435a; development 13427c, 13-429c; gall-making members 11-424b; gonads 13-426b; injurious species 8-897b; mimicry 18-498a; precocious germ-plasm 13350c; precocious parthenogenesis 23-119c. DIPTERAL (arch.) 8-308d. Dipteridae 26-543a. Dipteridineae 20-544b. Dipterix odorata 27-11d. Dipterocarpaceae 21-781c. Dipterocarpus laevis 18-164c; 25-3d.

-turbinatus 3-286a.
Dipterus 8-128c.
Dipterygium 2-746c.
Diptford, Dev. 9-430 (VI, E3).
Diptograptus 12-366b (figs.).
calcaratus 12-366b.
DIPTYCH 8-308d; 7-706b;
14-638a; bibliography 7-
20a; Pompeian discoveries

Diptychon Meleretense 15-96c.
Dipurena 14-151d.
Dipus: see Jerboa.
Dipylidium caninum 26-413a.
Dipylon, Athens 2-832 (map);

DIRGE 8-310c. Dirgenna dero 18-498c. Dirgham (vizier) 9-98a. Dirhem (coin) 19-897a; 19904b; 5-33a; measure 28491d.

2-836b; excavated 2-837a. -vases 5-712c; 20-464a;


Dipyre 24-300b.

Dique, El, canal, Colom. 5-

-San Roque, dam, Arg. 7-

Dir (Russian chief) 15-790b.
DIR, state, India 8-309a; 14-
376 (D-E2).

Dira, mt., Alg. 1-643 (B1).
Diraa (measure) 28-491d.
Dirae (myth.): see Furies.
Dirae (poem) 5-536d.
see Pear Diranura vinula :

Diplopora 20-542d; 27-259d. Diploporita 8-876b; 8-8788. see Dibenzo- Diploptera: see Wasp. Diplopterus (bird) 7-610b. (fossil fish) 8-128c. Diplopus 9-664b.. Diplorrhina 14-248c. Diplosis pyrivora: midge. Diplosomidae 27-389c. Diplospondylus 3-5238. Diplospora 6-617c (fig.). Diplospore 23-122c. Diplostemonous 10-565d. Diplostichous 2-291d. Diplotaxis 7-522a. Diplotmema 20-533c. Diploxylon 20-524c. Diplozoon 27-242d (fig.). Dipluridae 2-306d. Dipneusti 26-543a; alimentary canal 14-254d, 1-666d, 1-668b; brain 14-264a foll. (fig.); cement organs 14252b; circulatory system 14-262c, 27-971d: dentition 14-260c; evolution 26-542c; external gills 14-252c; lung 14-254a, 23-187b; nerves 14-267a; olfactory organs 20-78d; 14paired fins 251d; sense organs 14-266a; skeleton 14-257d foll., 25200b; skin 14-252b; spiracle 14-253c; torpidity (seasonal) 13-446a; urinogenital 14-256b; organs vertebra 14-258b (fig.). Dipnoa: see Batrachia. see Disee Dipnoans (Dipnoi):

Diphyidae 14-160a.

Diphylla 6-244b.

ecaudata 27-877d; 6-244b.

Diphyllidea 26-412d.

Diphyodont 26-502a;



Diphyscium 4-707b.
Dipilto, Nic. 5-678 (C4).
Dip-joints 15-491a.
Diplacanthidae 14-248c; 14-

267d: 20-590a.

Diplacanthus 8-128c; 3-314b. Diplacodon 26-1019a; 9-663b. Diplacus: see Mimulus glutin

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Diplarthra 27-581a.

Dipleura 18-868b.

Dipleurula 8-874a.



Melon-seed Tapeworm.

Diplo, India 14-376 (C7).

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Diploblastica: see Coelentera. Dipodidae: see Jaculidae.

Diplobune 2-698a.

Dipodillus 23-443b.

see Puss

Diriamba, Nic. 5-678 (C5); 19-644a.

Dirichlet, G.P.L. 19-854b; 10757d; 14-551c. Dirichlet's integral 10-755a. - principle 27-920b. Dirisun 12-168b; 27-414d. Diritto Universale (Vico): see Universal Law.

Dirarite 17-423a. DIRCE (myth.) 8-309b; 12492a.

Dirce (Plakiotissa), riv., Gr. 4114d; 26-741b. Direct cerebellar tract 25-669d.

Dirk (counts of Holland) 13606b.

(bp. of Utrecht) 12-613d.
Augustus 5-335c.

Dirk, bay, Ire. 14-744 (C5).
DIRK (dagger) 8-310d;

dyes 8-746d; leather 16344a, 16-344b. Direction, isl., Ind.O. 15-712d. Direction (embryol.): see Orientation.

- (gunnery) 2-691d. ratio 17-957b. Directive (mil.) 2-603c.



Dirk Hartog, isl., Austr. 2-960 (A5); 2-958c. Dirki, Sah. 3-945c. Dirleton, Scot. 24-418 (F2); castle 19-770c. Dirosema 23-175b. Dirphe, mt., Gr.: see Delphi, mt.


corpuscle (embryol.): Polar body. DIRECT MOTION (astron.) 8309b.

Dirphys, mt., Gr. 12-440 (E2): see also Delphi, mt. Dirri, dist., Aby. 4-603a. Dirrim, Nig. 19-678 (E3). Dirrington Laws, hills, Scot. 3-815b.

Directoire: see Directory, The Director circle 9-292d. Directorium: see Oberkirchen


DIRSCHAU, Ger. 8-310d; 11808 (G1).

Dirt bed (geol.) 22-658a.
eating: see Pica.
track 13-736c.
Diryus, dist., Syr. 16-239d.
Dis: see Pluto.

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Disconula 14-159c.

Discophora 24-524d.

4- Discorbina 10-630b (fig.); 10

(Soranus) 10-148b. Disa, India 14-376 (D-E7); 188a; 20-594a. Disa (bot.) 20-172b. DISABILITY 8-311a. Disaccharoses 26-35b. Disai, riv., India 25-18d. Disang, riv., India 25-19a. Disappointment, cape, Wash. 28-354 (A3).

DIRECTORS (law) 8-309b; 8332a; 6-799a. Directors' Liability Act 6-798c; 7-902a; 11-42b. DIRECTORY (dict.) 8-310c. -, The (French hist.) 10-858b;| 11-166c.

Directory of Public Worship 6779a; 24-462b; 22-286b; on festivals 10-223d. Directrix (geom.) 6-940b.

Dire Dawa, Aby. 1-83 (map); 25-382d.

isls., Pac.Ó. 20-436 (L-M6); 20-966b. Disappropriation (law) 2-229c. Disaster, bay, N.S.W. 19-538 (F5).

-, mt., Nev. 5-8 (D1). Discalced Carmelites 26-803d; 5-359a.

Hermits of St Augustine 2911b.

Trinitarians 27-286b. Discalia 14-160a. Discalidae 14-160a. Discant (mus.) 19-74d. Discantus positio vulgaris 1982a.

DISCHARGE (dict.) 8-311a. - (electric): see Electric discharge.

(liquid) 14-38b; of rivers 14-79d.

-(of bankrupt) 3-327d; 3331c.

(of bill of exchange) 3-942b. (printing) 26-703a. Discharged Prisoners, Society for Assistance of 26-935c. Discharging (silk manuf.) 25106b. DISCHARGING ARCH (arch.) 8-311a; 2-344a (fig.). Dischides 24-300a. Dischma, val., Switz. 26-242 (H3).

Disciflorae 2-13d. Discina 4-366b; alimentary canal 4-362d; muscular system 4-363d.


latissima 15-800a. Discinidae 4-366a; 4-361c. Discinisca 4-362c; circulatory system 4-363b; nervous

system 4-364c. -atlantica 4-366b.

lamellosa 4-360b (fig.). Discinopsis 5-87c. DISCIPLE (dict.) 8-311b. Disciples, Church of the: see Church of the Disciples. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST (denomination) 8-311b; 6125d; 11-70a; Sidney Rigdon 18-843c; statistics 3-374b. Disciplina Arcani 3-367a; 5


Disciplinae Etruscae, Libri 9



Discord (metaphysics) 9-345b. - (music) 13-1b; 13-4a; 139d; definitions 13-9c. Discordia (myth.): see Eris. Discorea Batatas: see Chinese yam.

855b. Discipline, Book of, I. 22-285c; Church of Scotland 24-460a; ecclesiastical 26111b; John Knox 15-880d. Book of, II. 24-460d. ecclesiastical Discipline, 6929c; Calvin 22-287a; medieval municipal 22-285b; Methodist Episcopal 18295a.

For Key to Contractions, etc., see Page 1.

Discorsi (Torquato Tasso). 14907d.

Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio (Machiavelli) 17235b.

Discorso intorno alle cose che
stanno su l'acqua (Galileo)

Discosorus 5-693c.
Discotriaene 25-723d.
DISCOUNT (dict.) 8-312a; cal-
culation 2-542b.
houses 17-734b.
Discourse of English Poetrie
(W. Webbe) 28-455d.
Discourse of Freethinking (A.
Collins) 6-692a.
Discourse of Infallibility (Vis
count Falkland) 10-150d.
Discourse of Method (Des
cartes) 8-82a; 8-84c.
Discourse on the Dissensions in

Athens and Rome (Swift) 26-

Discourse on the Studies of the

University of Cambridge (Sedgwick) 24-578a. Discourses against the Arians (Athanasius) 2-825d. Discourses concerning Govern• ment (A. Sidney) 25-41d. Discourses of the Kings: see Sidra d'Yahya. Discours sur l'histoire univer. selle (Bossuet) 4-288d. Discoverie of Guiana, The (Raleigh) 22-870c. Discoveries (Ben Jonson) 24775c; 15-506a. Discovery, bay, Vict. 28-38 (A3).

-, mt., Antarc. 21-969d. DISCOVERY (law) 8-312b. "Discovery" (ship) 17-384b. Discovery of the Bermudas, A (Sylvester Jourdan) 24-782a. Discovery of the Cross (festi val): see Salib. Discriminant (math.) 1-624c; 19-856d; 19-856a; fundamental 19-861d. DISCUS 8-312b.

proligerus 23-132a. Disease (in magic) 17-307d; demonology 8-6a; posses sion theory 22-175a; taboo 26-339d.

, infectious 18-60b; classification 28-1064c; municipal powers 9-437c; notification 18-59c. See also Infectious Diseases Notification Act. Diseases of Animals Act (1894) 1-410d; 7-523c; (1896) 1406c, 1-410a; (1903) 1411b.

-of Plants: see Plants, Pathology,


Disengagement (fencing) 10-1


Disentis, Switz. 26-242 (F3); abbey 26-244c, 12-609b; battle 11-194d, 12-609d. Disestablishment (Church) 9789a; colonial churches 220b; ecclesiastical jurisdiction 8-863a; France 10890b; Ireland 8-868b, 9573d, 14-790c; Scotland 24466b; Wales 28-267c. Disgorging (wine making) 28723d.

Disgrazia, mt., Alps 26-242 (H4); 1-745a; first ascent 1-749a.

Dishamine, lake, Ind. 14-422 (D1). Dishley cattle: see Longhorn cattle.

sheep: see Leicester sheep. Society 3-229a. Dishonour (bills of exchange) 3-942a.

Dish thegn 13-813c. Dishwasher (Australian) 10


(European): see Wagtail. DISINFECTANTS 8-312c; 21353b; coal-tar 6-598d. Disintegrator (mill) 16-333b. Disjunct movement (music) 18-97a.

Disjunctor 6-303c. Disjunct scale: see mode.


Disk (anat.) 15-484b; 6-960c.

(bot.) 10-569a.

(zool.) 20-396d.

coulter 25-524b.

cultivator 7-618c.

florets (bot.) 6-811d.

Disko, isl., Green.: see Disco. Disk pile 4-545c.

- plough 21-852a (fig.).
signals 25-75d.

wheel 17-1000d. Disley, Can. 24-225 (B3).

Ches. 9-416 (II. C3); 28933 (A3). Dislocation: of joint 15-487c, 15-489b; of lens 10-97a. Dismal, riv., Neb. 19-324 (D3). DISMAL (dict.) 8-313a. Dismal Swamp, dist., Va. and N.C. 19-772 (F1); 19-771a; 27-615c; 28-118b.

Swamp Canal, Va. 28-119d. Dismorphia orise 18-403c. Disna, Russ. 23-872 (C4); 2889a.


Russ. 8-738d. Disoi, riv., India 14-376 (Q6). Dison, Belg. 3-668 (G2). DISORDERLY HOUSE 8-313a. IIouses Act 8-313b; 26739a; 24-411c. Dispargum, Ger.: burg.

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see Duis


Dispart sight 25-61b. DISPATCH (dict.) 8-313b. Dispencer, Henry le: Despenser, Henry le. Dispensary (liquor traffic) 16767d.

(medical) 5-884b. DISPENSATION (dict.) 8-313c. - (ecclesiastical) 8-313d; 1216c; 4-2d.

Dispensatories: see Pharmacopoeiae.


(of the

power crown) 8-315a; 9-541c. Dispersion, mt., N.S.W. 19538 (B4). DISPERSION (of light) 8-315a; 16-615c; 8-248a; anomalous 8-316b, 6-728c; 2689d; by small particles 25203a; chemistry 6-70c; in crystals 7-588a; in gems 11561b; irrationality of 8316a, 26-562a; in spectroscope 8-246a.

of the Jews: see Diaspora. Dispersive power 8-315d. Dispharagus 19-360d. Displaced cartilage: see under Cartilage.

Displacement (mech.) 17-963d; 8-147b; 9-143d.

curve (ships) 24-924d.
law (in heat) 13-155d.

Disporea 9-385d.
Disporocystidae 6-617c.
Dispositio Achillea 1-494d;

Disposition and settlement

(Scots law) 24-706b.

Disputanta, Va. 28-118 (E3). Disputationes Anatomicae (von Haller) 1-934d.

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390a; 27-391d. Distomo, Gr.: battle (1827) 12-495b.

Distomum acanthocephalum 27-241b.

duplicatum 21-26d.

hepaticum: see Liver fluke. macrostomum 27-244c; 27244b (fig.).

magnum 27-243b.

Distributing mains 9-198a. Distribution (biol.): see Zoo

logical distribution and Plants, distribution. DISTRIBUTION (dict.) 8-323a. 23(economics) 8-323a; 287a; 28-438b.

- (printing)



function 6-753b.

Divina Commedia (Dante) 7. 814b; 14-901c; Boccaccio 4-105b; Cary's translation 5-439a; Longfellow's trans lation 16-979b; Virgil in 28116b.

Ditteridge, Wilts. 28-700c.
Ditters, Karl: see Dittersdorf,
Karl Ditters von.
DITTERSBACH, Ger. 8-324a;
11-808 (F3).
ters von 8-324b.
Dittes, Friedrich 3-727c.
Dittisham, Dev. 9-430 (VI. DIVINATION 8-332b; astro-

Dittmar, W. 8-319c.
DITTO (dict.) 8-325a.
Dittography 26-711d.
Ditton, Lancs. 16-139 (B3).
Long, Sur.: see Long

Thames, Sur.: see Thames

- Priors, Salop 9-420 (III.
B1); 24-1022c.
Ditzum, Ger. 13-588 (E1).
27- DIU, India 8-325b;


law of (physics) 18-658c. Distributions, Statute of 14714c; 21-256b. Distributive law (math.) 1603a; 1-613d; 2-533a. Distributive Societies: Co-operative Stores. DISTRICT (dict.) 8-323a; in India 14-385c; urban and rural 9-435b, 18-432b. See also District Council. -attorney 2-887a. chapel 5-850c. Council 9-435b; 15-595a; acquisition land 1-701b; finance regulations 9-439c; parliamentary and legal proceedings 9-440a, 9-440c.

9-442a; of

court-martial 18-446c. courts 3-332d.

lunacy board 24-421b. nurses 19-916b.

District of Columbia, territory,


U.S. 17-828 (C3-D4); 349a; 28-351d. District Railway, Lond.: see Metropolitan District Rail

Distringas, writ of 28-850b.
Distrito Federal, territory,
Mex. see Mexico, Federal
District of.

Distyla 23-762b (fig.).
DISTYLE (diet.) 8-323b.
Distyle-in-antis 26-611a.
Distylis 23-763d.
Disuberyl 22-32d.

Disulphuryl chloride 26-64c.
Diswood, Ill. 14-304 (C6).
Dit (French lit.) 11-114b.
Dital harp see Harp-lute.
Ditch (fortif.) 10-685a.
Theme of the: see Wall,
Theme of the.
Ditcheat, Som. 9-430 (VI. G1).
Ditcheridge, Wilts.: see Dit-
Ditchling Beacon, hill, Sus. 9-
424 (IV. B5); 26-165b.
Ditetragonal bipyramid:


bipyramidal class 7-576d. bisphenoid: see Tetragonal scalenohedron.


prism see Prism.
pyramidal class 7-577d.
Dithecal see Bilocular.
Di-thiënyl 26-850d.
Dithim (law) 4-491c.
Dithionates 7-581b; 26-65a.
Dithionic acid 26-64d.
Dithmar of Merseburg:
DITHMARSCHEN, territory,
Ger. 8-323b; 11-808 (B1);
Dithmarsus, Raymarus Ursus
323d; 3-123b; Arion 2-
492a, 12-5106; Greek
drama, influence on 8-488b;
Lasus 16-238c; Pindar 21-
Dithyrocaris 5-311d; 7-557b.
Ditisheim, Paul 28-365c.
Ditmarsh (Ditmarsken), Ger.:
see Dithmarschen.
Ditrema 23-245d; 23-248c.
Ditremata 11-526d.
Ditrigonal bipyramid:

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(D9); 5-484b; 4-189b. Diu Crone 11-540a; 12-320b. Dium, Gr. (Acte penin.) 12-440 (C4).

Gr. (Euboea) 12-440 (D2). Mcced. 12-440 (B4); 21377b. Diumansana, Fr.W.Af. 11-204 (D3). Diur, tribe: see Jur. Diurethane 27-795a. DIURETICS 8-325b; 16-785d. Diurna see Acta Diurna. DIURNAL MOTION 8-325c. -tide 26-942b; 26-951d. Diurnation 13-442d. Dius (month) 6-315c. Diuturna: see Juturna. Div (myth.): see Deva. Divah Kanbar, isls., Ind.O.: see Laccadive. Divalent (dyad): elements 642a.

Divalia (festival) 2-8c.
Divan (council) 8-325d; 17-
411d; Egyptian 9-103c;
Turkish 27-459b, 8-325d.
DIVAN (dict.) 8-325d.

ad hoc (Ioldavia) 5-504b. Divan-i-mouhassebāt 27-432a. Divatte, riv., Fr. 17-441d. Dive, riv., Fr. (Maine-et

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962c, 3-964b. "Diver (dredger) 8-5648. Diverbia 8-495a. Divergent integral 11-306a.

series 24-670a; 11-309a. Diverging parabolas 20-748d. Divernon, Ill. 14-304 (C4). Divers, E. 11-299c; 14-171c. DIVERS AND DIVING APsee also paratus 8-326c: Diving.

Diver's palsy 4-958d. Diverticulum caecum vitelli 1669b.

Divertimento (music) 24-663b. Divertissement (ballet) 3-269c. Dives (bibl.) 16-313d. Dives, riv., Fr. 10-778 (D3); 20-298d; 5-69c. Divesian group 5-58d; 11670c; 15-569c. DIVES-SUR-MER, Fr. 8-331c; 10-778 (D3); 3-534b. Divette, riv., Fr. 6-82a. Divi, pt., India 14-382 (112). Divide, Colo. 6-722 (E3). -, Miss. 18-600 (B4). Mont. 14-276 (C3). Oreg. 20-242 (B4).

-, mt., Ida. and Mont. 14-276 (B2). DIVIDE (geog.) 8-331d; 11634c.

(parliament): see Division. Divided key (music) 21-564b. DIVIDEND 8-331d; bankruptcy 3-328d; payment 6800a, 7-318c; warrant 28328c.

Divider (mining) 24-767b. Dividing Creek, N.J. 19-502 (B5).

Creek, riv., Md. 17-828 (114)

Dividing engine 12-313c. Dividing Range, mts., Vict. 28-38 (B-C2); 28-38d.

- Range, Great, mts., Queens.: see Great Dividing Range. Dividing societies 11-220a. DIVIDIVI 8-332b; 16-332c.

Dittenberger, Wilhelm 14- Divie, riv., Scot. 9-269a; 10-
628a; 21-811a.

672c; geology 9-269c.

For Key to Contractions, etc., see Page 1.

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15-702c; Lapland 16-205b;
omens 20-102a; Plato 23-
73d; Roman
903c, 13-37d;

Saul and
witch of Endor 24-235c;
Scythian 24-527c; Sibylline
books 25-20a; Stoics 23-
73d, 25-947d; Teutonic
practice 26-6856; Urim and
Thummim 27-797a.
Divine Analogy (Browne) 4-

Divine Comedy (Dante): see
Divina Commedia.
Divine fathers (Egypt) 9.

Divine Legation (Warburton)

Divine Love and Divine Wis

dom (Swedenborg) 26-222d. Divine Rectitude (Balguy) 3256a.

Divine Right (of kings) 15-
806a; 18-686d; Filmer's
theory 10-345c;
18-114a; Prussian monarchs
11-66d, 22-527b, 28-669a;
Spanish version 10-268a;
Suarez' refutation 25-1061b;
Tory party 9-541a; Wy.
cliffe 28-869b.

[blocks in formation]

332d; Apolline divination 20-142a; Druids 14-760b; hazel rod 13-118c; Lapps 16-205b.

Divinity School, Oxon. 20412d.

Divis, mt., Ire. 14-744 (E2); 2-153a.

DIVISION (dict.) 8-3348.

(friendly societies) 11-219c. (logic) 8-334b; fallacy 6813a, 10-153d; Plato's doctrine 16-898a; Platonic examples 21-816d, 21-816a, 21-817d.

- (math.) 8-334a; algebra 1600c, 1-610c; arithmetic 2. 539d, 2-529d; Egyptian 947a; graphic method 1604c.

(military) 2-606b; 5-570a. (parliamentary) 20-836c;


Divisione Naturae, De (Erigena 9-743d; 19-126a.

Divisões, mts., Braz. 4-440 (II5); 18-501d. Divisor tables:

see Factor tables. Divitiacus (Aeduan chief) 1244d.

Divitio, Ger.: see Deutz. Divodurum: see Metz. Divona, Fr.: see Cahors. Divonense castrum, Fr.: see Dijon. Divonne-les-Bains, Fr. 10-778 (114). DIVORCE 8-334c; alimony 1G70d; appeal 2-214b, 3118d; bigamy 3-921d; cases in camera 5-104b; canon law 8-336d; confession 6-904d; evidence 10-12d: France 8-343a; 10922a, 10-929d; impotence 14-343c; incest 14-353d; Indian law 14-441a, 14445c; king's proctor 22. 421a; remarriage 8. 314d, 16-111b, 5-601c: Roman law 8-334d, 23-565b, 23-570a; women's disabilities (England) 28-785a. Divot (golf) 12-223c. Divri, Gr. 12-424 (C3).

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instructions given on Page 1.

[ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

-, JOHN ADAMS 8-346d; 19-| Djumbir, mt., Hung. 3-4 (F2);| 610a.

[blocks in formation]

Dixon (colonel) 3-601b.
-(physiologist) 27-935c; 27-

-A.E.: on pelomyxa 1-876a.
C. (zool.) 19-667c.
Ella Hepworth 8-347d.
GEORGE 8-347a.
Harold B. (chemist) 6-29c;
6-31b; 6-255c.

Harry (sculptor) 24-504c.
Sir Henry Grey 27-207b.
Henry H. (botanist) 21-



Druid ") 8-347b.
-,Jeremiah 17-841b.
-Joseph (photographer) 21-

-Joseph Moore (statesman)

-R. B. (ethnologist) 14-457a.

(divine) 8-347b.

Dixon, Cal. 5-8 (C2).

-, Colo. 6-722 (F1).

-Ga. 11-752 (D4).
La. 14-732 (G3).

DIXON, Ill. 8-347d: 14-304

Ky. 15-740 (A3).
-Miss. 18-90 (C3).
-Mo. 18-608 (D3).
-Mont. 14-276 (B2).
,0.20-26 (A3).
Wyo. 28-874 (E4).
archip., N.Am. 8-347b,
Co., Neb. 19-324 (H2).
Entrance, channel, Can. 4-

600 (B2); 8-347b.
Hill, Md. 17-828 (A3).
Dixon's cave, Ky. 17-531c.
Dixons Mills, Ala. 1-460 (B3).
Dixon Spring, Ill. 14-304 (D6).
Spring, Tenn. 20-620 (E1).
Dixonville, Ala. 1-460 (C4).
-Pa. 21-106 (D4).

Diya (blood money) 2-262a.
Diyair Rebia, dist., Mesop. 19-


Diyala, riv., Turk.As. 26-305

(F2); 18-20c, 26-970a. Diyauddin b. Athir: see Ibn Athir.

Diyawali: see Dewāli.

Diving, riv., India 14-376 (P7). Diz (Dizful), riv., Pers. 21-188 (A2); 17-129d; 8-348a; 4


Dizabul (khan): see Mokan.

Dizani 15-6323.

Dizek, dist., Pers. 3-297a.


Djupivogr, Ice. 14-228 (D2). Djupsvand, lake, Nor. 19-804 (C2).


Djurgården, park, Stockholm 25-935 (B2); 25-936a. Djurgårdsbrunn, Swed. 935 (B2). Djurgårdsbrunnsviken,



Swed. 23-935 (B2); 25-936a. Djursholm, Stockholm 936a.

D.L.: see Deputy-Lieutenant. Dlighthe Feine: see Brehon laws.

D.Lit. (abbrev.) 1-29a; hoods 27-779a.

Dlo, Miss. 18-600 (C3).
DLÚGOSZ, JAN 8-348b.
Dmitri see Demetrius.

Dmitriev, Russ., 23-872 (D-
E5); 15-953d.
Dmitrievsk, Russ.: see Kamy-

Dmitrov, Russ. 23-872 (E4).
Dmitrovsk, Russ. 23-872

(D-E5); 20-251a. Dmitry: see Demetrius. D'mutha (deity) 17-555c; 17557c.

Dnieper, bay, S.Russ. 23-874 (I. C-D3). DNIEPER, riv., Russ. 8-349a; 23-872 (D6); 23-874 (I. D3); 23-880d; anc. Borysthenes 23-648 (F2); geology 23871b; Kremenchug bridge 15-925c; length and basin area 9-909c. Dnieper-Bug canal, Russ. 8349b; 21-930b. Dniester, bay, S.Russ. 23-874 (I. C3-4). DNIESTER, riv., Russ. 8-349b; 3-4 (2); 23-872 (C-D6); 23-880d; anc. Tyras 23-648 (E2); in Austria 2-970d; Danube-Oder canal 3-37a; length and basin area 9-909c; in Podolia 21-875b. Dnyepr: see Dnieper. Dnyester: see Dniester. Do, Giovanni 23-285a. Do, lake, Fr.W.Af. 11-204 (F2).

Doab, region, India 8-349c; 11-452a.

-, riv., Pers.: see Zarin Rud. DOAB (Duab, Dooab) (dict.) 8-349c.

- canal, India 8-349d. grass 5-231b. Doagh, Ire. (Antrim) 14-744 (E2).

[blocks in formation]

Doaneville, Conn. 6-952 (H3).
Doans, Ind. 14-422 (D7).
Doany, Mad. 17-271 (C2).
Doara, riv., Somind. 25-379

Doat, Taxile 5-759d; 5-758b.
Doatiness (dict.) 26-979b.
Dob, Ark. 2-552 (C4).

DIZFUL, Pers. 8-348a; 21-188, Va. 28-118 (D1).

(A2); 21-195a.

dist., Pers, 2-283d; 8-348a.

808 (C-D1). DOBEREINER, JOHANN Wolfgang 8-350d; 26-68d; atomic weights 9-257c; lamp 17-876b.

Dobais (Dubays) (of Hillah) 553b.

Diz-i-Siyah, castle, Pers. 15- Dobberan, Ger.: see Doberan.


Dizkurd, dist., Pers. 10-190b.

Dizpul, Pers.: see Dizful.

Dizy, Fr. 17-7460.

Dobbertin, Ger. 15-570b.

Dobbie, lake, S.Austr. 2-960 (F5).

Dobbín, Alexander 22-291d.

Dobey Town, Neb. 15-707b. Dobhrain, mt., Seot. 24-412 (E1).

Dobie: see Adobe.
Dobler, Ludwig 6-945c.
Doblon (coin): see Medio

Dobneck, Johann: see Coch-
laeus, Johann.
Dobó, Stephen 9-12d.
Dobratsch, mt., Aus. 5-336d;

Doboj, Aus.Hung. 3-4 (E4); 4-282b; 4-280c. Dobra, Serv. 24-686 (C1). -, riv., Hung. 7-472c. Dobran, Aus. 3-4 (C2). Dobravoda, Monten. 18-767 (B3-2).

Dobree, Bonamy 3-341c. PETER PAUL 8-351a. DOBRENTEI, GABOR 8-351b; 13-927a.

Dobrest, Hung. 3-4 (H3). Dobri, Vadu, Hung.: see VaduDobri.

Dobrilovina, Monten. 18-767 (B1).

Dobrilugk, Ger. 11-808 (D3). Dobrinye, Serv. 27-829c. Dobris, Aus. 3-4 (C2). DOBRITCH (IIajiolupazarjik), Bulg. 8-351b; 4-773 (C2).

region, Rum.: see Dobrudja. DOBRIZHOFFER, MARTIN 8


Dock, Christopher 11-804b. Dock, Ga. 11-752 (E3). DOCK (dict.) 8-353c. DOCK (bot.) 8-353c; 22-26b (fig.); fruit 11-256b (fig.). DOCK (engin.) 8-353d; Amsterdam 1-898b; Birkenhead 3-982b; caissons 4957d; entrances and locks 8-360b; gates 8-362c; graving docks 8-363c; half-tide 8-357a; jetties 15-359c. Dockers' Union Strike (1889) 25-1031c. Dockery, Miss. 18-600 (B2). Docket, Andrew 5-93c. DOCKET (dict.) 8-364a. Dock foundations 10-742b. Docking, Norf. 9-424 (IV. D1);

DOBROWSKY, JOSEPH 8351c; 4-134c; 7-723d. DOBRUDJA (Dobrogea) region, Rum. 8-351d; 23-826 (D2); 23-826b; geology 27-259c; railway 3-227d; San Stefano treaty 4-782a. -, mts., Rum. 4-391c. Dobrudzha (Little Scythia) 13

933d: see also Dobrudja. Dobrusky, Jan. 6-100b. Dobryanka, Russ. 23-874 (I. C2).

Dobrzin (order) 26-677b. Dobrzyn, Ger. 21-920a; 21905b; 5-447a. DOBSINA (Dobschau), Hung. 8-352a; 3-4 (G2). Dobson, G. E. 6-243a and foll.

H. AUSTIN 8-352a; 9644b; ballades 3-264d; rondels 23-690c; triolet 27287c; vers de société 271041c; virelay 28-111c. DOBSON, WILLIAM 8-353a; 27-891d.

geology 19-745b; 19-746b. Dockton, Wash. 28-354 (G4). DOCK WARRANT 8-364b. Dockwra, William 22-178a. DOCKYARDS 8-364b; Admiralty supervision 1-199a, 19305b; Protection Act (1772) 5-280a, 2-656b; St Vincent's reforms 24-50a; surveyor of: see Surveyor of dockyards. Doclea, Monten.: see Duklé. Docmac 5-513c. Docoglossa 11-510a; 11-507a. Docolina, Rum. 23-826 (C-D1). Docosane 20-756b. Doctor, G. 25-892a. Doctor (electroplating) 9-238b. (machine) 26-696d. (physician): see Medical practitioner. DOCTOR (university degree) 8366d; precedence 22-270d; robes 23-416a. Doctor of Divinity 27-7798. of Laws and Literature 27779a. -of Literature 27-779a. - of Medicine 27-779a.

Dobson, N.C. 19-772 (B1). Dobukuli, riv., China 17-553 (B-C2).

Dobuni, tribe 4-584 (B-C5);
Doccia, It. 5-753c.
Docce Bassi, It. 17-95c.

Doce, riv., Braz. 4-440 (16);
4-441c; 9-775b.
Docemo (Yoruba king) 16-74c.
DOCETAE 8-353a; 14-294b.
Dochamps, Belg. 3-668 (G3).
Dochard, lake, Scot. 24-418
Dochart, glen, Scot. 24-418
(C2); 21-262b.

lake, Scot. 15-796d.

riv., Scot. 24-418 (C2); 15796d; 26-466a. Dochfour, lake, Scot. 14-719c.

[blocks in formation]

of Music 27-779a.

Document of title: see under

Dóczi, Louis 13-930c.
Dod, A. 16-303b.
Dod, Great, hill, Cumb.: see
Great Dod.

Döda, India 14-376 (F3).
-, lake, Can. 22-724 (B2).
Dodaarsen: see Dodo.
Dodabetta, mt., India 14-382
(G14); 14-376b.
Döda, fall, Swed. 19-800 (D3);

Dodan 15-161d.
Do-Dank, canal, Pers.: see

Dodartia orientalis 12-167b.
Dod-Ballapur, India 14-382

Dodbrooke, Dev. 15-815c.
Dodd, John (bow-maker) 4-

- WILLIAM 8-367d.
Dodd, Colo. 6-722 (G1).

[blocks in formation]

of Philosophy 8-988b; 27- Dodecahedron

of Science 27-779a.
Doctor (Southey) 22-773c.
Doctor Angelicus: see Aquinas,

Doctor Arroyo, Mex. 19-845c.
Doctorat 10-798c; 10-43c.
d'Université 10-43c.
Doctor Christianissimus (Con-
solatorius): see Gerson,


- Ecstaticus: see Ruysbroeck, Jan van.

Doctor Faustus (Marlowe) 17-
742b; 8-521c.
Doctor Fundamentarius (Fun-)
see Colonna

Illuminatus: see

369a; 22-27c; 22-29b; Euclid 11-688b; great 2228b; Pythagoras 22-702a; snub 22-29a; stellated, see Stellated dodecahedron ; truncated 22-28d. Dodecane 20-756a. Dodecarchy (Egypt) 9-87b; 22-540d.

Dodecaschoenus, anc. Nub. 9-89d; 9-81b. Francis DODECASTYLE 8-369b.


(of Mayron) and Lull, Dodendorf, Ger. battle (1809)


[blocks in formation]

Doctortown, Ga. 11-752 (E4). Doctor Universalis: see Aquinas, Thomas. Doctrina Addaei 1-61d. Doctrina apostolorum: Two Ways, The. Doctrinaire (dict.) 8-367c. DOCTRINAINES (political party) 8-367a; 12-706b. -(religious assoc.): see Pères de la doctrine chrétienne. Doctrinale (Gallus) 27-524c. Doctrine 8-381d.

Doctrineof the Mean, see Chung

yung. DOCUMENT (law) 8-367c; affidavit 1-300c; attestation 28-760d; conveyancing 7-49a; discovery-law 8312b; evidence 10-18d; Greek law 12-505d; international law 14-704b; repositories of records, see Record; stamp duties 25771c.

Docimium, Asia M.: see Kara- Documentary Evidence Acts
10-19b; 22-3010; 11-545a.

For Key to Contractions, etc., see Page 1.

24-323d. DODERLEIN, J. C. W. L. (philologist) 8-369b.

Johann Christoph (theo logian) 8-369b.

Dodge, Grenville Mellen 7823d.

Col. Henry 10-677d; 28747a.

-, Nehemiah 23-250b. THEODORE AYRAULT


-, W. de L. 28-350b.
Dodge, Ky. 15-740 (D2).

Mass. 17-852 (D2).
Neb. 19-324 (H3).
Tex. 26-690 (M5).
Wis. 28-740 (B4).

-, mt., N.Dak. 25-506d.
Center, Minn. 18-550 (E6),
-City, Kan. 15-654 (B3); 15-
655a; soldiers' home 15-

-Co., Ga. 11-752 (C3); 11751d.

Co., Minn. 18-550 (E7).
Co., Neb. 19-324 (H3).
Co., Wis. 28-742a; 28-740

Dodger (advertising) 1-240d.
Dodges Branch, riv., Wis, 28-
740 (C-D6).
Dodgeville, Wis. 28-740 (C6).
Dodgingtown, Conn. 6-952
widge 8-369c.
Dodici, mt., Tirol 1-747b.
Dodinga, Mal.Arch. 17-466

bay, Mal.Arch. 12-863d. isthm., Mal.Arch. 12-863d. Dodington, Bubb see Mel combe, George Bubb Dod ington. Dodleston, Ches. 9-416 (II. A3).

Dodman, pt., Corn. 9-430 (VI.
Dodo, riv., Camer. 5-110 (B2).


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HENRY (1641-1711)
374a; 19-737a; 7-936a.
-, Henry (d. 1784) 8-374b.
Dodworth, Yorks. 28-933 (C2).
Doe, Charles Franklin 5-

Doe, mt., Port.E.Af. 22-164a.
Bank, Warwick. 25-758

Doebner, Oscar Gustav: alde-
hydes 6-54b; quinoline 1-
532a, 1-533a.

Doebranch, Ark. 2-552 (C3).
Doe Castle, Ire. 8-414a.

Creek, riv., Ind. 14-422 (D6).

Creek, riv., Okla. 20-58 (B1).

Doeg (Edomite) 8-949d.



[blocks in formation]

Holl. 13-588

(D3); 11-557d.
Doeville, Tenn. 26-620 (J1).
Doffer (machine) 7-303d.
-roller 16-726a.

Döffingen, Ger.: battle (1388)
26-177a; 11-848d.
Doffing knife 16-726a.
Doflein, F. (biologist) 22-488a.
Dofra, Kent: see Dover.
Doftana, Rum. 23-826 (B2).
Dog, isl., Fla. 10-540 (B2).

isl., Pac.O.: see Pukapuka. lake, Can. (B.C.) 4-600 (F3).

- lake, Can. (Man.) 17-584 (B2).

, lake, Can. (Ont.) 20-114 (B1).

lake, Oreg. 20-242 (E5). -, riv, Can. 20-114 (B1). , riv., Vt. 19-490 (B3). DOG 8-374b (Plates);


instructions given on Page 1.

Dogali, Erit.: battle (1887) 1-]
93c; 15-71a.
Doganella, lake, It. 15-4 (G2).
Dogba, Dah. 11-204 (G5); 7-

Dogberry: see Dogwood.
Dog-cart 5-411d.

Dog Creek, riv., Ga. 11-752 (B2).

-Creek, riv., Mont. 14-276 (E2).

- Creek, riv., O. 20-26 (B3). Dog Days 15-552d; 5-183b; 1-157c.

Dogden, N.Dak. 19-780 (D2).
Dogdyke, Lincs. 9-416 (II.
foll. 15-39a.


[blocks in formation]

Döllinger, Ignaz (physician, 27-764c; 10-31a. -, JOHANN JOSEPH IGNAZ von (theologian) 8-390a; 25305a; infallibility 14-512b; Ultramontanism 27-571a. Dollis Brook, stream, Mdx. 10353c.

Dollo, Louis 14-248d; 17-778d; 20-588d.

achromatic 24-418

Doi Luang, mts., Siam 18109b. lake, Doine, Scot. (B-C2); 16-87a. Doiran, Turk. 27-426 (C2); 17-217b.

-, lake, Turk. 27-426 (C2); 17-216d.

DOLERITE 8-387b; 21-328c; 21-332 (Pl. III. fig. 6); conversion to amphibolite 1884c; fusing point 28-181c. Dolerophyllum 20-538d. Dolesfeld, anc. dist., Wilts. 28

699b. 27-1004b

Palace of the, Venice 27998a; 27-1002a.

Dog Ear Creek, riv., S.Dak. 25-506 (E-F4). Dog-fall 28-845b. DOG-FISH 8-380b; 24-806a; geological range 20-82b; sense of smell 22-572c.

(freshwater): see Bow

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

(geol.) 7-132b; 3-620d; 11534b. DOGGER BANK, shoal, North Sea 8-380d; 9-908 (G4-5); battle (1781) 13-603c, 1846d; English fishing fleet attacked 23-930b; fishrearing experiments 21-650a. group (geol.) of Yorkshire 20-119c; 28-931c; 17-385b; of Germany 15-569b. See also Bajocian and Bathonian. DOGGETT, THOMAS 8-381a. Doggett's Coat and Badge 8381a; 23-783c; 4-99d. Dog-grate 12-378c. Doghan Arslan, Asia M. 21544a.

Doghanlüdere, Asia M. 13-536 (B2); 13-535d.

Dog Hillock, mt., Scot. 24-412 (F3).

Dogilani, plains, Br.E.Af. 4601 (B3); 4-601d. Dog-legged stair: see Newel

[blocks in formation]

384c; 26-784c. See also Table of Contents, section "Religion."

Dognéville, Fr. 9-694c.
Dogo, isl., Jap. 20-57c.
, spa, Jap. 15-160d.
Dog of Darkness: see Gwyllgi.
- of Montargis 18-760b; 17-

Dogora, India 14-382 (K9).
DOGRA (race) 8-385b.
Dogri (dialect) 13-479c.
Dog-Ribs, tribe 14-460b.
Dogro 7-597d.

Dog rose 23-730a (fig.).
DOGS, ISLE OF, dist., Lond.
8-385b; 16-938 (D3); 22-

Dogs Act 7-523b.
Dog-salmon 2-27a; 4-599d.
Dog's bent 12-368b.
Dog shore (building) 24-1005c;

Dog shows 8-376a.

Dojail, canal, Turk.As. 9-897a. Doji Bara famine (India) 10167b.

Dokak (Seljuk ruler): see Dekak.

Doker-la, pass, China 6-168 (F4).

Dokett, Andrew: see Docket, Andrew.

Dokhan, mt., Egy. 9-42c. Dokhana, bay, Sud. 26-9 (D1); 26-10b.

Dokimasia 2-445c; 4-321c. Dokita, riv., W.Af. 11-204 (E-F4).

Dokka, riv., Nor. 19804 (D2).

Dokki, El, Cairo 4-954 (B2). Dokkum, Holl. 13-588 (D1); 11-230c.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

(d. 43 B.C.) 8-385d; 2-151c;
Dolabella (zool.) 11-522a.
Dolabella, Arch of, Rome 27-
297c; 23-605d.
Dolabra: see Guillotine.
Dolabrifer 11-522a.
Dolafids (dynasty) 21-225a.
Dolaishweram, India 12-170d.
Dolan burner: see Naphey

Doland, S.Dak. 25-506 (G3).
Dolanog, Wales 9-428 (V. E2).
Dolarddyn, Wales 18-785c.
Dolatocrinidae 8-878d.
Dolau, Wales 9-428 (V. E3)
Dolbadarn, Wales 5-361b.
Dolbahanta, dist., Somlnd. 25-
379 (E3); 25-381b.
Dolbear, A. E.: telephone 26-
wireless telegraphy

Show Society, National 8- Dolben, John (barrister) 8376b.

[blocks in formation]

894a; 10-567a.
Dogs of hell (folklore) 3-399c.
Dog's tail 12-376c; 12-372c.
Dog-star: see Sirius.

Dog Stone (Clach-a-choin), rock, Scot. 19-945c. Dog's tooth (bot.): see Bermuda grass. -tooth violet 13-769d. 8-DOG-TOOTH (arch.) 8-385b; 18-934b (fig.); 8-798a. Dogtooth Creek, riv., N.Dak. 19-780 (C3). Dog-tooth spar 4-969d. Dogtown, N.J., 19-503d. Dog violet 28-102a (fig.). Dog watch 28-362b. Dog wolf: see Coyote. Dogwood, Ark. 2-552 (C3).

cestry 5-371b, 9-664a, 21848b; Aryan and Semitic conceptions 26-1041d, 3740; caecum 17-525a; craniometry 7-373a foll. (figs.); dentition 17-523b (fig.); dew claw 8-137d; diseases 28-11b; dreams 8-561c; Egyptian mythology 2-157a; falconry 10145b; fur 11-349b; Hecate worship 13-194a; Ireland (anc.) 14-768c; longevity 16-976a; owner's liability 7-523b; parasites 28-12d; pariah, Pariah dog; Persian religion 18-623c; rabies 14-167a; telegony 26-510b; Tinneh mythology 19-137a, 19-142d; traction by 27-118c; wild, see Dingo; worship 2-51c. -(dice) 8-177b.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Dolchinia 27-386c. Dolci, Agnese 8-386c. —, CARLO 8-386b. Dolcian3-497b; 25-432a; 19952b.

Dolcinists 2-204d; 11-41c. Dolcino of Novara 2-204d. Dolcoath, mine, Corn. 5-85c; 2-59a. Doldenhorn, Gross, mt., Switz.: see Gross Doldenhorn. Dolder, Switz. 26-242 (F2). DOLDRUMS (geog.) 8-386d; 6-514c.

Dole, Sanford B. 13-92c; 1393a.

DOLE (Dola), Fr. 8-386d; 10778 (G4); siege (1636) 26

DOLET, ETIENNE 8-387d; 6453d.

Doletabad, Pers. 21-188 (A2); 17-471b. Dolezalek, F.: electrometer 9on 236c; electromotive force 9-225a. Dolézon, riv., Fr. 16-482c. Dolfi, Giuseppe 3-451a. Dolfin (medieval name): see Dolphin. DOLGELLEY, Wales 8-388b; 9-428 (V. D2). Dolgelly beds (geol.) 5-88a. Dolgeville, N.Y. 19-596 (F2). Dolgiy, isl., Russ. 23-872 (12). Dolgoi, cape, Russ. 23-872

(C7). Dolgoruki, Catherine 21-291b; 8-388d; 1-561d. -, VASILY LUKICH, count 8388c; monument 25-122d. Dolgovka, Russ. 23-872 (D8). Dol Gwili, Wales 9-428 (V. C4). DOLHAIN, Belg. 8-388d; 3668 (G2).

Doli, spring, Dalm. 7-772c. Dolia (measure) 28-490a; 28491d.

Doliana, Gr. 12-424 (D3); 26504d.

Doli capax (law) 1-372d.
Doliche, Gr. 12-440 (A4).

Turk. see Aintab.
isl., Gr.: see Euboea.
Dolichisti, Asia M.: see


[blocks in formation]

DOLLOND, JOHN 8-392a; lens 26-560c; heliometer 13-224b; micro. meter 13-230b.

Peter 8-392a; heliometer 13-224c; object glass 26561a. Doll's Point, N.S.W. 26-278 (B5).

Dolls, feast of 2-230d. Doll's house (Ibsen) 14-225d. Dolly Dialogues, The (Hope) 13-682c. Dollymount, Ire. 14-744 (E5). Dolly-tub see Kieve. DOLMAN (garment) 8-392b. 25-964d; Dolmen 25-963a; 2-353b; Scandinavian 24288c. Dolmetsch, Arnold 6-468d; 19-85b.

Dolni Levichi, Serv. 24-686 (B-C2).

Mahlé, Shumla, 24-1023c. DOLNJA TUZLA, Bosn. 8392b; 3-4 (F4). Dolnji-Vakuf, Bosn. 3-4 (E4). Dolo, Bel.Cong. 6-923 (A4); 6-926a.

-, It. Somlnd. 25-383c.

riv., Fr. 4-499d. Dolomedes 25-666b; 25-667b. DOLOMIEU, DEODAT GUY Silvain Tancrède Gratet de 8-392c.

DOLOMITE (mineral) 8-393a;

[blocks in formation]

Dolops 9-658a.

Dolora (poem) 5-138c.
Dolore, Xavier 14-716b.

see Dolores, Arg. 2-462 (E4).
Bol. 4-167 (C2).
Colo. 6-722 (B4).
Hond. 5-678 (D3).
Mex. 13-449c.

-salinicola 5-587a.
Doliidae 11-516b.
Dolina, Aus. 3-4 (12); 11-

Dolington, Pa. 21-106 (M6).
Dolinsk, Russ. 23-874 (D2).
Doliochoerus 26-237c.
Doliocystidae 12-560c.
Doliocystis 12-557b; 12-560c.
Doliolidae 27-386c.
Doliolum 27-386c;
27-380a, 27-386d (fig.).
Doliones, tribe 2-478c.
Doliophis 23-166d.


intestinalis 25-291c. Doliops 18-497d. Dolios, Hermes 13-369d. Doliostrobus 20-553a. Dolium (cask) 5-724a. Dolium (zool.) 11-512d; 11516b. Dol-iz, mt., Russ. 23-872 (I-K3).

Doljiu, dept., Rum. 23-826 (A2).

DOLL 8-389a; Greek 26-655b, 28-430b. Dollabarat, isl., Az. 3-83 (4). Dollar, Ala. 1-460 (C3). DOLLAR, Scot. 8-3890; 24418 (D2).

riv., Scot. 8-389c. DOLLAR (coin) 8-389d; 19909b; Carolus 6-188b; Chinese currency 6-188b; Hong-Kong 19-909d. Dollar Bay, Mich. 18-372 (B2). Glen, val., Scot. 8-389c. Institution, Scot. 6-637d. Dollart, The, bay, Holl. 13-588 (E1). Dolleris, Andreas 8-44a. Dollarville, Mich. 18-372 (E3). Dollfus, Johann Heinrich 18960b.

Dollie, Ark. 2-552 (C2).

ROBERT WILliam Radclyffe 8-3908.

For Key to Contractions, etc., see Page 1.

-, Sp. 25-530 (E3).

mt., Colo. 6-722 (B4). riv., Colo. 6-722 (A3); 6718d.

- Co., Colo., 6-722 (B4).

de Cordoba, Arg. 2-462 (C4). Laguna de los, Cal. 24147a.

Dolos, cape, Cyprus 7-696 (map).

Dolour, riv., Scot.: see Dollar.

Dolphin (son of Uchtred) 19


Dolphin, cape, Falk.Is. 2-462 (E7).

DOLPHIN 8-394d; 5-770c; 5774c; dentition 17-522c, 17524a; geological range 21847c; heraldry 13-327b, 7850d; mythology 2-167c, 22-170c.

(astron.): see Delphinus. (medieval name) 7-850c. Dolphin and Union, str., Can. 5-160 (F2).

Dolphin body oil 20-46b.

jaw oil 20-46b; 20-50a. Dolphinholme, Lancs. 9-416 (II. B2). Dolphin's Nose, prom., India 28-164d.

Dolphinton, Scot. 24-418 (E3); 21-39b.

Dolson, Ill. 14-304 (E4).
Dolter system 27-163a.
Dolton, Dev. 9-430 (VI. E2);
font 10-605d.

S.Dak. 25-506 (H4).
Dolwyddelan, Wales 9-428
(V. D1); castle 3-832d.
Dol-y-gaer, Wales 9-428 (V.

Dol y mynach, reservoir, Wales 28-407 (map). Dolzhansk, Russ. 23-874 (I.F3).

Tom, mt., Alps 26-242 (D4);|

1-743b; 1-749a.

Dom (caste, India) 13-487a.

-(title) 8-405a.

D.O.M. (abbr.) 1-30a.

Doma, Pal. 20-602 (B6).
Doma, tribe 1-330a.

Domaas, Nor. 19-804 (C1); 12-6670.

Domain, park, Sydney 26-278
(C3); 26-279b.
Domain (law): see Demesne.
(math.) 11-306d; 11-302d;

Domaine de la couronne, dist.,
Congo F.S. 6-920c.
Domains loan (Egy.) 9-35a;

Domandi, Afg. 3-292a.
Domanik limestone 8-126c.
-slates 8-126c.
Domanovszky, Andrew 13-

Domart, Fr. 10-778 (F1).
Domaso, It. 26-242 (G4).
Domasov, Aus.: see Dom-

DOMAT, JEAN 8-395b.
Domata, tribe 14-870c.
Domatites, Apollo 2-185b.
Domazlice, Aus.: see Taus.
Dombai Ova, plain, Asia M.

Dombasle, Fr. 18-315d; 107856.

Dombe Grande, Ang. 6-923 (A6); geology 2-38d. Domberg, Reval, 23-212a. -, hill, Ger. (Erfurt) 9-737a. -, hill, Ger. (Sax.) 26-50b. hill, Russ. 28-947b. DOMBES, dist., Fr. 8-3950: 10-778 (G5); parlement 20834c.

Dombey, Okla. 20-58 (A1). Dombo, mt., S.Af. 25-466 (L2). Dombovar, 0, Hung.: see ODombovár.

Dombresson, Switz. 26-242 (B2).

Dombrova, Russ.21-929 (B3); 21-932a.


Domburg, Holl. 13-588 (A3); 28-965b; 13-588a. Dome, mt.,Cal. (S. Bernardino) 5-8 (E4).

-,mt., Cal. (Siskiyou) 5-8 (C1).

mt., Colo. 6-722 (C1).

mt., Mont. 14-276 (D3). mt., Nev. 5-8 (E1). -,mt., Vt. 19-490 (A6). mts., Can. 15-847b.

DOME (archit.)8-396a; 2-387a; Assyrian 2-375d (fig.); Bijapur 14-433b; Byzantine 27958b; construction 23-700d; Mahommedan 2-425a, 18901a, 2-424d; Perigord type 2-397b; Roman 23-586b; St Peter's, Rome 2-410d; Sassanian 2-381b. -(crystall.) 7-579c. -(geol.) 10-598b.

(oceanography) 19-972a. Domecq, Adèle 23-859a. Deme de Chasseforet, mt.,

Alps 1-742d.

-de l'Arpont, mt., Alps 17424.

-de Miage, mt., Alps 1-743b. -de Val d'Isère, mt., Alps 17424.

da Gofter, mt., Alps 1-743b. Domegador, isl., Mor.: see Mogador. Dome Hill, mt., Ida. 14-276


Domel, isl., Bur. 4-840 (E9). DOMENICHINO, ZAMPIERI


Domenico di Bartolo 20-480a.

instructions given on Page 1.

[blocks in formation]

Dome tombs 1-245d; 1-248a. DOMETT, ALFRED 8-399d. Domett, mt., N.Z. 19-624 (D4). Domèvre-en-Haye, Fr. 10-778 (H3).

Domeykite (min.) 7-110b. DOMFRONT, Fr. 8-399d; 10778 (D3); capture (1049) 19750a.

Domhainn, glen, Scot. 2-487a. Domhnall (king of Strathclyde): see Dyfnwal. Domhof, square, Cologne 6697c.

Domicella: see Lorius. DOMICILE 8-400a; abandonment 1-7a; divorce 8-341b; intestacy 14-715b; private international law 14-702b, 14-703b.

-Act (1861) 28-658a.
Dominant (mus.) 13-3a.

(G3); 12-608b. Domlu Dagh, mts., Arm.: see Dumlu Dagh. Dommartin-sur-Yèvre, Fr. 10778 (G3). Domme, Fr. 10-778 (E5). Dommel, riv., Holl. 13-588 (C3); 13-588d. Dommocceaster, Dunwich. Domn (title) 13-801c. Domna, Julia 24-724b. Domnall (Irish princes): see Donnell. Domnarfvet, Swed. 26-190

Suff.: see

(CI); 10-157d. Domnich, Heinrich 13-705c. Domninus, St 4-250d. Domnonée, dist., Brittany 491b; 4-617c. Domnonia,

dist., Fr.: see

Domnonée. Domnus (bishop) 10-238d. 18- Domodossola, It. 15-4 (A-B1); 26-242 (E4); 15-2b; 1514d.

character (heredity) 115d; 18-116d. Domingo green 8-750a. Dominguez, Francisco Atanasio 27-818b.

-, Miguel 13-449c. Dominguez, Colo. 6-722 (B3). DOMINIC (saint) 8-401b; rosary 23-724c; tomb, Bologna 2-408b.

DOMINICA, isl., W.I. 8-402a; 28-544 (A-B3 & F4); battle, see Saints, battle of the; British acquisition 4608c; cocoa 6-630a.

, isl., Pac.O.: see Hivaoa. Dominica in Albis 10-223c; 19-372c.

Dominical Letters 4-992a.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Supper 9-869a; 2-569c. Dominicanesses 8-403c. Dominicano (coin) 24-194c. Dominican Republic, W.I.: see Santo Domingo. DOMINICANS 8-402c; 15-34b; heretic persecutions 13-, state, Mal.Arch. 26-75a. 361b; Iminaculate Concep- DOMREMY LA-PUCELLE tion controversy 14-334d, (Domrémy), Fr. 8-405d; 1011-905a; Jacobins 15-117b; 778 (G3). Jesuit controversy 23-490d, 18-667c; Lacordaire 16-53b; missions 18-591a, 6-190d, 15-229c; monasteries 121b; poverty 18-125c; stigmata 25-918a. Dominica Rosa 12-209d. Dominici gregis custodiae 27249d.

[blocks in formation]

Domira Bay, C.Af. 23-260
(D2); 19-929b.

-of Foligno, St 24-681d.
Veneziano: see Veneziano. Domitia Calvilla: see Lucilla,


Domentiyan (Servian monk)
Dee of the Rock, Jerusalem DOMITIAN 8-1055; 23-652a;

Domitia, lex 2-903b; 6-765a.

2-125b; 18-899c; lamp 5129b (fig.); mosaics 4-909c; te 10-273b, 15-332c. Dene Rock, mts., Ariz. 2-544


Demes, mts., Can. 5-160 (R4).

16-695d; Jews under 15402d; palace, Rome 3-471d. Domitiana, Via, It. 5-123a; 28-207d. Domitiani, Equus 23-592 (D2). (Domitian) (d. 296): see Achilleus. Domitilla, Flavia 8-405b; 271051d.

DOMESDAY BOOK 8-398b; Domitianus

9-175c; finance 9-458b;

law 9-602a.

-book, Exeter: see Exon

Domesday. Domesday of Cinque Ports 24


Domestic (cloth) 7-277c.

(Rom, officer) 23-523b.

Domestication (biol.) 1-115a:

Domitilla, Cemetery of, Rome

Domitius Alexander, Lucius 5-

-Corbulo, Gnaeus: see Cor-

6-104b; prehistoric 2-348a, Dömitz, battle of (1636) 26



riv., Can. 27-52d.

riv., Fr. 10-778 (D4); 18762d.

DON, riv., Russ. 8-405d; 23872 (F6); 23-880d; 9-909c. DON, riv., Scot. 8-406b; 24-412 (F2); 21-26b.

-, riv., Tas. 26-439a. -, riv., Yorks, 4-584 (C4); 9416 (II. E2); tributaries 24822d.

-, Little, riv., Yorks. 28-933 (C3).

Don (dict.) 8-405a.

(Saxon term): see Dun. Dona Amelia, fort, Port.E.Af. 23-260 (D3); 25-466 (L-M1). Ana, N.Mex. 19-520 (D5). Ana Co., N.Mex. 19-520 (C6-D5). Donaban (Irish chief) 14-766a. Donabate, Ire.: geology 8


Donabow, Bur.: see Danubyu.


Donaldson Smith, Arthur: see

Smith, Arthur Donaldson. Donaldson v. Beckett 7-119c. Donaldsonville, La. 17-54 (a6); 17-60a.

Donalitius, Christian 16-790d. Donall (Irish king): see Don. nell.

Donalsonville, Ga. 11-752 (B4).

Dona Maria, Port.E.Af. 23260 (C-D2). Donard, Ire. 14-744 (E3).

- Lodge, estate, Ire. 19-472b. Donat (order of St John) 2413b.

Donati, Corso 10-532d; 7-

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Magnus 8-410b.

of Casae Nigrae 8-410b. Tiberius Claudius 8-411b. Donatus type 27-515a. Donau see Danube. Donaueschingen, Ger. 11-366a; 7-819d.

Donaufeld, Vienna 28-50d. Donaugebirge, mts., Aus. 3-4 (C2).

Donau-moos, marsh, Ger. 7821a.

DONAUWORTH, Ger. 8-411b; 11-808 (C4); 11-857c. Donawitz, Aus.: population 25-1059c.

Donax 16-123c.

DON BENITO, Sp. 8-411c; 25530 (C3).

- Carlos, mts., N.Mex. 19-520

Don Carlos (Schiller) 24-324d.
Don Carlos, Prince of Spain
(Otway) 20-376d.
Doncaster, James Hay: see

Donets, dist., Russ. 23-8710, 9-139b.

[blocks in formation]

, riv., Russ. 23-872 (E-F6); 23-874 (G2); 8-406a; 5.


Donga, S.Af. 25-466 (F2).
-, riv., Camer. 5-110 (A3).
-, riv., Nig. 19-678 (E4); 19.

DONGA (dict.) 8-414c.
Dongar, India 14-382 (I. 10).
Dongara, W.Aus. 2-960 (B5).
Dongargarh, India 14-382 (I.
9); 15-769c.
Dongarpur, India: see Dun-
Dongartal, dist., India 24-651c.
Dong-Bo, Fr.I.C. 13-853d.
Dongen, Holl. 13-588 (B3).
Donggala, Mal.Arch. 17-466

Dong-Hoi, Annam:


Don Giovanni (Mozart) 18951a; 23-279c. Dongola, Ark. 2-552 (C2). Ill. 14-304 (C6). Mo. 18-608 (G4). DÓNGOLA, Sud. 8-415c; 26-9 (B-C2); 9-110c.

kingdom, Af. 8-415a; 9846a; 19-844a. DONGOLA, prov., Sud. 8-414d; 26-9 (B-C2); British cam. paigns 9-125c, 9-128a; lan. guage 19-844c.

Agusa, Sud.: see Old Don. gola.

Dongola leather 16-342b. -red 8-747b.

Dongolawi 8-414d; 19-844d. Dong-osenghi, mt., Cauc. 5551c.

Dongri-la, pass, Tib. 6-168 (C3).

Dongsan-chu, riv., Tib. 6-168 (D3).

Dongue, riv., Rhod. 23-260 (B2).

Donguz-orun, mt., Cauc. 23-
874 (II. C2); 5-551a.
Doni, Giovanni Battista 14-

Donibristle, Scot. 24-418 (E2);
10-330c; 1-52c.
Donington, Lines. 9-416 (II.
G4); 16-716d.
Doniphan, A. W. 19-524d.
Doniphan, Kan. 15-654 (G1).
Mo. 18-608 (F5).


, Neb. 19-324 (F4). Co., Kan. 15-654 (G1). Donisthorpe, Derby. 9-416 (II. D4). Dönitz, J. 26-541a. DONIZETTI, 415d. Donja Dolina, Bosn. 16-93d. DONJON 8-416b. DON JUAN 8-416b. Don Juan (Byron) 4-901b; copyright refused 7-121b; metre 4-102d. Don Juan (Molière): see Festin de Pierre. Donkerbrook, Holl. 13-588 (D1).

Donkey (dict.) 2-770b. Donkey Creek, riv., Wyo. 28874 (G1).

Donkey pump 25-839d. Donkin, Bryan 21-83c; 20727d.

-, SIR RUFANE SHAW 8417a; 19-676b.

Donkin's dividing engine 12. 314c.

Donkya, pass, India 26-9248. Dondi, Jacob de: see Jacob de Donkyr, Tib. 6-168 (G2). Dondi.

Dond Murra 28-225d.

Donachain, mt., Scot. 24-418 Dondra Head, cape, Cey. 14-

Donaciae 6-674d.

Donacidae 16-123c.

382 (I. 17). Donduk Ombo 18-716b. Taishi 18-716b. in (dict.) 11-34c.

DONAGHADEE, Ire. 8-406b; Donees
14-744 (F2).

[ocr errors]

Frank marriage

Donley Co., Tex. 26-690 (C2). Don Llorente, Sp. 8-411d. - Luis, Ariz. 2-544 (C4). Donmanick, isl., India 14-382 (09).

Dönna, isl., Nor. 19-800 (B-C2).

Donna (dict.) 8-405a.

Donaghmore, Ire. (Meath) 14- DONEGAL, Ire. 8-414b; 14- Don-Nai, riv., Fr.I.C. 14-498

744 (E3); 17-949d.

Ire. (Wicklow) 28-619c. Dona Ines, Cerro, mt., Chil. 6142d.

Donald, C. W. (explorer) 21965b.

[blocks in formation]


Donald, Vict. 28-38 (B2).
Wis. 28-740 (C3).
Ban 24-432c.


Donald's Hill, mt., Ire. 14-744 (E1). DONALDSON, SIR JAMES 8406c.

James 8-942b.

, JOHN WILLIAM 8-406c. Stuart Alexander 19-542d.

Domestic economy (dict.) 8- Domizio, P. (rel. dramatist) 8- Donaldson, Ark. 2-552 (C3).


DOMESTIC RELATIONS (law) Domjoch, pass, Alps 1-743c.



Domki, tribe 3-295a.

Ind. 14-422 (E2). Minn. 18-550 (A2). Pa. 21-106 (K4).

744 (C2).

Pa. 21-106 (D5).

bay, Ire. 14-744 (C2); geology 8-413c.

cape, Ire. 14-744 (B4). DONEGAL, co., Ire. 8-412c; 14-744 (D2); 14-744b; geology 14-746a; productions 21-26b, 14-750b; railways 14-747c.

Donegall, Arthur Chichester, earl of 6-129b. Donellus, Hugo 15-559b; 23576d.

Donelson, Rachel: see Jack son, Rachel. DONELSON, fort, Tenn. 8414b; 26-620 (E1). Doneoak, Va. 28-118 (C4). Donerail, Ky. 15-740 (D2). Doneraile, Ire. 14-74! (C4); 7157d.

For Key to Contractions, etc., see Page 1.


(E6); 6-620c. Donnan, Ia. 14-732 (F2). Donna Nook, Lincs. 9-416 (II. H3). Donnas, It. 15-4 (A2). DONNAY, CHARLES MAURice 8-417b. Donndorf, Adolf 8-713c. DONNE, JOHN 8-417b; 621b; 9-627a. Donnell (Irish king) 14-763d; 14-765d. Donnells, lake, Me. 17-434 (D4). Donnellson, Ia. 14-732 (F4). Ill. 14-304 (C4). Donnelly, Ignatius 24-7868. Donnelly, Minn. 18-550 (A5). Donneloye, Switz. 26-242 (B3). Donnelsville, O. 20-26 (B-C5). Donnemarie-en-Montoia, 10-778 (F3).

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