صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

have fuffered from the removal of of voice was louder, it then remain the ftapes, and from the confequent ed altogether motionless. difcharge of water contained in the cavities of the internal ear; for it has been very conftantly obferved, that when all the fmall bones of the ear have been difcharged, a total deafness has enfued.

It is probable, that in inftances in which the membrana tympani is deftroyed, the functions of this membrane have been carried on by the membranes of the feneftra ovalis and feneftra rotunda: for, as they are placed over the water of the labyrinth, they will, when agitated by the impreffions of found, convey their vibrations to that fluid in a fimilar manner, though in fomewhat an inferior degree, to thofe which are conveyed by means of the membrana tympani and the small bones which are attached to it; and thus, in the organ of hearing, each part is admirably adapted, not only to the purpose for which it is defigned, but also as a provifion against accident or difeafe; fo that, whenever any particular part is deftroyed, another is fubftituted for it, and the organ, from this deprivation, fuffers but little injury in its functions.

It seems that the principal use of the membrana tympani is, to modify the impreffions of found, and to proportion them to the powers and expectation of the organ. Mr. P had loft this power for a confiderable period after the deftruction of the membrane; but, in procefs of time, as the external ear acquired the additional motions I have defcribed, founds were rendered ftronger or weaker by them. When, therefore, he was addrefled in a whisper, the car was feen immediately to move; but, when the tone

Obfervations on the Signs exhibited by Animals, indicative of Changes in the Weather, by Signor Toledo, an Italian Author; from the Annals of Agriculture.

HEN the bats remain longer

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than ufual abroad from their holes, fly about in great numbers, and to a greater diftance than common, it announces that the following day will be warm and ferene; but if they enter the houses, and fend forth loud and repeated cries, it indicates bad weather. If the owl is heard to fcream during bad weather, it announces that it will become fine. The croaking of crows in the morning indicates fine weather. When the raven croaks three or four times, extending his wings, and fhaking the leaves, it is a fign of ferene weather. It is an indication of rain and ftormy weather when the ducks and geefe fly backwards and forwards, when they plunge frequently in the water, or begin to fend forth cries and to fly about. If the bees do not remove to a great distance from their hives it announces rain; if they return to their hives before the ufual time, it may be concluded that it will foon fall. If pigeons return slowly to the pigeon-house, it indicates that the fucceeding days will be rainy. It is a fign of rain or wind when the fparrows chirp a great deal, and make a noife to each other to affemble. When fowls and chickens roll in the fand more than ufual, it announces rain; the fame is the cafe when cocks crow in the evening, or at uncommon hours. Peacocks which cry during


the night have a prefentiment of rain. It is believed to be a fign of bad weather when the fwallows fly in fuch a manner as to brush the furface of the water, and to touch it frequently with their wings and breaft. The weather is about to become cloudy and change for the worfe when the flies fting and become more troublesome than ufual. When the gnats collect themselves before the letting of the fun, and form a fort of vortex in the fhape of a column, it announces fine weather. When fea-fowl and other aquatic birds retire to the lea fhore or marthes, it indicates a change of weather and a fudden ftorm. If the cranes fly exceedingly high, in filence, and ranged in order, it is a fign of approaching fine weather; but if they fly in diforder, or immediately return with cries, it announces wind. When the dolphins fport and make frequent leaps, the fea being tranquil and calm, it denotes that the wind will blow from the quarter from which they proceed. If the frogs croak more than ufual; if the toads iffue from their holes in the evening in great numbers; if the earth-worms come forth from the earth, and scorpions appear on the walls; if the ants remove their eggs from their Imall hills; if the moles throw up the earth more than ufual; if the affes frequently fhake and agitate their ears; if the hogs hake and fpoil the ftacks of corn; if the bats fend forth their cries and fly into the houses; if the dogs roll on the ground and feratch up the earth with their fore feet; if the cows look towards the heavens, and turn up their noftrils as if catching fome fmell; if the oxen and dogs lie on their right fide; all these are figns which announce rain. The

cale is the fame when animals croud
together. If the flame of a lamp
crackles or flares, it indicates rainy
weather. The fame is the cafe
when the foot detaches itself from
the chimney and falls down. It is
a fign of rain, alfo, when the foot,
collected around pots or kettles,
takes fire in the form of fmall points,
like grains of millet; because this
phenomenon denotes that the air is
cold and moist. If the coals feem
hotter than ufual, or if the flame is
more agitated, though the weather
be calm at the time, it indicates
wind. When the flame burns
steady and proceeds ftraight up-
wards, it is a fign of fine weather.
If the found of bells is heard at a
great diftance it is a fign of wind,
or of a change of weather. Good
or bad fmells, feeming as if con-
densed, are a fign of a change of
weather. When the spiders webs
and leaves of the trees are agitated
without any fenfible wind, it is a
fign of wind and perhaps rain; be-
caufe it denotes that ftrong and pe-
netrating exhalations arise from the
earth. A want, or too great a
quantity of dew, being a mark of a
ftrong evaporation announces rain
the fame is the cafe with thick
white hoar froft, which is only dew
congealed. If falt, marble, and
glafs become moift fome days be-
fore rain; if articles of wood,
doors, and chefts of drawers fwell;
if corns on the feet, and fears of old
wounds become painful; all these
figns indicate that aqueous vapours
are exhaled from the earth," and
are no doubt directed by the elec-
tric matter which diffules itfelf then
in greater abundance, and pene-
trates every body. Hence it hap-
pens that ftones become moist, that
wood fwells, and falt becomes de-


liquefcent by the moisture. When the ftones after being moift become dry, it is a fign of fine weather. On the other hand, when the weather inclines to rain, the water is feen to diminish in vafes and fountains, becaule the humidity is then carried away by the evaporation of the electric matter. It is certainly a furprifing phenomenon to fee the earth, after very long and very abundant rains, to be fometimes almoft dry, the roads quite free from dirt, and the lands to become arid and parched; this is a fign that the rain has not altogether ceased, and denotes a continual efflux of electric matter, which being renewed carries with it, in the form of vapours, all the moisture that falls on the earth. There is fometimes, however, a great deal of dirt, even after a moderate rain, which, in that cafe, is a fign of fine weather, because it indicates that evaporation has ceafed. Dry earth and moift ftones announce rain. The hoar froft, which is firft occafioned by the east wind, indicates that the cold will continue a long time, as was the cafe in 1770. If it thunders in the month of December, moderate and fine weather may be expected. A fine autumn announces a winter during which winds will prevail; if it is damp and rainy it fpoils the grapes, injures the fown fields, and threatens a fcarcity. If it be too cold, or too warm, it produces many maladies. A long feverity of the feafons, either by winds, drought, dampnefs, heat, or cold, becomes exceedingly destructive to plants and animals.

Account of a Man who lives upon large Quantities of raw Flesh. In

a Letter from Dr. Johnfion, Commiffioner of fick and wounded Seamen, to Dr. Blane.

Somerfet-Place, Oct. 28, 1799. My dear fir,


AVING in Auguft and September laft been engaged in a tour of public duty, for the purpofe of felecting from among the prifoners of war fuch men as, from their infirmities, were fit objects for being releafed without equivalent, I heard, upon my arrival at Liverpool, an account of one of these prifoners being endowed with an appetite and digeftion fo far beyond any thing that had ever occurred to me, either in my observation, reading, or by report, that I was defirous of afcertaining the particulars of it by ocular proof, or undeniable teftimony. Dr. Cochrane, fellow of the college of phyficians at Edinburgh, and our medical agent at Liverpool, is fortunately a gentleman upon whofe fidelity and accuracy I could perfectly depend; and I requested him to inftitute an inquiry upon this fubject during my ftay at that place. I enclose you an attefted copy of the refult of this; and as it may probably appear to you, as it does to me, a document containing facts extremely interefting, both in a natural and medical view, I will beg you to procure its infertion in fome refpectable periodical work.

Some farther points of inquiry concerning this extraordinary perfon having occurred to me fince my arrival in town, I fent them in the form of queries to Dr. Cochrane, who has obligingly returned fatiffactory anfwers. These I send along with the above-mentioned attested


statement, to which I beg you to fubjoin fuch reflections as may occur to you on this fubject.

I am, my dear fir,

Your moft obedient humble fervant, J. Johnfton.

To Gilbert Blane, M. D. F. R. S. and one of the commiffioners of fick and wounded feamen.

Charles Domery, a native of Benche, on the frontiers of Poland, aged twenty-one, was brought to the prifon of Liverpool, in February, 1799, having been a foldier in the French fervice, on board the Hoche, captured by the fquadron under the command of fir J. B. Warren, off Ireland.

He is one of nine brothers, who, with their father, have been remarkable for the voracioufnefs of their appetites. They were all placed early in the army; and the peculiar craving for food with this young man began at thirteen years

of age.

He was allowed two rations in the army, and by his earnings, or the indulgence of his comrades, procured an additional supply.

When in the camp, if bread or meat were (carce, he made up the deficiency, by eating four or five pounds of grafs daily; and in one year devoted 174 cats (not their fkins) dead or alive; and fays, he had several fevere conflicts in the act of destroying them, by feeling the effects of their torments on his face and hands: fometimes he killed them before eating, but when very

hungry did not wait to perform this humane office.

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Dogs and rats equally fuffered from his mercilefs jaws; and if much pinched by famine, the entrails of animals indifcriminately became his prey. The above facts are attefted by Picard, a refpectable man, who was his comrade in the fame regiment, on board the Hoche, and is now prefent; and who affures me, he has often feen him feed on thofe animals.

When the fhip, on board of which he was, had furrendered, after an obftinate action, finding himself, as ufual, hungry, and nothing elfe in his way but a man's leg, which was fhot off, lying before him, he attacked it greedily, and was feeding heartily, when a failor fnatched it from him, and threw it overboard.

Since he came to this prifon, he has eat one dead cat and about twenty rats. But what he delights moft in is raw meat, beef or mutton, of which, though plentifully fupplied, by eating the rations of ten men daily,* he complains he has not the fame quantity, nor indulged in eating fo much as he ufed to do, when in France.

He often devours a bullock's liver raw, three pounds of candles, and a few pounds of raw beef, in one day, without tafting bread or vegetables, wafhing it down with water, if his allowance of beer is expended.

His fubfiftence at prefent, inde. pendent of his own rations, arifes from the generofity of the prisoners, who give him a fhare of their allowance. Nor is his ftomach confined

*The French prifoners of war were at this time maintained at the expense of their own nation, and were each allowed the following daily ration:-Twenty-fix ounces of bread, half a pound of greens, two ounces of butter, or fix ounces of cheese.

to meat; for when in the hofpital, where fome of the patients refufed to take their medicines, Domery had no objection to perform this for them; his ftomach never rejected any thing, as he never vomits, whatever be the contents, or however large.

Withing fairly to try how much he actually could eat in one day; on the 17th of September, 1799, at four o'clock in the morning, he breakfasted on four pounds of raw cow's udder; at half past nine, in prefence of Dr. Johnfion, commiffioner of fick and wounded feamen, admiral Child and his fon, Mr. Fofter, agent for prifoners, and feveral refpectable gentlemen, he exhibited his power as follows:-There was fet before him five pounds of raw beef, and twelve tallow candles of a pound weight, and one bottle of porter; thele he finished by half paft ten o'clock. At one o'clock there was again put before him five pounds of beef and one pound of candles, with three bottles of porter; at which time he was locked up in the room, and fentries placed at the windows to prevent his throwing away any of his provifions. At two o'clock, when I again faw him with two friends, he had nearly finifhed the whole of the candles, and a great part of the beef, but had neither evacuation by vomiting, ftool, or urine; his fkin was cool and pulle regular, and in good fpirits. At a quarter paft fix, when he was to be returned to his prifon, he had devoured the whole, and declared he could have eat more; but from the prifoners without telling him we wished to make fome experiment on him, he began to be alarmed. It is alfo to be obferved, that the day was hot, and not has

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fides five bottles of porter.

The eagernefs with which he attacks his beef when his ftomach is not gorged, resembles the voracity of a hungry wolf, tearing off and fwallowing pieces with canine greediness. When his throat is dry from continued exercife, he lubricates it by stripping the grease off the candles between his teeth, which he generally finishes at three mouthfuls, and wrapping the wick like a ball, ftring and all, fends it after at a fwallow. He can, when no choice is left, make thift to dine on immenfe quantities of raw potatoes, or turnips; but, from choice, would never defire to taste bread or vege tables.

He is in every refpect healthy, his tongue clean, and his eyes lively.

After he went to the prifon, he danced, fmoked his pipe, and drank a bottle of porter; and, by four the next morning, he awoke with his ufual ravenous appetite, which he quieted by a few pounds of raw beef.

He is fix feet three inches high, pale complexion, grey eyes, long brown hair, well made but thin, his countenance rather pleasant, and is good tempered.

The above is written from his own mouth, in the prefence of, and attefted by

Deftauban, French furgeon.


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