صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

people that have mutual hatreds abroad, and here their hatreds are submerged.

In America all the peoples of the earth, Jew and Gentile, white, black, yellow-they are all beginnings of a brotherhood. I claim that it ought to go further, that the United States of America ought not only to demonstrate in its own conscience the principles of the brotherhood of man, but that in all our foreign policies we should recognize that the nation is a great and beneficent agent in the hands of the Almighty to make. brotherhood universal.

You remember the Master said to those who came and asked Him who were to go to Heaven, "He that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." Men and nations must execute that will. I know it is the Father's will to bring about the brotherhood, but men must execute it.

Every time on Sunday that I am aboard a flagship, at 10:30, when the bell begins to strike, I pause and take off my cap and see the Stars and Stripes come down from the peak, and I see another flag go to the yardarm, a flag with a blue cross on a white background, and then I rejoice, when I see the Stars and Stripes come up on the yardarm halyards and see our nation's proud flag stop reverently just beneath the flag of the cross. You patriotic Americans know how you feel toward the flag. It is not necessary for me to point out that you would never allow any other flag made by the hand of man to be hoisted above the Stars and Stripes. You think it is a proud

flag, and it waves proudly above the things of this world, but you will not have the highest conception of your country's flag unless you can see it there, looking up and seeking help and guidance and strength of the flag of the cross above.

And the thought I would try to crown my suggestion with is this: The very heart of the uplift work of the world is to remove this universal destroying agent that is blighting the world; that America, unregenerate as she is, is the nation to take the leadership in the work. This Men and Religion Forward Movement shows that, in spite of the fact that for several decades we have been engaged in commercial enterprises on a scale never known before, that while materialism and commercialism have seemed to sweep the earth, still it has not caused the great heart of mankind to degenerate. And out of the dangers of materialism and selfishness in America, I would say to my countrymen as you go forth to take part in this uplift movement, remember, it is not only an individual thing, it is a national thing, and think of your country as a nation that gets a direct call from the cross that is above the Stars and Stripes, not the desire to gain great wealth or the material acquisitions of this world, not the desire to conquer others and register victories in battle, but let it be recorded in the ages to come, that our nation recognized that the noblest thing for a nation, as the noblest thing for a man, is to render useful service; and let us resolve that, as far as we can contribute to it, we

will help to determine the great world policies. We will have for an objective the noble purpose to have America render the very maximum useful service for all the human race.



Chancellor, University of Kansas.

The life which Christians share in common is the essence of Christianity. It manifests itself in many differing forms and includes the whole round of human activities as affected by the common life of Christ and his people. It shows itself in an organized form of worship. It shows itself in tremendous intellectual activity. It shows itself in a new and higher moral sense. Christianity, however, is greater than any single manifestation of its life. It is greater than its intellectual life. It is greater than its moral life. It is greater than the church, its organized form. Nevertheless the church is its chief exponent. From it as a center have come in the largest degree the moral standards and the intellectual life of Christianity.

The Church of Christ as a historical institution has proved itself through many centuries of experience. It has shown its divine mission by its works. Its machinery is in human hands and is therefore subject to the weaknesses and mistakes of everything human. It has sometimes been slow to accept the results of progress and scholarship. It has not always been tolerant. It has sometimes failed to be the first to stand for the

divine necessity of human rights. But on the whole it has been the great engine for the uplift of the race, the most powerful promoter of human rights and the friend of all progress, and in it lies our future opportunity.

One of the greatest of American writers, now full of honors as of years, has recently said that "all of human life has turned more and more to the light of democracy." Modern aspirations for universal high and noble living have largely come through the development of the historical religion which we love, whose organized instrument is the church. The results of the toils and dangers of the past have been a crystallization, the world over, of human hopes, a vague defining of a world demand, a growing conception of the real meaning of life.

What this world demand is, may not so easily be defined. But if one may undertake to generalize upon a multitude of indefinite yet very real factors, this world demand, this crystallizaton of human hopes, is something like this: It is a powerful, insistent and well nigh universal demand that all the relations of life shall be so adjusted, that every man shall have a fair chance for the development of the best in his own life and for the doing of the best service for the generation in which he lives. But this is in other words the striving after democracy. In still other words it is the striving after the Kingdom of God. It is the striving after the ideals and standards set up in the New Testament and by

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