صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

42. Claudius

43. Julius

44. At the grave of Lazarus

Over Jerusalem

In Gethsemane

45. On his way to Calvary. "Weep for yourselves, &c." 46. By Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, and others,

Acts xviii. 2.

Acts xxvii. 1.

John xi. 33. Luke xix. 41. Heb. v. 7.

Luke xxiii. 28.

John xix. 38, 39.


HISTORY; Sacred.






1. On what mountain did a king command the people to be gathered?

2. What cave was the hiding place of five kings?

3. By whom was Jericho rebuilt, and what prophecy fulfilled?

4. Why was Zion (Jerusalem) called the City of David?

5. Name the city to which Lot escaped at the destruction of Sodom.

6. In what city was a forty-day fast proclaimed?

7. What city was destroyed and never again inhabited, according to prophecy?

8. Where, in Scripture language, is the land of Canaan located?

9. Where is it recorded that the Jews were to be God's chosen people forever?

10. What city, for its beauty, was once known as "the glory of kingdoms?"

11. What is the origin and meaning of the word Mizpah ?

12. How could Sodom have been saved from destruction?

13. How many, and what were the cities known as the cities of refuge? 14. At the destruction of what city were "all her great men bound in


15. What celebrated edifice was erected on the spot which was the scene of the greatest instance of human obedience?

16. Where were 10,000 people cast down from a precipice and killed? 17. What conquered city was sowed with salt?

18. What thirty neighboring cities were ruled over by thirty brothers?

19. On what mountain did a great king commit suicide?

20. What Bible city suffered by famine from a besieging army?

21. What firmly fortified city was taken by a mere ceremony ?


1. What place is said to have been a Sabbath day's journey from Jerusalem ?

2. What mountain was Christ's abode by night, when teaching in the Temple?

3. On what island was a ship ran aground for safety?

4. At what place was Elymas struck blind, and why?

5. Where did Jesus preach his first sermon, and what was the text?

6. Where did Christ perform his first miracle, and what was it?

7. In what town did our Lord spend his last Sabbath?

8. Where did the Apostles hold their first missionary meeting?

9. At what place was St. Paul stoned?

10. What city was exalted to heaven yet brought to destruction?

11. Where was it said, and of whom, " they have turned the world upside


12. What was the ruling nation of the world in the time of Christ ?

13. What city was popularly supposed to produce nothing good?

14. Where was an altar erected "to the unknown God?"

15. What was the city of Andrew and Peter?

16. Where was the brook Kedron ?

17. What dangerous road was mentioned by Jesus in one of his parables?

18. Where was our Saviour transfigured?

19. Where was the body of Jesus buried?

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