صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

and just in forming and perfecting the virtues of the female character, towards making it amiable in this world, and happy in the next.

With this impreffion, to the most virtuous and exemplary of Queens, as a tribute of loyalty and affection for the bleffings of living under the best administered government in the known world, this publication is fubmitted, with the most profound esteem and respect, by,



Dutiful and devoted Subject and Servant,

Shakspeare Library,
Sept. 15, 1794.



THERE cannot be a doubt that a book like this, purposely adapted for the use of the FEMALE SEX, by writers, whofe characters are established without controverfy, abounding with entertainment, and inculcating the pureft principles of morality and religion, will not fail to contribute to the improvement of the rifing generation, by infufing virtuous and liberal ideas into the minds of a clafs of readers, which must add inestimable happiness to thousands of worthy families, by forming and training the most beautiful part of the creation in the paths of virtue and true felicity; in filling up the various ftations of this tranfitory life in that rank of fociety, which Providence-in his infinite wisdom allots them, with credit to themselves, and fatisfaction to thofe, who are interefted in their prefent and future welfare.

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