صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Knit three plain rows.

Commence another scallop as before.


Cast on nine or twelve stitches, according to the depth of the fringe required.

Slip one; knit two; bring the wool forward, knit two together; knit one; bring the wool forward, knit two together; knit one; repeat, until it be of the desired length: then—

Cast off five stitches and unravel the others to form the fringe.



Take three skeins of the same wool as that of the table cover -white, blue, and red; cut them into lengths of about seven inches, two of which are to be knitted into the fringe at the same time. Each Each space is composed of four double stitches, or eight rows of knitting. The depth of the fringe, including the head, is rather more than four inches.

Cast on eight stitches in dark claret, which forms the head. First row-slip one; bring the wool forward, knit two together; knit one. Take two lengths of the fringe wool, and place between the needles; knit one; bring the wool forward, knit one; pass the fringe wool back, knit one; bring the wool forward, knit one.

Second row-plain knitting.


Cast on nine stitches; slip one; knit two together; bring the

cotton forward, knit two together; knit one; bring the cotton forward, knit two together.

This may be used for trimming muslin curtains, etc.


passer un

Ce bonnet se commence avec six aiguilles et une de rechange. Sur chacune se trouvent quarante six à cinquante mailles, lorsque le coton est fin. Les trois ou quatre premiers tours se font à l'envers; les deux suivants, qui se trouvent dans le bord, consistent en trous semblables à des crochets, dans lesquels on fait ruban pour affermir le bonnet. L'on tricote encore une étendue de deux pouces, pour former le reste du bord, qui s'appelle retroussis: ce reste consiste dans de petites côtes, qu'on obtient en tricotant alternativement quatre à cinq mailles unies, et quatre à cinq autres, dont une sur deux doit être à l'envers. Vient ensuite une rangée de trous ronds ou en forme de crochet, qui servent à régler le rempli du bonnet. Il faut tricoter ensuite le bonnet et à l'envers, parce que sans cela le retroussis seroit à l'envers. Tout l'ouvrage, ainsi que les ornements se continuent intérieurement. Le bonnet étant fini, on le retourne, afin que l'endroit soit en dehors. Le retroussis qui se trouve à l'envers, est remis à l'endroit par le rempli qu'on y fait.


Five needles are required.

Cast on two stitches on each of the four needles.
First row increase two plain stitches, on each needle.
Second row-increase one plain stitch on each needle.

Third row-Seam the centre stitch on each needle, and increase on either side of it, every alternate row, until the cap is sufficiently wide.

Fourth row-plain knit every row, until the cap is about twenty-six inches in length.

Fifth row-decrease every alternate row, and seam the centre stitch of each needle, so as to correspond with the increasing at the commencement.

[merged small][graphic]

This is prettiest in double German wool, but three-thread fleecy

[blocks in formation]

Pearl one row, coloured.

Bring the wool before the needle, and knit two stitches together.

[blocks in formation]

Knit one row, decreasing one stitch at each end.

Knit one row.

Knit a fancy row, by taking two stitches together, keeping the wool before the needle.


Pearl one row, decreasing one stitch at each end.
Knit one row, decreasing two stitches at each end.
Knit one row, decreasing one stitch at each end.
Knit a fancy row as before.


Pearl one row, decreasing one stitch at each end.
Knit one row, decreasing one stitch at each end.

Knit one row, without decreasing.

Knit a fancy row as before.

Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh

The third division to be repeated, alternately with white and coloured wool.

Eighth-white. Ninth-coloured.

In these two last divisions, only two stitches are to be decreased in each; this is to be done in the row after the pearl, decreasing one stitch at each end.

N.B. There should be forty stitches left on the needle in the last row."

Pick up thirty stitches on each side, and make the borders at the sides and back like the first.

Make up the cap by turning in the border to the fancy row, and hem it all round: it is to be tied behind, and under the chin, with ribbons or plaited wool, with tassels of the same.


Commence with any number of stitches that may be divided by three, and knit one plain row.

Second row-knit three bring the wool forward, knit three together, taking them off at the back; bring the wool forward, knit three.

Third row-pearl knitting.

Fourth row-repeat the second row,-except that it is to be commenced by knitting three together, and then knitting the three plain stitches.

Fifth row-pearl knitting.

N.B. In repeating the second and fourth rows, they must always be commenced alternately with three plain stitches,—knitting three stitches together.

When a pattern in one or more colours is to be introduced, break off the ground colour, and the colour then to be used is to

* If the pins are small, commence with eighty stitches; then, there should be forty-six stitches on the needle instead of forty.

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