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النشر الإلكتروني


THIS book is an attempt to set forth the essential facts of contemporary usage in punctuation, together with the considerations applicable in the choice and management of points. For matters where uniformity is essential, there are satisfactory current books by expert printers like the late Mr. Theodore Low De Vinne; but there has been no adequate recent account of structural pointing—the use of points that have to be employed not according to any existing or possible set of rules but according to individual circumstances. The so-called rules of punctuation, as a general code for all conditions, have not worked. There are questions of structural pointing that cannot be rightly settled without consideration of such circumstances as the progress of thought in the paragraph, the use of a given point in the context, or the occurrence of a structural boundary at a line-end rather than within the line.

As the facts of punctuation are of infinite number, it has seemed desirable to concentrate attention upon practice in recent American-printed books and American periodicals. With a few exceptions the books cited as examples of modern practice are of dates not earlier than 1900; the periodicals cited are of the years 1917 and 1918. There is an abundance of matter earlier than 1900 or 1917 quite as well written and punctuated, but for the present purpose it is safest to set limits that will allow for any changes brought about by the general use of typewriters and typographical machines. Except where the contrary is indicated, the examples are from works within the limits


mentioned. In all extracts the original styles have been carefully followed in spelling, pointing, and capitalization, except that in a few cases small capitals have been set lower-case. As a matter of course, styles of extracts are not always in agreement with the styles used in the text.

Aside from the obligations acknowledged in the text or not capable of being specially acknowledged, the author is under special indebtedness to his wife for constant help with material and manuscript; to his father, the Rev. Dr. George Summey of New Orleans, for suggestions and material; to Lawrence E. Nichols, Esq., of Raleigh, for technical information about printing; to Dr. C. Alphonso Smith of the United States Naval Academy for a suggestion regarding punctuation and the paragraph; to the readers of the Quinn and Boden Company Press for hints regarding word-division and typographical styles; and to Professors George Philip Krapp, W. W. Lawrence, Harry Morgan Ayres, and H. R. Steeves-all of Columbia University for their kindness in reading the manuscript. Mr. Krapp's searching and friendly criticism has been particularly valuable.

So far as any of the opinions here set forth are mistaken, the author hopes in the interest of good teaching, good writing, and good printing that the necessary criticism may be forthcoming. Unquestionably there is need for a better understanding of an art-an art and not a code-which is practiced blindly or intelligently by all who speak through pen or type.

January 13, 1919




Compounding points. Points used between main clauses or the equivalent of main clauses.

Compounding hyphen. The hyphen used for coinages or half-coalesced compounds. The division hyphen is used between parts of what is ordinarily a solid word. Curves. Marks of parenthesis shaped thus ().

Display. Unless the context indicates the contrary, display will mean the exhibition of grouping or meaning by line length, white space, indention, or centering of lines. Display matter is in contrast with straight body matter. Em dash, en dash, two-em dash. Respectively the ordinary dash, the short dash used in expressions like 1914-1918, and the double dash.

Group. A word or any number of words not more than a sentence and not checked, save at beginning or end, by a punctuation mark. (Limitation to the sentence is arbitrary.) With indication in the context, the term will be used occasionally without the limitations noted. Index. A reference mark referring to a footnote or appendix note.

Lower-case letters. Small letters.

Office style. Printing-office practice in regard to capitals, points, italic, indexes, etc.

Open. Not set off by punctuation. (Sometimes used, but not in this book, to mean "light or economical in pointing.")

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