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النشر الإلكتروني

20. NOSE AND EAR, Things in.-Nose.-Take a pair of pliers or scissors with blunt points, put same into nostrils, opening gently across the face; they will stretch without pain, and by pressure from above the substance will be pressed down and out. If this does not bring relief, give snuff or pepper to create a sneeze, or ipecac emetic, holding hand over the mouth when vomiting, and thus force the fluid through the nose. Eur.-If the substance will not swell by wetting, syringing with warm water is the only safe treatment. If that fails, go to a surgeon at once. Never attempt to pick anything out of the internal ear.

21. POISONS.--See chapter on "Poisons and their Antidotes."

22. SEA-SICKNESS.-Two ounces of bromide of sodium in 4 ounces of water; take 1 teaspoonful in a wineglass of water, four times a day for two days before going on board ship. When at sea in rough weather, double the dose can be taken, or one quarter grain of sulphate of atopia in four ounces of water, one teaspoonful every hour till the throat becomes dry. [From "Our Home Physician," by Dr. Geo. M. Beard. E. B. Treat, Publisher, N. Y.]

23. SWALLOWING COINS, MARBLES, ETC., are rarely injurious. Give the food a little more solid than usual, and not purgative medicine. If a child, hold it up by its feet and give a sharp slap on its back. A needle has been removed from the arm which was swallowed several years previous.

24. TOOTHACHE.-If the tooth is decayed, fill the cavity with cotton dipped with creosote, oil of cloves, peppermint, carbolic acid, laudanum, chloroform, or ether.

25. WARTS.-Pass a pin through the wart, and apply one end of the pin to the flame of a lamp. Hold it there till the wart fries under the action of the heat, or cut the wart off with a knife, and then apply caustic to destroy the roots.






1. What is the first thing to be done in case of poisoning?

2. What simple remedies may be given as an effective Emetic?

3. What poisons may be indicated or recognized by the odor of the breath! 4. The presence of what poison would be indicated by a stupid condition?

5. If Delirious; 6. Paralyzed; 7. Tetanized (teeth set); 8. Dilated pupils; 9. Contracted pupils; 10. Dry skin and throat; 11. Moist skin; 12. Rash on skin; 13. Bleached mouth; 14. Vomiting and purging (either or both); 15. Colic; 16. Cramp.

What are the Antidotes for the following poisons?

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Muriate used by dyers. Spirits of Harts- 28. Charcoal Fumes.

[blocks in formation]

Illuminating Gas.

Suffocation by


Nitrous Oxide Gas.

Laughing Gas. Carbolic Acid Gas. Choke Damp. Alcoholic Liquors.

29. Poison Ivy.

Poison Sumach.
Bee Sting.


30. Serpents. Insect. Mad Dog.



from dead animal..





NOTE.-Nearly all of our best medicines are poisons ;-in small doses they benefit ;each has its antidote, which will prove effective if used at once; loss of life often results from a delay of but a minute or two. One of the most painful experiences is to see a person in the agonies produced by poisoning, and not know what to do to afford relief. The antidote for a majority of poisons is found in the simple remedies indicated in the following instructions. To determine what antidote to administer in case of an overdose by mistake, or attempted suicide, the symptoms are indicated in numbers 3 to 16.

1. First, thoroughly empty the stomach by an emetic, then follow by counteracting remedies, stimulants and nourishment.

2. FOR A MUSTARD EMETIC; stir two tea-spoonfuls of ground mustard in a pint of warm water, not hot, and drink freely until copious vomiting is produced; this is facilitated by tickling the throat with the finger or a feather; in the absence of mustard, give common Sult, two tea-spoonfuls in half a pint of water, or tea-spoonful of powdered Alum in water, or five grains of Tartar Emetic, or 20 grains (half a thimbleful) of White Vitriol, dissolved in half a tumbler of water, every ten minutes till vomiting is produced.

3. Alcohol (Brandy, Whisky, etc.), Acetic Acid, Ammonia, Carbolic Acid, Creosote, Chloroform, Ether, Iodine, Laudanum, Opium, Morphine, or Phosphorus, Prussic Acid (like Bitter Almonds). 4. Alcohol, Chloral, Chloroform, Ether, or Opium. 5. Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, or Alcohol. 6. Aconite, Arsenic, Hemlock, or Lead. 7. Antimony, Arsenic, Nux Vomica, or Strychnia. 8. Belladonna, Aconite, Alcohol, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, Chloroform (in liquid form), or Opium (in last stage). 9. Opium (if a large dose), chloral (during sleep). 10. Atropia, Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, or Stramonium. 11. Aconite, Antimony, Tobacco and almost any poison during the stage of collapse. 12. Belladonna, Stramonium, Chloral, or Arsenic. 13. Carbolic Acid,

Ammonia, Potash, Soda, or Corrosive Sublimate. 14. Antimony, Arsenic, Aconite, Croton Oil, or Phosphorus. 15. Lead, Copper, or Arsenic. 16. Antimony, Arsenic, or Lead.

17. Give an emetic (No. 2). If the patient is drowsy, give the strongest cold coffee, slap smartly on the back and soles of the feet, and walk, or use shocks of electricity, or friction of the limbs by rubbing, and talking to keep him awake. If apparently dead, try faithfully artificial breathing for two hours-see Drowning. (Accidents and Emergencies.)

18. After vomiting, give large quantities of Calcined Magnesia, two table-spoonfuls to a pint of water, followed with Flaxsced Tea or Slipperyelm Tea, or Gum Arabic water. No oil in any form. Apply warmth to the extremities by hot dry towels or hot water bottles.

19. Give the white of eggs, or milk, or wheat flour, beaten up, administer all that can be got down in ten minutes, and then give an emetie (No. 2), followed by light stimulants.

20. Give a mustard emetic (No. 2), followed by doses of Epsom Salts, say a tea-spoonful or table-spoonful, according to age, every half hour for two hours.

21. Give warm water to relieve vomiting, and Baking Soda, etc., as directed in No. 23, followed by milk or white of eggs.

22. Give table salt, two tea-spoonfuls or more, in a pint of water, followed by an emetic (No. 2).

23. Give Baking Soda, Saleratus, White Chalk, Lime or Magnesia, a tea-spoonful to a table-spoonful or more, according to the age of the patient, dissolved in water, followed by plenty of Gum-Arabic water, or Flaxseed tea or Slippery-elm tea. In the absence of the above, powdered lime mortar, knocked from the ceiling, in water will do, or large draughts of strong soap water. Avoid oil in any form.

24. Give an emetic (No. 2), followed by brandy as a stimulant, or teaspoonful of Hartshorn (aqua ammonia) in a pint of water. Drink the whole at once. If necessary try artificial breathing.

25. Drink quickly a quart or more of water, followed immediately with large doses of Magnesia or Lime, (See No. 23.)

26. Drink freely of vinegar in water, or lemon juice, or citric or tartaric acid mixed with water, followed with a table-spoonful of sweet oil, castor oil, linseed oil or cream, repeating a tea-spoonful an hour after, for

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