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ment, we do not find the word 'bank' or 'incorporation' we find the great powers to lay and collect taxes; to borrow money; to regulate commerce; to declare and conduct war; and to raise and support armies and navies. The sword and the purse, all the external relations, and no inconsiderable portion of the industry of the nation, are intrusted to its government. It can never be pretended that these vast powers draw after them others of inferior importance, merely because they are inferior. Such an idea can never be advanced. But it may, with great reason, be contended that a government, intrusted with such ample powers, on the due execution of which the happiness and prosperity of the nation so vitally depend, must also be intrusted with ample means for their execution. * * The creation of a corporation, it is said, appertains to sovereignty, this is admitted. But to what portion of sovereignty does it appertain? Does it belong to one more than to another? In America, the powers of sovereignty are divided between the government of the Union and those of the States. They are each sovereign, with respect to the objects committed to it, and neither sovereign with respect to the objects committed to the other. We cannot comprehend that train of reasoning which would maintain that the extent of power granted by the people is to be ascertained, not by the nature and terms of the grant but by its date. Some state constitutions were formed before, some since that of the United States. We cannot believe that their relation to each other is in any degree dependent upon this circumstance. Their respective powers must, we think, be precisely the same as if they had been formed at the same time. Had they been formed at the same time, and had the people conferred

on the general government the power contained in the constitution, and on the States the whole residuum of power, would it have been asserted that the government of the Union was not sovereign with respect to those objects which were intrusted to it, in relation to which its laws were declared to be supreme? If this could not have been asserted, we cannot well comprehend the process of reasoning which maintains, that a power appertaining to sovereignty cannot be connected with that vast portion of it which is granted to the general government, so far as it is calculated to subserve the legitimate objects of that government. The power of creating a corporation, though appertaining to sovereignty, is not like the power of making war, or levying taxes, or of regulating commerce, a great substantive and independent power, which cannot be implied as incidental to other powers, or used as a means of executing them. It is never the end for which other powers are exercised, but a means by which other objects are accomplished. No contributions are made to charity; no seminary of learning is instituted in order to be incorporated, but the corporate character is conferred to subserve the purposes of education. No city was ever built, with the sole object of being incorporated, but is incorporated as affording the best means of being well governed. The power of creating a corporation is never used for its own sake, but for the purpose of effecting something else. No sufficient reason is, therefore, perceived why it may not pass as incidental to those powers which are expressly given, if it be a direct mode of executing them. * * * *

"That a corporation must be considered as a means not less usual, not of higher dignity, not more requiring

a particular specification than other means, has been sufficiently proved. If we look to the origin of corporations, to the manner in which they have been framed in that government, from which we have derived most of our legal principles, and ideas, or to the uses to which they have been applied, we find no reason to suppose that a constitution, omitting, and wisely omitting, to enumerate all the means for carrying into execution the great powers vested in government, ought to have specified this. Had it been intended to grant this power, as one which should be distinct and independent, to be exercised in any case whatever, it would have found a place among the enumerated powers of the government. But being considered merely as a means, to be employed only for the purpose of carrying into execution the given powers, there could be no motive for particularly mentioning it.

"After this declaration, it can scarcely be necessary to say, that the existence of state banks, can have no possible influence on the question. No trace is to be found in the constitution of an intention to create a dependence of the government of the Union on those of the States, for the execution of the great powers assigned to it. Its means are adequate to its ends, and on those means alone was it expected to rely for the accomplishment of its ends. To impose on it the necessity of resorting to means which it cannot control, which another government may furnish or withhold, would render its course precarious, the result of its measure uncertain, and create a dependence on other governments, which might disappoint its most important designs, and is incompatible with the language of the constitution. But were it otherwise, the choice of means implies a right to choose a national bank in

preference to state banks, and congress alone can make the election.

"After the most deliberate consideration, it is the unanimous and decided opinion of this court, that the act to incorporate the Bank of the United States, is a law made in pursuance of the Constitution, and is a part of the supreme law of the land."

The power of the United States, to create corporations has been mainly used in the creation of national banks, but is not limited to such corporations. Congress has the undoubted right to charter railway companies which could be used for the purpose of carrying the mails; and would probably have the right to charter all transportation companies engaged in interstate



The power of the State Governments to create corporations is much more extensive than that of the National government. A State can create a corporation of any character and for any purpose which is not in violation either of the Federal Constitution or of the State Constitution.


Congress has full power to create territorial governments and to give to them any or all of the general powers of governments, including the power of creating private corporations. All corporate charters granted by territorial governments, however, are subject tc amendment or repeal by Congress.

"Territorial governments occupy towards Congress

something of the same relation as municipalities-such as city governments-fill towards the State legislatures. A State legislature can repeal the charter of a municipal government and the ordinances passed under it, so Congress can repeal the organic act of a territory and all territorial enactments in pursuance of the organic act. Congress is the sovereign power to legislate for the territories, and all charters from territorial legislatures must be held to have been accepted with the knowledge that Congress possessed the authority to change or repeal the law creating them." "


In England private corporations could formerly be created either by prescription, royal grant, or legislative action. In the United States, they can only be created by legislative action.3

Such legislative action can take the form either of a special action incorporating a certain company or a general corporate act under which any set of persons may secure a charter by compliance with statutory provisions. The former method, was originally the method used in the creation of every corporation but at the present time such a practice is prohibited by the Constitution of most of the States, and practically all corporations, except sometimes those of a quasi-public character, are created under general laws.


It was early decided by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Dartmouth College vs.

United States vs. Church of
Jesus Christ, etc., Utah, 361.
There is some authority to the
effect that a private corpora-

tion can be created by prescription in the United States, but such a view is undoubtedly


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