Anthropological PoeticsIvan A. Brady Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 1991 - 398 من الصفحات In Anthropological Poetics, 14 distinguished anthropologists cast their imaginations self-consciously in a search for less conventional forms of understanding and expression. These essays provide an eloquent demonstration that there is more than one way to say anthropology and that some things said poetically about anthropological experience can't be said with equal effectiveness any other way. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 69
الصفحة 35
... sense of gratitude and wonder , and no sense of ' I did it ' - only the Muse . That level of mind - the cool water - not intellect and not- ( as romantics and after confusingly thought ) fantasy- dream world or unconscious . This is ...
... sense of gratitude and wonder , and no sense of ' I did it ' - only the Muse . That level of mind - the cool water - not intellect and not- ( as romantics and after confusingly thought ) fantasy- dream world or unconscious . This is ...
الصفحة 164
... sense epithalamia and death is in some sense a reunion . Both wedding verses and funeral verses , therefore , are celebrations of immemorial rites of passage . And , in both , regret for the old estate mingles with hope for the new ...
... sense epithalamia and death is in some sense a reunion . Both wedding verses and funeral verses , therefore , are celebrations of immemorial rites of passage . And , in both , regret for the old estate mingles with hope for the new ...
الصفحة 165
... sense that it may be written as well as declaimed , but in the imaginative sense that it activates Wordsworth's " inward eye " ( see Wordsworth 1900 ) and allows us , however paradoxically , to catch the vibrations of Keats's " unheard ...
... sense that it may be written as well as declaimed , but in the imaginative sense that it activates Wordsworth's " inward eye " ( see Wordsworth 1900 ) and allows us , however paradoxically , to catch the vibrations of Keats's " unheard ...
Forth the Artful Science | 3 |
Roy WagnerPoetics and the Recentering | 37 |
Pacific | 51 |
حقوق النشر | |
11 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
aesthetic analytic animals Anthropological Muse anthropological poetics anthropology authoritative Bakhtin Barthes become behavior Blanche Fleur Bruner Chrétien de Troyes Clifford Geertz communication construction context creative Cree critical cultural Dennis Tedlock dialogic narration Diamond discourse dominate dreams Edward Sapir essays ethnographic Ethnopoetics everyday experience feminine fieldwork Geertz genre Gilgamesh Goddess consciousness Grail Hopi human Iain Prattis ideas images imagination individual interpretation Israeli Josephus Jung language Lévi-Strauss linguistic literary literature lived Margaret Mead Masada story Mead meaning metaphor Miles Richardson narrative Native American object observer paradox Parsifal Parsifal myth perceived perception phenomenology poem poet poetry Press problem reading reality Ridington Romanucci-Ross Sapir-Whorf hypothesis says scientific semiotic sense shaman social society space speaking Stanley Diamond structure suicide symbolic Tedlock telling theory things thinking thought tion tradition transformation translation twins uncon unconscious understanding University voice Whorf words writing Zuni